References to Accepted Names in Bold-Faced Print, to Synonyms in Upright Print, to Illustrations in Italics

References to Accepted Names in Bold-Faced Print, to Synonyms in Upright Print, to Illustrations in Italics

Index References to accepted names in bold-faced print, to synonyms in upright print, to illustrations in italics. A A. quaternata, 258 Annesorhiza, 101 Absolmsia, 333 A. sect. Tonduzia, 259 Anodendron, 302 Acanthopanax, 441 Alstonieae, 257 Anomalluma, 342 Acerates, 370 Alyxia, 276 Anomopanax, 84 Aciphylla, 95 A. concatenata, 276 Anomotassa, 381 Acokanthera, 280 Alyxieae, 274 Anthanotis, 370 Acomosperma, 392 Amalocalyx, 306 Anthocleista, 493 Acrocoryne, 382 Amarella, 488 Anthoclitandra, 264 Acronema, 96 Ambelania, 267 Anthriscus, 102 Actinolema, 92 Amblyopetalum, 386 A. caucalis, 102 A. macrolema, 92 Ammi, 98 A. caucalis var. caucalis, 102 Actinotus, 82 A. majus, 14 A. caucalis var. gymnocarpa, 102 Acustelma, 317 Ammodaucus, 99 A. kotschyi, 102 Adelostemma, 377 Ammoides, 99 A. sylvestris, 18, 102 Adelphacme, 520 Ammoselinum, 99 Antiostelma, 333 Adenium, 285 Ampelamus, 377 Antonia, 520 Adenolisianthus, 497 Amphidetes, 391 Antoniaceae, 511 Adenosciadium, 96 Amphineurion, 302 Antonieae, 520 Aegokeras, 96 Amphistelma, 380 Antoniinae, 520 Aegopodium, 96 Amphorella, 388 Apegia, 344 Aenigma, 397 Amsonia, 271 Aphanopleura, 102 Aethusa, 97 Amsonieae, 271 Aphanostelma, 386 Aframmi, 137, 158 Anagallidium, 489 Aphanostylis, 264 Afrocarum, 107 Anakasia, 436 Apiaceae, 9 Afroligusticum, 97 Anatropanthus, 329 Apiastrum, 103 Afrosciadium, 97 Ancylobothrys, 263 Apioideae, 95 Afrosison, 170 Andrewsia, 486 Apiopetalum, 82 Aganonerion, 305 Andriana, 99 A. glabratum, 83 Aganosma, 306 Anechites, 278 A. velutinum, 83 A. sect. Amphineurion, 302 Anemotrochus, 387 Apium, 103 Agasyllis, 97 Anethum, 99 Apocinae, 207 Agathotes, 489 Angadenia, 294 Apocynaceae, 207 Agrocharis, 97 Angelica, 100 Apocyneae, 301 Aidomene, 370 A. czernaevia, 18 Apocynoideae, 281 Alafia, 286 A. decurrens, 14 Apocynoids, 281 Albovia, 170 Anginon, 100 Apocynum, 304 Alepidea, 92 Angolluma, 349 Apodicarpum, 103 Aletes, 98 Angoseseli, 100 Apophragma, 472 Aliopsis, 488 Anidrum Apoxyanthera, 318 Allamanda, 277 Anidrum sect. Lipskya, 149 Apteranthes, 343 Allomarkgrafia, 295 Anisopoda, 101 Arafoe, 103 Allotoonia, 300 Anisopus, 329 Aralia, 432 Allowoodsonia, 290 Anisosciadium, 101 A. californica, 419 Alococarpum, 98 Anisotoma, 341 A. nudicaulis, 419 Aloitis, 488 Anisotomaria, 341 A. tibetana, 432 Alposelinum, 150 Anisotome, 101 Araliaceae, 413 Alstonia, 257 Anisotominae, 341 Aralidium, 552 # Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 557 J.W. Kadereit, V. Bittrich (eds.), Flowering Plants. Eudicots, The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 15, 558 Index Aralidium, 552 (cont.) Azorella, 86 B. lophocarpum, 18 A. pinnatifidum, 553 Azorelloideae, 86 B. papillosum, 18, 19 Araujia, 384 B. rotundifolium, 15 Arctogentia, 488 B. sibiricum, 18 Arctopus, 93 B Bursaria, 544 Arcuatopterus, 103 Baeolepis, 314 Argelia, 375 Baharuia, 306 Argyronerium, 307 Bahiella, 300 C Aripuana, 496 Baissea, 308 Cabucala, 260 Arracacia, 104 Baisseeae, 307 Cachrys, 109 Artedia, 104 Ballyanthus, 346 Calathiana, 483 Arthrophyllum, 435 Barjonia, 381 Calathostelma, 381 Artia, 301 