LEGISLATIVE RECORD - SENATE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2013 STATE OF MAINE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH LEGISLATURE Doctor of the day, Lisa Ryan, DO of Naples. FIRST REGULAR SESSION JOURNAL OF THE SENATE _________________________________ In Senate Chamber Off Record Remarks Thursday March 21, 2013 _________________________________ Senate called to order by President Justin L. Alfond of Out of order and under suspension of the Rules, the Senate Cumberland County. considered the following: _________________________________ ORDERS Prayer by Reverend Jane Macintyre, South Parish Joint Order Congregational Church in Augusta. On motion by Senator GOODALL of Sagadahoc, the following REVEREND MCINTYRE: I stand here this morning in tribute to Joint Order: the Reverend Dr. Beth Clark who died on Friday, March 8th. Her S.P. 396 age was 98 years. She was an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ; a member of my church, South Parish; and the Ordered, the House concurring, that when the House and Senate mother of the Honorable Beverly Daggett. Besides pastoring adjourn, they do so until Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 10:00 in the many congregations, Reverend Clark traveled all over the world, morning. studying in Switzerland, in Greece, in Crete, in Oxford, and in the Holy Lands, just for a start. She worked with the National Church READ and PASSED. Board and the World Council of Churches. Her passion was peace and helping others to a better life, and isn't that really the Sent down for concurrence. mission of this Body? On April 1, 2003, Reverend Clark stood here to open the session with a prayer. Her words hold as much _________________________________ meaning now as they did when she first offered them. She said, "I want you to know it's not easy to pray. How do you get in touch PAPERS FROM THE HOUSE with that unseen spirit that all of us need to support us from day to day? But will you join me as I try to pray. House Papers O God, our Creator, the God of our nation as well as the God of all nations, You have sustained us through all time and now we Bill "An Act Requiring the Labeling of Food Packaging That again seek Your guidance as the problems and issues of society Contains Bisphenol A" overwhelm us. Strengthen our determination to outlaw war, H.P. 743 L.D. 1050 recognizing that it is not the mighty, the leaders, who suffer the most, but children and families, innocence and humble soldiers. Committee on AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION AND We should remember always that words are better than bullets. FORESTRY suggested and ordered printed. We acknowledge our humanity, that no one of us knows everything. Teach us that humility is better than hubris, that Comes from the House, REFERRED to the Committee on persuasion is better than coercion, that quiet assurance is better ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. than arrogance, and that acceptance is better than judging. Sometimes, unintentionally, someone spills some milk. Help us On motion by Senator JACKSON of Aroostook, REFERRED to be willing to say, "I'm sorry" and work to clean up the mess the Committee on ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL without blaming. Help us to be human beings together, for we are RESOURCES and ordered printed, in concurrence. not gods. O Holy God, continue to bless this Senate with decisions for joy, for the people, as well as satisfactions for this _________________________________ Senate. We pray this in the memory of wonderful leaders and parents who have supported us all. Amen." Bill "An Act Relating to Employee Leasing Company Registration" H.P. 715 L.D. 1017 _________________________________ Committee on INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Colleen M. Lachowicz of suggested and ordered printed. Kennebec County. Comes from the House, REFERRED to the Committee on _________________________________ LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Reading of the Journal of Wednesday, March 20, 2013. _________________________________ S-276 LEGISLATIVE RECORD - SENATE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2013 On motion by Senator GRATWICK of Penobscot, REFERRED to The Following Communication: H.P. 742 the Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and ordered printed, in CITY OF BANGOR concurrence. RESOLUTION REGARDING THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOSED BUDGET _________________________________ By the Bangor City Council on March 11, 2013 COMMUNICATIONS Whereas, the City of Bangor stands to lose $3.7 million in municipal revenue sharing in the upcoming fiscal year if the state The Following Communication: H.P. 741 budget as proposed by Governor Paul LePage is adopted; and TOWN OF JAY Whereas, The Bangor School Department would pay an 340 MAIN STREET additional $645,000 to fund teacher retirement under the JAY, MAINE 04239-1697 Governor's budget proposal; and We, the undersigned Officials in the Town of Jay, on March 4, Whereas, 3,615 non-elderly Bangor households would lose $197 2013 sign the