Chaptalia hermogenis (Asteraceae: Mutisieae), a New Species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest Author(s): Marta Dias de Moraes Source: Novon, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer, 1998), pp. 173-175 Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3391991 Accessed: 17-06-2015 18:33 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Missouri Botanical Garden Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Novon. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:33:02 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Chaptalia hermogenis(Asteraceae: Mutisieae), a New Species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest Marta Dias de Moraes Departamento de Botanica, I.B., UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6109, Campinas 13083-970, SP, Brazil ABSTRACT. Chaptalia hermogenis(sect. Archi- anyformal taxonomic changes. The cladogrampre- chaptalia), currentlyknown only froma montane sentedby Hansen (1990) is based onlyon 15 char- forestin the AtlanticRain Forestregion of south- acters and some of these are polymorphicin his eastern Brazil, is described and illustrated.The terminaltaxa. For example,the character"scape" new species is comparedwith the closely similar was consideredbracteate in the genus Chaptalia, C. cordifolia(Baker) Cabrera. It is distinguishedby but the scape in the new species is ebracteateas a long involucre,the long expandedlimb withan it is in several Chaptalia species (e.g., C. integer- innerlinear lip of the femaleflorets, the absence rima(Vellozo) Burkart, C. nutans(L.) Polk). Chap- of tubular-filiforminternal female florets, a char- talia hermogenisis includedin sectionArchichap- acter rare in the genus,and a sparselypubescent talia based on its long-petiolateleaves and shortly achene. decurrent,broadly ovate blades. The inclusionof the new species enlarges the circumscriptionof sectionArchichaptalia, because C. hermogenishas Chaptalia Ventenatcomprises about 56 species distributedfrom the southernUnited States to the corolla of the innerfemale florets longer than the The new has an ebracteate southernSouth America (Nesom, 1995), with at style. species scape, while C. has a withoutor withfew least 12 species occurringin Brazil.Some Brazilian cordifolia scape linear bracts.In the other of this section species have a wide distribution,while a fewseem species the is described as bracteatewith few to to be endemicto smallerareas, such as C. denti- scape and as in C. the corollaof culata (Baker) Zardiniin the AtlanticRain Forest manybracts, cordifolia, the innerfemale florets is describedas beingshort- of the state of Rio de Janeiroand C. graminifolia er thanthe style. (Dus~n) Cabrerain the statesof and Santa Catarina.The mostuseful taxonomic Paran,treatment of thisgenus is stillthe monograph by Burkart (1944). Chaptalia hermogenis M. D. Moraes, sp. nov. His seven sections were considered by Nesom TYPE: Brazil. Saio Paulo: Eldorado, Ndcleo (1995) to be probablynatural. A groupof species Cavemrnado Diabo, Parque Estadual de Jacu- thatBurkart (1944) referredto TrichoclineCassini, piranga,on nearesthill on the E side of the althoughhe foundthe species difficultto separate headquarters,24038'41"S, 48023'31"W, ca. fromChaptalia sect. ArchichaptaliaBurkart, has 600 m alt., 5 Sep. 1996. M. D. Moraes & F since then been transferredto Chaptalia. Tricho- A. R. D. P Arzolla367 (holotype,UEC; iso- cline cordifoliaBaker, transferred to Chaptalia by types,B, F, G, K, LP, M, MBM, MO, NY, R, Cabrera (Cabrera & Klein, 1973), closely resem- RB, SP, UPS, W). Figure1. bles the new species describedhere. Trichocline, distributedin South and Gerbera in Chaptaliahermogenis C. cordifoliam(Baker) Cabrera America, L., simulat,sed differtscap floriferosemper ebracteato, fer- Africaand Asia, are generallyaccepted as closely rugineo-villosopraecipue ad apicem;capitulo multifloro; relatedto Chaptalia,but both differ from this genus involucro15.7-21 mm longo; floribus marginalibus 16- by thepresence of staminodes in thefemale florets, 30 feminineisligulato-bilabiatis exsertis, limbo 11.5-13.6 mm 2-2.6 mmlato, 4-6-nervato, vel a differenceaccepted by Burkart(1944) but con- longo, apiceintegro tridentato,lobulo interno 2-laciniato, 1.7-7.3 mm longo, sidered as not completelysatisfactory. Hansen rareintegro; floribus feminineis internis 11-43 floribus (1990) concludedfrom his phylogeneticstudies in marginalibussimilibus sed centrumversus minoribus; the Gerbera-complex(Chaptalia, Trichocline,Ger- flosculisfemineis reductis nullis; floribus centralibus disci bera,and foursmall genera (Leibnitzia Cassini, Lu- 24-61 masculis,corollis bilabiatis 9.2-10.5 mm longis, limbo3-denticulato, lobulis reflexis apice papilloso; ach- Perdicium and Uechtritzia lia Zardini, L., Freyn)), eniispubescentibus. that this complex should be ranked as a single, largegenus, but considered it prematureto propose Perennialherb up to 20 cm highwith a rosette NovoN 8: 173-175. 