What’s new @ the library in April? F/ALE Alexander, V.S. The traitor F/ANG Ångström, Emma The man in the wall F/BAC Backman, Fredrik Anxious people F/BAR Barlow, Christie Clover Cottage F/BAR Barrett, Kerry The forgotten girl F/BAR Barrett, Kerry A step in time F/BAR Barrett, Kerry The secret letter F/BEN Bennett, Brit The vanishing half F/BEN Bennett, Brit The mothers F/BOX Box, C.J. Dark sky F/BRI Britton, Christina A good duke is hard to find F/BRI Brissenden, Michael Dead letters F/BRO Brown, Pierce Dark age F/CAM Campion, Esther A week to remember F/CAR Carr, Robyn Redwood bend F/CAR Carr, Robyn Angel's peak F/CAR Carr, Robyn Hidden summit F/CAR Carr, Robyn Moonlight road F/CAR Carr, Robyn Return to Virgin River F/CAR Carr, Robyn Forbidden falls F/CAR Carr, Robyn Promise canyon F/CAR Carr, Robyn Sunrise point F/CAR Carr, Robyn Paradise valley F/CAR Carr, Robyn Harvest moon F/CAR Carr, Robyn Bring me home for Christmas F/CAR Carr, Robyn My kind of Christmas ADULT FICTION ADULT F/CAR Carr, Robyn Wild man creek F/CAR Carlin, Laura Requiem for a knave F/CAR Carey, Louise Inscape F/CAR Carver, Will Nothing important happened today F/CAR Carver, Will Good Samaritans F/CAS Castillo, Linda Breaking silence F/CHA Chambers, Becky The Galaxy, and the ground within F/CHA Chambers, Becky A closed and common orbit F/CHA Chambers, Becky Record of a spaceborn few F/CHU Chu, Wesley Robert Kirkman's the walking dead : typhoon F/COB Coben, Harlan Win F/COL Colgan, Jenny Christmas at the Island Hotel F/COL Collins, Manda A lady's guide to mischief and mayhem F/COO Cooper, C.J. The verdict F/COS Coster, Naima What's mine and yours : a novel F/COX Cox, Josephine A daughter's return F/CRO Cronin, Marianne The one hundred years of Lenni and Margot F/DAR Darrieussecq, Marie Crossed lines F/DEA Dean, Abigail Girl A F/DEV Deveraux, Jude Meant to be F/DOR Dorries, Nadine Christmas angels F/DRU Druart, Ruth While Paris slept F/ENG Engel, Patricia Infinite country F/FEE Feehan, Christine Lightning game F/FIE Fields, Helen The shadow man F/FIE Fielding, Joy She's not there F/FIE Fielding, Joy The bad daughter F/FIE Fielding, Joy All the wrong places F/FIT FitzGerald, Helen Ash Mountain F/FLY Flynn, Chris Mammoth F/FOS Foster, Lori Sisters of Summer's End F/FRA Franchini, Livia Shelf life F/FRE French, Dawn Oh dear Silvia F/GEE Gee, Poppy Vanishing Falls F/GEO George, Kathy Sargasso F/GIA Giacometti, Eric The four symbols F/GIM Gimenez, Mark Con law F/GIM Gimenez, Mark The governor's wife F/GIM Gimenez, Mark The perk F/GIM Gimenez, Mark The colour of law F/GNU Gnuse, A.J. Girl in the walls F/GOD Goddard, Robert The fine art of invisible detection F/GRA Graham, Heather Danger in numbers F/GRI Griffiths, Elly The house at Sea's End F/GRI Griffiths, Elly A room full of bones F/GRI Griffiths, Elly The stone circle F/GUI Guineay, Lana Dark wave ADULT FICTION ADULT F/GUR Gurnah, Abdulrazak Afterlives F/HAN Hannah, Kristin Firefly Lane F/HAR Harding, Lisa Bright burning things F/HAR Hart, Jed Without warning F/HAS Haschka, Tori Grace under pressure F/HAT Hatcher, Robin Lee Who I am with you F/HAW Hawkins, Kelli Other people's houses F/HER Heron, Farah