2& j & 2 is $ : lit, 4$t! 4 it! 4 --- -- ---- = II~~ ~ ~tews ..of AI tn. n;lIInes every I,. ~"".II 'Thursd.YMorning rosse Poi nte Iti~. ..,- "II' CompieTeJVeUis Coverage of All the GROSSEPOINTE,MiCHiGAN,~-IU-I-R-S-D-A-.-Y-,-~-IL-I-LY-.~2-6-,-1-9-7-9~-~-s~'~~~P~.-~~~~,~~-,~~~~3~4~P~o-9-e-~~~T~h-~-e~S~e-c~r~lo-n-~~~Se-c-t~i~on~O~n:e~ • VOl. 4O-NO. ~o ------------------- V IJuvenile Crime Prevention IBarricade Set 1 Of Blight on For Erection IPighting Arm Mack Eyed Block Grant Advisory In Roslyn Road' Being Soug ht' ~~:d.:'~~Fi:~ro~' for Pacesetting I Woods Council A~thorizes Blockade for Youth Service Div-j-sj-o-n":'F-u-n-ct-i-o-ns-onPaper, Not in Program Today. July 26; Estimated 50 Reality, So Board of Managers Seeh Recom- By Roger A. Waha Citizens Demand Action mendations from Police Chiefs; Further "1 think it will be one Meeting Scheduled by '8ur&au's of the greatest things By Roger A. Waha "Leaders ever to happen for Mack, A temporary barricade is scheduled to be avenue." said a decidedly erected in Roslyn road today, July 26, after the By Roger A. Waha .' pleased Woods City Ad- Woods Council at its regular meeting Monday, July While the structure of the Youth Semce Dl- ministrator Chester E. 16, gave its ckilY after several of the estimated 50 vision (YSD) remains in existence and the divi- Petersen last week upon area residents in a:ttendance.demanded such action. I sion r~mains f~mctioning on paper,. its ope!atiofl has' learning that the city's The c it i zen s, impatient I been temporarily suspended so, m reallty, It no application for a Cnm- with what they feel is inac. it turned out, there were no longer serves The Pointe community. m un it y Development tiOI') on the council's part, substantial developments.) As a result, the YSD board ----------- Block Grant, (CDBG), eyed past and current studies Director Dankel said last of managel'6, (including all B S e Innovative Projects Pro- and indicated the heavy ve. week that st. Clair Shores ' •• 8 env.ce I hicular traffic was still pres- conducted "Origin and Des'l Pointe city managers), at Its "' 1 ., gram received approva_. meeting Tuesday morning, He was referring to the en~ne resident summed up ~~:t~~~J~~t~~fi~b~;~~~;)~-~- .,-,--r:;~l~~ti~~~~r:i:~e~: T,o-.s.~1tools ~~~~~:f:~,~~~~~~~ ..~~~c~ the overall feeling by saying to determine exactly where vision, expl'lred the possi. Strategy to Prevent Penetra- the situation has been studied traffic comes from and where bility of having some form of Continues lion of Mack Avenue Blight," long enough, while stressing it's going, juvenile crime fighting sen. which was one of several the barricade should be put This week, he said, such a ice which would meet the pI'ojects. based upon the rec. up now. study was taken in The needs of individual commun. Citizen Protests Post- ommendlltion of the Wayne Studies Taken Woods on Tuesday. July 24, ities. P 'bl Crt" County Office of Program Public Safety Director John with new traffic counts being {While the public school pone OS51 e u II' Development and, Coordina. Dankel recommended earlier taken on both Tuesday and system, because of the SChool ment for Another tion, approved by the CDBG this summer the t>arricading Wednesday, July 25. Board's action last month to Yea r; Poi nte Advisory Council which met ,. of Roslyn, (and Hampton The director ~lso stated withdraw its participation Would Have Wednesday, July 18, in Rom. and Ridgemont, iZnece~sary). that Harper Woods' traffic C C t t ts from the YSD effedive Satur. f ulus. bllt the council felt it was I saieiy officer has recenUy A' husband-and-wife duo, HANK Renaissance enter. on es an day, June 30, no longer hall a Been A - The C1'ty applied for the .t d. b prro",nt"tl ~n-' reassl'gn a d NANCY "Z'i<'wT r..--=. .< ",L.~ .,... hunch their kites at the cen- ~ more .pru _den t to wa~ p_~n mg ~e,n .• -_..-.--. ,:. ~. ... ' I n, '" .."".,......... Ul. ....n;; m - , l"~re!entat!v~ on the board fe~tea , !;!!,llnt in May in the amount any 0, evel0pm. ems In ttarper I eo to we vatrm uIVl~lOn, W1UIl Woods, demonstrate the art of kite ter's east riverfront parking lot, \ of man age r s, Dr. Joseph _ .