Cambridge University Press 0521856736 - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More information Index A Quo Primum encyclical, 83, 87 Andrzejewski, Jan, 34 on the Jews in Poland, 89–90 Anonymous of Passau, 19 Abraham, 11, 204 anti-Catholic polemic, Protestant, 22, 46, 48–50, Abramovich, Biernat, 29 113, 122–123, 125, 134–135 Abramovich, Nachum, 38 Antichrist Abramowicz, Adam, 21, 217 Catholic Church as, 46, 48, 169 absolution, 88 description of, 111–112 accusations, anti-Jewish, 100, 107–113, 168 asaJew,206 blood (ritual murder), 77, 99, 100, 164 anti-Christian sentiments, 210. See also Jews Christians countering, 13 (attitudes toward non-Jews) combating Protestants, 131 –137 anti-Jewish accusations, see accusations of desecration of the Host, 113 anti-Jewish literature, 95, 100, 107–108, 113–117, of falsification of the Scriptures, 126 204 of murdering a Christian girl, 29 anti-Jewish polemics. See also anti-Jewish Pope Gregory X condemning, 206 rherotic, polemical works Pope Innocent IV condemning, 205 Bible(corruptedbyJews),127 Acta Episcopalia, 86, 221 crucifixion, 78 Acta Sanctorum, 168 Gospels, 108 adultery, Jewish-Christan sexual relations as, 66, Jewish crimes, representation of, 108, 180 113–114 Advent, 70 Jews, in Protestant, 113 afikoman, 118–119 medievalism of, 95, 100, 106, 113–117, 144 Agnieszka, the fallen (exemplum), 76–77, anti-Jewish rhetoric, also anti-Jewish stereotypes 130 against nobles, 81 –82, 91 –95 alcoholic beverages against Protestants, 107, 125, 127–129, 131 –137 abuse of, 33, 52, 60 Christian blood, 116–117 brewing on Sundays and holidays, 61 cruelty, 108, 110 monopoly on the production and sale of, 61 demonization of Jews, 12, 117 Sunday sins involving, 60 epithets, describing Jews, 110 tax (czopowe), 35 Jewish beliefs, as absurd and alien, 117 violence, 33, 62 Jews as carnal, 134 wine, 86–87 Jews as child-killers, 109 Aleksandrowicze, parish of, 48 Jews as Christ killers, 109 Alexander, Duke Vitold of Lithuania, 1388 as enemies of Christianity, 68, 82, 110, charter by, 159 135 Alexander I, King, 23 Jews as diabolical, 117 Alexander III, Pope, 179 medieval-style, 91 –95, 106, 113–117, 144 Allemanno, Johanan be Issac, 107 used to consolidate Catholicism, 107 altar, removing from a local church, 50 anti-Protestant legislation, 47–48, 53, 54–57, 104, Amar, Rabbi Shlomo, 1 135, 137–140, 142, 144 `[MTI] Amidah prayer, 118 anti-Protestant polemic, 131 –137 Anabaptists, 47 antiquity of Jewish law, 12 Ancona (Italian city), 114 anti-Trinitarianism, 26 253 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521856736 - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More information 254 INDEX anti-Trinitarians, also Arians, Polish Brethren, Avignonese popes, 8 Socinians, 46, 52, 125 Avinu Malkenu (prayer), 118 anti-Catholic polemic, 171 Avodahë Zarah, 71 Church’s assaults against, 125 conversions, 55–56, 129 Babylonian Talmud, also Talmud, 71, 74, expulsion of, 47–48, 52, 53, 142, (reasons for), 184 54, (rewards for) 55 in anti-Jewish polemic, 105, 117, 119 Jesus (views of), 122–123 bachor, 197 legislation against, 53–56, 174, 214 Balaban, Majer, 168 nobles, 55 Balmes, Abraham de, 107 polemic against, 125–129 Balsam, Kasper, 81 , 111 property of, 54 bankers, Jews as, 28 Protestant nobles opposed to, 46–47 baptism, see also conversions