following resolution for our 2013/14 Budget Year. each, or $712,155 total, in property tax relief in the upcoming fiscal year under the cuts to the Homestead Exemption program, WHEREAS, the Governor's unprecedented biennial budget if the Legislature adopts the Governor's proposed budget; and places towns in an untenable fiscal position; and Whereas, 1,810 non-elderly Bangor households that currently WHEREAS, the proposal includes the elimination of $283 million qualify for the Circuit Breaker program would lose an average of in municipal revenue sharing, falls $200 million short of funding $386 each, or $698,660 total in the upcoming fiscal year, under local schools at the 55% level passed in referendum; would cut that program, if the Legislature adopts the Governor's proposed the state's reimbursement for General Assistance by an budget; and estimated $6.7 million; would eliminate the Homestead Exemption for anyone under the age of 65; would eliminate the "circuit Whereas, in total many Bangor households would lose $583 in breaker" property tax and rent revenue from towns; and would fail tax offsets if they had previously qualified for both the Homestead to reimburse towns for 50% of the cost for the Business Exemption and Circuit Breaker programs, if the Legislature Equipment Tax Exemption Program; and adopts the Governor's proposed budget; and WHEREAS, the Governor's proposal also contains cuts to health Whereas, the City of Bangor stands to lose $140,000 in tractor and human services, clean elections, the wage and benefits of trailer excise tax revenues being transferred from the City of public workers, and other initiatives necessary for strong Bangor to the State of Maine, if the Legislature adopts the communities and who's under-funding continues to shift costs to Governor's proposed budget; and towns; be it Whereas, the City of Bangor stands to lose $821,000 in General RESOLVED, The Officials of Jay call upon the Maine Legislature Assistance reimbursement, an entitlement program mandated by to reject these proposals, identify less harmful cost savings, and the State, in which the State establishes the eligibility raise revenue in an equitable fashion in order to avoid a requirements, benefit levels and process to be employed; and regressive tax shift to municipalities. Whereas, our community will once again be forced either to S/Stephen McCourt S/Ruth Cushman, Town Manager eliminate classroom education and other programs in our schools S/Justin Merrill S/Ronda Palmer, Town Clerk or find local funds to compensate for the reduction in state S/F. Timothy DeMillo S/Lisa Bryant, Finance Director financial support for public education; and S/Pearl Cook S/Larry White, Police Chief S/Thomas C. Goding S/John Johnson, Public Works Director Whereas, this City Council will be faced with the unacceptable Selectmen of Jay S/Mark Holt, Waste Water Treatment choice of either severely cutting essential municipal services or Plant Supervisor dramatically increasing the property tax burden on our fellow residents; and A True Copy Attest: S/Ronda L. Palmer, Town Clerk Whereas, we, as the elected representatives of the residents and taxpayers of Bangor, have an obligation to maintain essential Comes from the House, READ and REFERRED to the local services, ensure a quality education for our children and Committee on APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. contain the property tax burden of our citizens; READ and REFERRED to the Committee on APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, in concurrence. _________________________________ S-277 LEGISLATIVE RECORD - SENATE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2013 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED: That the Freeport Town Council requests that OF THE CITY OF BANGOR THAT, we call upon the Governor the Maine Legislature reconsider this large tax shift when creating and the members of 126th Legislature to fully fund municipal its biennial FY2014 and FY2015 budget, and welcomes the revenue sharing for the coming biennium, maintain the Circuit opportunity for further discussion of this issue in hopes of Breaker and Homestead Exemption property tax relief programs, assisting the State to create a more efficient system of and fulfill the state's K-12 education funding mandate under the government in order to avoid this shift in revenue from the School Finance Act of 2003 and confirmed by vote of the people municipalities to the State. of Maine in a June 2004 referendum. Dated this 5th day of March, 2013 at Freeport, Maine. S/Nelson E. Durgin, Mayor S/Joe M. Baldacci, Councilor S/James Hendricks, Council Chair S/Pauline B. Civiello, Councilor S/Kristina Egan, Council Vice-Chair S/James D. Gallant, Councilor S/Rich DeGrandpre, Councilor S/Susan M. Hawes, Councilor S/D. Scott Gleeson, Councilor S/Charles R. Longo, Councilor S/Melanie Sachs, Councilor S/David S. Neally, Councilor S/Andrew Wellen, Councilor Comes from the House, READ and REFERRED to the ATTEST, A True Copy: Committee on APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.
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