treated Mr. Villars for a fractured Palestine Terrorists Women Belittle Men Bergdoll Reported Buying nose and scratches about the face. Three French Admirals Judges The regional office of the Vet-; $90,000 Estate erans' Administration said Atlas had Sentenced for Treason sentenced to hard labor for life, house in Washington, told Judgo As of Virginia reported it discontinued on-the-job national degradation and confisca- Bailey the attack occurred in Con- Believed on 2 Arbiters Pulchritude »h* As»ociat*d Pr*s» Ships Sy training for the ex-GIs last Friday ; ly Aftft*ciat*d f »«t tion of all property. He was tried nellys car after he had threatened and in mailed By George Beveridge RICHMOND. Va„ Aug. 14—The letters yesterday the; PARIS, Aug. 14.—Three admirals in absentia her with brass knuckles and a knife. VA told the veterans the VA would are News Leader said today that Grover of the scuttled French were In Harbor Beauty contests judged all the Washington News—and other seek other assignments for them. Navy Leonardtown Man Held Cyprus judges—and said little. Cleveland Bergdoll, 53, millionaire sentenced wrong. The reason: Most of the A for the said to prison terms today by th» A»ociot»d Pr»»* j spokesman pickets >y Switching the attack from male draft of War judges are men. dodger World I. has they were fired” because the com-! the French High Court of Justice On Attack 14.— judges, the feminine turned Charge Visit America's NICOSIA, Cyprus, Aug. experts virtually completed negotiations to learned were That bit of bad news for male j panv they organizing for treason and collaboration with Special Dispatch to Th« Star to the basis for judging contestants. River James River estate Two shiploads of persons, re- contest came from buy Edge. a union. beauty judges “Miss are Germany. LA PLATA, Md., All*. 14.—Joseph Washington” judges in Charles City County, for approx- Exclusive to be the most two of Washington's foremost au- F. of Only ported desperate asked to rate talent as worth 40 imately $90,000. Admiral Jean Abrail and Admiral Connelly. 20, Leonardtown, thorities on female charm last night Veterans' Protest was ordered held for the of those arrested in recent points, beauty of face, 25; figure, 25. heir to a for- Closes Andrew were accused of grand jury a ‘Bergdoll. brewery Marquis Hotel 'during postcontest discussion of and without bond at a hear- Training personality, 10. tune, could not be reached at his! complicity in the self-destruction of preliminary roundups in Palestine, anchored “Miss Washington” semifinals General Motors Plants before Trial Learn how YOU can ft I jthe “There again, personality should farm near i’a.. con-' the of the fleet at ing yesterday Magistrate Roc Downington, to major part enjoy the thrill of X ft || A A | harbor at the evelt Hotel. J on M li ■■ U if I in Famagusta today be rated higher,” Miss Atkinson firm the but informed By »h® Associated Pres* Toulon in November, 1942. Read Bailey here charges of colorful. luxurious j purchase, shortly hotel life. You An of the The both also said. “If a has the criminally a •/*.* v under escort British experts, judges, girl spark, her sources disclosed the sale was near, PONTIAC, Aug. 14.—Three Gen-; after Gen. Elsenhower's armies in- attacking 38-year-old qualify quickly Jvth T ear were Mrs. Stewart Earn while cruiser Mary Johnson, looks aren’t as important and talent the News Leader said. eral vaded French North Africa. Both Washington married woman August through Lewis Training. Ajax. completion, Motors Corp. plants, employ- you learn' Prepare now for • WELL- a fashion and Miss Pearl can be 6 near designer, developed.” A in Coatesville. were accused of Issuing orders to fire Hughesville. PAID POSITION and sound future. There still was no evidence of the moving company 13.000 were closed to- of a school for The three ing workers, The who em- i Atkinson, operator wniners in last night's Pa. said the household on Allied ships should they ap- woman, said she was arrival of 1,000 illegal Jewish immi- Bergdoll day, following an end of the war ! models. contest, however, caused no dissen- in proach France. ployed in a department store ware- Enroll Now for Day Classes amid riotous scenes goods left Downington yesterday demonstration bv a grants deported sion the group of war “In the first place, what do men among judges. a van destined for River Edge in Admiral Abrial. former commander Home Study Courses from the Palestine port of Haifa j veterans, protesting lack of vaca- know' about- women?” asked Mrs. Mildred Kirke. 