I Ab Centro ~ ~ . ;nencoae -Arcltr roia CIAT is a nonprofit organization devoted to the agricultural and economic devel­ opment of the lowland tropics. The gov­ ernment of Colombia provides support as a host country for ClAT and furnishes a 522-hectare site near Cali for CIAT's headquart .'s. In addition, '.,ieColom­ bian Foundation for Higher Education ABSTRACTS ON FIELD BEANS (FES) makes available to CIAT a 184- hectare substation in Quilichao and a 73-hectare substation near Popay~n; the Colombian Rice Federation (FE- DEARROZ) also makes available to CIAT sub­ Publication of CIA T's Bean Infor- . 30-hectare farm --Santa Rosa Villavicencio. CIAT co- mation Center. station--near manages with the Colombian Agricul­ tural Institute ICA) the 22,000-hectare Documentalist: Carimagua Research Center in the Co- Francy Gonzilez V. lombian Eastern Plains and carries out collaborative work on several other ICA stations in Colombia, simi- Periodicity: 3 issues per year. experimental lar work is done with national agricul­ tural agencies in other Latin American Annual subscription rates: countries. CIAT is financed by a number of donors, most of which are repre­ USS16.oo for Latin America, sented in the Consultative Group for the Caribbean, Africa, an/d International Agricultural Research do­ Southeast Asia. (CGIAR). During 1984 these CIAT nors are the governments of Australia, US525.oo for other countries. Belgium, Canada. Fiance, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, the Colombia: S1.000.oo. Netherlands. Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the I lnited Kingdom, and States; of America the Printed at CIA T. the United European Economic Community (EEC): the Ford Foundation the German Agen- Correspondence and subscriptiots cy for Technical Cooperation (GTZ); the should be sent to: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the International Development CIAT Research Centre (IORC); the Interna­ Communications and Information tional Fund for Agricultural Develop- OPEC Fund for Inter- Support Unit inent (IFAD); the national Development; the Rockefeller Apariado Aireo 6713 Foundation; the United Nations Devei- Cali, Colombia opment Programme (UNDP); the United Nations Food aid Agilculture Organi­ zation (FAO), the World Bank; and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Information and conclusions reported herein do not necessarily reflect the position of any of the aforementione-I entities. Y,- ' Abstracts on Field Beans -,­ (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Vol. IX No. 2 August, 1984 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION iii COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT iv HOW TO USE THE INDEXES v AOO BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 1 BOO PLANT ANATOMY, MORPHOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY 2 COO PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2 COI Plant Nutrition 6 C02 Plartt Development 7 C03 Chemical Composition, Methodology and Analyses !0 DOO AGRONOMY 15 D01 Soil, Water, Climate and Fertilization 16 D02 Cultivation Practices: Planting, Weed Control and Harvesting 21 D03 Cultivation Systems: Intercropping, Rotational Crops 27 D04 Seed Production 36 D05 Varietal Trials EO PLANT PATHOLOGY 37 E02 Bacterioses 39 E03 Mycoses 40 E04 Viroses 44 E05 Nematodes E06 Physiological Disorders 46 FOG PEST CONTROL AND ENTOMOLOGY 46 F01 Injurious Insects, Mites and their Control 47. GOO GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING 52 G01 Breeding, Selection and Germplasm 52 G02 Cytogenetics G03 Polyploidy HOG NUTRITION 72 HO Foods and Nutritive Value 72 100 MICROBIOLOGY 77 I01 Rhizobium spp., Nitrogen Fixation and Nodulation 77 JOG ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT 83 KOO FIELD PLOf TECHNIQUE 90 LOG GRAIN STORAGE 91 LOI Stored Grain Pests 91 ZOO GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 94 AUTHOR INDEX 96 SUBJECT INDEX 103 INTRODUCTION This journal of analytical abstracts, which replaces the former combination of abstract cards and yearly cumulative volumes, is designed to provide a specialized guide to the world's literature on field beans (Phaseolus rulgaris L.) disseminating research results and ongoing activities related to the crop. The abstracts report condensed information from journal articles, booklets, mimeographed reports, theses, manuals and other conventional and nonconventional mmterial, categorized into broad disciplinary fields to facilitate rapid scanning. Additionally, abstracts are author and subject indexed to enable more compre­ hensive consultation. When retrospective or exh.austivc coverage of a topiL is desired, mechanized bibliographic searches of the entire document col­ lection can be provided by CIAT's Documentation Center. Abstracts of all articles that match the topic of interest are provided to users who req.ucst this search service. The full text of every article abstracted by the Documentation Center is also available, throug. the photocopy