A Bibliography of Publications in Theoretical Computer Science: 1995{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 October 2017 Version 1.23 Title word cross-reference [628, 228, 1193, 1393, 1394, 700, 517, 1347, 89, 4, 1198, 464, 276, 365, 366]. λfg [628]. λβ [829]. log2 n + O(1) [862]. m [558, 163]. µ [216, 177, 1048, 1237, 407, 1365]. N (3=2) log 3 [723]. (α) [1110]. (A _ B) ) C [1208, 616, 971]. n + cste [1208]. n + cth [1133]. (q) [1379]. ∗ [36]. + [666, 1191]. 0 [1208]. =6 [159]. O(n) [971]. O(n5=2) [720]. Ω [888, 104, 760, 161, 335, 430, 1164]. [756, 217, 745, 849, 940, 847, 592, 90]. P 0; 1;;n− 1 [548]. 1 [880, 133, 162, 760, 1164]. [294, 1424, 342, 329, 163]. P [693, 136]. π 101 [1254]. 180 [1037]. 2 4 [1004, 485, 480, 969]. P! [883, 283]. r [204]. [1066, 1283, 171, 266, 1179, 583, 1000, 1369]. Rq [967]. S [969]. σ [270, 969]. σ+ [270]. " 2:5 [167]. 2λ [528]. 3 [10]. W [1] [62]. W [2] [1147]. X [364]. [51, 729, 1348, 822, 782]. 4 [549]. = [17]. 0 x ui x ui x ui x = y vi y vi y vi y (i = [1225]. A∗ [1180]. α [1373, 597]. B [548]. β 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 n 0; 1; 2; ) [1374]. Z=nZ [1380]. Z3 [421, 782]. [1136]. β = λ [282]. cβ [829]. D [1330, 1358]. Zm [1330, 1085]. ZN [1382]. ∆ [604]. E [1344, 98, 1368]. E2 [98]. η [1136]. F [770, 106]. F [37]. F n [1383]. G [278]. h < q - [163]. -abstraction [628]. -adjacent [376]. [879]. H(X) [1285]. K [1123, 58, 1143, 1080, -approximation [1179]. -approximations 376, 438, 10, 1180, 879, 1039, 1082]. κ [10]. -Arbiter [879]. -arboretum [1143]. [666, 1191]. L1 [815]. λ 1 2 -ary [58]. -automata [969]. -autonomous Abduction [827]. abductive [446, 1106]. [36]. -bisimilar [1347]. -body [971]. abelian [1141, 1263]. Abstract -bounded [880]. -calculi [517]. -Calculus [986, 573, 81, 636, 977, 898, 199, 268, 1047, [480, 228, 216, 177, 1193, 1393, 1004, 485, 4, 577, 1335, 1342, 645, 1234, 1408, 1345, 397, 528, 1198, 464, 407, 365, 366, 1237, 1365]. 1016, 362, 1233]. abstraction -categories [756]. -center [1123]. -chain [1392, 628, 473, 223, 874, 45, 488]. AC [1082]. -competitive [723]. -complete [1225, 85]. AC-compatible [85]. [163]. -connected [549]. -consistent [204]. acceptance [185, 578, 892]. access -denotational [666, 1191]. -dependent [958, 950]. according [584]. accumulations [106]. -dimensional [1330]. -´ecritures [507]. Accuracy [396]. achieve [1307]. [1208]. -free [616]. -game [270]. -generator Achilles [1166]. action [1407, 1322]. [1066]. -Horn [770]. -infix [822]. -label [10]. actions [873, 884, 47]. active [977]. Actor -languages [217, 745, 849, 847, 90, 604]. [1320]. acyclic [1058]. adaptation [1351]. -logics [1048]. -long [1136]. -Machine adaptive [184, 1309]. Addition [829]. -machines [1394]. -matrices [969]. [862, 449, 396, 955]. Additive -median [1123]. -networks [278]. -normal [584, 270, 315, 1362, 724]. additives [999]. [1136]. -notation [276]. -opt [1180]. -out adequacy [632]. adjacent [376]. Adjoining [879]. -paperfolding [329]. -partition [1093, 1177]. adjunction [638]. admissible [1039]. -polynomials [969]. -reducible [1377]. Advances [1252, 764]. advice [693, 136]. -reduction [829]. -regular [1126, 271]. Affine [963, 129, 295]. affines [940, 592]. -safe [162]. -SAT [1348]. [295]. agent [826, 874, 480]. agent-passing -selective [342, 1424, 294]. -solvable [133]. [480]. aggregating [7]. aggregation [882]. -space [597]. -Spaces [1358]. -sparse [693]. aggregative [462]. ahead [297, 105]. Ajtai -stage [729]. -structures [266]. -tape [1381]. al´eatoire [349, 346]. Algebra [1369]. -terms [282, 700, 89]. -trees [438]. [791, 644, 828, 199, 311, 942, 405, 203, 647, -unification [1344, 1368]. -words [1373]. 