JUN9OA 15 MILES PIJ1LiC L1IRHY 6115 OH(Tuti NILES R 60641 Zonerscontinue Skajareqìiest Nilesman, transient charged for funeralhome expansion with childsex crimes At the Monday night meeting A 2l-caroldNilea man anda JulioMartinez, whose laut of the Nies PIii Commissioners requested a change in zoning tipropertywbich is96 feetby 200 34-yearold transient withan ex-known address was 6254 N. from B-1 to B-2Special Use at . tensive arrest rilcord wein arrest- and Zoning Board of Appeals,a feet in size with the intention of Rockwell Ave., Oricago, and thefuneil home Iocatioiat 7812 expanding theirparking lot by 64 ed May 29 after Nibs police request for a zoning change fromMilwaukee Avenueandatthesite Charles E. Bennes of 7865 N. Skaja Brothers Funeral Home spaces. The building on the prop. found quantiiiea of illegal dregsNordiça Ave. were each charged of Mama Niaisat 7830 Milwau- erty will be rozedand the parking andapomornpicg,or.j5 was continued until the Augustkee Avenue. Skaja expîained Wilh agixvated criminal sexual meeting. tolotwill be resurfaced and striped. year-old girl in a van owned byabure, contributing to the delin- thebdthtieyarejthep. jaddition, Skaja also was the older man. Two-juveniles Bernard Skaja of Slesia Broth.cessofpuurhasing theMamaNit. qnency of a child as wellas two Continued on Page 18 werealsoju Continued on Page 18 The $16.3 million project . 4i1 would displace four homes Iit Village of Ñiles - - -. Maine Twsp. I r ; 87eP Sh . .. oo:8 ¡Jfl 0.,' .t.' ';, 1708) 966-3900 studies flood 25e VOL.33, NO.52, THE ILUGLE,THURSDAY,JUNE 7, 1990 per copy control plan A floodwall and new retention Inagonlinuing drive tocombat 'Hard planning' begins basins could be part of a $16.3 the flooding, the Prairie-Farmers mitlionlocal effort to stern these- Creek Steering Committee met for Nues 9-1-1 service nous flooding that has plaguedJune 4. The group is nàmed for parIs of Maine Township in re- the waterway thatbegins at - by Nancy Keraminas cent years. Geeenwoòd -Avenue and mean- BUI, according tojoanHail, dem westward through parts of NOes will begin collecting ils LeI. up of the 9-1-1board, undMaine Township supervisor, ifNiles, Park Ridge, Des Plaines $1 per lise phone surtax some- 'Were now intothe hardpresent phone listitigs for "every the plan is implemented in ils and unincorporated Maine Town- time before Seplember. accord.planning,' Kinowski said, rat-customer in the Ienisoty,'1G- present form, it would force the ship until-it empties into the Des ing IO Fire Chief Hariy Kinow. thug off a Iauiudty list of tasksnowski said, in order for Bell toremoval of four homes in one ofPlaines River. The group hearda ski, chalamos of the village's E.remaining before the yillage willprepare ils master dala base ofthe areas picked for a retention floodconlrolproposal from arep- 9-l-1 board. have a uophislicaled emergencyphone numbers and addresses. basin, the landbetween Dempster resenlative of Ike Chicago firm, Kinowski, who serves alongtelephone systemcapableof Repcesentalives of the IhrenStreet and BaBoed Road, east ofHares Environmental Services, with Police Chidf Ray Giovan. idenlifyisg emergencies by loca- villages will also evaluale equip. the Tn-Slate Tollway. A 13-acre Inc. nelli, Village Manager Abe Sel- tien.The tasks are similar lo Continued on Page t8 reoervoirissaggesled there. - Cont,nued on Page IS man, Trustee Jim Mahoney andthose facing Morton Grove and r:iredpolicechief Clarence Gtenviews 9-1-1 boards. Emrikson, said the board is now Daring the next 90 days the looking at eqeipment and await-board witt meet with Bell's 9-t- Police Chief's secretary Ing finalization of contrarIa with t coordinator loiron oat the tllinois Bell Telephone and Con- small details' such as the make- retires after 17 yeaí's of service Traffic High winds backups follow spark fire construction woes department calls byNancy Keraminas - Niles firefighters had a busy Threemonthsdown, 15 Sunday, June 3, responding to monthsmoreofDempsler/ emergencies related lo wind and 1 Milwaukeeconstruclionlay other canses. Compounding mat- J .1 ahead for beleagured motorisE 1ers, according to a fire depart- who cant End a way around the ment spokesman, was the need bulldozedinterseclion. Io borrow a fire truck while a l'mjnst amazed al all the peo- Nues truck was ont of service pie still ming that route,' mar- for temporary mechanical prob- veled Nues police Commander lems. Jerty Sheehan, 'Traffic is much High winds caused a tree to heavier than I thoaght it would break, snapping a power line in be." Acksowledging the benefits Ike 8300 block of Oleander Ave- to Golf Mill merchants, Sheehan nue. Firefighters were called be- recommends esing the alterna- Continued on Page t8 Live roates- Greenwood Avenue, Golf Road, Oakton Street and Harlem Avesab - rather than the Bugle School, bottieeecked intersection, which is undergoisg recosslruction un- ': Guide Lilfall, 1991. Bet it may sot be wise lo get .ages 23-27 100 used lo a cerIumdebar. Like the proverbial dominos, other ,*1Ew.1 I I through streets are falling to the CoflstructjOu heal. In a-classic es- AUTO.. ample