K?<E<NJC<KK<IF=K?<?<8CK?:8I<9LJ@E<JJNFD<EËJ8JJF:@8K@FE Required Experience for Healthy Careers A8EL8IP&=<9IL8IP)''. +K?8EEL8C?98C<8;<IJ?@G:FE=<I<E:< Master The New Standard of Leadership articipants in the HBA’s Fourth Annual Leadership Conference were inspired, moved by shared stories, P educated, entertained, and motivated to “master the new standard of leadership” at the November 2-3 event, hosted by the Boston Chapter. Th e Conference provided the nearly 400 attendees with opportunities to network and get to know women from HBA chapters and affi liates throughout the country. Kim Rowe from Agentive spoke on behalf of many when she commented, “Th is year’s Leadership Conference was the best yet. If you want to get to know powerful women in the healthcare industry, this was the place to be.” Th anks to the Leadership Conference Planning Commit- D\dY\ijf]k_\)''-?98C\X[\ij_`gjk\\i`e^Zfdd`kk\\]ifdc\]k tee, the conference supported the HBA’s mission of further- <M<;IP<I#:fe]\i\eZ\:_X`i2;<9FI8?:FF>8EJ<CKQ<I#:fe]\i\eZ\ ing the advancement of women in healthcare and provided :_X`i2D8IP$D8I>8I<K8IDJKIFE>#:fe]\i\eZ\:_X`i2 “REAL” (Recognition, Expertise, Access and Leadership) A<8EE<QL:B<I#Jk\\i`e^:fdd`kk\\2Xe[JLJ8EKFIIF<CC8# benefi ts to attendees, whether they were seasoned veterans ?98>cfYXc;`i\Zkfif]Jg\Z`Xc<m\ekj% or new to the organization. Heidi T. Wunder of Shire Pharmaceuticals spoke from need it, be interesting, and, of course, never eat alone. the perspective of a fi rst-timer. “As a new HBA member and Addressing success from a diff erent perspective, Karenna mid-level professional, I found the 2006 conference to be Gore Schiff , daughter of former Vice President Al Gore, educational, thought-provoking, idea-stimulating, and com- spoke about several women who put themselves on the line pletely worthwhile. I look forward to 2007,” she said. to combat racism, cruelty to children, pollution, disease, Conference attendees got off to an entertaining start with bigotry, and poverty, and challenged the limits put on women Keith Ferrazzi, CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight and author of the as public leaders. She shared stories based on her recent book, best-seller, Never Eat Alone. Defi ning behaviors of leadership, Lighting the Way: Nine Women Who Changed Modern America he highlighted fi ve secrets to success: business relationships (see related article on page 9). are personal relationships, don’t keep score, build it before you turn to C<8;<IJ?@G on page 10 New Offi cers and Board of Directors Take the Reins President Elect Second Vice President with the election of a new Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD MBA Candidate, Senior Vice President, WWBD T Board of Directors. Th e elec- Class of 2007 & Strategic Alliances tion of board members was held during Th e Wharton School GlaxoSmithKline Consumer the HBA’s Annual Business Meeting, [email protected] Healthcare November 2, 2006. [email protected] First Vice President HBA 2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ceci Zak Immediate Past President Vice President, Debra L. Newton President Allergy Sales & Marketing President Cathy Kerzner sanofi -aventis Newton Grey, a division of President & COO ceci.zak@sanofi -aventis.com Grey Healthcare Group EKR Th erapeutics, Inc. [email protected] [email protected] turn to )''.9F8I;D<D9<IJ on page 3 www.hbanet.org is published bimonthly for the members of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. K_\?98Ëj(/k_NFKP1 E, Suite 215, Fairfield, NJ 07004. Phone: (973) 575-0606 Fax: (973) 575-1445 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.hbanet.org D<IPCQ8LJE<I EDITOR Taren Grom K_\?98_XjeXd\[D<IPCQ8LJE<I#M`Z\Gi\j`[\ek MANAGING EDITOR Joanne Tanzi Xe[:_`\]=`eXeZ`XcF]ÔZ\i#EfmXik`jFeZfcf^p#Xjk_\ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS (/k_?98NfdXef]k_\P\Xi% Rosemary Azzaro Wendy Hauser Kim A. Rowe J_\n`ccY\_fefi\[feK_lij[Xp#DXp*#)''.Xkk_\ ART DIRECTOR E\nPfib:`kp?`ckfe[li`e^k_\?98ËjXeelXcNFKP DeborahAnne Chingas Sandke ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR cleZ_\fe% Rosanne Gogerty Please send correspondence regarding the HBA Bulletin NXkZ_]fi[\kX`c\[Zfm\iX^\`ek_\e\ok`jjl\f]k_\ to Joanne Tanzi at the above address. ?989lcc\k`e% ?989F8I;F=;@I<:KFIJ PRESIDENT—Cathy Kerzner, President & COO, EKR Therapeutics, Inc. PRESIDENT-ELECT—Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD, MBA Candidate, Class of 2007, The Wharton School FIRST VICE PRESIDENT—Ceci Zak, Vice President, Allergy HBA Members Approve Formation of Council of Sales & Marketing, sanofi-aventis SECOND VICE PRESIDENT—Catherine Angell Sohn, PharmD, Senior Vice President, WWBD & Strategic