1181, 801, 280, 317, 524, 641, 646]. -writings [1208]. Algebraic [310, 758, 1238, 1011, 209, 1012, 1384, 1019, 0 [1398]. 1015, 63, 307, 520, 113, 838, 870, 442, 31, 514, 315, 358, 21, 1258, 749, 1292, 746, 747, 1-optimal [1061]. 150 [213, 211, 210]. 160 794, 1024, 363, 39, 470, 535, 462, 1200, 812, [374]. 170 [530]. 171-180 [701]. 1184, 1016, 796, 259, 362, 281, 1360]. algebraically [935]. algebras 2 [366]. 218 [1428]. [406, 758, 1238, 643, 14, 1005, 820, 677, 801, 45, 1299, 1184, 1300, 800]. Alg`ebres [801]. 3rd [352]. ALGOL [488, 977, 1392]. ALGOL-like [488]. algorithm 58 [344]. 59 [440]. 5NF [779]. 5th [791]. [1379, 347, 167, 138, 586, 293, 336, 659, 356, 1042, 1160, 658, 511, 434, 353, 1314, 414, 1179, 60 [542]. 61 [736]. 62 [737]. 334, 439, 136, 118, 853, 823, 1311, 508, 1385, 109, 1140, 866, 723, 971, 1210, 800, 1418]. '94 [345]. '95 [886]. '96 [964, 1253]. algorithme [353]. Algorithmes [377]. Algorithmic A. [1149, 72]. abducibles [1106]. [310, 717, 18, 466, 1351, 256, 1267, 940, 1148]. 3 algorithmically [856]. Algorithms Approximations [1122, 10]. Arbiter [879]. [1420, 317, 1256, 457, 532, 733, 1061, 1145, arbitrary [404]. arboretum [1143]. area 169, 606, 1062, 694, 408, 1146, 718, 1415, 706, [346]. Argument [151]. arguments 887, 859, 1417, 401, 1180, 893, 974, 413, 1277, [539, 298]. arithmetic 1416, 400, 966, 1296, 1041, 182, 1022, 57, 821, [1144, 1276, 301, 569, 395, 1164, 159, 261, 590]. 1014, 55, 123, 1058, 1211, 1039, 168, 377]. arithmetical [1166, 1341, 565]. arithmetics Alignment [97, 733, 138, 158]. alignments [743]. arithm´etique [301]. Array [1180]. Alimohamed [142]. all-optical [959, 91, 73]. arrays [972, 973]. articles [1324]. allocating [1161]. Allocation [1205, 212]. artificially [1245]. ary [58]. [539, 403, 1052]. allowing [1341, 1280]. Aspects [595, 232, 1255, 1361, 1137, 1138]. Almost [974, 1327, 425]. along [572]. assertional [825]. assertions [562]. Alphabet [1091, 1175, 1149, 135, 437]. Assigning [731]. assignment Alphabet-independent [1091]. [520, 1124, 229]. associated [331, 426]. alphabetic [695]. alternating Associative [801]. associatives [801]. [172, 96, 91, 61, 685]. Alternation associ´es [331]. Assumption [474, 42]. [691, 938, 685]. alternative [97]. always Assumption/guarantee [474]. asteroidal [369]. AM [17]. ambiguity [711]. amidst [612]. Asymptotic [839, 117, 1277, 437]. [51, 54]. among [1398, 1157]. analog [1034]. asymptotically [963]. asymptotics Analysis [1421, 118, 1420, 1041, 968, 445, [112, 115, 1229]. asynchronous 18, 19, 862, 169, 1332, 1288, 1289, 894, 467, [944, 1314, 946, 510, 582]. atomic 1259, 808, 1229, 116, 1338, 1198, 1348, 1294, [201, 948, 198]. atomicity [197]. Attack 350, 119, 427, 1297, 477, 1022]. Analytic [1380]. Attribute [1251]. augmented [51]. [1290, 1117, 1173]. Analytical [1031]. authenticated [1312]. Author [781]. ancestor [1114]. animals [350]. annealing Autocorrelation [861]. automata [1209]. Annotated [536]. Anomalous [424]. [165, 819, 1186, 1246, 270, 299, 420, 580, 122, Anonymous [126]. answer [1006]. 