Table of Contents 1. Storage and Processing Evaluation of Advanced Potato Breeding Clones by Martin Glynn and Dr. Joe Sowokinos………………………………………………………………………………...1 2. Management of Powdery Scab and Potato Mop Top Virus Using Genetic Resistance by Neil C. Gudmestad.............……………………………………………………………………………..8 3. Prevalence of SDHI Resistance in Minnesota and North Dakota by Neil C. Gudmestad…….13 4. Screening Promising Germplasm for Cold-induced Sweetening (CIS) Resistance and Improved Nutritional Quality to Compliment Potato Breeding Programs and New Variety Development by Sanjay K. Gupta and Christian A. Thill …….………………………….……...19 5. 2013 Irrigated Starter Fertilizer Trial by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti and Collin Auwarter.………………………………………………………………………………………...21 6. Dessication in Red Norland Potatoes by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti and Collin Auwarter………………………………………………………………………………………....23 7. Effect of Simulated Glyphosate Drift to Four Potato Processing Cultivars by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, Collin Auwarter and Andrew Robinson…………………………………….24 8. Glyphosate Carryover Effect to Daughter Tubers from Simulated Glyphosate Drift to Four Potato Processing Cultivars by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, Collin Auwarter, and Andrew Robinson…………………………………………………………………………………………29 9. Red Norland In-furrow Fertilizer Trial by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti and Collin Auwarter.…………………………………………………………………………………….......35 10. Russet Burbank in-furrow Fertilizer Trial by Harlene Hatterman-Valenti and Collin Auwarter…………………………………………………………………………………………36 11. Aphid Alert II – Monitoring Aphid Vectors of Virus in Potato by Dr. Ian MacCrae ….…...37 12. Establishing a Resistance Monitoring Program for Neonicotinoid Insensitive Colorado Potato Beetle in Minnesota and North Dakota by Dr.Ian MacRae…………………...………………....60 13. Remote Sensing of Potato Virus Y – A Preliminary Assessment by Dr. Ian MacCrae and Asunta L. Thompson…………………………………………………………………………..…73 14. Effects of Linex as a Preemergence Herbicide on Russet Burbank Potato by Andrew P. Robinson and Eric Brandvik…………………………………………………………………..…77 15. Fresh Market Potato Variety Testing by Andrew P. Robinson and Asunta (Susie) L. Thompson...……………………………………………………………………………………....80 16. Sustainable Production of Dakota Trailblazer by Andrew P. Robinson, Ryan Larsen, Asunta Thompson, and Neil Gudmestad…………………………………………………………….…...83 17. Using Reduced Herbicide Rates to Control Buckwheat and Nightshade in Potatoes by Andrew P. Robinson and Harlene Hatterman-Valenti…………………………………………..92 18. Evaluation of Crystal Green as a Phosphate Source for Irrigated Potatoes by Carl Rosen, James Crants, Matt McNearney, and Peter Bierman…………………………………………....97 19. Evaluation of StollerUSA Products on Potato Yield and Quality by Carl Rosen, Matt McNearney, and James Crants…………………………………………………………………108 20. Irrigated Potato Response to Rate and Application Timing of Two Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers by Carl Rosen, James Crants, and Matt McNearney……………...