• Cosmetic &Hygienic Products Baby-care products Bleach Brushes Colognes, Perfumes Cosmetic products Creams Detergents, Dish-washing liquid Diapers Hair conditioners Hydrophile cottons Hygienic products Lipsticks Sanitary napkins Shampoo Soaps, Washing Liquid Tissue papers Tooth pastes misc References: Iran TPO Exporters Data Bank, Exemplary Exporters Directory Iran Trade Yellowpages, Iran Export Directory www.tpo.ir Email: [email protected] Fax: (+98-21) 44901225 A BABAK CHEMI TOUS CO URL: www.bfpig.com Factory: (+98-21) 44901226-9 Head Office: 5th Fl., No.33. West Atefi Alley. MD: Mohammad Kazem Zarrin Ghalam MD: Abbasali Pourmohammadi AAM KAF CO. (DAROUGAR) Opposite Mellat Park, Vali-e-Asr St., Activity: Baby Diapers, Hygienic Products, Activity: Eau-decolognes, Cream, Head Office: No.3. West Armaqan Alley. 1967933765, Tehran Sanitary Napkins, Tissue Papers. [M-E-I] Shampoos, Hair Gel. [M] Vali-e-Asr St., Tehran Tel: (+98-21) 22012792, 22012866, Tel: (+98-21) 22010303, 22374212 22014151-2 BUSHEHR POLYMER CO DONYAYE ARAYESH CO Fax: (+98-21) 22010302 Fax: (+98-21) 22012792 Head Office: No.1/119, Sohravardi Intersection. Head Office: Taj Bldg.,No.8, Africa Exp.Way, Email: [email protected] Factory: 15th Talash St., Kalat Rd., Dr.Beheshti St., 15516, Tehran East Jahan Koudak Cross Rd., Tehran URL: www.kafsa.com Mashhad Industrial Town, Mashhad Tel: (+98-21) 88740074 Tel: (+98-21) 88777752-3 MD: Ali Naghib Baghdad Abadi Tel: (+98-512) 2454415 Fax: (+98-21) 88750191 Fax: (+98-21) 88725120 Registered in Tehran Stock Exchange Fax: (+98-512) 2454416 Factory: (+98-771) 4543700 Email: [email protected] Activity: Cream, Dish-washing Liquid, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: www.donyayearayesh.com Detergents, Baby Diapers, Hygienic Products, URL: www.babakchemico.com URL: www.bfpig.com MD: Behrouz Rahmani Sanitary Napkins, Baby Shampoos, MD: Babak Mesri MD: Zarrin Ghalam Activity: Bleach, Dish-washing Liquid Shampoos, Washing Liquid, Laundry Soaps, Activity: Tablets for Dish Washing Machines, Activity: Polypropylene Woven Mats Hair Conditioners, Stain Removing Liquid, Tissue Papers, Toothpastes. [M-E-I] Water Softener Regenerating Salt, Rinse Aid for Toothbrushes, P.P Bags, Synthetic Leather, Shampoos, Washing Liquid, Toothpastes [M] Dish Washing Machines, Detergents for Dish Monofilament Yarn. [M-E-I] ARGHAVAN NO CO Washing Machines, Dish Washer Rinse Agents DR. ABIDI TOILETRIES & COSMETICS Head Office: Unit2, 7th FI .. No.1137, Valie-Asr [M-I] CO St., 15119,Tehran Head Office: No.14, Corner of East 11th St., Tel: (+98-21) 88880703, 88880755 Etehad St., Tehranpars T-Junction. Tehran Fax: (+98-21) 88880703 C BACLASS CO Tel: (+98-21) 77349201, 77349794-5 MD: Ali Akbar Rezaee Head Office: No. 441, Qaem Dd End, Next to Fax: (+98-21) 77349790 Activity: Baby Diapers, Sanitary Napkins, Mahdiyeh, Motahari St., Yazd MD: Fatemeh Jahanshahi CHIMIGHAHREMAN CO. (ATTACK) Tissue Papers. [M] Tel: (+98-351) 6221674, 6222037 Activity: Cream, Dish-washing Liquid Fax: (+98-351) 6222037 Head Office: 4th Fl., No.26, North Didar St., Africa Shampoos. Baby Shampoos. [M-E] ARJAN FOOD & HYGIENIC CO Factory: (+98-352) 6233854 Exp.Way, Tehran Head Office: Golshan