1998. This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:33:02 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 174 Novon Si i, ?" ""-- . ?i R ". " 3 ./ .. ?-? i ? Er Figure 1. Chaptalia hermogenis M. D. Moraes.-A. Habit.-B. Capitulum showing the involucre.-C. Corolla of the outer female florets.-D, E. Corolla of the inner female floretsdecreasing in size toward the center.-F. Corolla of the central functionallymale florets.-G. Achene with pappus base. Based on type specimen M. D. Moraes & F A. R. D. P Arzolla367 (UEC). of basal leaves. Petiole 5.5-24 cm long, golden glabrouswith remains of the indumentumon the brown villous-tomentose;blade (3-)5-9(-12) X basal portionof the midvein,lower surface densely (3.5-)5-9(-11) cm, broadlyto verybroadly ovate, pale goldenbrown villous-tomentose. Scape (12-) base cordate, shortlydecurrent, apex obtuse or 16-35(-42) cm long, 1.3-2.2 mm diam., ebracte- rounded,with minute apiculus, margin sparsely mi- ate, goldenbrown villous, particularly at the apex; nutelydenticulate; blade with4-7 veins per side, head noddingin bud, erect at anthesis;involucre anastomosing,impressed above, prominentbelow, 15.7-21 mm long, campanulate;involucral bracts upper surfaceinitially sparsely villous, becoming in 3-4 rows,densely golden brown villous. Florets This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:33:02 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume8, Number2 Moraes 175 1998 Chaptaliahermogenis from Brazil white,outer female florets 16-30, liguliform-bila-scape, while C. cordifoliahas a scape withoutor biate, tube 4.5-5.7 mm long, limb long-exserted, witha fewlinear bracts.The involucrein C. her- 11.5-13.6 x 2-2.6 mm,4-6-veined, apex entireor mogenisreaches twice the lengthof thatof C. cor- slightly1-3-denticulate, inner lip linear, 1.7-7.3 difolia,and the limbsof its outerfemale florets are mm long, deeply or rarelyshallowly cleft in two morethan twice the length of those of C. cordifolia; equal or unequal segmentsor entire;inner female furthermore,its limbs have an innerlip, whilethe florets11-43, bilabiate,in one or severalrows with limbs in C. cordifoliado not Chaptalia cordifolia corolladecreasing in size towardthe center,basal has internaltubular-filiform female florets and the tube 4.6--6.6mm long, limb 3-10 x 0.6-1.6 mm, achenes are glabrous,whereas in C. hermogenis 2-4-veined,apex entireor slightly1-3-denticulate, this kind of floretis completelyabsent, and the inner lip linear, 1-2.8 mm long, deeply cleftin achenes are sparselypubescent. equal or unequal segments;inner tubular-filiform The new species is dedicated to the late Her- femaleflorets lacking; styles of femaleflorets 7.4- m6genesde Freitas Leitao Filho (1944-1996), an 9 mm long, stigmaticbranches 0.5-1.4 mm long; expertin Asteraceaeand enthusiasticbotanist of centralfunctionally male florets24-61, tubular-bi- the Brazilianflora. I am gratefulfor his earlyen- labiate, corolla 9.2-10.5 mm long, outer lobe couragementof mywork. slightlyrecurved, 3-denticulate, inner lobe re- Paratype. BRAZIL. Sio Paulo: Eldorado, Nicleo curved,deeply cleft, tips of all lobes papillate;style Caverna do Diabo, Parque Estadual de Jacupiranga, + of the same length as the corolla, stigmatic 24?38'S, 48023'W, 14 July1995, M. D. Moraes66 (UEC). branchesca. 0.7 mmlong. Achene 7-10.4 mmlong I am to V. Bittrich includinga rostrumof 2.2-4.5 mm, 5-8-ribbed, Acknowledgments. grateful for a careful review of the and several sparselypubescent with short trichomes rounded at manuscript I thank G. J. Shepherd, who reviewed the apex. Pappus bristles6.8-8.7 mmlong. suggestions. the manuscript for English grammar,and J. Semir, Chaptalia hermogenisis knownonly fromthe F. Vitta, and R. R. Rodrigues forhelpful comments. type localityin a montaneforest in the Atlantic I specially thank G. M. Barroso, forher encourage- Rain Forestregion of southeasternBrazil, state of ment and for the Latin diagnosis. I also thank the Sao Paulo, characterizedby limestone outcrops and three reviewers, G. Harling, H. V. Hansen, and M. by shrubsor small treeswith the generaClethra, O. Dillon, for several
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