Original article Epileptic Disord 2005; 7 (4): 327-31 Tonic status epilepticus in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy Eliane Kobayashi1, Pierre Thomas2, Frederick Andermann1 1 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2 Service de Neurologie, Hôpital Pasteur, Nice, France Received April 15, 2005; Accepted October 4, 2005 Presented in the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society ABSTRACT – Rationale. Tonic status epilepticus (TSE) in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) is not well recognized. The objective of this study is to report episodes of TSE in patients with IGE. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and EEG evaluation of three IGE patients who presented TSE. Results. The three patients had mainly clinical features of IGE, but had developed, in addition, focal discharges, diffuse EEG abnormalities and some focal or diffuse neuropsychological dysfunction. The tonic attacks eventually responded to treatment, but were not completely controlled in any of the patients. Discussion. The continuum between IGE and secondary generalized epilepsy is demonstrated in these patients. Most of their clinical and EEG features are however, in keeping with an idiopathic generalized epileptic process with additional focal and diffuse components. Recognition of the significance of TSE in such patients has important therapeutic and prognostic implications. [Published with video sequences] Key words: idiopathic generalized epilepsy, tonic status epilepticus, tonic seizures, absences Descriptions of tonic status epilepti- activity (Mattson 2003), early onset, cus (TSE) usually refer to patients who an obvious or implied genetic origin, are severely impaired and who have a good response to antiepileptic drugs catastrophic epilepsy such as the (AEDs) and normal intelligence. On Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or other the other hand, patients with SGE, by encephalopathies, associated with definition have abnormal EEG bac- widespread cerebral dysfunction. Ag- kground activity, cognitive impair- gravations of seizure control leading ment, poor response to AEDs, and evi- Correspondence: to SE are well recognized as a part of dence of diffuse brain pathology. Frederick Andermann, MD, FRCPC, the natural history of these patients. Episodes of status epilepticus (SE) Department of Neurology The borderline between secondary consisting of minor attacks may rarely and Neurosurgery, generalized (SGE) and idiopathic ge- occur in patients with a well- Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, neralized epilepsy (IGE) is often blur- established diagnosis of IGE, but are McGill University, red. The seizure types usually associa- usually associated with inadequate 3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, ted with IGE are absence, myoclonus treatment, in the form of myoclonic or Canada H3A 2B4 and generalized tonic-clonic. The dia- absence SE (D’Agostino et al. 1999, Tel.: (+00 1) 514 398 1976 Fax: (+00 1) 514 3981276 gnosis of IGE is based mainly on fea- Wheless 2003). Because the occur- <[email protected]> tures such as normal EEG background rence of tonic seizures and tonic status Epileptic Disord Vol. 7, No. 4, December 2005 327 E. Kobayashi, et al. F3-FCz C3-FCz P3-FCz O1-FCz F7-FCz T3-FCz T5-FCz Fp2-FCz F4-FCz C4-FCz P4-FCz O2-FCz F8-FCz T4-FCz T6-FCz Fz-FCz Cz-FCz Pz-FCz Zy1-FCz Zy2-FCz EOGs-FCz EOGi-FCz ECGl-FCz 50µV ECGr-FCz 1sec Figure 1. Ictal EEG recording from patient 1 showing generalized polyspikes and irregular GSSW pattern, during a tonic seizure characterized by a brief tonic flexion of neck, trunk and arms. epilepticus (TSE) in patients with IGE is not widely reco- attacks amounting to status epilepticus. Her interictal wak- gnized, we describe three patients with IGE who presented ing EEGs and MRI were normal. episodes of TSE. At the age of 17, she had a prolonged hospitalization because of refractory TSE. On admission, her neurological examination had been normal, except for drowsiness, and Methods she had good valproate and ethosuximide levels. She was intubated and treated with thiopental for 36 hours. After We retrospectively studied the clinical and EEG character- discontinuing the Thiopental she remained in a coma, istics of two patients with recurrent SE with tonic seizures at with a burst suppression EEG pattern. Complications in- the Montreal Neurological Hospital and one from the Neu- cluded lung atelectasis, sepsis-related to Klebsiella infec- rological Department of the Nice University Hospitals. tion and a lower extremity, sensory motor neuropathy. She improved progressively after treatment with vigabatrin 3000 mg, 300 mg of phenytoin, and 2750 mg of val- Results (case descriptions) proate. She had residual cognitive