Accidentally engaged F/HIB Hibbert, Talia Take a hint, Dani Brown F/HIB Hibbert, Talia Get a life, Chloe Brown F/HIB Hibbert, Talia Act your age, Eve Brown F/HIL Hill, Anthony The last convict F/HOR Hornby, Nick Just like you F/ISH Ishiguro, Kazuo Klara and the sun F/JEN Jenkins, Beverly Rebel F/JOH Johnson, Craig Death without company F/JOH Johnson, Craig Another man's moccasins F/JOH Johnson, Craig The dark horse F/JOH Johnson, Craig Kindness goes unpunished F/JOH Johnson, Craig The cold dish F/JOH Johnson, Susan From where I fell F/JON Jones, Carys The list F/JON Jones Jr., Robert The prophets F/KAY Kayode, Femi Lightseekers F/KEL Kelly, Martha Hall Lilac girls : a novel F/KIL Killeen, Gretel My daughter's wedding F/KIN Kinsella, Sophie Love your life F/KIN Kinsella, John Pushing back F/KIR Kirby, Carolyn When we fall F/LAU Laurens, Stephanie The obsessions of Lord Godfrey Cavanaugh F/LAW Lawrence, Mark The girl and the stars F/LEA Leather, Stephen False friends F/LI Li, Yiyun Must I go F/LOW Lowe, Fiona A home like ours F/MAR Marillier, Juliet The harp of kings F/MAT Matheson, Nadine The Jigsaw man F/MCM McMahon, L.P. As swallows fly F/MCM McMullan, Thomas The last good man F/MEN Menon, Catherine Fragile monsters F/MID Midalia, Susan Everyday madness F/MIL Miller, Tom The philosopher's flight F/NAB Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita F/NG Ng, Celeste Everything I never told you F/NGU Nguyen, Viet Thanh The committed F/NGU Nguyen, Viet Thanh The sympathizer F/NIC The nicotine chronicles F/NOL Dolan, Naoise Exciting times F/OFA O'Farrell, Maggie Hamnet F/OLE O'Leary, Beth The flat share F/OSW Oswald, Debra The family doctor F/PAR Parsons, Tony The hanging club F/PAT Patterson, James 21st birthday ADULT FICTION ADULT F/PEA Pearse, Sarah The sanatorium F/PEC Peck, Loraine The second son F/PET Peterson, Tracie Destined for you F/PRE Preston, John The dig F/QUI Quinn, Kate The rose code F/QUI Quinn, Julia The Duke and I F/QUI Quinn, Cate Black widows F/REY Reynolds, Allie Shiver F/ROB Robinson, Peter Not dark yet F/ROB Roberts, Nora Brazen virtue F/ROB Robinson, Marilynne Jack F/RYA Ryan, Iain The spiral F/RYA Ryan, Madeleine A room called Earth F/SCH Schwarz, Liese O'Halloran What could be saved F/SHA Shaw, Alex Total blackout F/SLA Slaughter, Karin Fractured F/STA Starford, Rebecca The imitator F/STE Steel, Danielle The affair F/STO Stonex, Emma The lamplighters F/STY Styles, Daisy Home fires and Spitfires F/TAY Taylor, Simon One-night stand F/TAY Taylor, C.L. The fear F/TEV Tevis, Walter The queen's gambit F/THO Thomas, Claire The performance F/THO Thompson, Gill The oceans between us F/THO Thomas, Claire Fugitive blue F/TOY Toye, Joanna Heartache for the shop girls F/TRI Trinchieri, Camilla Murder in Chianti F/WAL Walpert, Bryan Late sonata F/WHE Wheeler, Jeff Knight's ransom F/WIL Wilson, Chloe Hold your fire F/WOO Wood, Daniel Davis At the edge of the solid world F/YEO Yeowart, Lyn The silent listener F/YOU Young, Samantha Much ado about you ADULT FICTION ADULT F/YOU Young, Emma The last bookshop AB/BAR Bartley, D.A. Blessed be the wicked AB/BAR Barnard, J.E. Why the rock falls AB/BRO Broday, Linda The