Volume 38. No.12 Friday, August 22, 2008 BIU To Honour 1992 Union Protestors by LaVeme Furbert At this year's Annual BIU La­ bour Day Banquet, the Bermuda In­ dustrial Union will be honouring fifteen members who were arrested and charged with obstruction on June 29,1992 when they participated in the industrial action caused by Bermuda Forwarders' refusal to reinstate BIU members although this was recommended by a Board of Inquiry that looked into the matter. The fifteen BIU members to be honoured include Brothers Dennis Bas­ come, Julian Burchall, James Burgess, Joseph Francis, Rodney Grimes, George Brother CoUins Simmons recendy participated in an orientation workshop ac Bermuda Tele­ phone Co. Ltd., explaining to employees the role of the Union, Shown along wich Brother Peets, Theophilius Saunders, Irven Sim­ ColUn (I to r) are Sister Aiyetoro Thompson, Human Resources Coordinator, Imari Wade, mons, Norris Smith, Eugene Tucker, MDF Technidan and Trina Doyling, Control Center Represenrative Raymond Tucker, Kenyatta Young, and Chris Furbert. The only female to be the experience at that time by the BIU plained Brother Collin, "Bermuda For­ recognized is Sister Dawnette Gilbert. was one of the most challenging indus­ warders was adamant that those workers Additionally, the late Brother Carlton trial situations that the BIU had ever en­ who have gone out ofthe gate would not Askia will be honoured posthumously. countered. be let back into the gate." According to Brother Collin "I think that we underestimated Brother Collin further explained Simmons, the BIU's Education Officer, the will ofthe employers at the time," ex­ continued on page 18 Rev* Lanel Guyton Banquet Keynote Speaker Rev. Lanel Guyton, pastot of St. Paul's A.M.E. Church since June 2005, wiU be the keynote speaker at this year's BIU Labour Day Banquet. Those who have he­ ard Rev Guyton preach, wiU know that in addition to being a Man of God, he is also a community activist and addresses the issues facing our community from a Biblical perspective. Those who attended the home-going service of Sister AureUa Burch can attest to the fact that not only is Rev. Guyton a man of God, he is truly an inspirati­ onal and motivational speaker. A third generation preacher. Rev. Guyton graduated cum laude from AUen University in South CaroUna in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Socio­ logy/Social Work. Prior to that he received an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from San Joaquin CoUege in Stockton California. In 1995 Rev. Guyton en- continued on page 14 Report on Employer/Employee Relationships Forum at BIU by Calvin Smith * On August 7th at the BIU Headquarters, a forum was held to discuss the foUowing topic: - "Employer/ Employee Relationships". Although the forum was not as weU attended as we would have liked, members present engaged in a Uvely discussion with respect to the foUowing themes: •Attimdes of employees, •employer expectations, •the need for mutual respect, •coUective responsibiUty, and •workplace ethics. The discussion was led by Employee representatives Brother Larry Holder and Sister Dee Ann Iris. The moderator was Bro. Calvin Smith, the Chairman of the Forum Committee, Recendy management and staff of the Parks Department met at BIU headquarters to participate in The discussion a team buUding excercise to help create a better working environment for aU was impassioned and very remrned from a business trip, Sis. DeeAnn Iris and explained to workers. informative. The participants was also unable to continue informed the audience that Needless to say, were grateful not only for at the forum to make his positive employee attimdes the presentations were weU the important contributions presentation. are necessary if a work site received and initiated a Uvely of those in attendance but Despite the late is to be productive. In and productive discussion. also for valuable insights into start and absence of two addition, she set out the FoUowing the discussion, all the fundamental concepts presenters, participants heard conditions which needed to in attendance enjoyed a light and history of the Bermuda stirring addresses by Bro. exist in order to create this repast while continuing the Industrial Union provided Larry Holder and Sis. DeAnn ideal state of affairs. She discussion person to person. by President Chris Furbert Iris. Brother Holder gave noted that the development The next forum is scheduled and General Secretary MoUy a weU researched statement of positive attitudes required for September 18th 2008 and Burgess, on Mumal Respect noting in the foUowing: thesubjectis"THEIMPACT Unfortun ately, particular that we aU need to • A work environment that OF SOCIAL ISSUES Mrs. KelUe-Ann Smith, develop Mutual Respect if we was pleasant and conducive ON THE BERMUDA Human Resource Manager are