Jumb. 17. 601 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, MARCH 7 , 1929. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JVIARCH 13, 1929. N olice respecting Native and Imported Game. In addition to the above the use of any automatic or auto-loading gun has been prohibited unless it is converted Department of Internal Affairs, into a gun capable of carrying two cartridges only. - Wellington, 12th March, 1929. The use of any rifle or pea-rifle, or punt-gun, in the taking HE attention of sportsmen and others is called to the or killing of game is also prohibited. T following provisions of the Animals Protection and Section 13. (1.) No person shall use any cylinder for the Game Act, 1921-22. purpose of taking or killing imported or native game in P. A. DE LA PERRELLE, any lake or river; nor shall the apparatus known as a l\:1inister of Internal Affairs. silencer be used on any gun in the taking or killing of imported game or native game. THE ANIMALS PROTECTION AND GAME ACT, 1921-22. (2.) No person shall use any live decoys for the purpose of taking or killing imported game or native game. SECTION 6. (3.) Every reserve under the Scenery Preser­ Seotion 14. (1.) No person shall take or kill any imported vation Act, 1908; shall be deemed to be a sanctuary under game or native game during an open season in any district the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22. unless he is the holder of a license under the Auimals Pro· (4.) Every person who unlawfully takes or kills any animal tection and Game Act, 1921-22, to take or kill imported within a sanctuary is liable to a fine of ten pounds for every game or native game in such district during that Buch offence, and to a further fine of one pound for each !leason: animal so taken or killed. Provided, however, that the occupier of property, and anyone Section 9. The season for taking and killing imported or son or daughter of such. occupier, may take or kill without native game opens on the 1st day of May, 1929, and closes license on such property during an open season imported or on the 31st day of July, 1929, unless otherwise specified in native game which may be taken in the acclimatization the Warrant fixing the open season in any district. district in which such property is situated, or the occupier Section 11. (1.) No imported or native game shall be may in writing appoint one other person to shoot in his stead. trapped or taken by means of traps or by any other means The fee for a license to take or kill both imported and than by hunting or shooting, nor shall any trap, net; or native game is one pound (£1): Provided that ill the Lakes snare be erected or set for the purpose of such trapping or District, Nelson, North Canterbury, Otago, and South Canter­ taking at any time whatever, except by any person duly bury Acclimatization Districts a separate license to take or kill authorized under section thirty-one of the Animals Protection native game only may be issued at a fee of ten shillings (lOs.) ; and Game Act, 1921-22. and a similar fee is payable. in the case of the Ash burton, Section 12. (1.) No person shall kill or destroy any imported Southland, Waimate, and 'Vaitaki Districts wherein native game or native game. 01' shoot at, or attempt to shoot at, any game only may be ta.ken or killed during the prescnt season; imported game or native game, with any swivel gun or in the Grey District Acclimatization District a license is obtain­ pump gun, or use any gun other than a shoulder gun. able to take or kill imported game only-viz, hares-at a fee (2.) No gun shall be used for the purposes aforesaid the of ten shillings (lOs.), and a license to take or kill native game bore of which is larger than the size known as number twelve only at a similar fee. at the muzzle, nor shl:l.ll any gun be used which exceeds ten Section 15. Nothing in any lioense. to take or kill imported pounds in weight. game or native game shall authorize the holder thereof to A 602 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 17 take or kill imported game or native game on lands actually STATEMENT SHOWING THE KINDS OF IMPORTED GAME AND a.nd exclusively used by any registered acclimatization NA'.rIVE GAME WHICH MAY BE KILLED IN EACH DISTRICT. society for acclimatization purposes, or on any sanctuary -continued. or public domain, or on any land excepted from the operation Acclimatization District. Imported and Native Game. of the notification declaring an open season for the .dis­ Waitaki Grey duck, black swan, and paradise trict. duck. Section 39. Except as otherwise expressly provided, Wanganui •• Cock pheasants, Californian and A us­ nothing in any license or other authority under the Animals tralian quail, grey duck, spoonbill Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, shall entitle the holder duck (or shoveller), and black thereof to enter upon any private land without the consent swan. of the owner or occupier thereof, or upon any State forest Wellington •• Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ or provisional State forest. tralian quail, mallard duck, hares, grey duck, shoveller, and black STATEMENT SHOWING THE KINDS OF IMPORTED GAME AND swan. NATIVE GAME WHICH MAY R.E KILLED'IN EACH DISTRICT. Westland .. Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ Acclimatization District. Imported and Native Game. tralian quail, mallard duck, grey Ashburton Grey duck, black swan, and paradise duck, black swan, and paradise duck. duck. Auckland .. Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ Whangarei. Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ tralian quail,. mallard duck, black tralian quail, grey duck, black teal, swan, grey duck, and spoonbill and black swan. duck. Particulars regarding the number and kinds of imported Bay of Islands Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ game and native game that may be taken or killed by anyone tralian quail, grey duck, black teal, person in anyone day and the period and area within which and black swan. such game may be taken or hilled are specified in the notifica­ Buller Hares, grey duck, ani black swan. tion fixing the open season in each district. Coromandel Cock pheasants, Californian quail, Shooting may begin not earlier than one hour before sunrise grey duck, black swan, and black and must cease not later than one hour after sunset. teal. A close season is being observed this year for pukeko. East Coast .• Cock pheasants, Virginian, Californian, A short season for paradise duck, from 1st May to 7th May, a,nd Australian quail, grey duck, 1929, has been granted in respect of certain South Island shoveller, and black swan. Acclimatization Districts. Feilding and district .. Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus­ Nat,ive pigeon is absolutely protected. tralian quail, grey duck, mallard duck, and black swan. GODWITS AND KNOTS. Grey District Hares, grey duck, and black swan. Hawera Cock pbeasants, Californian quail, Godwits may be taken or killed in the following districts grey duck, and black swan. during the period set opposite the name of each district Hawke's Bay Cock pheasants,. !llallard duck, Cali" respectively:- ,. fornian and Australian quail, grey Bay of Islands 1st January to 31st March, 1930 duck, widgeon (or shoveller), and (both days inclusive). black swan. Coromandel 1st January to 31st March, 1930 Hobson Cock pheasants, Californian quail, (both days inclusive). grey duck, black teal, and black Feilding and District 1st February to 31st March, 1930 swan. (both days inclusive). Lakes District Californian quail, grey duck, black Hawke's Bay 1st ,January to 28th February, 1930 swan, and paradise duck. (both days inclusive). Mangonui-Whangaroa Cock pheasants, Californian and Hobson 1st January to' 31st March, 1930 Australian quail, grey duck, spoon- (both days inclusive). bill duck, black teal, and black Mangonui-Whangaroa 1st January to 31st March, 1930 swan. (both days inclusive). : Marlborough Californian quail, grey duck, spoon­ Nelson 1st January to 31st March, 1930 bill duck, and black swan. (both days inclusive). Nelson Californian quail and grey duck. Opotiki 1st February to 31st March, 1930 North Canterbury Canadian goose) Californian quail, (both days inclusive). grey duck, spoonbill duck (or Otago 2nd January to 12th February, 1930 shoveller), black swan, mallard (both days inclusive). duck, and paradise duck. South Canterbury 1st January to 31st March, 1930 Opotiki Cock pheasants, Californian and Ans­ (both days inclusive). tralian quail, grey duck, and black Southland •. 1st February to 31st March, 1930 swan. (both. days inclusive). .~ Otago Californian quail, mallard duck, Tauranga .. 1st January to 31st. March, 1930 Canadian goose, grey duck, spoon- (both days inclusive). bill duck (or widgeon), black swan, Wellington lsi January to 31st March, 1930 and paradise duck . (both days inclus1ve). Rotorua Cock pheasants, Californian, Vir­ ginia,n, and Australian quail, grey And both godwits and knots may be taken or' killed in th,e duck, spoonbill duck, eastern golden followiug districts during the. period set opposite the name plover, turnstone, and black swan. of each district respectively :- South Canterbury Mallard duck, grey duck, black teal, Auckland 1st January to 31st March, 1930 spoonbill duck, black swan, and (both days inclusive). paradise duck. Buller 1st January to 31st March, 1930 Southland .. Grey duck, spoonbill duck, black (botb days inclusive). swan, and paradise duck. North Canterbury 1st January to 31st March, 1930 Stra,tford .• Cock pheasants, Californian and (both days inclusive). Australian quail, grey duck, and Rotorua 1st February to 30th April, 1930 black swan. ~ (both days inclusive). Taranaki' •• 'Cock pheasants, Californian and Aus- Whangarei.
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