…...…115 21. On-Farm Evaluation of Potato Response to Nitrogen Source and Rate by Carl Rosen, James Crants, and Matt McNearney…………………………………………………………………..131 22. Optimizing Potassium Management for Irrigated Potato Production Red Norland by Carl Rosen, Matt McNearney, and Peter Bierman…………………………………………………..148 23. Optimizing Potassium Management for Irrigated Potato Production Russet Burbank by Carl Rosen, Matt McNearney, James Crants, and Peter Bierman……..........................................…157 24. Blemish Disease Research 2013 by Gary Secor, Viviana Rivera, Russell Benz and Dean Peterson ………………………………………………………………………………………..169 25. 2013 Potato Breeding University of Minnesota Report Research Summary by Christian A. Thill……………………………………………………………………………………………..172 26. Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development for the Northern Plains by Asunta (Susie) L. Thompson…………………………………………………………………………………...…..239 Storage and processing evaluation of advanced potato breeding clones. Martin Glynn Dr. Joe Sowokinos USDA/ARS Professor Emeritus Potato Research Worksite Department of Horticultural Science East Grand Forks, MN University of Minnesota Materials and Methods Results Discussion Summary . References Valley Potato Grower As State Breeder Phone E-Mail 2011 - 2012 Class A: CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE 45°F 42°F Clone Source (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) 48 NY 145 ND 1 68 0.62 0.01 1 67 1.02 0.04 37 ND 7519-1 ND 1 67 1.00 0.03 1 65 1.19 0.03 39 ND 8-14 ND 1 64 1.69 0.66 1 65 1.14 0.04 63 W 5015-12 WI 1 67 1.70 0.03 1 64 1.21 0.12 60 W 2717-5 WI 1 65 0.82 0.08 1 64 0.91 0.10 59 W 2310-3 WI 1 64 0.86 0.03 1 64 1.22 0.05 24 NYE 106-4 NY 1 65 0.91 0.03 1 63 2.86 0.16 46 ND 860-2 ND 1 65 0.65 0.05 1 62 1.09 0.10 56 Sport 860 ND 2 62 0.94 0.04 1 62 0.76 0.19 22 Dakota Pearl ND 1 65 0.81 0.07 1 61 1.05 0.09 42 ND 8305-1 ND 1 66 1.21 0.01 1 61 2.63 0.08 5 AO 1143-3C ID 1 65 0.81 0.06 2 60 2.21 0.09 25 Ivory Crisp ND/OR/ID/USDA 2 62 1.28 0.08 2 60 1.00 0.14 44 ND 8331CB-2 ND 1 64 1.72 0.28 2 59 2.19 0.34 1CC 1CC= 1CC = Represents chip color relating to the Potato Chip/Snack Food Association five-code color chart: 1 and 2 are acceptable, 3 is marginal, 4 and 5 are unacceptable. 2Agtron values of 60 or greater yield acceptable colored chips. 3Acceptable values for Glc (glucose) are 0.25 mg/g (0.025%) or less. ***** Denotes no data. Table 2: 2011 - 2012 Class B: CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE 45°F 42°F Clone Source (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) 47 Norvalley ND 2 61 1.17 0.19 3 57 0.79 0.64 33 MSR 127-2 MI 2 55 1.99 0.60 3 56 1.65 0.54 21 Dakota Crisp ND 2 57 1.14 0.09 3 55 1.12 0.68 41 ND 8304-2 ND 1 64 1.88 0.56 2 55 2.31 0.99 55 Snowden WI 2 60 1.39 0.59 3 55 0.92 0.50 29 MSL 292-A MI 2 60 1.40 0.41 3 55 1.08 0.69 9 Atlantic USDA 2 59 1.94 0.62 3 55 1.10 0.88 15 CO 0197-3W CO 2 62 0.51 0.14 3 55 0.62 2.30 64 W 5955-1 WI 2 62 0.96 0.07 3 54 1.05 0.60 28 MSL 007-B MI 2 59 0.74 0.24 3 54 0.84 0.59 61 W 2978-3 WI 2 58 0.78 0.32 3 53 1.22 0.88 31 MSQ 086-3 MI 2 60 0.64 0.11 3 53 0.98 1.04 27 MSJ 126-9Y MI 2 61 0.74 0.51 3 53 1.16 0.73 30 MSQ 070-1 MI 2 58 1.59 0.34 3 52 1.11 0.99 1CC = Represents chip color relating to the Potato Chip/Snack Food Association five-code color chart: 1 and 2 are acceptable, 3 is marginal, 4 and 5 are unacceptable. 