ATBBAGK DAILX GIBOCUiTIOM t-'-'S-s-fe for the Month of Febmaiy, 19S4 of D. 8. WentI 5 , 4 0 2 Now Baw te A ^ t 1 o f I twriflit Mlowed lahi BBO^ eMder Sondagr VOL. L in ., NO. 142. (Oaaethed Advertlainf on Pego 8.) MJ^rCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1984. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTi| PACKAGESTORE Cambridge Crew Wins; RKKENBACKER Heiress Guarded After Kidnap Threat HOUSE DEMOCRATS BAN IS LIFTED Sets New Rowing Mark ASKSNEWRtILE M C O M c n c ir r PREPARE TO DEFY London, March 15.—(AP)-Cam-AWilson, W. A. Sambell and D. J FOR ^ MAOS bridge today swept to a four and a Wilson both Australians, K. M half length victory of Oxford in Payne, W. G. Laurie, C. K. Buckle Tonporary hjonction Grant­ the 86th renewal of their ft.nnini.1 and A. D. Kingsford, rowing in that eight-oaied crew race and set a new Famons World War Aco SEC. order. ,J. N. Duckworth, 110-pound record for the four and a quarter midget from Jesus college, was the ed Which Opens Door for mile course of 18 minutes 3 seconds. coxswain. Wonld Create Fedeml The light blue boatload was nev­ The start of the race was delayed Test Case Over Validity of er extended as it swept up the mud­ for almost half an hour because of MAKTDU. IN S in i Hasten Plans to Take Up S t dy Thames from Mortlake to Put­ a strong wind which whipped the Board to Snpenrise Oper­ ney to score its 11th straight vic­ muddy tidewater into a white froth yer Legislation as Control A ct tory over Oxford and its 45th of the but it had moderated when the series begun in 1829. crews were finally sent away and ations. LODGEDINa The new mark for the race dis­ the race was rowed over compara­ placed the record of 18:29 set in lenge to Treasnry Hartford, Coxm., March 17.— (AP) tively calm water 1911 by the great Oxford crews Cambridge won the toss and row­ Washington, March 17— (AP) — —^The door waa opened temporarily wrhlch ruled the English row ing ed on the Surrey side of the river, Creation of a presidential regula­ Samnel’s Brother, in Canada, Speaker Ramey, today for unrestricted sale of liquor world for nine straight years before the favored lane, where they were tory board to supervise the opera­ by Connecticut package stores and the war. protected from the wmd. The time first was announced as tion of air lines was advocated to­ Awaits the Appearance of by Seiretary’s Inaendo, a possible teat in the Federal courts Both crews were the heaviest of 18:38 but a check of the watches recent years, Oxford averaging day by Colonel Elddie ^ckenbackec, of the validity of the state liquor disclosed the new record. A m erica’s 26-plane wair ace. control act 180^ pounds from stroke to bow Officers from Chicago. to Call Up Dies BOI Mon­ The intermediate times were: and Cambridge 178^. Testifying to the Senate postof- Under a temporary Injunction Mile 3:38, Hammersmith bridge Despite the gloomy weather there flee committee — before which issued by Judge Edwin S. Thomas 6:45, Chiswick steps 10:53, Barnes was no break in the line of specta­ Charles A. Lindbergh and Clarence of the U. S. Distrlcl Court all day; Storm of Protest Ifits bridge 15 minutes fiat and the fin­ tors who crowded both sides of the Chamberlin appeared yesterday — Toronto, Ont., March 17.-r(A P )- the restrictions governing the saxe ish line 18:03. river to the number of several hun­ the vice-president of the North Martin J. Insull, his last recourse of liquor by package stores were N. J. Bradley was the stroke of dred thousand and rattled the chim­ American Aviation Company algo gone, waited in a common cell to­ Morgenthan. lifted. urged the restoration of air mA.n the Cambridge crew and behind him ney pots of su'mrban London with day for American police to come and The restraining order was lifted in the light blue shell wrere J. H. their cheers for the winners. transportation to the companies for 10 days, effective today, and get him. whose contracts were recently can­ Washington, March 17.