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Its caldum erallzatfon of the o 10 Day Trial Tftatm~nl Kdl) A- rich. red blood. finn ftt'sh and sturdy and ph~phoru!l build strong teeth body. At the ~nd of Malt-SI.00 o 200 Jumbo lIizt" Krlp-A - ~lalt lab­ muscle.. This lack of minrraliz:1t ion and bon~s. Its sulphur anp. phos­ that time. you will leiM . PriCf' S1.95 . r('~ulh in the f.ilu1"r to diKe~t starches phorus assure proper elimination. 6 anin at least 8 pounds. C 600 Jumbo 1I1&t· KdJ)-A- M "It tab· and fats in the nonnal diet. It lets PriCt:' S,L9S . (check "motlnt make'S no diifrrrnce whrtht'r your w.mh-d. ) appetite is good or bad. your food III for \\ hic!. cnclo.... ·,' find converted into poi!LOnouli wastes C . O . D . 10l: ..xu ... in!'ltrad of firm flrsh and tirel~s" cner&y. Na,"~ Sci~ntisl5. however. hav~ only St. Add.h'1hl recently discovered a msrY1:Ious source of practically every single Cil)' mineral e~scntial to body n~ed5. It KELP-A·MAl SEEDOL LABORATORIES: EST. 1903. ORIGINATORS OF HEALTH FOODS BY MAIL' DEPT. 46. 27-33 W. 20th ST", NEW YORK I 14. .. 0 VOL. 1 NO.1 NOVEMBER. 1933 J U L I A SHAWELL EDITOR BELLE LANDESMAN. ASSISTANT EDITOR WALLACE HAMILTON CAMPBELL' ART DIRECTOR 5 p e c a f e a t u r e 5 We Have With Us Editorial ......................... .... ............ - . 3 Roosevelt and Radio line Up the Notion Mary Margaret McBride, famou, biog­ Hot and Airy .
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