outlaw's mail order bride AB/ELL Ellis, Mary One for the road AB/LUS Lush,Tara Grounds for murder AB/MEI Meier, Leslie New Year's Eve murder AB/MIL Mills, Lilac The Tanglewood Wedding Shop AUDIOBOOKS LP/ACK Ackers, Elise K. Have your cake LP/BEC Beckstrand, Jennifer Huckleberry Hill LP/BLA Black, Rory Iron Eyes the spectre LP/BLU Bluth, Doug The homesteader's war LP/BOO Booth, Alison The philosopher's daughters LP/CAN Candlish, Louise The day you saved my life LP/CLA Clark, Sherryl Dead and gone LP/COL Cole, Matt Gunpowder empire LP/COL Colter, Cara Cinderella's New York fling LP/CON Constiner, Merle Guns at Q Cross LP/DAG Daglish, Sheila A gift for Celestine LP/DAV Davis, Krista The diva cooks a goose LP/FIE Fields, Jennie Atomic love LP/GOO Goodnight, Linda The rain sparrow LP/GRA Graham, Heather Deadly touch LP/GRE Grey, Zane 1872-1939 Union Pacific : a western story LP/GRE Green, Paul A short ride to hell LP/GRO Grove, Fred War journey LP/HUD Hudgins, Maria Death of a second wife LP/HUG Hughes, Mary Ellen A curio killing LP/HUN Hunter, Madeline Heiress for hire LP/HUT Hutchinson, Lindsey The five shilling children LP/JAM James, Terry Legacy of a gunfighter LP/JEN Jenkinson, Noelene Fossicker's gully LP/JON Jones, Jan A scholarly application LP/KEL Kelly, Cathy The family gift LP/KLA Klassen, Julie A castaway in Cornwall LARGE PRINT LARGE LP/LAW Lawrence, Kim Claiming his unknown son LP/LEA Leatherdale, Julian Death in the Ladies' Goddess Club LP/LEI Leighton, Leisl Blazing fear LP/MCK McKanagh, Kristen Snowball's Christmas LP/MOR Moriarty, Nicola The ex LP/OAT Oates, Penny Love child LP/PAM Pammi, Tara The flaw in his marriage plan LP/PAT Patterson, James Deadly cross LP/PRE Preston, Ken Surfing into danger LP/PUR Purdue, Sarah Summer of weddings LP/RAN Rand, Caleb Whitewater Run LP/RHY Rhys, Rachel A dangerous crossing LP/RIC Richards, Gail A match for the footman LP/RYA Ryan, Carrie Ann From our first LP/RYA Ryan, Carrie Ann Falling with you LP/RYA Ryan, Carrie Ann Breaking without you LP/STA Stachniak, Eva The winter palace LP/SUN Sunman, Corba Fort hatred LP/WEB Webb, Cari Lynn Her surprise engagement LP/WHI White, Kate Have you seen me? LPNF/WHI White, Betty Here we go again : my life in television, 1949-1995 001.94/MAI Maidlow, Don A drop in the ocean : understanding the Bermuda Triangle phenomena 121.6/KRA Krasnostein, Sarah The believer : encounters with love, death & faith 128.2/LEP LePera, Nicole How to do the work : recognise your patterns, heal from your past, and create your self 150.198/MID Middleton, Ant Zero negativity : the power of positive thinking 152.42/DUN Dunn, Cassandra Crappy to happy : simple steps to live your best life 152.42/LOM Lomas, Tim The happiness dictionary : words from around the world to help us live a richer life 152.46/LOW Lowinger, Jodie The mind strength method : four steps to curb anxiety, conquer worry & build resilience 155.332/MAN Manne, Kate Entitled : how male privilege hurts women 155.92/HAM Hamilton, Maggie When we become strangers : how loneliness leaks into our lives, and what we can do about it 158.1/FOG Fogg, B.J.
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