2Agtron values of 60 or greater yield acceptable colored chips. 3Acceptable values for Glc (glucose) are 0.25 mg/g (0.025%) or less. ***** Denotes no data. Table 3 2011 - 2012 Class C: CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE 45°F 42°F Clone Source (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) 14 CO 0188-4W CO 3 55 0.52 0.07 3 53 0.99 0.79 62 W 4980-1 WI 3 53 0.97 0.27 3 52 0.83 0.91 8 AOTX 98152-3RU ID/OR/TX 3 53 0.71 0.33 3 52 0.97 1.33 23 Dakota Trailblazer ND 3 52 0.93 0.44 3 52 1.36 0.70 32 MSR 061-1 MI 3 57 1.71 0.45 3 52 1.63 1.13 43 ND 8307C-3 ND 1 64 1.43 0.37 2 52 2.02 0.60 6 AOND 95292-3RUSS ID/OR/ND 3 52 0.99 0.89 3 51 2.81 2.12 19 CO 99100-1RU CO 3 54 1.07 0.45 3 51 1.14 1.19 35 NCB 2497-17 NC 3 51 2.09 1.50 67 W 8946-1RUS WI 3 52 0.78 1.01 3 50 0.10 1.72 36 NCO 349-3 NC 2 53 1.22 0.45 3 50 0.65 2.64 1 A 98345 ID 3 52 0.66 1.11 3 50 1.32 1.52 17 CO 99053-3RU CO 3 52 0.70 1.13 3 50 0.33 2.92 40 ND 8229-3 ND 3 48 1.66 0.59 3 50 1.68 1.24 68 Yukon Gem ID 2 59 1.23 0.30 2 50 0.47 1.96 65 W 6234-4RUS WI 3 58 0.69 0.10 3 49 0.85 1.15 10 ATX 9202-3RUS ID/TX 3 48 1.11 0.94 3 47 0.84 2.32 26 MSH 228-6 MI *** *** *** *** 3 47 1.09 1.04 45 ND 8331-CB-3 ND 3 50 1.20 1.79 3 47 2.07 3.55 3 AO 02060-3TE ID/OR *** *** *** *** 3 46 1.77 2.81 4 AO 1010-1 ID/OR 2 57 0.46 1.11 3 46 0.79 3.10 20 COTX 90046-1W CO/TX 3 52 1.24 1.11 3 46 2.30 3.63 50 Red Norland ND 3 50 0.35 1.35 3 46 1.15 4.53 57 Umatilla ID/OR 3 52 1.18 1.58 3 46 0.76 1.91 13 CO 001399-10P/Y CO 3 45 0.07 0.99 3 45 0.00 2.70 12 CO 000270-7W CO 3 53 2.15 0.91 3 45 3.30 3.03 18 CO 99053-4RU CO 3 51 0.63 2.90 4 44 1.38 5.66 CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE CC AGT SUCROSE GLUCOSE 45°F 42°F Clone Source (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) (mg/g) AOTX 96216- 7 2RU ID/OR/RX *** *** *** *** 4 43 0.85 5.07 49 Ranger Russ ID/OR/WA/CO 3 45 0.00 2.56 4 43 0.10 5.91 Russ 52 Norkotah ND/TX 3 50 1.54 0.79 4 43 1.29 2.92 34 NC 182-5 NC 3 50 1.40 0.53 3 42 2.29 3.17 11 Classic Russ ID 3 46 0.70 1.61 4 42 1.14 3.94 51 Russ Burbank CO 3 48 0.63 2.93 4 42 0.85 3.77 69 Yukon Gold CAN 3 50 0.90 2.84 4 42 1.38 2.39 16 CO 98067-7RU CO 3 53 0.94 0.91 4 41 2.09 3.84 66 W 6360-1RUS WI 3 50 1.40 0.93 4 41 0.14 2.31 54 Shepody CAN/NB 4 39 0.31 2.04 4 40 0.69 3.97 53 Sangre ID/CO 4 36 1.63 5.96 4 37 1.75 6.57 2 AO 008-1TE ID/OR 4 45 1.40 1.76 5 34 2.06 4.34 58 Viking ID/OR/CO/WA 4 39 1.57 3.46 5 34 2.85 6.93 1CC = Represents chip color relating to the Potato Chip/Snack Food Association five-code color chart: 1 and 2 are acceptable, 3 is marginal, 4 and 5 are unacceptable.
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