Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference The Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington June 21—June 23, 1995 Sponsoring Organization The American Automatic Control Council US. National Member Organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics American Institute of Chemical Engineers Association of Iron and Steel Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Instrument Society of America Society of Computer Simulation The 1995 ACC is held in cooperation with IFAC Volume 6 of 6 FM19 Beacon Suite Optimal Control II Chair John T. Wen Rennselaer Polytechic Inst. Cochalr James R. Cloutier Wright Lab. 1:15—1:35 An Iterative Solution to the Flnlte-Tlme Linear Quad-rat-lc Optimal Feedback Control Problem 3921 Randal W. Beard Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. George Saridis Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. John T. Wen Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. 1:35 —1:55 A Hybrid Approach to Optimal Control Problems with Nondlfferentlal Constraints 3923 James R Cloutier Wright Lab. Christopher N. D'Souza Wright Patterson Air Force Base 1:55 — 2:15 On Global Optlmallty Conditions in NonConvex Optimal Control Problem • Alexander Strekalovsky Irkutsk State Univ. 2:15—2:35 Application of the Linear-quadratic Control Theory to the Solution of Special Nonconvex Problems of Global Constrained Optimization 3928 Alexey S. Matveev St. Petersburg Univ. 2:35—2:55 Computation of Optimal Control for Integral and Dlf-fer-en-tlal-Alge-bralc Systems 3933 Feng-Sheng Wang National Chung Cheng Univ. Ji-Pyng Chiou National Chung Cheng Univ. 2:55 — 3:15 Optimal Feedforward Tracking Controller Design 3935 Steven Chlngyei Chung Feng-Chia Univ. Wenchi Cheng Feng-Chia Univ. Jangjong Wang Feng-Chia Univ. FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION FP 01 Grand II Aerospace Propulsion Chair Sarkis Barkhoudarian Rockwell International Cochalr Michael A. Henson Louisiana State Univ. 3:30 — 3:50 Controls and Monitoring Engineering Challenges In the Design of the Supercharged Ejector Scramjet (SES-J) Engine for Spaceliner Class Transports 3937 William Escher NASA HQ, WE 3:50 — 4:10 Control and Monitoring System Requirements for Next- generation Aerospace Propulsion Systems Harry Cikanek NASA Lewis Research Ctr. 4:10 — 4:30 Control Concepts for Next Generation Reuseable Rockets 3942 Carl F. Lorenzo NASA Lewis Research Ctr. Walter C. Merrill NASA Lewis Research Ctr. Jeffrey L. Mosgrove NASA Lewis Research Ctr. Asok Ray Penn. State Univ. 4:30 — 4:50 Advanced Instrumentation for Next-generation Aerospace Propulsion Control Systems 3951 Sarkis Barkhoudarian Rockwell International G. Cross Rockwell International Carl F. Lorenzo NASA Lewis Research Ctr. 4:50 — 5:10 What Will the Next Generation Controller Be? 3956 George Gessler Honeywell Inc. J. Clarke Honeywell Inc. 5:10 — 5:30 Initial Disturbance Accomodatlng Control System for Prototype Electromechanical Space Shuttle Steering Actuator 3961 John Wander Univ. of Alabama Virginia Byrd Univ. of Alabama Joey Parker Univ. of Alabama FP 02 Fifth Ave Quantitative Feedback Theory Chair Osita I. Nwokah Southern Methodist Univ. Cochalr Yossi Chait Univ. of Massachusetts 3:30—3:50 Multlvariable Quantitative Feedback Design 3965 Osita D.I. Nwokah Southern Methodist Univ. Gurmohan S. Grewal Southern Univ. Zane Gasteniau Wright Lab. R.E. Nordgren Westvaco 3:50 — 4:10 A New Technique for Computing QFT Bounds 