-DOCWIENT RESUME ED 209 170 SO 013 737 AUTHOR Saad, Geti, Comp. TITLE Selected4Bibliography and Abstracts of Educational Materials in Pakistan. Vol. 14, No. 3. Pegiod Covered July-September, 1980. SPONS AGENCY vNational Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Office of Education f(DHEW), Washington, D.C. smsoRiNvo TT-80-53921/3 PUB DATE 80 NOTE 43p.; Not available from EDRS in paper copy due to poor reproducibility throughout original document. For a related document, see ED 204 247. sr !DES PRICE HF01 Plus Postage.. PC Not Available from EDRS. J. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; *Comparative Education ;' Curriculum; Educational Administration; Educational Finance; Educational ObjeCtives; Educational Planning; *Educational Practices; Elementary Secondary Education; *Foreign Countries; Higher Educition; Islamic Culture;*Medidal Edncation; Science Education; 'Second Language Instruction; Teachers; Teaching Methods: Technical Education; 1 Textbooks; wonens Education IDENTIFIERS *Pakistan ABSTRACT This annotated listing cites newspapr articles, government publications, and. monographs dealing with education in Pakiitan. Items cited were published between Jdly and septembdr 1980. The listing is organized by subject.arek.-Subjects include: administration, organization, and finance of education; adult education: curriculum; development'of educAtion; education goals; education planning; education ref ores; elementary and secondary education; higher education ;. Islamic education; teaching of, languages: medical education; science education:. teachers; teaching methods and media; technical education: textbooks; women's education; and examinations. The publication concludes with an 4udex of writers. (.kuthor/RM) ******************************************************************41***y Reproductions supplied'by EDRS are the best that can be made- * the original document. **414****************************************************************** ver .. , u.s. oarawasur OFEDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER I ERIC) .- 10YThis documenthas been reproduced as receirid from the person or organizabon ., originating it. C..) ..% 0 Minor changes have been made toimprove. N BESTcnpTAVAtlifiLE reproduction Wily. r-4' Points of view Or opinions stated in this doto --...... merit do not necessarily represent official NIE Cr% oosnion or poky. C) . r\J I C) SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABSTRACTS DP EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS IN PAKISTAN vol, 14 No. 3 Period Covered July - September, 1980 -4 t Compiled for the Office of U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. by Geti Saad ) . CONT .E N T Ss Page 4 ' 1. ADMINISTRKTION1 ORGANIZATIONAND FINANCE 'OF EDUCATION 1 2. ADULT EDUCATION. 3 3. CURRICULUM 4 4: DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION 5. EDUCATIONGOATS.. 7 6. EDUCATION PLANNING. 7 7., EDUCATION REFORMS. 10 8. ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. 10 ' 9. HIGHER EDUCATION. - 12 lap. ISLAMIC EDUCATION. .14 11%. LANGUAGES, TEACHING OF. 12. MEDICAL EDUCATION. 000 20 13. SCIENCE EDUCATION. SOO 21 a' '14.14. TEACHEFS. 22 15. TEACHING METgODS AND MEDIA. ?3 16. TECHNICAL EDUCATION. 23 I. 4 Continued on page (ii) of r a i - CONTENTS (Continued) Page a' 17: TEXTBOOKS. 24 18. .WOMEN'S EDUCATION. 25/ 19. GENERAL 26 20. EXAMINATIONS (Special Section) 29 I 21;:INDEX OF WRITERS. D 38 N f ,ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZATIONAND FINANCE OF 'EDUCATION 1. ABDULLAH, Nooruddin, Educational Policy September 5, 180. - -- Dawn (Kaiachi) t- ,The announcement by.the.President of Pakistlinthat the GOverntentno more contemplates nationalization of educational.. inttitlitions isa were's* step. ".Experience Government, with has proved that the iteenormous responiibilitiesand inherent limitations, has not been able torun the taken-over schools and colleges on sound- lines; resulting, in thedeterioration of the gtandard ofeducation. The idea behindnationalization perhaps was to provide treeeducation without of education. compromising the Standard It Vitas- turned outtobe a failure. unfortunate'that. all thee It' is yeard-teachers'have shiftedtheir responsibility: of teaching toparents in.the'homes. Our planners must rise'tothe' occasion and.enadre better future for . the countrythroughjroper education policy. based on a sound educational. Cio .2. ALI,'Amanat. Standard of Education 19080.., .7--:Dawn (Karachi) July 28, There have beenpersistent complaints by that the standard parents and guardians of instructionalprograms in nationalized schobls andAollegeshas.been deteriorating. They blame the ' teachers for this'sadstate of affairs. advance4is that the The argument which they teachers 'do not ,takesuffiOient interest'in ' the discharge. oftheir professional duties because