and behavioral changes, but was seizure-free for one year. She then Patient 1 developed similar, recurrent, brief, tonic, nocturnal at- tacks, mainly in the perimenstrual period, activated by A 24 year old woman had typical childhood absences fatigue and excitement. Interictal EEGs showed frequent diagnosed at age five. Routine EEGs since that age showed frequent, brief bursts of irregular, 2.5-3Hz generalized paroxysms of irregular, bifrontal spike and polyspike and spike and slow waves (GSSW) maximum over anterior wave discharges during sleep. regions, and sometimes with left centro-temporal pre- At the age of 24, she again developed TSE, with attacks dominance. She had no identifiable risk factors or family every five minutes characterized by elevation and flexion history of epilepsy. She graduated from high school and of both arms, flexion of the neck and trunk, upward eye worked in her sister’s store. Nocturnal symmetrical tonic deviation, and unresponsiveness lasting up to four sec- seizures, lasting 10 to 20 seconds, appeared during ado- onds (figure 1A). During monitoring, attacks occurred lescence, mostly related to her menstrual cycle. These mainly during sleep, at an average of two per hour, and increased in frequency and after the age of 15 she was ictal EEGs showed generalized polyspike activity. She hospitalized on several occasions for clusters of such improved after treatment with propofol 25 micrograms/kg, 328 Epileptic Disord Vol. 7, No. 4, December 2005 Tonic status in idiopathic generalized epilepsy FP2-F8 F8-T4 T4-T6 T6-O2 FP2-F4 F4-C4 C4-P4 P4-O2 ECG FP1-F7 F7-T3 T3-T5 T5-O1 FP1-F3 F3-C3 C3-P3 P3-O1 EOG Fz-Cz Cz-Pz EMG1 EMG2 9101112131415161718192021222324252627 50µV 1sec Figure 2. Ictal EEG recording during a tonic seizure from patient 2, showing rhythmic, 3Hz GSSW, followed by generalized polyspikes and then by irregular GSSW. and was treated with valproate and levetiracetam two treated with lamotrigine 400 mg and topiramate 200 mg, grams per day, with no additional, identifiable, cognitive and became seizure-free. impairment or focal deficit. She remained seizure-free for a year and then again began developing similar, infre- Patient 3 quent, nocturnal, tonic attacks, but not amounting to SE. A 22 year old man with a history of seizures since the age of five. Attacks occurred during sleep, but characteristi- Patient 2 cally occurred in clusters during the first hour after awak- A 21 year old man developed generalized tonic clonic and ening in the morning. He had tonic stiffening and slight absence seizures at the age of eight years. Absences were flexion of the arms and neck associated with altered atypical since they were associated with marked bilateral consciousness. He had a third degree cousin with epi- myoclonic jerking of the lower part of the face. Conscious- lepsy. Seizures were recorded during video-EEG monitor- ness was partially preserved, but he was unable to re- ing. Episodes started with tonic flexion of the body and spond. He had no cognitive deficits. There were periods of head, with upward deviation of both arms; some were worsening of seizure control, mainly associated with car- followed by left hand automatisms and chewing move- bamazepine use, but he was finally treated successfully ments. EEG showed 2 Hz GSSW with some additional with lamotrigine and valproate, and later with 400 mg of interictal bitemporal spikes with left side predominance. lamotrigine as daily monotherapy. His EEG showed irregu- No focal onset was found in the ictal EEG. MRI was normal lar GSSW with some additional rhythmic discharges over and neuropsychological evaluation revealed frontocen- the left frontal region. He then developed attacks while trotemporal dysfunction. He was discharged receiving falling asleep, characteristically related to fatigue and phenytoin 500 mg/day, lamotrigine 500 mg/day and clo- occurring in series or clusters, and therefore was admitted bazam 50 mg/day. for video-EEG monitoring. Many seizures were recorded, consisting of brief tonic asymmetric posturing of both arms, more evident on the right side, upward eye devia- Discussion tion, and contraction of perioral muscles with some down- ward deviation of the labial commissures (figure 1B). Status with minor seizures, mainly absence or myoclonus These were associated with generalized polyspikes with is common in patients with IGE (D’Agostino et al. 1999, fragmentation and irregular GSSW. Typical perioral myo- Wheless 2003). However, there are no descriptions of TSE clonia with absence seizures were also recorded. He was in this group of patients. TSE is commonly associated with Epileptic Disord Vol. 7, No. 4, December 2005 329 E. Kobayashi, et al. Spectrum of the Generalized Epilepsies
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