1220, 383, 651, 1037, 1243, 894, 31, 1283, 171, Answering [537]. anti [1363]. 584, 848, 1216, 512, 1248, 811, 1337, 711, 459, anti-founded [1363]. Antimirov [285, 286]. 96, 1219, 300, 1119, 1330, 691, 1244, 180, 61, any [1377]. aperiodic [1158, 420]. 510, 1369, 1371, 555, 1077, 478, 969, 1085, application [319, 435, 1208, 645]. 1021, 463, 598, 1245, 306, 1282, 1242, 617, Applications [809, 295, 789, 347, 692, 607, 1023, 1017]. automated [410]. automates 375, 1247, 947, 74, 12, 455, 811, 1169, 1031, [848]. Automatic [562, 807, 545, 412, 479]. 256, 549, 174, 477, 1250, 1305, 1023, 809]. Automaticity [819, 688]. automatiques Applying [1248]. approach [545]. automaton [287, 1094, 1388, 1210]. [631, 241, 900, 758, 1238, 894, 1055, 904, 577, Automorphism [450]. autonomous [36]. 665, 40, 1167, 157, 21, 1003, 912, 535, 940, Avant [1274]. Average 1105, 684, 926, 1322, 1334]. [169, 862, 1272, 1027, 437]. averaging [716]. approximability [166, 1155, 1372, 709]. avoid [915]. Avoiding [566, 80]. axiom Approximate [1018]. axiomatics [1297]. Axiomatisation [205, 196, 1059, 813, 1292, 1180, 712, 1041]. [1107]. Axiomatising [834]. approximately [591]. Approximating axiomatization [238, 1189, 524]. [609, 1092, 1157, 1175]. Approximation [733, 1176, 692, 442, 333, 1146, 404, 1179, B [72, 996]. B-graphs [996]. background 324, 661, 840, 1202, 1426, 110]. [1251]. balancing [1314]. balistique [809]. 4 ballistics [809]. Banach [1291, 984, 1401]. boundaries [546, 559]. Bounded bananas [509]. banded [1042]. based [727, 483, 878, 626, 880, 550, 411, 1143, 1065, [1149, 1231, 894, 1380, 753, 569, 230, 5, 873, 1008, 99, 597, 380, 848, 711, 963, 193, 685]. 874, 1120, 939, 923, 1387, 85, 479, 193, 1389, bounded-complete [597]. Bounding 50, 1124, 198, 1303]. bases [1117]. bounds [319, 1144, 692, 1148, 1192, [1377, 1383, 537, 722, 1039]. Basic 133, 1032, 309, 543, 321, 291, 298, 449, 812]. [405, 1095, 866]. basis [445, 353, 362]. box [680, 247, 1181]. BPP [655, 671]. BDDs [70]. be [1225, 458]. behavior BPP-nets [671]. branch [360]. branches [1243, 117, 638, 824]. behaviors [961]. branching [557, 1049]. bridging [830, 794, 617]. behaviour [420, 1153]. [1416]. brief [27]. broadcast [1029, 160]. Behavioural [441, 836, 1232, 473, 1239]. broadcasting [1052, 1026]. Broadening behaviours [238, 220, 664]. beholder [995]. Bruijn [1343]. BSP [1061]. BSS [674, 673]. Beimel [1029]. belief [527]. [390]. Bubbles [865]. Buchberger [356]. Belnap [534]. Bernoulli [1229]. Berry Buchi [510]. bucket [119]. budget [1059]. [293]. Bertrand [704]. best [138]. beta build [1327]. building [1030]. bulk [950]. [13, 920]. beta-reduction [920]. better bulk-synchronous [950]. Bulletin [298]. between [344, 440, 542, 736, 737]. Bus [806]. [880, 333, 46, 323, 1371, 426, 390]. beyond [219]. bidimensional [1156]. Caenorhabditis [1249]. cakes [1253]. bidimensionnelle [1156]. bifix [1266, 137]. calcul [809, 377, 801]. calculational [665]. bifurcation [808, 713]. billard [432]. calculations [1355]. calculi billiard [432]. Binary [361, 941, 517, 514, 1196, 1407, 67, 480, 275, [710, 296, 156, 124, 309, 371, 292, 548, 681, 1201, 1202, 1426]. Calculus 1318, 1270, 135, 810, 713].
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