Achievers 1 WBCS (Main) Exam Paper – III Practice Set Answers with Explanation 1. (c) These religious establishments could have inscriptions or epigraphs as writing; it is the received royal patronage from various science of identifying graphemes, clarifying dynasties, even though inscriptional evidences their meanings, classifying their uses according are lacking for most of them. The only definite to dates and cultural contexts, and drawing inscriptional evidence is that of Rashtrakuta conclusions about the writing and the writers. Dantidurga (c. 753-57 A.D.) The majority of It serves as primary documentary evidence to the Brahmanical establishments and the establish legal, socio-cultural, literary, remaining Buddhist ones can be attributed to archaeological, and historical antiquity on the the Rashtrakuta times which indicate the basis of engravings. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å religious tolerance of the contemporary period. 5. (b) A chaitya is a Buddhist or Jain shrine including The Jaina caves definitely postdate the a stupa. In modern texts on Indian architecture, Rashtrakutas as indicated by the style of the term chaitya-griha is often used to denote execution and fragmentary inscriptions. This assembly or prayer hall that houses a stupa. region was under the control of Kalyani Chaityas were probably constructed to hold Chalukyas and Yadavas of Deogiri (Daulatabad) large numbers of devotees and to provide during this period. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å shelter for them. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å 2. (a) “Satyameva Jayate” (Truth Alone Triumphs) 6. (a) The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two 6th is a mantra from the ancient Indian scripture century monumental statues of standing Mundaka Upanishad. Upon independence of buddha carved into the side of a cliff in the India, it was adopted as the national motto of Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of central India. It is inscribed in Devanagari script at Afghanistan. They were dynamited and the base of the national emblem. The emblem destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban, on and words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ are inscribed orders from leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, on one side of all Indian currency. The emblem after the Taliban government declared that they is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Asoka were idols. On 8 September 2008 archeologists which was erected around 250 BC at Sarnath, searching for a legendary 300-metre statue at near Varanasi in the north Indian state of Uttar the site of the already dynamited Buddhas Pradesh. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å announced the discovery of an unknown 19- 3. (d) Kailashnath Temple is a famous temple, one metre (62-foot) reclining Buddha, a pose of the 34 monasteries and temples, extending representing Buddha’s passage into nirvana. over more than 2 km, that were dug side by 7. (a) Ajivika (“living” in Sanskrit) was a system of side in the wall of a high basalt cliff in the ancient Indian philosophy and an ascetic complex located at Ellora, Maharashtra, India. movement of the Mahajanapada period in the Of these 34 monasteries and temples, the Indian subcontinent. Ajivika was primarily a Kailasa (cave 16) is a remarkable example of heterodox Hindu (Nastika) or atheistic system. Dravidian architecture on account of its The Ajivikas may simply have been a more striking proportion; elaborate workmanship loosely-organized group of wandering ascetics architectural content and sculptural (shramanas or sannyasins). One of their ornamentation of rock-cut architecture. It is prominent leaders was Makkhali Gosal. designed to recall Mount Kailash, the abode Ajivikas are is thought to be contemporaneous of Lord Shiva. It is a megalith carved out of to other early Hindu nastika philosophical one single rock. It was built in the 8th century schools of thought, such as Charvaka, Jainism by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å and Buddhism Buddhism, and may have 4. (b) Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions on preceded the latter two systems. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å rocks, pillars, temple walls, copper plates and 8. (d) The city of Mahabalipuram was largely other writing material. It is the study of developed by the Pallava king 2 î¡ìÅ éôé 8– £z¢%Ä éôé 7 xöìQyîîû– 2020 xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å Narasimhavarman I in the 7th century AD. This ceremony was attended by the kings of The mandapa or pavilions and the rathas or eighteen kingdoms and about 5, 00,000 people shrines shaped as temple chariots are hewn including Sramanas. Hercetics, Nigranthas, the from the granite rock face, while the famed poor, the orphans etc, attended this assembly. Shore Temple, erected half a century later, is The Prayag Assembly is a glorious example built from dressed stone. The Pancha Rathas of the generosity of Harshavardhana as he shrines were carved during the reign of King gave all his personal wealth and belongings in Mahendravarman I and his son charity during the assembly. