AUTO MOB ICES* ETC. THE SUNDAY STAB'. WASHINGTON P. P„ MAT 30, 1926—TORT 6. MISCErCXNBOHS. 3 ETC. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR RENT—GARAGES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BALE—MISCELLANEOUS. 1 FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. _ POfiS. PETS. RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED. (Continued.) _ nod.) good PUPPIES, best - (Continued.) . (Continued.) _ (Con tin guitar, «et~(H do*.) Havi- brass gas. for sale; FOX TERRIER wire-haired: ACOtJSTICON. FURNITURE—WaInut bed. double STOVE—Five-burner, reglatered 8533, ' BILTMORE. BUICK coupe, late fine condition: bal- REAR 1616 L ST. CARS. .$40.00 ) WANTED TO BUY—Rooming house: must land china, rack and furniture of 4- bed. complete walnut bookcase, unit aec-1 condition: I7ai at. n.w. Phone Block. Col. Apt. 16—Room for ladv model: ¦ N.W.. 6 hau » *3. 9th Ifit”a, tlve y as loon tires. Rear 1512 L st. n.w 11-59 ) be cheap; part cash; not ovsr 10 rooms. room apartment. Tel. Col. 6145-W. tional bookcase, mahogany pedestals, tables, | North 9166. AIREDALE PUPPIES. 2 months: pedigree**: of™, i furnished bed-living room: 7-passeneer: fine running : Rear 424 L n.w. single oak wardrobe, odd pieces; in good collar, registered beauties; $lB- n 9um mer: warm in quiet: CADILLAC. st. n.w 25.00 ) section. Address Box 12-Z. Star .office. ANTIQUE CENTER TABLE, banquet top, all SUIT, gray. English tweed, raccoon best stock; sls and near, SkZ. Itwo car Winter: enter. Rear 1611 22nd st. n.w 8.60 walnut; princess condition: cheap. 1212 Euclid st. n.w. 31* size $55". sell for Phone Kensington 114-F-12. - lines: no l.h.k. a snap > Rear 420 75.00 Pier mirror; brass bed: 36-38: never worn: cost _. PAIGE coupe: In rood condition: K st. n.w CAFE, successful; good st. n.w> locV dresser; chairs. Potomac 1408-J. FURNITURE at bargain; idavenpoH. chairs. *2O. Potomac 1900. Ant. 223. 30* GERMAN POLICE PUPPIES (males). from 1775 CHURCH ST. N.W.—Cool, comfortable par J 14th * Imported room;¦ suitable for <t $lO6. n and Biltmore st equipment and organization class. Apt. 711, 10000. ’ tall; the blood lines: sire. one or two gentlemen; FORD 11)24: In excellent shape. Rear 1723 n.w J--00 { tion: first ANTIQUES Solid cherry bureau and North SUITS, man's, mohair and 40. world's best a telephone: sedan. 20th st. 12.0 J! Address office. 30* _ square stand, walnut hall and mir- crepe dress. 38.cloth: 2000. Kuno von dam. walking distance. Easy terms. No finance charge. Rear 1318 at. n.w 10.00 I Box 476-X. Star walnut mirror, wall FURNITURE—Handsome seat lavender aport Col. Trained Fichtenhufel:btten. Tnis mat I evenings. Harvard or cafeteria ahaving case, stand, kidney stand, ror. books, are. apt. 512-B, prize-winning von Oeringen . _ Open ALLAN CO., Inc. WANTED—To buy going lunch shaving’ other furniture. 19 R- I- authority E. WALKER Sc right. cane, six ware, n.w. * ini? was recommended by a leading 5 ROAD—2nd floor, large room, Motor Agency. 15th St. Main price and location must be * pieces old English Chelsea ¦ HI’ International Truck Ine.. 813 N.W. 2600. * business: TEA AND TABLE SPOONB- —Gorham make on tho breed. Pups. each, to ifood i semi-pnvato bath, large Address Box office. - two large pitcher, cop- S6O screened pore*; - 228 Franklin 1170. 