3970 J.M. Rodrigues Univ. of Massachusetts Yossi Chait Univ. of Massachusetts C.V. Hollot Univ. of Massachusetts 4:10 — 4:30 Gradient Formulations for Sensltlvlty-based QFT Performance Bounds 3975 David F. Thompson Univ. of Cincinnati 4:30 — 4:50 A New Formulation of Multiple-Input Multiple-output Quantitative Feedback Theory 3977 Yongdong Zhao Texas A & M Univ. Suhada Jayasuriya Texas A & M Univ. 4:50 — 5:10 Exact Robustness Analysis for Highly Structured Frequency-domain Uncertainties 3982 H.A. Latchman Univ. of Florida Oscar D. Crisalle Univ. of Florida 5:10 — 5:30 Design of Bl-causal Inverse Models for Non-mlnlmum Phase Systems and Its Applications to Precision Tracking Control 3988 Jin-jae Chen Ohio State Univ. Chza-Hszang Menq Ohio State Univ. FP 03 Grand Crest Model and Controller Reduction Chair Kemin Zhou Louisiana State Univ. Cochalr Richardson, T. - Boeing 3:30 — 3:50 Weighted L-lnflnlty Norm Approximation 3994 Kemin Zhou Louisana State Univ. Krishan Nagpal Univ. of Iowa 3:50 — 4.10 Two Frequency Scale Decomposition of Positive Real and Bounded Real Transfer Matrices 3999 Hossein Oloomi Purdue Univ., Fort Wayne 4:10 — 4:30 New Results on Frequency Weighted Balanced Reduction Technique 4004 Venkatappa Sreeram Univ. of Western Australia Brian D.O. Anderson Australian National Univ. Anton Madievski The Australian National Univ. 4:30 — 4:50 Robust Reduced-order Modeling for State-space Systems via Parameter-dependent Bounding Functions 4010 Wassim M. Haddad Georgia Inst. of Tech. Vikram Kapila Georgia Inst. of Tech. 4:50 — 5:10 A Comparative Study of H« Controller Reduction Methods 4015 Kemin Zhou Loutsana State Univ. 5:10 — 5:30 Performance Bounds for Coprlme Factor Controller Reductions 4020 Kemin Zhou Louisana State Univ. Jie Chen Univ. of California FP 04 Bainbridge Numerical Issues In Control Chair Andras Varga DLR Inst. for Flight Guidance Cochalr Pradeep Misra Wright State Univ. 3:30 — 3:50 Numerically Reliable Computation of Characteristic Polynomials 4025 Pradeep Misra Wright State Univ. Enrique S. Quintana Univ. Politec. Valencia Paul M. Van Dooren Univ. Catholique de Leuven 3:50—4:10 Connections Between Duality in Control Theory and Convex Optimization 4030 Venkataraman Balakrishnan Purdue Univ. Ueven Vandenberghe Katholieke Unlv.it Leuven 4:10 — 4:30 On Computing J-inner-outer Factorizations of Rational Matrices 4035 Andras Varga DLR Inst. tor Flight Guidance Tohru Katayama Kyoto Univ. 4:30 — 4:50 A Condensed Form for a Symplectlc Pencil and Solution of the Discrete Algebraic Rlccatl Equation 4040 Rajnikant V. Patel Concordia Univ. 4:50 — 5:10 Computation of Matrix Fraction Descriptions of Implicit Systems 4045 Pradeep Misra Wright State Univ. Rajnikant V. Patel Concordia Univ. Vassilis L Syrmos Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa 5:10 — 5:30 A Parallel Algorithm for Lyapunov Matrix Equations 4050 Biswa Datta Northern Illinois Univ. Conrad Fernandez Northern Illinois Univ. FP 05 Vashon I identification Chair Dawn M. Tilbury Univ. of Michigan Cochalr Masayoshi Tomizuka Univ. of California at Berkeley 3:30 — 3:50 Disturbance Source Identification for Multivarlable Control 4055 Leonard Lublin Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Michael Athans Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. 