The Air Force, technically in a supporting role, has been front and center. The Libya Mission By Amy McCullough, Senior Editor hen US Air Forces Af- of the continent, and the command’s to prepare for a potential contingency rica stood up in Octo- role began to change. After the leaders operation there. ber 2008, the original of Tunisia and Egypt were overthrown Planning lasted until March 17 when vision for the com- in popular revolutions, Libyan dicta- the United Nations Security Council mand centered around tor Muammar Qaddafi essentially approved a resolution authorizing the low intensity conflict scenarios, hu- declared war on his civilian population use of force to protect civilians in Wmanitarian relief missions, and training in a bid to stay in power. Officials at Libya, including a no-fly zone over and advising African partner militaries. Ramstein Air Base in Germany, where the restive North African state. The But by mid-February 2011, conflicts AFAFRICA is based, began working measure, which came five days after had erupted across much of the north closely with US and coalition countries the Arab League called on the Security 28 AIR FORCE Magazine / August 2011 Council to establish a no-fly zone, called for an “immediate cease-fire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civil- ians” targeted by Qaddafi and forces loyal to him. USAF photo by SSgt. Marc LaneI. Opening Days Two days later, US and British warships based in the Mediterranean launched more than 100 long-range Tomahawk cruise missiles against Libyan air defenses—kick-starting Operation Odyssey Dawn. Three B-2 stealth bombers flew from their home station at Whiteman AFB, Mo., and blew out hardened shelters used to protect Libyan combat aircraft, said Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, Joint Staff director, following the opening assault. Four F-15Es and eight F-16CJs participated in the initial wave of attacks, Air Force officials said. KC- 135 tankers from RAF Mildenhall in England and Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying out of NATO air base Sigonella, Sicily, also supported the strikes. “Our bombers and fighters per- formed magnificently,” said Maj. Gen. Margaret H. Woodward, commander of 17th Air Force and the joint force Airmen salute as B-1s taxi at Ellsworth air component commander for Odys- AFB, S.D., following a mission to Libya. sey Dawn. Below, an F-16CJ takes off from Spang- The opening days of the conflict dahlem AB, Germany, for Libya on a mission for Operation Odyssey Dawn. were hectic. It was clear from the beginning that the United Kingdom DOD photo by A1C Matthew B. Fredericks AIR FORCE Magazine / August 2011 29 US Domination of NATO Comes at a Cost Brussels, Belgium Only nine of the 28 NATO countries regime in a sparsely populated coun- The United States will have to cut down are providing assets and/or support in try—yet many allies are beginning to its peacetime flying hours and pull funding Libya, and much of that support comes run short of munitions, requiring the US, from other defense programs to cover with caveats. For example, Netherlands, once more, to make up the difference,” the rising cost of operations in Libya. Spain, and Turkey are supporting the Gates said in his speech. The Pentagon has spent $715.9 million no-fly zone, which stretches across As of June 3, the Pentagon has on military operations and humanitarian the northern coast and out into the spent nearly $400 million on munitions; assistance in the war-torn African country Mediterranean Sea, but they do not however, the White House has said it as of June 3, including some $270 mil- have permission to actually drop bombs. does not intend to ask for supplemental lion from Air Force coffers. However, the Other major NATO powers, such as funding to cover any of the costs as- total price tag for operations in Libya is Germany and Poland, have opted not to sociated with Libya. Instead, munitions expected to exceed $1 billion, according participate at all, increasing the burden will be replaced as part of the Defense to a White House report to Congress on an already strapped US force. Department’s “normal programming and outlining the Administration’s military “In the past, I’ve worried openly budgeting process,” according to the and political objectives in Libya. about NATO turning into a two-tiered White House report. Air Force officials are still working out alliance: between members who special- Air Force Lt. Col. Tara Leweling, senior exactly how they are going to pay the bill. ize in ‘soft’ humanitarian, development, policy advisor to the US ambassador to As of mid-June it was not clear exactly peacekeeping, and talking tasks, and NATO, acknowledged there are some what programs would be affected or how those conducting the ‘hard’ combat mis- “shortfalls” in dynamic targeting capabili- many flight hours would be cut, but the bill sions,” said Gates in his final speech to ties among