:DIBIOTOiY .) BERKSHIRE. Ll'rTLE WIT rEN SAN. 2o7 Letters for Winkfield Row, Maiden's Green & Bra~knell Schools. road, through Bracknell Church, erected in 1836 & rebuilt in 1896, for 200 chil- Pillar Box (near Newringtons), cleared 8.45 a.m. & 5·I5 dren; average al;tendance, 125; Mr. Tipper, master; p.m. ; sunday, 8.30 a.m Mrs. Tipper, mistress; Miss Foxall, assistant mistress Pillar Box, Maiden's Green, cleared 10.30 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Infant, Winkfield Row, erected in 1873, for So c,hiidren; sunday, 9· Io a. m average attendance, 38; Miss Brown, mistress WINKFIELD. *Boult Jose'Ph, farmer, Maiden's grn Beal Mrs. The Hollies ()larked thus * should be addressed Braxton Joseph, farme.r, Hope farm Campbell John, Springfield Bracknell.) Brigginshaw Alfred, contractor & far- Druce Miss, Lock's ride For the other residents see Ascot. mer, Planners farm Druce Richard, Winkfield street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown George, builder; & atBracknell Elliott Mrs. Somerton house Blane Capt. Gilbert Gordon J.P. *Clark Robert C. organist & choir F;etcher Launcelot, Westfield lodge Foliejon park master, Chavey down Hill The Hon. Mrs. Geoffrey, Grove ho Brett Hon. Reginald Baliol C.B., M.A., Douglas William Joseph, butcher Jenkins Mrs. Brock Hill cottage J.P. Orchard Lea Druce George, blacksmith :Mansfield Edward Dillon, Lambrook Brooke Lady, 'The Barn *Edwards John, farmer, Brown's farm Perceval Alfred Spen-cer, Brock hi:J. *Brown Richard, Maiden's green Fox George Henry, White Hart inn Thrackrah Miss, St. Ronan's Carre Lieut.-Col. George Tennant, Hawthorn Daniel, sexton White William, Fern cottage Newingtons *Head J sph.Burton,grocr,Maiden's grn Cookson Mrs. Winkfield place J ennings David, farm bailiff to Gilbert COMMERCIAL. Daubeny Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Gordon Blane esq. J.P. Foliejon pk Anderson James, grocer Elliott Aubrey Henry 3herman, The King Alice (Mrs.), laundress Char:ton & Sons, bakers & grocers Lodge, Foliejon park Knight Edwin & William Geo. carmen Coleshill Albert H. White Horse P.H Farmer Sir. William D.L.Lond. Ascot *Marks Waiter T. groce.r & baker, The Cracker Thomas, farmer, Bullbrook Place (postal address, Ascot) Winkfield bakery, Bracknell road Graves Daniel, whee:wright Harris Miss, The Rectory Pearce Jas. Nathaniel, CrouchLane fm Ha"kins Mary Mrs. shopkeeper Pratt Lt.-Col. Lord George Murray Rose William Lewis,stewa.rd to Lieut.· Hawtin Jas. laundry, Winkfield row _J.P. M~adow bank Col. Victor Wm.Bate~ Van de Weyer Lee Edwin (Mrs.), Fox P.H R1dley Mrss, Oak cottage Ru.ss Henry, beer retailer, Crouch la Mansfield Edward Dillon, preparatory Watts Rev. Harris Selton B.A. (curate) Searle Edward, builder & contractor school, Lambrook Webb Mrs. Tory hall Smith William Arthur, beer retailer Moir And-rew, farm bai:iff to Charles Wheeler Henry L.R.C.P.Lond. Holrnes-, Temple Alice (Mrs.), dress maker Agace Ferard esq dale Temple Stephen, boot & shoe maker Osman Charles, buildeT COMMERCIAL. Wheeler Hy. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Osman Henry MitcheU, farmer Anderson James, shopke-eper Lond.physician ·& surgn.Holmesdale Osman James Jeffery, road surveyo:r :Bailey George, beer retailer WINKFIELD ROW. to the Easthampstead rural distric~ Bedford tMary (Mrs.), beer retailer PRIVA'CE RESIDENTS. council & collector of poor rates *Bird Fanny (:Mrs.), beer retailer, .Alderson Major-Gen. Sir Henry James Pitt George, farmer Bracknell road K.C.B., R.A. The Oaks LITTLE WITTENHAM, or Wittenham Abbotts, i~ £250, with residence, in the gift of Rev. Samuel Curling a village and parish on the banks of the Thames, 41 Hayward, vicar of Pilsley, Derbyshire, and held since r884 miles north-west from Wallingford and 6 south-east from by the Rev. Percy Burd L.Th. of University College. Abingdon, in the Northern division of the county, hundred Durham. 'fhe interest of £30, which is in the hands oi of Ock, Abingdon petty sessional division, Wallingford ' the Charity Commissioners, is distributed to the poo:r union and county court district, rural deanery of Walling- yearly. Wittenham hills, twin eminences rising con­ ford, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The , spicuously to the south of the village, and crowned 'vitb church of St. Peter is an edifice of stone in the Early 1 clumps of trees, are interesting from the remains oi English style, consisting of chancel and nave and an em- / British or Roman fortifications• which encircle the second battled western tower containing 5 bells : the east window hill (Sinodun), the fosse and