schools, 51 fees for, 84 social radicalism of, 47 infant, 223 treason, accusations of, 54 by Protestants of Catholic children, 49 trials of, 54 validity of, 120 Trinity (views of), 47 Baranowicz, Mikolaj, 177–178 wars (view of), 174 Baranski,´ Woyciech Jozef,´ 115 apostasy, see also conversions, proselytism Basnage, Jaques, 213, 219 in Jesuit reports to Rome, 179 bath houses Malcherowa, Katarzyna, 42–44 assistants in, 90 penalty for, 43–44, 56, 65, 66, 180 laws restricting the use of, 71–72 in the Protestant community, 48 Bawarczyk, Marek, 101 Aquinas, Thomas, 212 beadles, Jewish, 34 Arba ahë Turim, see also Tur, 147 Bedlenski, Mikolaj, 42 Archbishop of Gniezno, 23, 43 beggars (among Catholics), 46, 79 Archbishop of Sens, 154 Belz, 52 arenda, 34, 147 ben Asher, Jacob, 147 Arian heresy, 18 ben Samuel, Rabbi Eliyahu, 106 Arians, see anti-Trinitarians ben Samuel ha-Levi, David, 186 aristocracy, see nobility Benedict XIV, Pope Armenians, 83, 180 on Christian wet-nurses for Jews, 63 arrendator, also leaseholder, 29, 32, 34–35, 147 on debts of Jews to religious orders, 87 Jewish woman, 32 encyclical A Quo Primum (1751), 83, 89–90, monopoly rights to sell vodka, 163 120, 194 a noble lease, 163 on episcopal authority, 86 as synonym for a Jew, 208 on Jews living on Church lands, 85 ofataverninGle bokie, 68 Ber of Bolechow,´ 86, 139 in Wendoroze,˙ 66 Berlin, Protestant books published in, 104 art Bernard (a Franciscan), 109 in baroque churches, 122 Bernard of Clairvaux devotional, 122 conversions as a triumph for the Church, frescoes, depicting Mary’s life, 123 120 as religious polemic, 122–123 “judaize,” 85 Asch, Ronald, 150 on violence, 119 Asher, Jacob ben, 71 Bible, 101. See also. Gospel, Hebrew Bible, atheists, 56 Hebrew Scriptures; Scripture; Vulgate August II, King, 2, 21, 57, 130, 158 in anti-Catholic polemic, 125 August III, King from Saxony, 57, 158 in anti-Jewish rhetoric, 110–111 Augustine of Hippo, 12, 13–14, 88 Catholic interpretation of, 127, 129 authority. See also supreme authority Christian (Christological) interpretation, Catholic Church, see also hierocracy, 16, 10–12 137–138 Catholic manipulation of stories in, 109 royal power, 9, 22–25 dissemination of, 103, 216 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521856736 - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More information INDEX 255 Hebrew, 10, 11, 12, 128 books. See also printing; publications Jews as corrupters of, 127, 214 n. 33 approved by Church, 101 Latin mistranslations of Hebrew, 126 confiscation of, 41 Latin translation of, 126 devotional, 122 Polish Catholic translation of, 2 Hebrew in libraries of religious orders, 105 printing, 103 heresy, 101 –103 in Protestant polemic, 104, 125 prohibited, 101 –102 Protestants, 103, 112, 126–127 Protestant (against Catholicism), 101 , 104 reading, 112, 127 religious myths disseminated in, 100 sola scriptura, 104 trials for disseminating Lutheran, 101 study of, 106 boundaries translation and heresy, 19, 104 religious, 16, 50, 65, 67, 73, 141 validity of, 126 social, 65, 69, 73 in vernacular, 19, 101 , 156, 202 Boyarin, Daniel, 219 Vulgate, 126–127 Braunsberg (Jesuit College), 105 Bible Moralis´ee, 155 Breslau (Wroclaw), 17, 67. See also Council of biblical canon, Council of Trent debate over, Breslau 215 Brest, 35, 37 Bibliotecae Hebreae, 201 