the European allies. That’s will be immediately funded through USAF NATO June 10. “Between those willing because there is not enough capacity operation and maintenance accounts. and able to pay the price and bear the inside of the NATO command structure The United States continues to provide burdens of alliance commitments, and to be able to properly target mobile the lion’s share of NATO resources in those who enjoy the benefits of NATO systems, such as artillery tanks, said some key areas. US forces are providing membership—be they security guaran- Leweling. However, there has been a roughly 80 percent of the aerial refueling tees or headquarters billets—but don’t significant improvement in the allies’ capabilities, and about 70 percent of want to share the risks and the costs. airpower capabilities from the end of the intelligence-surveillance-reconnais- This is no longer a hypothetical worry. We operations in Kosovo in the 1990s to sance capabilities needed over Libya, are there today, and it is unacceptable.” the start of operations in Libya today, said Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates Gates said “most of the allies are she added. in June at NATO headquarters here. sitting on the sidelines” because they “They have a greater ability to drop In addition, the US also is provid- simply do not have the capabilities to precision guided munitions instead of ing other unique capabilities, such as participate. ISR assets are particularly dumb bombs. That was a big takeaway” strategic lift, personnel recovery and lacking. from the battles in the 1990s, she said. search and rescue, and an alert strike “The most advanced fighter aircraft “Now we are seeing the investments package. The exact breakdown of assets are of little use if allies do not have made over the past 10 years coming is classified. the means to identify, process, and to play into Libya,” said Leweling in an US and coalition forces have flown strike targets as part of an integrated interview. “It’s making it a very precise more than 10,000 sorties over Libya air campaign,” he said. operation with very, well as far as we since mid-March and struck roughly 1,800 The NATO air operations center in know, very few casualties.” “legitimate military targets,” said Italian Italy was designed to handle more than NATO leaders agreed June 8 to extend Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola during a NATO 300 sorties a day, yet it is “struggling” to pressure on Libyan leader Muammar briefing. Di Paola serves as chairman of launch 150 despite a “major augmen- Qaddafi’s regime for another 90 days, the NATO committee in charge of Libya tation of targeting specialists,” most of until the end of September, or until operations. NATO officials do not break whom come from the US. the dictator agrees to cease attacks statistics down by individual countries’ “Furthermore, the mightiest military on civilians, withdraw regime forces participation, so an exact US sortie alliance in history is only 11 weeks into to its bases, and allow immediate and number is not available. an operation against a poorly armed unhindered humanitarian access. and France would participate in the Operation Odyssey Dawn would test Early on, the 617th Air and Space operation, but additional coalition the coalition’s ability to come together Operations Center (AOC), which falls partners were coming in nearly every quickly and seamlessly and prove just under AFRICOM, joined forces with day, offering up support or assets and how important joint exercises really are. the 603rd AOC, which falls under US forcing officials to adjust accordingly. European Command. It was clear that US Africa Command took the initial The Biggest Challenges a lot of the air assets participating in lead as the coalition worked to figure “I think when you look back, we the operation would be staged from out who would ultimately take control will see this coalition effort as a his- Europe, so the 603rd became “critically of the operation. Since 17th Air Force toric operation that is a testament to important,” said Col. Stephen Hart, (US Air Forces Africa) was the air the day-to-day training, exercising, commander of the 617th AOC. Plus, component to AFRICOM, that meant and interoperability we’ve built with its operations floor was nearly twice the relatively new command was now various partners around the world,” the size of the 617th’s, making room in charge of a full-scale air war. It was Woodward said in June. “Without those for a growing coalition. the command’s largest contingency op- existing relationships and experience “Our mission and people, over time, eration ever and was certainly nothing working together, we could not have have developed and evolved to meet the like the humanitarian relief missions accomplished the task we were given mission demands you see AFAFRICA most expected to dominate attention.
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