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å Narasimhavarman I. The purpose of their 12. (b) The Kushanas were great patrons of art. It construction is not known, structures are not was under the rule of the Kushans that completed. principles were formed for making sculptural 9. (d) The Chalukya dynasty was an Indian royal images, which continued to influence making dynasty that ruled large parts of southern and of sculptures ever after. During this time, central India between the 6th and the 12th Buddha was first shown in human form centuries. The earliest dynasty, known as the (earlier he was represented by symbols like “Badami Chalukyas”, ruled from Vatapi lotus and footsteps). Other Hindu and Jain (modern Badami) from the middle of the 6th deities also began to be shown in human form. century. The Badami Chalukyas began to assert Mathura and Gandhara were the two main their independence at the decline of the centers of art during the time of the Kushanas. Kadamba kingdom of Banavasi and rapidly rose The Gandhara School of Art and the Mathura to prominence during the reign of Pulakesin School of Art developed their own distinct II. After the death of Pulakesin II, the Eastern styles. The Gandhara School was highly Chalukyas became an independent kingdom in influenced by Greco-Roman philosophies and the eastern Deccan. They ruled from Vengi mainly concentrated on depicting the image until about the 11th century. In the western of the Buddha and the legends associated with Deccan, the rise of the Rashtrakutas in the his life, while the Mathura School drew middle of the 8th century eclipsed the inspiration from local folk deities and themes Chalukyas of Badami before being revived by from day to day life. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å their descendants, the Western Chalukyas, in 13. (d) Excavations at Chanhudaro have revealed three the late 10th century. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å different cultural layers from lowest to the 10. (b) Prior to Chandragupta’s consolidation of top being Indus culture, the Jhukar culture power, small regional kingdoms dominated the and the Jhangar culture. The site is especially northwestern subcontinent, while the Nanda important for providing evidences about Dynasty dominated the middle and lower basin different Harappan factories. These factories of the Ganges. After Chandragupta’s produced seals, toys and bone implements. It conquests, the Maurya Empire extended from was the only Harappan city without a citadel. Bengal and Assam in the east, to Afghanistan 14. (c) Meghadutam (cloud messenger) is a lyric poem and Balochistan, some part of the eastern and written by Kalidasa, considered to be one of southeast Iran in the west, to Kashmir and the greatest Sanskrit poets. In Sanskrit Nepal in the north, and to the Deccan Plateau literature, the poetic conceit used in the in the south. The vast empire extended from Meghadutam spawned the genre of sandesha the Bay of Bengal in the east, to the Indus kavya or messenger poems, most of which River in the west. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å are modeled on the Meghaduta (and are often 11. (b) After the Kannauj Assembly was concluded, written in the Meghaduta’s mandakranta metre) Hiuen-Tsang was making preparations to go 15. (d) Charaka was one of the principal contributors to his home, but Harsha invited him to attend to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a another Assembly at Prayag which he used to system of medicine and lifestyle developed in hold after ever five years on the confluence Ancient India. He is referred to as the Father of Ganga and Yamuna. Five such assemblies of Medicine. The life and times of Charaka had already taken place and this was the sixth are not known with certainty. Some Indian Assembly in which Hiuen-Tsang was invited. scholars have stated that Charaka of Charaka Achievers 3 Samhita existed before Panini, the grammarian, second to the ninth century CE. Kanchipuram who is said to have lived before the sixth served as the capital city of the Pallava century B. C. Another school argues that Kingdom from the 4th to the 9th century. It Patanjali wrote a commentary on the medical is also known by its former names work of Charaka. They say that if Patanjali Kanchiampathi, Conjeevaram, and the lived around 175 B.C., Charaka must have nickname “The City of Thousand Temples’. lived some time before him. Another source Kanchipuram was mentioned in the about the identity of Charaka and his times is Mahabhasya, written by Patanjali in the 2nd provided by the French orientalist Sylvan Levi. century BC. xÄy!‰þ¦þy¢Å He discovered in the Chinese translation of 20. (a) The Vedas (“knowledge”) are a large body of the Buddhist Tripitaka, a person named texts originating in ancient India. Composed Charaka who was a court physician to the in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest Indo-Scythian king Kanishka, who in all layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest probability reigned in the second century A.D.
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