Baroniella, 311 Calciphila, 371 Asciadium, 104 Barrowia, 340 Callaeolepium, 391 Asclepiadaceae, 207 Bartonia, 486 Callichilia, 268 Asclepiadeae, 207, 354 Baseonema, 312 Calocrater, 269 Asclepiadinae, 370 Batesanthus, 312 Calolisianthus, 498 Asclepiadoideae, 324 Baynesia, 343 Calotropis, 371 Asclepias, 370 Beaumontia, 304 Calpicarpum, 259 Asclepiodella, 370 Belmontia, 473 Calyptranthera, 322 Asketanthera, 299 Bentleya, 546 Calyptrosciadium, 110 Aspidoglossum, 371 Berula, 107 Cameraria, 278 Aspidonepsis, 371 B. erecta, 108 Campelepis, 317 Aspidosperma, 256 Bidaria, 332 Campestigma, 330 A. excelsum, 257 Bifora, 107 Camptocarpus, 312 A. neblinae, 257 Bilacunaria, 108 Canaria, 181 A. pachypterum, 257 Billardiera, 545 Cannaboides, 110 Aspidospermateae, 255 Billburttia, 108 Canscora, 480 Astelma, 334 Biondia, 378 C. roxburghii, 476 Astephaninae, 369 Bisgoeppertia, 492 Canscorinae, 479 Astephanus, 369 Blaberopus, 257 Canscorinella, 480 Asteriscium, 86 Blackstonia, 476 Capnophyllum, 110 Asterostemma, 329 Bleekeria, 259 Caralluma, 344 Astomaea, 104 Blepharaden, 489 Carissa, 280 Astomatopsis, 105 Blepharanthera, 344 C. lanceolata, 281 Astrantia, 93 Blepharodon, 381 C. laxiflora, 281 A.major, 14 Blyttia, 378 C. ovata, 281 A. maxima, 18 Boerlagiodendron, 429 C. scabra, 281 A. pontica, 16 Bolax, 87 Carisseae, 280 A. trifida, 93 Bonannia, 108 Carlesia, 110 Astrodaucus, 105 Bonyunia, 520 Caropsis, 111 A. littoralis, 16, 18 B. superba, 512 Caroselinum, 123 Astropanax, 431 Borealluma, 343 Carpodinopsis, 274 Astrotricha, 428 Boucerosia, 343 Carpodinus, 264 Astydamia, 105 Bousigonia, 262 Carruthersia, 289 Athamanta, 105 Bowlesia, 87 Carum, 111 Atherandra, 311 B. palmata, 88 Caruncularia, 352 Atherolepis, 315 Brachyapium, 191 Carvalhoa, 270 Atherostemon, 311 Brachycodon, 496 Cascabela, 279 Atrema, 106 Brachylepis, 314 Catharanthus, 260 Atrostemma, 387 Brachyscias, 82 Cathetostemma, 330 Aulacospermum, 106 Brachystelma, 344 Caucalis, 111 A. anomalum, 14 Brachystelmaria, 344 C. platycarpos, 14 A. sect. Pseudotrachydium, 176 Brargentina, 388 Caudanthera, 344 Aulostephanus, 341 Brassaia, 436 Celiantha, 496 Auranticarpa, 545 Brassaiopsis, 440 Cenolophium, 111 Australluma, 343 Bruceholstia, 388 Centaurella, 486 Austrochthamalia, 387 Bubon, 109 Centaurium, 477 Austropeucedanum, 106 Buckollia, 312 C. beyrichii, 476 Autumnalia, 106 Buniella, 127 C. sect. Spicaria, 479 A. innopinata, 107 Bunium, 109 Centella, 83 Azilia, 107 Bupleurum, 109 Cephalaralia, 429 Index 559 Cephalopodum, 112 Clitandra, 263 Cyclocotyla, 262 Ceramanthus, 385 C. sect. Chamaeclitandra, 264 Cyclodon, 389 Cerbera, 279 Clitandropsis, 273 Cyclorhiza, 119 C. laeta, 279 Cnidiocarpa, 115 Cyclospermum, 119 Cerberiopsis, 280 Cnidium, 115 Cylindrilluma, 348 Cerberoideae, 253 C. monnieri, 14 Cylindropsis, 262 Ceropegia, 344 Coaxana, 115 Cylixylon, 315 C. zambesiaca, 345 Coelostelma, 389 Cymbocarpum, 119 Ceropegieae, 336 Coelostyleae, 522 Cymopterus, 120 Cervaria, 112 Coelostylis, 522 Cynanchinae, 377 Chabraea, 123 Comastoma, 487 Cynanchum, 213, 377 Chaerefolium, 102 Condylocarpon, 275 C. sect. Formosum, 380 Chaerophyllopsis, 112 Congolanthus, 489 C. sect. Microphyllum, 380 Chaerophyllum, 112 Conioselinum, 116 Cynapium, 120 C. aureum, 16, 18 Conium, 116 Cynoctonum, 521 C. prescottii, 14 