188-Z. Star platters, large blue —Selling of Box Ist St. N.W. per-luster FURNITURE out furniture Versailles pattern; six each. Address homes only. 63 st. n.e. 1 riv£ l entrance: or un- BRICK GARAGE. HAVE ready funds to buy good second- pitcher, several odd pieces old blue email Mon. at. n.w. 163-Z, Star office. Q 2 ". furnished PER MONTH. china, pewter tray, extra apt. Call 821 11th * puppies: furnished. Col. 7666. only. $8 candlestick, snuffer 3). FOX PUPPIES, Airedale * Women SPECIAL NOTICE. trust notes. largo (Apt. THREE!"i BLUE-WHITE rings, TERRIER J Or n hand-quilted quilt ana spread; also odd DIAMOND 1410 pedigreed. N. 6079. H. M._Smtth. — REFINED to share front ‘ COrPO tl pieces glass: private own- one-room apart- white gold; will low price. 1 YOUNG LADY modem * be 4-passenger 626 h ery^g tf ioo«6. china and FURNlTUßE—Attractive city; sacrifice: canaries: birds must £2°m in _anartment facing Mass. ave. at Several lato model coaches and A^t er: no Randolph at. ment furniture: party leaving reason- M st. n.w. Apt. 406, _ WANTED—FemaIe i ‘ dealer connection. 460 • * healthy. Thomas Circle: twin beds, home comforts: coupes, such as Hudson, Essex. Chevrolet, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. n.w. able. Apt. 505. ' in irood plumage and ATHja- ; * have Phone Main 0086. TIRES (five). 34x4: slightly used. Seen TON'S 338 Indiana ave. 4* __ $3 per week. Franklin 6784-T •to. Some as low as $348. These cars FIXTURES and good will of notion Store for 'fwL*ideal location. household, private (before p.m. 7th s.e. PET SHOP. 3 o«*4 in our shop and are ; and ; i adjoins rent? *20x51? ln Hotel ANTIQUE MAHOGANY chest drawers, rush- FURNITURE—Entire at 1 Sunday) 507 st. splendidly bred po- },?°l M ST. APT. 2—Cool front room, reconditioned , ready-to-wear store: reasonable rent: must Child's liestaurant Atlanticpossession. seat walnut table; sale. No dealers. 724 10th n.w. concrete. SERVICES lor sale by N.W.. 1 ready to go for the unpaid notes. Your car * Bldg.. Granby st.: Immediate rocker, excellent condi- TOOLS for cutting brick, stone aud Lambert. 1028 Ver- furnished: bath, electricity and telephone; lp Mr. be sold at once. 2220 18th st. n.w. Va. tion; Eddy refrigerator, lamp, kitchen table, FURNITURE—HousehoId, lice dog. Apply A. O. conveniently pay. : _ Jersey gentleman: trade and 12 months to See Wire or write Atlantic Hotel. Norfolk. » davenport and Voltz. 424 New ave. n.w. 1 mont n 626. located: private Blcketts, Garage. 2121 14th sC ! GARAGE WITH SHOWROOM, apartment or rugs, etc. Basement, 1843 8 et. n.w. bedroom: in good condition. 1518 U st. stand, ave.__Pnone_Fra»ikll family.j Franklin 8807. Peck’s ji.w. pumps, agency stand- : RESPONSIBLE PERSON to open tea * TRUNK, packing: dress form, shaving by Peter : above: two gas for two recently George- AWNING, large, and cedar cheat. n.w. n.e. GERMAN POLICE POPPIES: sired 1326 L lunch room In reconstructed frame ¦ * dining room set, 9 pieces. 216 Btn ST. N.W.