service. CIAT's Documentation Center also publishes journals of analyti­ cal abstracts on cassava (Manihot esculctaa Crantz) grown under tropical conditions, and on tropical pastures. Other CIAT publi­ cations dedicated to keeping users aware of research developments in their respective fields include: Pages of Contents, Cassava Newsletter, Pastos Tropicales - Boletfn Iformativo, and Hojas de Frijol. .,III COMPONENTS OF AN ABSTRACT Sequential number Year of in the journal (for Authors publication use of indices, Accession I j - number - [19421 ABATE, T..; NEGASI. A. 1981. Chemical control of American bollworml- Original title (for photocpy (Heliothis armigera) (Hubner) with ultra-low-volume sprays. Ethiopian requests) Journal of AgrIcultural Science 3(1)'49-55. En1. ,Sum. Engl. .,, IR - Additional notes [lnst. of AgricultL., Research, P.O. ox 2003,jAddis Ababa.lEthiopia] 3- Anthor address Source Pages Language Language of paper of summary Phaseolus vulgaris. Injurious insects. Lepidoptera. lHeliothis armigera. Descriptors Insect control. Chemical coatrol. Ethiopia. J Expt. consisting of ultralow vol. formulations of endosulfan (500 and 750 g a.i./ha), cypermethrin (150 g a.i./ha), fenitrothion (960 g a.i./ha), profenofos (750 g a.i./ha), and an untreated check were conducted for 2 consecutive yr against Heliothis armigera on haricot beans at the Awassa and Nazareth Expt. Stations of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR), Ethiopia. The treatrents were replicated 5 tines in a randomized complete block design on 20 x 20 m plots. Of the insecticides used, single and significant control Abstract application of cypermethrin gave a more consistent than the chock in both Rseasons at both stations. A new product, cypermethr2n/profenofos 166 , substituted for fenitrothio. at Nazareth in the 1980 season, gave promising results to warrant further testing. Endosulfan, a recommended insecticide against the American bollworm in the past, was not as satisfactory as cypermethrin in its control of H. armigera on haricot beans. ,(Author's summary) FOI Abstractor Fubject and/or translator categories HOW TO USE THE INDEXES The numbers listed under each entry in the author and subject indexes correspond to the abstract's sequential number, found above each abstract within the journal. The last issue of the year contains cumulative author and subject indexes for the year. Author Index The Author Index can be used to find abstracts when the personal or corporate authors are known. The Author Index, which is alphabetically arranged, lists all author and co-author names cited in the publication. Subject Index The Subject Index presents an alphabetical list of descriptors used in beans research, many of which are combined with other descriptors, allowing the idendfication of more specific topics. -INJURIOUS INSEcrS 011g 0127 0139 C0L EOPTERA 0104 0123 0124 0125 0128 01J0 0133] 01)6 n 1 ;13( 01Y99 DIPTERA 003b 00b5 0047 0123 012b 0131 HEN4IPT ER.A 0123 0131 HOMOPT. A 005U J103 0104 01d3 011 0132 015J u1o6c LLP ID0EIRA "--' 01e0 0121 j122 0123 lbb THY,.ANOPI ERA 0L31 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS Users who wish to obtain full text of the documents listed in the abstracts journals, can use the photocopy service at the follow ng address: CIAT - Communications and Information Support Unit Photocopy Service Apartado Aerco 6713 Cali, Colombia Requests must indicate the access inmber of the document (tipper left corner of each reference), rather than the sequential number. Charges are: US$O. 10 or Col. $4.oo per page in Colombia US$0.20 per page elsewhere Orders should be prepaid, choosing one of the following alternatives of payment: 1. Check in USS iiadC out to (IAT against a L S. iitcrniational bank 2. (hck itt GIS madc it to ('IAT, adding the bank comisinm valuc 3. Bank draft MAd OLit To CI.\T. giving precise p-rsonal inloriaionti 4. CIAT COUPo s, issuted by CIAlFs I ibr,iry tih a it1 vale L l $1.oo and fractions of ISSO P 5. A(;RINIIR couponsl,, obtainable %[ith 1,c'al :1urcII,'Lr at .t10ii1al agriculttiral libraries and at the reeional oltices of IlI, lnstitut,, Iicranericano dc ( o pciacin para la AgriCuIltura I11(.A) inI ailt. riCail alld ('riblbC.ian culontrie"s 6. LINISCO coupons, available at t NI S(') ollitcv all o cr the. o rld vi AO0 BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND GEOURAPHICAl. DISTRIBUTION 0201 20068 MATEO B., J.M. 1961. Judla comfin Phascolus vulgaris L. (Common bean). In . legumfnoas de grano. Barcelona, Espaha, Salvat. pp.355-409. Span., Illus. Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant geography. Plant anatomy. Taxonomy. Pods. Plant habit. Cultivars. Seed color. Land preparation. Planting. Spacing. Irrigation. Weeding. Harvesting. Spain. Different aspects of the bean crop in relation to geographical origin, botany and plant morphology, taxonomic classification into subspecies and var., and important characteristics to identify
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