—^Angere0 added another chapter to the turbu­ celled by Postmaster General Far­ The brother and associate of Sam­ lent history of the control act which ley. uel J. Insull in a vast utilities net­ by Secretary Morgenthatfs stated was enacted last April. His Suggestion x work lost an appeal to the Supreme ment that some sUver advocates AH Enjoy Privileges Under Rickenbacker’s plan, the Court yesterday. Chief Justice Sir were not entirely disinterested. While the injunction was granted GOV. CROSS TO RUN AGAIN, postmaster would plaoe «m ll on any A reported plot to kidnap Mrs. Frederlka Del Guerclo, heiress to the William Muloch ruled that he must Speaker Rainey announced that, he last night on the application of only lines receiving certificates of neces­ Bearing millions, or her two-year-old son, EUgio, for be extradited to the United States one package store proprietor, WH sity and convenience from the Fed­ ^ 0 0 ,^ ransom, caused an armed guard to be thrown around the to face trial in Chicago for embez­ would call up on Monday the Dies liam Shore, of Hartford, imder its eral regulatory board. Del Guerclo estate in Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Del Guercio Is shown at zlement and larceny. silver bill, which provides for the terms all other owners of such a»- WASHINGTON RUMORS SAY time of her marriage to Eligio Del Guercio, from whom she was He suggested that payment be on divorced last July. Deprived of his most cherished exchange of American surplus farm tabliahments may enjoy its privi­ the basis of two mills per pound consolidation, a blackened pipe, In­ products for foreign silver. leges by joining as “parties plaia- mile up to 250 ptounds average load sull was lodged in a cell. Last night tiff” to the action. per aii^lane and one mill per pound the once powerful utilities man slept “I don't think much of Mr. Morr State officials. Including Gover­ Mayor Hayes of Waterbary MONSIGNOR KILEY mile for all those above thu on a prison cot, rough blankets cov­ genthau’s statement” was Mr. nor Wilbur L. Cross, are restrained am ount HEPBURN IS FIRST ering metal springs. Rainey’s reply to t question Just be­ by the order from enforcing the ’Two mills per mile, he said. Is the HARTFORD LEADS fore the House met “Here, look at provisions in the control act per­ Not in Ra(^; Other Names Await Decision revenue which the government (In Washington, the Justice De­ the headlines In the papers. ’They taining to package stores. Among IS CONSECRATED estimates it receives for postage on partment indicated it is waiting the B&y 'Stock Market Reacts!’ ‘Silver other things, these provisions pro­ Mentioned by Politic^] mail carii^ by airplanes. ON FILMDOM’S LIST IN AUTO CRASHES result of an Appellate Court issue Tumbles!’ and such trends. hibit the sale of liquor in contain- Rickenbacker was called before in Illinois before pressing extradi­ “That is a complete answer to Mr. era of less than 24 ounces and re­ tte committee to give his views on tion proceedings against Insull.) Morgen thau." strict the selling hours from 7 a. m. Gossips at the Capital. Republicans laughed at the situa­ to 6 p. m. Made Bishop of Trenton, N. the administration’s permanent air­ Several charges of theft were cc«- mail legislation. Hartford Actress Wins Hon­ sldered by the chief justice In draw­ tion that confronted the adminis­ The injunction was sought as a di­ Certified airlines which could not Reports 150 Daring Last ing his decision. tration. rect result of a recent opinion of the Washington, March 17.— (AP)— J.— Five Cardinals Pres­ exist under these, nates would be No evidence was given to support “They are in another row and It’s Connecticut Supreme Court of Er- given a direct subsidy not to ex­ ors for Screen Work some of the chargee but he said going to be serious,” said one of irors, which in effect, permits drug­ Confidence that Governor Wilbur L. Month; New Haven Had ceed 40 cents per airplane mile for ‘our opinion is that a prima facie Representative Sneli’s lienteQsnte. gists to sell liquor imder fewer re- Cross will be renominated is wide­ ent at Ceremonies. case is established in regard to the strictions. the first year, under Rickenbacker’s Prefers Dice BUI spread among members of the Con­ Daring 1933. 131 and Manchester 19. alleged theft of 8344,720 and4- Shore's Complaint proposed arrangement. Such pay­ Mr. Rainey believes the Dies MU necticut Congressional delegation ment, however, would he made only 820,000." Shore in his complaint charges Rome, March 17.— (A P)—Monsig- Martin Insg(l started his fight preferable to that of Representative that the control act violated the and members of their office staffs to the extent of the actual loss in­ Psisinger to authorize purchase of Dor Moses E. Kiley was consecrated curred by the airlines, and would be Hollywood, Maj-ch 17— (AP) — Hartford, March 17.— (AP)—Dur­ against extradition alm ost 17 14th amendment of the Federal Con­ who are familiar with Democratic months ago. 1,500,000,000 ounces of stiver and stitution, asserting that it deprived bishop of Trenton, N. J., today—the reduced five cents each year until .The court of film Royalty opened its ing February 150 accidents were re­ the issuance of currmey an that affairs.
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