UNITED NATIONS CCPR International covenant Distr. on civil and GENERAL political rights CCPR/C/CMR/4 11 May 2009 Original: ENGLISH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS SUBMITTED BY STATES PARTIES UNDER ARTICLE 40 OF THE COVENANT Fourth periodic reports of States parties CAMEROON* [25 November 2008] * In accordance with the information transmitted to States parties regarding the processing of their reports, the present document was not edited before being sent to the United Nations translation services. GE.09-42314 (E) 040609 CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 2 CONTENTS Paragraphs Page Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 5 I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1 - 7 8 II. GENERAL INFORMATION ON INNOVATIONS ON THE LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN CAMEROON .................................................................................. 8 - 45 9 A. Legal framework ......................................................................... 9 - 16 9 B. Institutional framework ............................................................... 17 - 45 13 III. RESPONSES BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CAMEROON ON THE CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE ....................................................... 46 - 238 17 IV. INFORMATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTICLES OF THE COVENANT ..................................................... 239 - 752 78 Article 1: Self-determination ........................................................... 239 - 256 78 Article 2: Non-discrimination .......................................................... 257 81 Article 3: Gender equality ................................................................ 258 - 282 81 Article 4: Derogation ....................................................................... 283 86 Article 5: Recognition and interpretation ........................................ 284 - 285 86 Article 6: The right to life ................................................................ 286 86 Article 7: Prohibition of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment ......................................................... 287 - 300 86 Article 8: Right not to be held in slavery or servitude ..................... 301 - 303 89 Article 9: Right to liberty and security ............................................ 304 - 343 90 Article 10: Treatment of detainees ..................................................... 344 96 Article 11: Inability to fulfil a contract .............................................. 345 96 Article 12: Right to move about freely and to elect one’s residence ................................................................. 346 - 358 97 CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 3 CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page Article 13: Right of aliens not to be expelled arbitrarily ................... 359 - 369 99 Article 14: Right to a fair trial ........................................................... 370 - 460 101 Article 15: The principle of legality and non-retrospection .............. 461 - 478 115 Article 16: Recognition as a person before the law ........................... 479 - 481 117 Article 17: Privacy ............................................................................. 482 - 486 118 Article 18: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion .................. 487 - 555 119 Article 20: War propaganda and incitement to discrimination .......... 556 - 557 129 Articles 21 and 22: Right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association ................................................................... 558 - 605 129 Article 23: Marriage and family ........................................................ 606 - 611 136 Article 24: Protection of the child ..................................................... 612 - 676 137 Article 25: The right to participate in the management of public affairs .................................................................... 677 - 741 148 Article 26: Equality before the law .................................................... 742 181 Article 27: Rights of minorities ......................................................... 743 - 752 182 V. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 753 - 757 184 CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 4 Administrative map of Cameroon Scale 1 500 000 Capital …………………………… Chief town of region …….……..... Chief town of division ………….. River …………………………… Regional Boundary ………………. Divisional Boundary …----….. International Boundary …++++….. CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 5 Acronyms ACAFEJ Cameroon Association of Female Jurists ACAT Christian Action for the Abolition of Torture ACCD Accommodation Centre for Children in Distress ARSF Association of Refugees without Borders ISAC Islamic Solidarity Association of Cameroon ASBAK-Cameroon Association of the Bakas of Cameroon AU African Union AWARE Action for West African Region BSRAC/OIT Central African Sub-Regional Bureau of the International Labour Organization CA Court of Appeal CC Civil Code CCER Cabinet Central d’Etudes de Recherches et d’Investigation CDIM Child Disease Integrated Management CEEAC Economic Community of Central African States CEMAC Central African Economic and Monetary Community CEPE Certificat d’études Primaires Élémentaire School CFI Court of First Instance CNLS National Committee for the Fight against Aids CPC Criminal Procedure Code CPCC Code de Procedure Civile et Commerciale CPDM Cameroon Peoples’ Democratic Movement CRTV Cameroon Radio and Television CTB Belgian Technical Cooperation in Cameroon DGSN General Delegation for National Security ELECAM Elections Cameroon ENAM National School of Administration and Magistracy ENSP National Advanced Police College ESCR Economic, Social and Cultural Rights FAO Food and Agricultural Organization CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 6 FGM Female Genital Mutilation FSLC First School Leaving Certificate GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization GSO Special Operations Unit GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit HC High Court HJC Higher Judicial Council HKL Hellen Keller International ILO International Labour Organization INTERPOL International Police JPO Judicial Police Officer LC Labour Code MBOSCUD A Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association MINAS Ministry of Social Affairs MINATD Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization MINCOM Ministry of Communication MINEDUB Ministry of Basic Education MINPROFF Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family MINTSS Ministry of Labour and Social Security MP Member of Parliament NCC National Communication Council NEO National Elections Observatory NCHRF National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms NGOs Non-governmental organizations OHADA Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa ORD Ordinance PACDET Programme for the Amelioration of Detention Conditions and Respect for Human Rights PC Penal Code UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 7 UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USA United States of America SC Supreme Court SCNC Southern Cameroons National Council SDO Senior Divisional Officer SPR Support Programme for Refugees VAT Value Added Tax WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization CCPR/C/CMR/4 page 8 I. INTRODUCTION 1. This is the fourth periodic report of the State of Cameroon, submitted to Human Rights Committee pursuant to article 40 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in accordance with the guidelines on periodic reports adopted by the Human Rights Committee. 2. This fourth periodic report covers the period 1998 to 2008. The subjects which were dealt with in the previous reports and which remained unchanged during the period covered by this report are not commented on. 3. The present report outlines key measures adopted in Cameroon, since the last report, to enhance the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. However, relevant developments which occurred prior to the period under consideration, and which were not included in the last periodic report, have equally been mentioned. 4. After the presentation of the third report, it has not been possible until now to submit another one. We would like, nonetheless, to emphasize that Cameroon attaches great importance to the work of the United Nations treaty mechanisms on monitoring compliance with human rights and, in particular, to the reporting procedure under the Covenant, which entrusts the Human Rights Committee with the delicate task of considering state party reports. 5. The Human Rights Committee considered the third periodic report of Cameroon (CCPR/C/102/Add.2) at its 1798th to 1800th meetings (CCPR/C/SR.1798-SR.1800), held on 27 and 28 October 1999, and adopted at its 1807th and 1808th meetings held on 3 November 1999. The following observations were made: The Committee noted that the third periodic report of Cameroon was incomplete and did not address all of the concerns expressed by the Committee in its previous concluding observations (CCPR/C/79/Add.33) on Cameroon’s second periodic report: • It welcomed, however, the updated information, including written information and legislative texts, provided by the delegation • It further welcomed the willingness of the State party to make additional submissions in writing
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