Intersection, Amir Kabir Email: [email protected] Tel: (+98-21) 88870411-5 DR.JAHANGIR PHARMACEUTICAL & Blvd Shiraz URL: www.baclass.com Fax: (+98-21) 88870416 HYGIENIC CO Tel: (+98-711) 8221917 MD: Mohamad Hosein Dehghan Zade Factory: (+98-251) 3443400 Head Office: 2nd FI., No.47, East Saremi St., Fax: (+98-711) 8229038 Activity: Baby Pads, Sanitary Napkins, Email: [email protected] Villa St.15989 .,Tehran MD: Karimi Tissue Papers. [M] URL: www.attack.ir Tel: (+98-21) 88909126 Activity: Churned Sour Milk, Butter, Cheese, MD: Reza Kashefi Fax: (+98-21) 88901938 Yoghurt, Ice Creams, Baby Pads, Sanitary BEH GOL CO Activity: Insecticides, Glass Cleaners, Dish- Email: [email protected] Napkins, Tissue Papers. [M-E] Head Office: NoAO, Ladan Alley, Before Tohid washing Liquid Detergents. [M-E-I] MD: Dr.Hossein Jahangir Sq., Chamran Exp.Way, 1441674181, Tehran Activity: Cream, Dish-washing Liquid ATRAGIN CO Tel: (+98.21) 66569154-8 Hygienic Products, Shampoos, Washing Head Office: Atragin Bldg., No. 285, Fax: (+98-21) 66437650 CONDOR CO Liquid, Pharmaceutical Products. [M-E] Bet.Africa & Madarres, Mirdamad Blvd., Factory: (+98-231) 3352114 Head Office: No.11, Sepand St., North Tehran Email: [email protected] IranShahr St., Tehran Tel: (+98-21) 88795111, 88791797 URL: www.behgol.com Tel: (+98-21) 88861236-8,83105 Fax: (+98-21) 88796083 MD: Esmaeil Omrizade Fax: (+98-21) 88844563, 83101010 MD: Naser Amin Naeemi Activity: Baby Pads, Sanitary Napkins, Factory: Beginning of Damqan Rd., Sandaq E Activity: Cream, Hair Conditioners, Tissue Papers. [M] Industrial Town, Semnan Shampoos. [M-E] Tel: (+98-231) 3352627-9 ETKA ORGANIZATION IND. CO BEHDAD CO.(TAJ) Fax: (+98-231) 3352696 Head Office: 3rd & 6th Fl.. Etka Bldg., East Head Office: No.18, Opposite Sepah Bank. Email: [email protected] Bastion St., Imam Khomeini St., Tehran Beginning of Vozara St., 1511615511, Tehran URL: www.condorcompany.com Tel: (+98-21) 68404417. 66402581. B Tel: (+98-21) 88702370 MD: Alireza Mehraban Fax: (+98-21) 66401102 Fax: (+98-21) 88725110. 88725120 Activity: Bleach, Detergents for Dish Washing Email: [email protected] B.B.K COSMETIC CO URL: www.behdadco.com Machines, Dish-washing Liquid Detergents, URL: www.etka.ir Head Office: No. 109, 12th Alley, Khaje MD: Nezam Mahmoudi Laundry Powder Detergents. Dish-washing MD: Hossain Mansouri Abdollah Ansari St., 16616-67661, Tehran Activity: Laundry Powder Detergents. Liquid Laundry liquid Detergents. [M.E-I] Activity: Vegetable Oil, Macaroni, Sugar. Tel: (+98-21) 22861626,22869474-84 Detergents for Dish Washing Machines, Hygienic Products, Canned food, Canned Fax: (+98-21) 22869889 Liquid Soaps, Soaps, Laundry Soaps. [M] products. [M-E] URL: www.bbk.co.com MD: Shahrokh Arjomandzade BOUSHEHR POLYMER IND. CO Activity: Cosmetic Products, Cream, Hair Head Office: 2nd Fl., No. 150, Shahrtash St., D Conditioners. Hygienic Products, Shampoos. After Abas Abad Cross Rd., North Sohravardi F [M-E-I] St., 1559613514, Tehran DAMA COSMETICS & HYGIENIC Tel: (+98-21) 88769199,88513167-8 LABORATORY CO Fax: (+98-21) 88515988 FARABI COSMETIC & HYGIENIC CO B.P.I.CO. Head Office: No. 42, West Rezvan St., Head Office: 1st Fl.. No. 148, Mirzaee Zeinali Factory: (+98-771) 