of 'he careful what you wish for, it may come true,the DIRECTORY Picturedabove withMayorNichotasB. Blase mond Giovannelti.She had warned (or flur 05cc-welcome news that Harlem Page l7 ¡u Sharon Wade. Sharon retired in February, tage ofNiles for l7yoars. Conttnued on Page 18 1990,assecretaryto theNitosPolleeChieG?ay- pAGga THEBUGL,THUISDAY JUNE?,l9Çfl iS"i'.szStCI 5oeenuarrsasese site Beusse takes park board Nues Annual THE HUGLE,TIIIJI150AY.JONEs, 1990 Beautification contest helm for third time MEMBER by Sheilya Hackett 41 Nurthern Illinei. Moving to the pzosidency oE commander of the Niles Veterans a Newspaper the Miles Park Board recently ofPoreign Wars. Aeeoniatien was not a new experience for civ- He additionally belongslo the 1tr Optintitt Club and supports the ic-minded WalterBensse--ltes An IndependentCommunity Newspaper David Besser - Editnr & Publisher been there twice before, in the Nilm Historical Society. The pio- Established in 1957 Diane Miller - Dtrectnr nf AdvertIsIng early Seventlee and Eighties. neer-style pegged floor and the 8746N. Sheriner Road, Marh Krujenkt - Predartlen Manager As he takes the helm for the railing that helps highlight the Nues, Illinois 60648(708) 966-3900 LInda Burns - Cnpy Editor year 1990-91, the 35-year Niles country kitchen display in the Sa- resident stressesthe need for ciety's museum at 8970 Milwau- board teamwork. He wants to ken Ave. is his construction. 9seep in focus ali the youngsters" Not one to rest, Bensse iscnr- Lawn and cooperate with the boardas it rently enplorieg the techniques of waste disposalEmployees agree to 10 percent insurancepayment moves to complete major projects OperatingCahlevisioncameras such as the renovation of the sec- and has completed one phase of program underway motion center pool and there- the stedy. vomping of Jozwiak Park. The What retases this workaholic? plan for the Jozwiak batting cage Three limes a week he joins Ilse Morton Groveapproves includes new screening and all- Early Risers golf group and isoat onlomalic equipment such as new at Tam GolfCoarse by 6:30 am., pitching machines and a reflexive bat he insists the practice hasn't retrieval system for the balls. helped his game--he usually tat- Shown above jinftto right) areNibsTrustee Tom iiond( Ato- lies between 45-50 for nine holes. contract with firefighters With a " first rate park district" lings OperationsManagerClaimMurphy, and Chairman ofthe as a goal, Buesse wants to bring Meanwhile, the park district LandscapeDesign Critics CoundilEvelynClemmans(standing). byNancyKrraminas all Niles parks np-to-date quick- Walter Seusse has the benefit of his 17 years of Theyareencouraging allNilesresidents toenterthe 7thAnnual After nearly a year-and-a-half board experience and according Two arrested for Altomey Michael Liozzi, who ly, re-vamping them as scheduled Looking back on the baseball Beautification Contest". of tedious and sometimes arrimo- negotiated for the village, set a aadpultiug alltheparkson thegames, Beasse reminisces abostlo Beusse, keeping involved is nions negotiations, a tabor "heuer than sitting and twiddlingr armed robbery con- new precedent for himself by at- highest possible safety level. Hethe limes he, his wife Lorraine OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM I tract was agreed to between Moe- lesding the Jonc 5 special board said the "mechanism is in pro-and Olber parents chaperoned theyour thumbs." attempt. ton Grove fiaefighter/paramedics reas" and board-apporved design ""PROPERTY BEAUTIFICATION CONTEST"' meeting in order to commend nearly100-girlsoftball playersRules of Road A Glenview couple got more and the village. The firefighters"the remarkable conduct by both concepts would be available forhis daughler Pamela organized I wish to enter my property in Nues "Property than they bargained for when will receive the equivalent ofa parties"forthe"rare(labor) public viewing at the next parkfor a marathon to aid the Musca- they attempted to sellsome dia- 6.5 percent retroactive pay hike board meetiag, June 19. lar Dystrophy Association. Pame-review Beautification Contest".Iunderstand the front event" which did not resait in a mond ears-legs and a bluenap- for 5989 and o 4.5 perceit raise"strike orprosraeted litigatisin," A mechanical engineer, Beussela, now a part time Niles Police and side of my home/dwelling as seen by people phire diamond ring lhrougha for 1990 in addition to other vil- designed a line of communicationReserve officer in addition to hercourse Village Administrator Larry Secretary of State Jim Edgar, passing by, by car, will be judged by a non- Classifiedad. IsgecOncessions. Arft detailed other keyprovisions equipment and a nember of me-work as a technician, and the Nilenpoliceanrested a22-year- "t wantso thank the fire dopare- chauical devices before he retiredgirls continued the weekend in Coopralion with Nilns Senior biased beautification committee. of the contract including a change mar- old en-con and his femaleaccom- ment," said MayorRichard Hohn from Teletype Corporation.
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