3:50 — 4:10 Linear System Identification with Derivative Shift Operator Representations 4060 Lin Guo Univ. of California at Berkeley Masayoshi Tomizuka Univ. of California at Berkeley 4:10 — 4:30 A Novel Method for Automated Identification of Steady- state 4065 R. Russell Rhinehart Texas Tech Univ. 4:30 — 4:50 On the Identification of Stochastic Biases In Unear, Time Invariant Systems 4067 Thomas A. Chmielewski Control Concepts Paul Kalata Drexel Univ. 4:50 — 5:10 About the Choice of State Space Basis In Combined Determlnlst stochastic Subspace Identification 4072 Peter C. L Van Overschee Katholieke Unlv.it Leuven Bart De Moor Katholieke Univ.it Leuven 5:10 — 5:30 Robust On-line Parameter Identification with General Knowledge on Level of Information Noise: Continuous and Discrete Cases 4077 Fu-Ming Lee National Taiwan Univ. Li-Chen Fu National Taiwan Univ. I-Kong Fong National Taiwan Univ. FPOeVashonll Automotive Modeling & Control Chair Hans P. Geering Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Cochalr G.R. Heppler Univ. of Waterloo 3:30 — 3:50 Model-reference Adaptive A/F-ratlo Control In an SI Engine Based on Kalman-fllterlng Techniques 4082 Raymond C. Turin General Motors Co., Rsch. Hans P. Geering Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech. 3:50 — 4:10 Open-loop Trajectory Design for Longitudinal Vehicle Maneuvers: Case Studies with Design Constraints 4091 Ching-Yao Chan Univ. of California at Berkeley 4:10 — 4:30 Nominal Model Selection for Robust Control Design 4096 Cristina Verde Inst. de Ingenieria, UNAM Jose-Job Flores-Godoy Inst. de Ingenieria, UNAM 4:30 — 4:50 Scaling Laws for Frequency Domain Controllers of Dynamically Equivalent Single Flexible Unk Manipulators 4101 Milind Ghanekar Univ. of Waterloo D.W.L Wang Univ. of Waterloo G.R. Heppler Univ. of Waterloo 4:50 — 5:10 Damage-mitigating Control of Mechanical Systems: Experimental Verification of the Concept 4106 Sekhar Tangirala Penn State Univ. Asok Ray Penn State Univ. Marc Carpino Penn State Univ. 5:10 — 5:30 Predictive Control Strategy for Unmanned Vehicle Navigation 4111 Yousef Al-Assaf Univ. of Jordan FP07Whidbey End-Game Guidance Chair Josef Shinar Technion Cochalr James R Cloutier Wright Lab. 3:30 — 3:50 Interception of Splraling Tactical Ballistic Missiles 4476 W.R. Chadwick Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. Paul Zarchan C.S. Draper Lab. 3:50 — 4:10 A Disturbance Attenuation Approach to Missile Guidance and Control Jason L Speyer Univ. of California 4:10 — 4:30 Mixed Strategies In Missile Versus Missile Interception Scenarios 4116 Josef Shinar Technion Y. Ljpman Technion ML Zarkh Technion 4:30 — 4:50 Some Concepts for Trajectory Prediction for Ship Self Defense 4121 Gordon W. Groves Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. William Dale Blair Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. 4:50 — 5:10 Precision Guidance Against Maneuvering Targets 4127 R.V. Lawrence Defence Research Agency 5:10 — 5:30 Minimum Energy Guidance for Boost Phase Ballistic Missile Interception 4131 M. Guelman Technion 0. Golan Rafael FP 08 Orcas Control for Information Storage Systems Chair William C. Messner Carnegie Mellon Univ. Cochair Roberto Horowitz Univ. of California at Berkeley 3:30 — 3:50 Silicon Microstructures and Mlcroactuators for Compact Computer Disk Drives 4136 Denny K. Miu Univ. of California at Los Angeles Yu-Chong Tai California Inst. of Tech. 3:50 — 4:10 j Modeling and Compensation of Pivot Friction In a Disk Drive Actuator 4141 Teck Seng Low National Univ. of Singapore Hoon-Toh Goh National Univ.
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