4543700-6 Narmak 30-Meter St., 16488, Tehran Head Office: Unit4, 1st Fl., No.16, Oskou Alley, St., North Sohravardi St., Tehran Email: [email protected] Tel: (+98-21) 77901267 Next to Sepide Cinema, Enqelab St., 1417813875, Tel: (+98-21) 88742610-1 URL: www.bfpig.com Fax: (+98-21) 77903206 Tehran Fax: (+98-21) 88742609 MD: Maryam Vatan Doust MD: Aziz Boukaninejad Tel: (+98-21) 68415203,66406533 Factory: (+98-282) 5223160 Activity: Nipples, Baby Diapers. [M·E] Activity: Perfumes, Eau-decolognes, Fax: (+98-21) 66406533 Email: [email protected] Cosmetic Products, Cream, Hygienic Factory: (+98-261) 4562019 BUSHEHR MORVAREED IND.CO URL: www.Bpi-co.com Products, Lipsticks. MD: Erfanian Head Office: 3rd FI., No. 1/119, Corner of MD: Abbas Meh Activity: Moisturizing Cream, White Sohravardi St.., Beheshti St., 15516, Tehran Iran Exemplary Exporters DELBAN COSMETIC & HYGIENIC CO Petroleum Jelly. [M] Tel: (+98-21) 88740074, 88742935. 88759383 Activity: Hydrophile Cottons, Bands, Head Office: 5th Door, Shafiee St., South Jahad Fax: (+98-21) 88750191 Sterilized Gauzes. [M-E] St., 11th Km.of Karaj Rd., Tehran Factory: (+98-771) 4543700 Tel: (+98-21) 44901226-9 M = Manufacture E= Exporter I = Importer FIROOZ CO Fax: (+98-21) 66436949 Head Office: No.5, Marvdasht st., Beginning of Factory: (+98-262) 5332080-2 I J Ashrafi Esfehani, sadeqiye 2nd Sq., Tehran MD: Mohammad Hadi Kerachian Tel: (+98-21) 44205426-8 Activity: Cosmetic Products, Hygienic IRAN AVANDFAR CO J CO Fax: (+98-21) 44205270 Products. [M.E] Head Office: No. 80, Baqer Khan st., sattar Khan Head Office: No.513, Corner of Pirouz Factory: (+98-282) 2223834 st., 14417, Tehran Cross Rd., Jomhouri st., Tehran Email: [email protected] GOLTASH CO Tel: (+98-21) 66422655-6 Tel: (+98-21)66923711 URL: www.firooz.com Head Office: Paksan Co., 8th Km.of Fath Fax: (+98-21) 66422656 Fax: (+98-21) 66421930 MD: Mousavi Exp.Way, 13774, Tehran Factory: (+98-261) 6604445-7 Factory: (+98-262) 4225324-34 Activity: Babycare Products. [M-E-I] Tel: (+98-21) 84562398 Emaii: [email protected] MD: Mehdi Hashemi Fax: (+98-21) 66250676 URL: www.iranbath.com Activity: Cream. [M] Factory: (+98-335) 5373350-2 MD: Manuchehr Soltani Hossaini Email: [email protected] G Activity: Cosmetic Products, Hygienic JALEH KAR CO URL: www.goltash.com Products. [M] Head Office: 3rd FI., No.285, Bet.jordan & MD: Jamshid Forouzesh GLAN COSMETICS & HYGIENIC CO Modarres, Mirdamad st., 1917614511, Tehran Registered in Tehran Stock Exchange Head Office: No. 94, sazman-e-Ab st., Corner of IRAN HYGIENIC INDUSTRIES CO Tel: (+98-21) 22252445,22254836, Activity: Dish-washing Liquid Shampoos, Norouzi 15-Meter st., Abali Rd., Tehran Head Office: Bojneh Official Complex, No. 9, Fax: (+98-21) 88658514 Washing Liquid, Soaps, Toothpastes. [M] Tel: (+98-21) 77310917-8 11th St, Vozara st., 151370, Tehran Factory: (+98-261) 6606204, 6603151 Fax: (+98-21) 77312226 Tel: (+98-21) 88723001-5 MD: Nasser Lalani Email: [email protected] Fax: (+98-21) 88712836 Activity: Cosmetic Products, Hygienic URL: www.glanco.com Factory: (+98-611) 2271087, 2271089 Products. [M] MD: Davod Paydar Moghaddam Email: [email protected] Activity:
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