Augustinian monastery encroaching on Jewish Bielicki, Stanislaw, 130 land, 36 Bielski, Marcin, 44 court in, 33 Biem, Marcin, 13, 44 kahal, 39 Bienarow´ (town), 137 parish church in, 62 Bilgoraj, 114 brewery, of a Cistercian monastery, 86 Bishop of Arles, letter from Pope Gregory I, 168 brewing. See also, alcoholic beverages bishops. See also, Catholic Church; synodal violating Christian holidays, 61 legislation Brodawka, Izak, 29, 89 concern with loss of revenues, 82, 84 Brown, Judith, 178 episcopal court, 26, 42 Bukowski, Julian, 42, 221 on Jewish authority over Christians, 88 on Burchard of Worms, 192, 195 Jewish-Christian social contacts, 69 burghers on mixed marriages, 50 competition with Jews, 32 on the nobles’ defiance of Church teachings, Lutheranism, 45 83 writings hostile to Jews, 107 on sexual relations between Christians and Burnett, Stephen, 105 Jews, 67 business wealth of, 170 between Jews and Christians in Brest, 38 blasphemers, 56 between Jews and clergy, 85–87, 188, blasphemy between Jews and nobles, 31 –32 penalty for, 44 butchers synagogue as a place of, 13 Jewish-Christian, cooperation, 116 blood. See Christian blood Christian-Jewish guild of, 116 blood libel, see also accusations, 1 , 31 , 38, 91 , Buxtorf, Johannes, 105 99–100, 113, 116, 118–119, 165, 168 Byzantine empire, Emperor’s role in Church Bocki´ (town), 31 affairs, 9 Bohemia, Christianity accepted from, 22 Bohemian brethren, consensus with Lutherans calendars and Calvinists (1570), 46 Counter-Reformation liturgical, 149 Boleslaw II, King, 157 Gregorian, 124 Boleslaw the Pious, 17, 159 Jewish awareness of the Christian, 177 Bollandists, 100, 168 Protestant criticisms of the Catholic, 124 Boniface VIII, Pope, 7–9, 26 Calixtus II, Pope, 14 annointing of Pippin III, 9 Calvinism, 26, 45 conflict with Phillip IV (the Fair), 8 churches, 139 Unam Sanctam (bull), 7–8, 143, 221 marriage by a Calvinist minister, 141 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521856736 - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More information 256 INDEX Calvinists Jewish-made wine, 191 accusations against, 132 judicial authority, 26, 137 consensus with Lutherans and Bohemian land (Jews on), 85 brethren, 46 as a land owner, 27, 83, 189 piety in Catholic polemical literature, 77 Luther, Martin, 41 cannibalism, 10, 99 nobles, 22, 27, 48, 52, 53, 58, 143, (and Jews) canon law. See Church law 32, 80–81 , 82–83, 84, 97 capital punishment. See also, apostasy, penalty orthodoxy, 18 for, 34 properties, Jews on, 85 Capuchin library in Cracow, 105 Reformation, 45, 47–48, 59, 99 Carlebach, Elisheva, 177 on religious and sexual purity, 68 Carmelite monastery, business relations with revenue Jews, 87 compensation from Jews, 189 Carmelite order, on blood libel, 110 fees for religious rites, 84 carnality loss, 82–86 in anti-Catholic polemic, 134 tithes, 8, 84–85, 87, 89, 189, in anti-Protestant polemic, 134–135 secular powers, 9, 20, 22–25, 28, (king) associated with Jews, 134 21–22 catechisms social control, 59, 70, 75 Catholic, in Poland, 102–104, 199 spiritual authority, 7, 10–17, 19, 143, 144 Protestant, 112–113 taxes on property of, 26–27, (hiberna) 97 Cathars (Cathari), 18 temporal authority, 8, 16, 20, 144 Cathedral chapter in Cracow, 44, 85, 87 Catholic churches.
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