THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF SAINT BRIDGET Saint Bridget Campus Saint Austin Campus 3811 Emerson Avenue, No., 4050 Upton Ave. N Minneapolis, MN 55412 Minneapolis MN 55412 Parish OfficeOffice—612612612612----529529529529----77797779 FAXFAX————612612612612----529529529529----84518451 Office HoursHours————MondayMonday thru Thursday 8:30 AMAM————4:004:00 PM EEE-E ---Mail:Mail: [email protected] Brennan HallHall————612612612612----529529529529----9561 Second Sunday of Easter April 8, 2018 http:/stbridgetnorthside.com Thank you, Sons and Daughters of Venerable Fr. McGivney This Parish Community’s annual Knights Mass recognizes the founding of the Knights of Columbus by Venerable Fr. Mi- chael McGivney on March 29, 1882. 2018 is the society’s 136 th year. After Fr. McGivney’s death, the Daughters of Isabella and the Women’s Auxliary of the Knights were formed to tap into the faith and energy of Catholic Christian women. From his own experience, McGivney recognized the dev- astating effect on immigrant families with the untimely death of the family’s father and primary wage -earner -- something Jesus and Mary would have experienced in Nazareth (a mi- grant worker community) with Joseph’s death. Many Catho- lic Christians were also struggling to make a living and assim- thing, one of the organizations they would turn to were the ilate into the 19th century American society, where “Irish and local K of C council or assembly. Italians need not apply” was often the norm. As of 2013, the order has more than 1.8 million member fam- On March 29, 1882, while an assistant pastor at Saint ilies and 15,000 councils. During the 2012 fraternal year, Mary's Church in New Haven, CT, McGivney and a small $167 million and 70 million man -hours were donated to chari- group of parishioners founded the Knights of Columbus as a ty by Knights around the country to various Church efforts. mutual aid and fraternal society, providing financial, emotion- Archbishop Hebda and Fr. Paul Jarvis are both fourth de- al and spiritual assistance to members and, later on, their wid- gree members. Fr. Paul was also inducted into the Knights’ ows and orphans. He was also known for his tireless work statewide Hall of Fame, recognizing his contributions to two among his parishioners. parishes’ successful efforts in increasing membership. Fr. During the Great Depression, the Knights fed and clothed Paul was also helpful in the restoration of a long -mothballed many families in Catholic parishes around the country. They 19 th century country church, now used as a Lino Lakes Catho- were among the first groups to recruit blood donors. They lic parish’s chapel. All Knights, Women’s Auxiliary Mem- supported hospitals and orphanages and helped parishes’ bers, and Daughters of Isabella are appreciated by a grateful schools. They are recognized for their support of people with Archdiocese for all their work in continuing Venerable developmental disabilities, the Special Olympics and Life McGivney’s good work. Here in this parish, we are similarly causes. Pastors also knew that if you wanted to get some- grateful to CCW members for all they do for our parish and the wider Church. Fr. Michael McGivney would be proud. God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the gen- erous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. PARISH COMMUNITY OF ST. BRIDGET MINNEAPOLIS Mass Intentions Collection for Holy Thursday (outreach) ..................... ...$355.00 Collection for Good Friday (Holy Land) .................... ...$605.60 Collection for April 1………………………………....$3,525.00 (All are Masses, unless otherwise noted.) Regular………………………………………………..$3,266.16 Monday, April 9, St. Bridget (Word –Communion Service) + 8:00 AM Tom Gosche (Marilyn Gosche READINGS FOR April 15, 2018 Tuesday, April 10, St. Austin First Reading: Acts 3:13 -15, 17 -19 + 8:00 AM Sheldon Spack (Family) - Second Reading: 1 John 2:1 5a Wednesday, April 11, St. Bridget Gospel Reading: Luke 24:35 -48 + 8:00 AM Richard Mysliwiec (Family) Thursday, April 12, St. Austin MINISTRY SCHEDULE 8:00 AM People of the Parish Friday, April 13, St. Bridget Saturday, April 14, 4:30PM St. Austin + 8:00 AM Henry Backmann (Alice Wortman) Altar Servers: Diane Weber Weekend Liturgies Lector: Peter Aubart Saturday, April 14, St. Austin Sacristan: Mary Ann Carter + 4:30 PM Dean Blixt (Karen Aubart) Eucharistic Ministers: Dc. Rich Heineman, Mary & Mike Regan Sunday, April 15, St. Bridget Usher/Greeter: Jacque Karas, Mike Johnson, Betty Mysliwiec, + 9:30 AM Wilfred Hentges (Richard & Bernice Ashfeld) Carol Wolney Sunday, April 15, 9:30AM St. Bridget Redemptorist Pastor Altar Servers: Quinlan Brogdon, Elvan Dossavi Fr. Thomas Santa C.S.s.R…..…………...…...612-529-7779 Lector: Richard Ashfeld Associate Pastor Sacristan: Alice Wortman Fr. Paul Jarvis ……………………………... 