their jobs andresponaibilities. have' been made permanentthrough theact of _nationalization andnectioca:be taken their; performance against them even if, ! is not satisfactory. The act, of nationalization changed the entirecomple?cion., The role which P private managementhad to play with regardto phmicakfacilities in the. institution and payment of salariesand other necessary billshas now.devolvedon the government. the Government should Hence adopt administrative measures-in ivarent.of billsWithout,Tre=audit so .that the normal functioningof the' institution does not suffer. The procedure foreappointment in . short -term or clear vacancies should be madefairly simple so that there isno unnecessary delay causing academic program. dislocation in the w. 1 KHAN, Tah.i.r M ahmood. Koilijon Mein of Admission Dakhlay Ka Masala(Problem Pi Co4eges)---Sang (Rawitlpindi) August 9, 1980(U). The problem of admission ins notconfined only to medidal collegesi-itis the .same for engineering and higher. primary, secondaryand secondary schools. Every year , the same problem. parents andstudents face Educational facilities the-increase do not keeppace With in population.Neither the solves thisproblemsnor it encourages Government is keento job. 'private Sector It is a'factthat since the to do the institutions, the mationaliation ofeducational problem Of.admiesion is every year. This' acute creating difficulties problem can .besolved either addition ofseats in existing with the ss:. schools or by educationalbuildings. extension of then allow the Another step toease the situation private sectorto open new is to decisfOn is institutions. If no early taken in thisregard, the of control. situation wouldbecome out 4. RIZVII Azhar. Edudational Development Hypothesis anda Conceptual and Administration-A Vol. IV (1): Framework--- The Varsities (Karachi) 42-49.-January-Feb, uary,1979._ The purposeof this article 1) has been statedto be three to highlightthe widening years; 2) concept of educationin recent to underline-therole of development and administration ineducational 3) to presenta conceptual study ofedubational frame-work for the' administration indeveloping qountries4 The .subject has beendiscussed under tion of the,headings: 1) contribu- economists; 2) contribution of 3). hypothesis educators; about the strategy; 4) 6) conceptual framework; key strategy; 5) tests; and 7) concluding statement. 6 5. SHABBIR,Shiba. School-Aik Nafa Profitable Business) Buksh Karobar(School.. A Akhbar-e- Khawateen(Karachi) August 1i 1980 (U).. : July 26,1 Tn each an d every locality .ofKarachi, private opened. As a matter schools are being 1 of,fact this has become A person who isnot even a good business. a matriculate,can open- a schOol and become its . administratoror principal. charge exhorbi-tant These private,schools tuition fee fromthe poor parents. schools teachersare, thi worst sufferers. In these They receive inadequate salary..faStudents arvadmitted beyondthe capacity thisofclasses.__It_is-high-time-that-the-Governm6nt-takiiitiof situation.andsregulatdstheworking of these these schoolsare allowed to schools. If /prosper without check,then the - 2 6, standard of education will suffer. The Government-sheuldimpose immediate ban on the openingof'new schools. 6. UGC --Study GrottoReport. Financial-Needs of the Universities fThe Varsities (Karachi) ---- Vol. IV (1): 29-38 January- February, 1979. s The'Vtiversity Grants Commissionhad appointed a studygroup to 1 study the financialneeds of *.the universities of the.countfy. It. L' is emphasithed that the amountsreceived by'the universities,are much less than those required. The study group'is of thaview that it is after all the Government which ,decides toestablish a university and which launches the institutionon its career. It has been observed, that this aspect of the Governmentinitiative 'is not generally'kept in mind by the Finance Departmentwhile allooa- ting funds fot theuniversities. ) The report has been.briefl Aesoribed under, the headings: 1) financial deficit-in the univerpiti:e.s'a;d itt causes; 2) remedies and reforms; 3) streamlining financial management; '4) basis,for allocation ofgrants; and- 5) federal support. 7. ZAFAR, Mohammad.Standard Of Education--- Dawn (Karachi) August9, 1980. The only way to improve.thefastdeteriordtipg standard of education is to denationaliseall the taken-over educational .institutions forthwith. This will have two-foldadvantage.- First, the standard of educationwould improve to thepre- nationalization level.-and,second, the Government will be relieved cf.an unwanted, sdlf-imposed,bui:denon its exchequer. The argukentl' generally advanced against denationalisingeducational -institutions is that -theformer owners would againrevert to their old practices and will run those institutions
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