ditch with the various en­ is a memorial to the Rev. Frooerick Joseph Billiard, for trances being fairly perfect. On the tree at the cornf:r 40 years rector here: in the church are brasses and other of the eastern clump are the remains of 20 lines of Engi.ish memoria:s to tho3 Dunch family, some of which, until the "\"erse in coup:ets, composed and carved in 1844-5 l>y the restoration of the church in 1862, were contained in an late Mr. Joseph Tubb, of Warborough Green; these old mortuary chapel belonging to this family, which stood verses were printed at length in the" Oxford Journnl" of in the churchyard, but this structure, a building of some ,June 28, 18go. The manor anciently formed part of the size, was then pulled down and several of the monuments possessions of the Abbey of Abingdon, but was subse­ destroyed, the present representatives of the family being quently he:d in 1547, as a grant from the Crown, by unwilling to repair it: in the tower are now two very Thomas w·riothesley, Earl of Southampton K.G. anrl Lord fine tombs of marb:e and alabaster, with recumbent Chancellor, and later by John Barnes esq. mentioned effigies, and shie:ds of arms and Latin inscriptions above, above: by the marriage of his sister to Wi~liam Duncb one to Walter Dunch esq. son of William esq. it passed into that family, and the lordship was he:d Dunch esq. and Mary, his wife, ob. June 4• 1594, by the DunC'hes for a long series of years; Walter Duncb erected by his mother; and the other to Sir William esq. whose monument is in the church, married Deborah. Dunch kt. ob. Jan. 22, I6II, erected by his parents, daughter and co-hPir to James Pilkington, Bishop oi Edmund and Anne Dunch: on the floor of the tower is Durham (1561-77); his nephew, Sir William Dunch kt. a stone with arms and inscription to Mary, eldest whose monument is also in the church, married Mary. daughter of Edmund Dunch, wife successively of William daughter of Sir Henry Cromwell kt. of Hinchinbrooke. Winchcombe, of Bucklebury, and Sir Edward Clarke kt. sister-in-:aw of William Hampden esq. of Great Hampden,. of Ardington, ob. Oct. 18, 1646: and another, with arms Bucks, and aunt of Oilver Cromwell, Lord Protector; and inscription, ''bestowed" by her to her first husband, Edmund D1mch, eldest son of Sir William, was made by Wil1iam Winchcombe, ob. July 29, 1614; in a recess on the Protector governor of Wallingford Castle, and sub­ the north side of the chancel is an altar tomb, on the top sequently created (.April 26, 1658) Jhron Bnrnell, of East of which is the brass effigy of a priest vested, and be:ow Wittenham, but this title was disallowed at the Restora­ an inscription to John Churmound, rector 1433; on the tion: the Dunch family became extinct in the male :ine un north wall of the tower are brasses to John Barnes esq. the death, in 1719, of_ Edmund J?unch esq. wh? left hm­ " gentleman porter of the Towne and Castle of Guysnes in dang~ters. and co-henes:ses, Elizabeth, t~e e.d~r, who :ffraunce," ob. at London, 1588, and to his sister Mary, married S1r George Oxenden bart. M.P. for :Sandwich, and wife of William Dunch esq. with effigies (himse:f in Harriet, who married Robert, 3rd Du~e of Manchester. armour) and inscription be:ow; there is also a tablet to The Dunch estate here was boug-ht m 1787 by a Mr. Henry Carter 1\LA. so years rector, and Anne Wilhelmina, Haliett, grandson of the Mr. HallPtt, cabinet maker, ot his wife, with their daughters, Mary Ann and Elizabeth, Long Acre, London, who in 1747 purchased the greate:r wife of the Rev. William Palmer, vicar of Yarcombe, part of" Princely Canons,'' at Little Stanmore, in Middle­ Devon, 1819, and memorials to John Sheen, d. June I, sex, the famous residence of James Brydges, Duke of 1783, and to the Cosens family, who still reside in the Chandos. Mr. Hallett pul:ed down the fine old mansion, neighbourhood: a stained window has recently (1894) which had been for more than two centuries in the Dnncb been p:aced on the south side of the chancel by the Rev. family, retaining only a small portion (also afterwards J. A. Stafford Hi:liard B.A. vicar of Tidenham, and rector destroyed) as a "sporting box." Major General Apsley here r86r-84: there ar~ 120 sittings. The register dates Cherry-Garrard, of L'lmer Park, Herts, is now lord of from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, average the manor and chief landowner. The soil is clay and tithe rent-charge £262, with 42 acres of glebe, net income chalk; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops are .
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