Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 10, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 37-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS NEW YORK CITY – On September 11, 2001, at approximately 9 a.m., Muslim terrorists murdered 2,993 people. Most of those murdered were civilians at the World Trade Center. Many were from New Jersey and our neighboring towns, including 13 Westfielders and one from Scotch Plains. We shall never forget. - September 11, 2001 Health Officer Says H1N1 Vaccine Will Be Available in Fall By MICHAEL J. POLLACK Westfield Town Council Tuesday. younger, people 6 months to 24 years Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “We don’t know how much or when, old and those individuals between 25 WESTFIELD – The Westfield Re- but we do know the target population and 65 with “underlying chronic health gional Health Department will receive [that will need the treatment],” she said, conditions” such as diabetes or asthma a vaccine for the H1N1 virus this fall, before stating that pregnant women, would be encouraged to receive the Health Officer Megan Avallone told the caregivers of children 6 months or vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says on its website that it “does not expect that there will be a shortage” of vaccine but that “availability and Michael Pollack for The Westfield Leader demand can be unpredictable.” There- WHAT’S IN A NAME?…The Jolly Trolley in Westfield, long a landmark, has been renamed The Office Bar & Grill and is fore, it is recommending that the target currently undergoing renovations. The staff, however, will remain the same. Pictured, from left to right, are: Lauren Bianco; population receive the vaccine before Alexandra Gill, general manager; Margaret Carr, the original founder of the restaurant; Aliya Robbins and Heather Pizzella. others. “The target population also includes every child in our school system,” Ms. Clark Sues Sewerage Authority Avallone said. “We believe we will be able to go to every school in our eight towns [covered by the regional health Over User Charge for Sewage Flow department, including Fanwood, Garwood, Mountainside, Springfield, By WAYNE BAKER Clark’s sewage flow. According to municipality certify that the amount New Providence, Roselle Park and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader the RVSA, Clark represents about 16 billed is correct and accurate. Finally, Summit]...It’s a massive vaccination AREA — The Township of Clark percent of the authority’s total sew- Clark claims that the 1995 agreement campaign.” has brought a lawsuit against the age volume. Thus, US Gypsum rep- is “unconscionable,” as it allows up- Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader resents slightly more than 3 percent ward changes to charges for large DAVY VISITS WESTFIELD…New Jersey Education Commissioner Lucille She said the vaccine calls for two Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority Davy, a former Westfield resident, meets with students in an autistic class at the shots, three to four weeks apart. The (RVSA) and the RVSA’s other 10 of the sewage processed by RVSA. flows, but not similar downward Westfield Early Childhood Learning Center during Wednesday’s first day of vaccine is voluntary, and parents will member municipalities. The suit is Clark claims the 1995 agreement changes. school. The class is funded through a federal stimulus grant. have the option to allow their children one of a string of actions Clark has contains “a provision for an upward Clark is currently facing a suit filed to be vaccinated or not, and to specify taken to try to avoid the costs caused assessment adjustment in the event a by USG seeking to void a pair of where the vaccination should take place by the closing of US Gypsum’s new user which contributed signifi- ordinances passed earlier this year by MS BOE Hears Concerns – at school or by a private pediatrician. (USG’s) Clark plant. cantly to the RVSA entered a member the Clark Township Council. These Simultaneously, Ms. Avallone said, Clark faces these costs as a result of municipality.” rules set out user charges and termi- the health department will run public a user charge program established by In its suit, Clark claims that it will nation fees. Gypsum claims the regu- About Busing and Safety clinics for other high-risk groups such the RVSA as part of an agreement be overcharged by $296,554 in 2009, lations are “arbitrary and capricious,” By MAGGIE DIGGORY Jeanette Baubles said she crossed one as pregnant women and the elderly. adopted by the member municipali- $824,937 in 2010, $643,862 in 2011, and violate New Jersey Law, which it Specially Written for The Westfield Leader student herself Tuesday morning on Ms. Avallone said the federal gov- ties, including Clark, in 1995. Clark $411,215 in 2012 and $167,277 in said specifies that rates must “be uni- MOUNTAINSIDE — On the Summit Road and waited 30 minutes ernment wants every dose of vaccine to had passed a pair of ordinances ear- 2013. Clark claims a total overcharge form and equitable for the same types evening after the first day of school for more to come. be tracked in “real time.” This requires lier this year establishing termination of $2,343,847 will be made during and classes of use and service of Tuesday, parents of Mountainside stu- In addition to the bus stop request, filling out an online registration form fees for various types of customers, the period until the five-year rolling facilities.” dents who ride the bus to the Union Mrs. Jennings stated her concern immediately before administering a shot and was sued by US Gypsum as a average brings the adjustment into According to the USG suit, Clark is County Vocational-Technical Schools about one bus driver’s unsafe driving to someone. result. line with actual flows. In its suit, the only member municipality that (UCVTS) and the Union County practices, as she’s been told by her She postulated that if 50 percent of The 1995 agreement sets forth the Clark asks the court to reform the charges a large termination fee, in this Magnet High School (UCMHS) asked child and other parents whose chil- the Westfield population wanted the use of a five-year rolling average to contract to allow for large downward case 300 percent of their annual sewage that the route include six stops in- dren are aboard. “It is a dangerous vaccine, it would take 40 hours of clinic minimize year-to-year fluctuations in adjustments. charge. USG alleges that Clark, its coun- stead of the current four. The bus situation with Carl. He’s told the kids time with 12 nurses. usage of RVSA’s facilities, making Alternatively, Clark is seeking to cil and the Clark Sewage Utility vio- stops at Borough Hall, Echo Lake to slap their belts over the seats in- “And remember,” she said, “each budgeting by member municipalities have the court void the 1995 agree- lated USG’s civil rights and the Four- boathouse, Deerfield School and stead of fasten them so it’s easier for person needs two doses to be immu- easier. In the lawsuit, Clark claims ment, going back to the assessment teenth Amendment of the U.S. Beechwood School. him to return the bus at the end of the nized, so that would be 80 hours just for that US Gypsum accounts for about methodology of the earlier 1951 Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Marion Jennings, one of two par- day.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 150 million gallons, or 20 percent of agreement based on annual metering. US Gypsum is seeking to have the ents who addressed the BOE, said, “He also takes one hand off the The township also claims the RVSA ordinances voided, a declaration that “we (some of the parents affected), wheel when making a turn to hold on billing methodology violates New the termination fee is unenforceable, mapped out where every child lives in to an iPod docking station he has on Energy Focus of Governor’s Jersey’s Local Fiscal Affairs Law, reimbursement of attorney’s fees and relation to the current bus stops. No the dashboard. When that kid was left most notably citing the law requires court costs, and both compensatory child should have to walk more than on the bus last year, Carl punished that a party claiming payment from a and punitive damages. a half-mile.” him by making him sit up front for the Race During Library Forum Irwin Greene, another parent, said rest of the year because he was smaller By CHRISTINA M. HINKE the responses of the candidate and rep- the current bus route has “very little and couldn’t be seen in the back of the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader resentatives. Issues of wind and solar Green Acres Releases Funds regard” for the current needs of par- bus.” WESTFIELD — Mark Elliot of energy, the coal plant proposed in Lin- ents and children. He noted a particu- “I will ask Business Administrator Environment New Jersey, a non-profit den, nuclear power plants as an alterna- lar place of need for a stop is on (Roderic McLaughlin) to reach out to environment group, chaired an event tive to solar and wind for clean energy For Athletic Field Project Summit Road where students have to the UCVTS and the bus company. We Tuesday night at the Westfield Memo- and a liquid natural gas plant proposed By RAYNOR DENITZIO ough Clerk Christina Ariemma said. cross a busy street to get to the closest are all appalled by the behavior of the rial Library to invite the state’s guber- in the Atlantic Ocean off New Jersey Specially Written for The Westfield Leader According to the Department of stop, Deerfield School.
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