612-529-7779 Eucharistic Ministers: Dc. Rich Heineman, Denise Hochstedler, Tom Greve, Dianne Mulcare, Cece Ryan ....................................... [email protected] Ushers & Greeters: Bernice Ashfeld, Aislyn & Hannah Brogdon, Parish Administrator Emmett Mulcare Joni Sandlin………………………………...612-529-7779 ......................................... [email protected] CHURCH CALENDAR Deacon Couple Mon. April 9 Faithfully Fit 10:00AM St. B Deacon Rich Heineman..... [email protected] SB -SACCW Meeting 6:45 - 8:30PM St. A Jill Heineman ....................... [email protected] Tues. April 10 Arts & Crafts 9:00AM & 6:00PM St. A Parish Office Manager Ela Georg Ext. 300 Parish Council 6:30 - 8:00PM St. B [email protected] Pastoral Minister Sister Gert Brixius, OSF Ext. 303 Wed. April 11 Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM St. A - [email protected] Confirmation Class 6:30 7:45PM OLV Director of Worship Christina Maas Ext. 312 Thur. April 12 [email protected] Fri. April 13 Adoration 8:30AM - 3:00PM St. B Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Sat. April 14 SB -SACCW Spring 11:00AM St. A Mary Majkozak ............................................. 612-521-7454 Luncheon Reconciliation 3:45PM St. A Parish Nurse………...…………Lea Schuett 612-529-7779 Mass 4:30PM St. A Liturgy Sun. April 15 Mass 9:30AM St. B Saturday Vigil—St. Austin Campus ..................... .4:30 PM IN YOUR KINDNESS Please pray for the sick of our parish: Den- Sunday—St. Bridget Campus ................................ 9:30 AM ise Brisk, Glen Kroll, Katherine Stellmach, Cheryl Ernst, and Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Dawn & Phil Minell, family of Joan Roos. In your charity, St. Bridget Campus............................................. 8:00 AM remember the soul of Helen Anderson, Eugene Roback and Doro- Tuesday & Thursday—St. Austin Campus .......... 8:00 AM thy Smude, who died last week. May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed rest in peace. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays St. Austin Campus ......................... 3:45-4:10 PM THANK YOU to those who helped clean St. Austin Cam- (Doors of the Church open at 3:45 PM) pus; Alice Wortman, Pat & Fred Pulling, Ralph Wolf, Ger- Seasonal Communal Services ................... Advent and Lent ry Nyberg, Laura Spack, Cecelia Houle, Dorothy Berghoff, Steve Schuett, Dorla Jacobwith, and Cece Ryan. Many Sacrament of Baptism, Marriage and Sick hands make for light work, indeed! Please call the Parish Office. Parish Membership NEW IDEA BOXES: At the front entrances of both campuses you The Parish Community of St. Bridget welcomes your active will find new Idea Boxes. If you have a thought or suggestion of something you would like to see being done here please drop a membership. If you are new to the area or looking for a place to note in the box. The idea will be discussed at the next Parish nurture and celebrate your faith, please call the Parish Office. Council meeting. You and your ideas matter here! ~ The Parish Council SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 8, 2018 Our Archbishop 1995, and as director of campus ministry at the Slippery Rock - It is indeed a privilege having our Archbishop be the Celebrant at University Newman Center from 1995 1996. He also served on our annual Knights Mass, April 7, 2018. The son of the late Ber- the Canonical Advisory Council, the Priest Council and the Priest Personnel Board of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. nard and Helen Clark Hebda, the Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda was born on September 3, 1959 in Pittsburgh, PA. Bernard In 1996, he was appointed to work in the Pontifical Council for Hebda attended Resurrection Elementary School in Brookline, Legislative Texts in Rome, which is responsible for the interpre- PA, and then graduated from South Hills Catholic High School in tation of the Church’s laws, especially the Code of Canon Law. Pittsburgh in 1977. He continued his education at Harvard Uni- In 2003, St. John Paul II named him Undersecretary of the Coun- versity in Cambridge, MA, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in cil. 1980, followed by a juris doctor degree from the Columbia Uni- While in Rome, he also served as an adjunct spiritual director at versity School of Law in 1983. He was admitted to the Bar of the the North American College and as a confessor for the postulants Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1983, and worked as an asso- of the Missionaries of Charity (founded by Saint Teresa of Cal- ciate in the law firm of Reed, Smith, Shaw and McClay. cutta) and for the Sisters of that community working at a home In 1984, he enrolled at St. Paul Seminary in Pittsburgh and pur- for unwed mothers. sued the required studies in philosophy at Duquesne University, He was named Fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord on before being sent to North American College in Rome in 1985 October 7, 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI.
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