—Rooms, just papered and ¦ ard make automobiles: on Main street. bldg.; will 784 10th n.w. FURNITURE, living room, dining room end Pan. 2033 2nd st. n.e. j new good service, Rockville for only of month. H. town apartment and store owner TUXEDO and vest. *4.00; size 34; —Pedigreed. , tainted: furniture: maid USED CAR SPECIALS. rent SIOO * co-operate. white good bargain. COAT * WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERRIERS electricity, running 4207, BABY BED. $lO, practically new. bedroom: condition: Col.* n.w. reasonable. Also England. 3110 M or Cleve. hoa. *5,00. 9th st. Hill, water: * Packard twin-6 sport: newly painted. .$550 L. enamel finish, sides, includ- 1071-W. , leather 1614 D. Abbott. Oxon yd. 1-room,j kitchenette apt. corporations with screened * Hudson Sedan, late; like new 650 RAISE CAPITAL, best methods: Responsible man to open and conduct ing new cost $36. 650 a.e, sale .TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Adams lor Freedom Hill < (Near Inn) organized promoted everywhere. Est. 1 mattress: E FURNITURE of a 10-room house for C. Smiths. Royals. COLLIE PUPPIES sale. Bridge 2848 27th N.W. Wardman Cole 8 Sedan; sport 660 and barber shop, shoe shine and pool parlor: cheap, suite, * Underwoods. L. Tysous Va. (Chain ( "bevy 625 1003. U. Legal Corp- 610 Bond bldg. BABY CARRIAGE. Whitney, blue reed; *ls: containing walnut bedroom 3,25 3 In adv-*8.25; 6mos.*l>. Far>r.. crossroads. Chase line: nicely furnished room: Buick 4-pass. Coach, 1023 8. owner willco-operate. ivory bedroom suite, walnut dining room : mo.: mos. electric lights: three modern lm- Hudson 1023 350 SALE—Delicatessen, fountain, excellent condition; cost *3O. 3149 Mt. tB9l. factory windows: • Coach. FOR soda * suite, 3-plece velour davenport parlor suite. TYPEWRITERS New. rebulHe. good home to dog. in country. ! nrovements. Col. 7217. Columbia light 6 Sedan: like new 425 candies: good near theater: bargain Man experienced in rent’s furnishings, Pleasant st., apt. 4. etc. 1933 Blltmore 30* second-hands. Nothing sold or rented that Is WILL GIVE 1* corner st. n.w. office. Hupmohile Touring. 6*5 small Address_Box_l47-Z. Star ! 2443 18th NEAR COLUMBIA RD.—Nicely 4 1034 for $2.t00. Address Box 441-X. Star office. to take over established business and BABY CARRIAGE, good condition; also 1 Process, oven; not good. Underwoods. Remingtons. L. C. Buick 8 Touring: high hood 400 staple stock at less than cost. GAS RANGE, New left-side We can save yon POLICE DOG—Male. 10 months j furnished room In cool Mt. Pleasant: elec- high 350 radio battery. Pot. 486-J. white enamel; excellent condition. 1230 Smiths. Rovals. Portables. GERMAN" and Pall- : hot water: $4 weekly. Columbia 6 Roadster: hood * c,ld. son o 1 Roamer v. Arenburg Buick 400 WILL half Interest in filling Capable CARRIAGE, new; mahog- ilth st. n.w. health, diepo- 4HOZ. • Essex 6 Coach, late model SACRIFICE Box man to take over well established BABY davenport, Sfrpcwritcr^xch- sade Cleo: perfect wonderful , 31 4 Touring 2.5 station: fine corner location. Address and profitable in any; excellent condition. 161 U n.e. GA9 two ovena; sition: markings tan; only MAN apartment Buick delicatessen and lunchroom st. RANGE. 4-bumer, with * ol seal black and YOUNG wishes to share Star office ’ _ of the lateet machines Buick 4 Roadster 226 438-X, 30* ¦ excellent downtown location: will sell at u»- blue, good con- cheap.
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