to get along together. He to improving productivity; COMMUNITY, of Fairmont Hamilton beUeved that a fundamental • Workers needed to have a Members of the Princess, was unable to make aspect of 'Mutual Respect' clear definirion of their job; poUtical affairs committee a presentation on Employer is for each side to a dispute • Changes in job description are Brothers Calvin Smith; Expectations due to an to listen carefiiUy to what needed to be discussed with Edmund (Shinah) Simons; unscheduled visit abroad the other has to say and to the employer and employee Louis Somner; Graham just prior to the start of the respond in terms of what is to representatives before Nesbitt; PerneU Grant and forum. In addition, Mr, be done and not by way of a implementation; Sister Ronaldine 'Ronnie' George Outerbridge, the Post personal attack on members • The conditions of work Burgess. Master General, who hadjust of the opposing side, needed to be clearly defined WORKERS VOICE AUGUST 22, Z008 PAGE 2 Club Med Implosion Set For Monday, August 25th The Minister of Works and En­ Minister Burgess said that a Minister Burgess, "Mindful of expected gineering, the Hon Derrick V. Burgess, team of internal and external experts meteorological conditions on the day of JP, MP would like to advise the public has been planning the implosion for the the implosion, a forecast will be made on that the Department of Health has been last several months. The team includes Sunday, 24th August, 2008 when it will closely monitoring the asbestos removal representatives from: be more apparent where the dust is most from the Club Med building over the •Ministry of Works and Engineering likely to settle. However, analysis of me­ past several months. •Ministry of Health teorological data from the last decade On the 20th May, 2008, the •Bermuda Water Consultants Ltd. indicates that the wind is most likely to laundry room passed visual inspec­ •Bermuda Police Service blow dust offshore." tion and clearance standards for asbes­ •Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service Minister Burgess said that resi­ tos abatement. Along with the adjacent The Bermuda Regiment dents of postcodes GE03 and GE05 boiler room, most of the building's fri­ •Mayor ofthe Town of St. George should be prepared to protect their wa­ able asbestos was contained in the laun­ •D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co., North ter supplies by blocking their roof gut­ dry basement area as fire proofing. It has Carolina demolition experts ters should they be so advised in the days now been safely removed. The implosion is scheduled for leading up to the implosion. On the other floors, asbestos Monday, 25th August, 2008. Internal "An advisory brochure is be­ containing material existed around some demolition is nearing completion and ing mailed to all residents in GE03 and of the pipe work (mainly hot water pipe implosion preparation is underway. GE05 so that they can be adequately elbows) in some of the floor tiles and in The Works 8C Engineering Minister said prepared for the implosion," the Min- TIME LINE On 20th June, 2008, the boiler room, the lobby, Sth floor and 4th floors passed visual inspection and clearance standards. On 4th July, 2008, the Sth, 3rd, and 2nd floors passed visual inspection and clearance standards. On 9th July, 2008, the 1st floor passed visual inspection and clearance standards. On 24th July, 2008, the 9th and 10th floors passed visual inspection and clearance standards. On 25th July, 2008, the last floor, the 7th floor, passed visual Inspection and clearance standards for asbestos abatement. some ofthe older ceiling paint. that the best vantage will be from the ister added. "Persons with respiratory Qualified asbestos abatement water. However, the Marine Police wiU ailments are advised to keep away from contractors were hired by the Minis­ confine boaters to a safe viewing area east the immediate vicinity of the implosion try of Works and Engineering to work ofthe Narrows Shipping Channel. (within 1500 feet) on the morning of through each floor, systematicaUy re­ Residents are being advised to 25th August, 2008". moving and bagging these materials un­ stay away from the area because of the According the Ministry of der controlled conditions. All asbestos lack of safe viewing areas. Residents Works and Engineering, Bermuda Wa­ containing material has now been safely in the immediate vicinity of the former ter Consultants Ltd, [BWC] has estab­ removed. Club Med building will be temporarily lished e^t monitoring sites in the area Mr. Roger Mello, Senior Envi­ evacuated from their homes and cared ofthe former Club Med Hotel, On 23rd ronmental Health Officer, Ministry of for by the Government at an off site lo­ July, 2008, background measurements Health,
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