21, of 311 Atlantic Charles of the naval forces and governor on two troopships yesterday. City. tion pay. street a tall blond who of was Both for The Johnson. “Only a woman can really S.E., sang. Newspapermen in the Downington Algeria, sentenced to 10 years Approved ships reaching Famagusta About 200 veterans be- charm, in “Coax Me a Little Bit,” was de- area west of said gathered at hard labor and national Veteran Training were in custody of the Ajax, and spot beauty, personality Philadelphia Berg- degrada- another woman.'' clared the winner. fore the Fisher Body, Pontiac Mo- tion for life. Admiral mili- were described as detention vessels doll recently has disposed of prop- Marquis, Open Mon. Thra Erl. U 4 P.M Kveninjr I Starr Holmes, 24, 2131 o street tor and Truck and Coach Divisions tary at Toulon when the under strict “Particularly personality." Miss erty in Pennsylvania's Delaware governor Interview bit sovotntment, Ask tor discipline. I of the and of- N.W., took second place with a with a view' to corporation company fleet was scuttled, received a flve- iMIfWffi Mr. The Cyprus government issued a Atkinson chimed in. “And the proof County, apparently Shaw. three-minute recitation about what ficials said a number of employes year sentence and national decree formally authorizing the de- of that is shown by the end results moving to Virginia. degra- she should do in her three refused to enter the plants in the dation for women. minutes, life. Lewis Hotel Training School tention here of Jews intercepted accomplished by Personality face of the demonstration. and Mariana Frances, 22. of 7807 Admiral Gabriel former 2101 Pa. At*. N W. MB 4«»2 Kxl. »» while trying to enter Palestine il- 'shows up every time. Auphan. Boston avenue. Silver Spring, Md„ U. S. Plans to Auction Under its contract with the CTO undersecretary of the navy, was legally and providing a penalty of “Helen Hayes is the classic sang “Roman, e' from “The Desert United Auto Workers, General Mo- one year in prison for any who example,” she continued. “People All at MHaBWMHMranBflranaHiaiBieeHnBUHHaBHBBBHMHMHI Song.” Ships Antwerp tors bases vacation pay on a escape. said she wouldn't be around very The three hopefuls will take their By th* Associated Pr#ss percentage of income earned by A similar was and that she W'ould last as penalty provided (long next a places Monday night at the PARIS. 14—A worker during the prior calen- for persons convicted of aiding any Jong as parts were w'ritten especially Aug. representative Capitol Theater with six other semi- dar year. Most of the veterans were r HILLYARD OPTICAL CO.«■ of the refugees to escape. her.” of the United States Office of For- jfor finalists to decide held ineligible, since they did not Sweating British Tommies labored Washington’s eign Liquidation announced today The reporter—one of the entrant in the Atlantic return to work BRAKES1 The Latent and Mont Scientific Method for judges— i City “Miss until late in 1945 tinder a blistering sun. meanwhile, | that all surplus American vessels nodded, along with Maj. Neil Allen, America” judging. The local con- or in 1946. to complete work on the detention and harbor craft at Antwerp would RELINED a Profennional Examination general manager of the Roosevelt, are Station Thorough Eye All roads gests sponsored by be auctioned in a drive to speed camps. leading to the and editor of Roger Treat, sports WWDC. stocks remain- 4 barbed wire inclosures were jammed disposal of marit'me WHEELS All V-vU» with convoys of military trucks ing in Europe. COMPLETE All loaded with equipment and supplies AFL Will Back Craft to go on the block, all used t Typai mf Green Says Leader of Cult Found Guilty Eyaalanai for the refugees, the first of whom to support the Allied invasion forces QUICK SALE Lantat far are to disembark expected tomor- in June, 1944. include 115 "seamules" LIST YOUR PROPERTY Madarataly Immadiata row. Petrillo on Lea Act In Fight Wife's Snakebite Death imarine tractor tugs>, 41 barges and WITH Pricad Salactiaa Ey th# Associated Press By th« Associated Pres* 43 landing craft convertible to ves- I^FREE MITCHELL British Fleet Movements CHICAGO. Aug. 14.—The Amei- sels carrying 60.000 pounds of cargo QUICK Adjust- j WISE. Va., Aug. 14.-- A Wise “Quick Service—Quick Result®" [ican Federation of Labor's Execu- \ each. The equipment originally cast er ments I The Name of Has Been In Mediterranean Continue County jury yesterday found Harvey 2413 Pa. Are. N.W DI. 2831 or RA. 341* Hillyard Serving rive Council has denounced the Lea the United States $17,000,000. j O. Kirk, cult leader, guilty of in- FORD ^ VALETTA. Malta. Aug. 14 </Pi.— it the Bids also will be asked within the the Public in Its Second Generation / Act, declaring “represents voluntary manslaughter in the j CHEVROLET British naval officers confirmed to- in our of na- i next few weeks on other craft in ; lowest point history snakebite death of his wife Anna, Plymouth day reports of new British fleet tional labor British, Mediterranean and German • New Frome ond Frome Repoir Service While You Woit • legislation.” and recommended that his punish- Chrysler "66" movements in the Mediterranean Sometimes called the “Anti-Pe- ment be fixed at two in the ports.
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