Conomitra, 340 Cynorhiza, 120 Chaetosciadium, 113 Conopodium, 116 Cynosciadium, 121 C. trichospermum, 18 Cordylogyne, 372 Cyprinia, 317 Chamaeclitandra, 264 Coriandropsis, 116 Cyrtophyllum, 492 Chamaele, 96 Coriandrum, 116 Chamaesciadium, 113 Coristospermum, 117 Chamaesium, 113 Cornacchinia, 314 D Chamarea, 113 Corollonema, 386 Dactylostelma, 386 Changium, 114 Cortia, 117 Dahliaphyllum, 121 Chavannesia, 305 Cortiella, 117 Dalzielia, 334 Cheiranthera, 546 Cosmostigma, 330 Dasispermum, 121 Cheirodendron, 430 Costantina, 333 Dasystephana, 483 Chelidospermum, 545 Cotopaxia, 117 Daucosma, 121 Chelonanthus, 498 Cotylanthera, 474 Daucus, 122 C. alatus, 494 Coulterophytum, 118 Decabelone, 352 Chengiopanax, 439 Couma, 266 Decalepis, 314 Chilocarpus, 275 Couthovia, 523 Decanema, 377 Chionogentias, 488 Coutoubea, 481 Decanemopsis, 377 Chironia, 477 C. spicata, 476 Decodontia, 347 C. laxiflora, 476 Coutoubeinae, 481 Decostea, 507 Chironieae, 476 Coxella, 95 Deianira, 482 Chironiinae, 476 Cracosna, 480 Delarbrea, 530 Chlaenosciadium, 83 Craspidospermum, 272 D. montana ssp. Chlora, 476 C. verticillatum, 272 montana, 531 Chlorocodon, 316 Crawfurdia, 484 Delphyodon, 300 Chlorocyathus, 313 Crenosciadium, 118 Demavendia, 122 Chloropetalum, 388 Crenulluma, 345 Dendropanax, 439 Chondrophylla, 483 Crepinella, 436 D. fluminensis, 440 Chonemorpha, 305 Crioceras, 269 Desmidorchis, 345 Chorisepalum, 495 Cristobalia, 389 Dethawia, 122 Choristigma, 385 Crithmum, 118 Deverra, 123 Choritaenia, 114 Crossopetalum, 485 Dewevrella, 308 Christya, 286 Cryptolepis, 313 Dicarpophora, 380 Chthamalia, 388 C. macrophylla, 313 Dicerolepis, 315 Chuanminshen, 114 Cryptolluma, 344 Dichaelia, 344 Chunechites, 305 Cryptostegia, 314 Dichoropetalum, 123 Chymocormus, 325 Cryptotaenia, 118 Dichosciadium, 87 Chymsydia, 114 Cuminum, 119 Dickinsia, 87 Cibirhiza, 325 Cuphocarpus, 435 Dictyanthus, 389 Cicendia, 477 Curroria, 313 Dictyophleba, 263 Cicuta, 114 Curtia, 472 Dicyclophora, 123 Ciminalis, 483 C. obtusifolia, 472 Didiscus, 427 Cionura, 330 C. tenuifolia, 472 Didymopanax, 436 Citriobatus, 543 Cussonia, 430 Dimorphosciadium, 123 Cleghornia, 304 Cyathoselinum, 119 Dipladenia, 296 Clemensia, 333 Cyathostelma, 380 Diplaspis, 88 Clemensiella, 333 Cycladenia, 293 Diplocyatha, 349 560 Index Diplolepinae, 379 Emplectanthus, 341 Fergania, 130 Diplolepis, 379 Enantiophylla, 127 Fernaldia, 300 Diplolophium, 124 Endressia, 127 Ferula, 130 Diplorhynchus, 271 Enicostema, 491 F. rutbaensis, 16 Diplostigma, 378 E. verticillatum, 490 Ferulago, 130 Diplotaenia, 124 Ephippiocarpa, 268 Ferulopsis, 131 Diposis, 88 Epigynum, 307 Fimbristemma, 390 Discalyxia, 276 Epikeros, 100 Finlaysonia, 315 Dischidanthus, 334 Epistemma, 314 Fischeria, 390 Dischidia, 330 Eremocharis, 89 Flanagania, 377 Dischidiopsis, 330 Eremodaucus, 127 Fockea, 325 Distichoselinum, 194 E. lehmannii, 128 F. edulis, 326 Ditassa, 381 Eremopanax, 435 Fockeeae, 325 Dittoceras, 339 Ergocarpon, 128 Foeniculum, 131 Dizygotheca, 434 Ericoila, 483 Folotsia, 377 Djaloniella, 490 Erigenia, 128 Fontellaea, 386 Dolichopetalum, 331 Eriopetalum, 344 Formosia, 302 Dolichostegia, 330 Eriosynaphe, 129 Formosum, 380 Dolpojestella, 113 Eryngium, 94 Forsteronia, 296 Domeykoa, 89 E. bungei, 94

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