\ of $99,000, inciu.llng $~1,()nn Woods. ,ensuing fol1ow'l:P scheduled flying at Hart Plaza on the down- ,and spectators will view the event Cl>n r tt d d th 'on D ald f tr t 'th G Id These included a, joint with their new officer. t:::wn Detroit riverfront. The Szer- from the east podium roof. reachable ""i'agno la en e e seSSI By Susan. Mc on or a con ac WI era meetmg, which was' he,1>1ill The location of the M!,!,i- ~ n' Vl'a the Ontarl'-o Level of t"he- .lJet' rOl't' and did e~ress. an. ,interest in Citizen protests against Luedtke an~ Asso~iates to I lags ~U'~ preparing ...or the _et:rQ!t I further mvestlgaung some I "d tb' . prepare the mnovative study mil.l..Tune, and discussions at ~ade ~nd accDl?panying warn. Kite Kaleidoscope on Saturday, Plaza H:::tel. type of service.) . \3. propose cu aCK In! .nd $15,000 [O!:' th", ~ost of the Harper Wouds Cuuncil' mg S!g!! ..g~ wili depend UP0!1 !• To Make Report , the suburban bus sched.- \ administration and support. Ieve1 on Monday J u1y, 2 (A s. cooperation recel'ved from I _-::_-:July 23, from 11 a.m. to 4 -=-p.m. at \ Feeling the YSD was still ule that serves pu bl lC ing work. by participating a result of the latter, the Harper Wuuus, with that City.\ d d oods Council. on the 2.nd being informed in writing of in effeet based upon the con •. schools have succee e cOiiummities, i.e., The Park, W W k t Ma k Venn-er Offw- -kers ten .tent ..of tb,e .~ent. in-m at least nostpor.ing a City. Farr!\.!; and Detroit. tabled any actioD... unill ..thl!. The Woods' Pl'oposal, con-. or a C 1 th rom roUes r "' AI.. rt 16th pending'progi'ess 'In Unued Director Dankel. YO .vrng, e co u , drop in service for one.~ ............~tes Suppa Harper Woods. However,_ as (Continued on Page 2) (w1th 'the Woods as manag. more year As it turned out, the ad. ,IIntersectl.On Ma.y..".Not . C:tyII G'z.ve' ing municipality). Far m S Th b d' f d. t f visory council approved an C't MAd B m e oar 0 1rec ors 0 'd t---------~-..;-----------, n TT --""'M.T • Q. N" Ji'~~ lY lmagernrew re • SEMTA (S uthe&sternMich overall total of $85,000. sal ' f Th W k '-"tart UntIl l'WeXI ......p-- -I;-l-U-!! o'rl".no •• ., er moved that the board of I ,0. h' Terrence M. Jarvis, CDBG Heo dlInes 0 e ee u . ., ""'0 1 U, II" '- '-'... managers request ine iive :g!!!! T!'!!n!!porlahon Aut or- e'llurdinatur. II" :ndic~ted As Compiled by The Grosse Pointe News -------- Pointe police chiefs to con. lty), voted Tues~IJ:', J~ly 17, should any administration Funding Problem at State Level Cited But Possi- Public Safety Personnel duct a st~dyto give alter. :h:~a~u:h:e~\:mu~:~n tb: costs arise, they could be ,--------~--------~---' I b'lity Remains That Construction Could Vote to Leave Team- nate solutions to the YSD b'" f th 1980-31 assumed by tbe communities Thursday, July 19 see, Saginaw, Bay, Shiawas. I , and/or recommendations on egmmng 0 e benefiting from the program. SEVERAL INSIDERS AT see and Lapeer. Blue Cross. Begin in Fall; Woods Seeks sters in Runoff Elec- whether or not this type of £chool year. With the advisory council's the White House have indio Blue Shield President John to Expedite Project tion on Monday, service is needed. The cutbacks would have action Mr Jarvis said the cated that despite a massive C. McCabe indicated that ------- Part of the unanimously' af~ected. 500 to 7l!O Grosse contra'ct ~ill ultimately be resignation of Pre sid en t part of the higher costs is By Roger A. Waha July /6 passed motion also stipulated Pomte mIddle and high school drafted and signed by The Jimmy Carter's cabinet and attributed to "too much utili- 'Proposed improvements at the Mack avenue- that the board of manage~ students who ride SEMTA Woods. Official notification staff, few personnel changes zation" of health.care services Vernier road intersection which some officials By Susan McDonald concur with the YSD COOrdl' b~ses to North and South should be mailed out thi.s are slated, It is now believed in the nine counties: had hoped would get u~derway sometime this The In t ern at ion a 1 nator, (Woods City Adminis- H~gh, Brownell and Parcells week, with officials having that the President will only .. .. .. summer probably will not begin until late fall or Brotherhood of Team- trator Chester' E. Petersen), Middle Schools. around a month to complete make about three or four Monday, July 23 ' . 1 1 .. 1 ' 1 G that no further funds of the H"ariDgs Held it c h a n g e s in the so-called HE A V Y CASUALTIES even pO~~jlb year y next $pnng.
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