Chapter Presidents at 2006 Annual Business Meeting Alliances, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT—Debra L. Newton, President, NewtonGrey, a division of Grey Healthcare he HBA membership approved an delayed voting on projects and programs that Group TREASURER—Lori Ryan, Executive Director, Business amendment to the bylaws to allow needed to move forward quickly and efficiently.” Planning & Analysis, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation T the formation of the HBA Council The second reason for the formation of the SECRETARY—Susan Torroella, CEO & President, Columbia MedCom Group of Chapter Presidents and to reconfigure the Council was to strengthen the chapters’ ability to DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Deborah Coogan Seltzer, Senior Board of Directors to include the Chair of learn from one another. “Future growth will come Vice President, Boyden Global Executive Search DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Donna R. Cryer, JD, CEO, the Council of Chapter Presidents as an Ex from the chapters, so it is critical that the HBA CryerHealth, LLC DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Sheryl “Sherry” Fox, Market Officio Director’s position on the board. Vot- provide a forum for substantive sharing of leading Research Business Leader, Fox Consulting LLC DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Arlene Kirsch, PhD, Area/ ing took place at the 2006 Annual Business practices in addition to the current board-level Segment Vice President, Managed Markets, Kaiser Team, GlaxoSmithKline Meeting, November 2, 2006, at the Marriott training currently offered,” Ms. Newton says. DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Heather Mason, Vice President, International Marketing, Abbott Laboratories Long Wharf in Boston, at which time the new The concept of the Council of Chapter DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Donna K. Ramer, President, StrategCations, Inc. Executive Committee and Board members Presidents was developed by a task force of DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Leigh Ann Soltysiak, Marketing Director, Worldwide Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson also were elected. The Council of Chapter current Board Members and several Chapter DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Maryrita F. Sweeney, President/ Presidents becomes effective January 1, 2007. Founders and former Presidents (Donna Raa- COO, Dorland Global Health Communications DIRECTOR AT LARGE— Robin Winter-Sperry, MD, The change in the composition of the Board mer, Cathy Sohn, Deborah Coogan Seltzer, President & CEO, Scientific Advantage, LLC, MSL Advantage, LLC is part of a process that began in 2002, when the Susan Torroella, and Terri Pascarelli) along DIRECTOR AT LARGE—Nancy Wysenski CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER—Laurie Cooke, RPh, HBA began reconfiguring the organization to with Ken Grounds, a consultant to the HBA, Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR—Carol Davis-Grossman, be better positioned for the future—and con- who provides guidance on governance and Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association CHAPTER & AFFILIATE RELATIONSHIP tinual growth. Under the previous bylaws, each organizational structure. EXECUTIVE—Mary-Margaret Armstrong, Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Chapter President held an Ex Officio position Following the vote at the Annual Meeting, :?8GK<I&8==@C@8K<GI<J@;<EKJ on the Board—which stood at 23 members— a new task force was convened to develop the ATLANTA CHAPTER PRESIDENT— and would continue to grow as new Chapters composition and structure of the Council as Courtney Rowell, Managed Care Executive, Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. around the world were established. Because well as a Chair who will sit on the HBA Board. BOSTON CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Susan Adler, Vice Chapter Presidents have, by definition, another That task force includes former two-time HBA President, Consumer Analytics, Sepracor, Inc. CHICAGO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Jane Kiernan, General primary task within the HBA—to organize and President Nancy Larsen, Kimberly Farrell, Manager, Global Clintec Nutrition, Baxter Healthcare GREATER PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER PRESIDENT— manage their Chapters—their participation in Donna Cryer, and Leigh Ann Ruggles. Lee Ann Kimak, Senior Director, Web Strategy, Wyeth INDIANA CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Sherry Fabina-Abney, Board functions and tactical work could not As 2007 HBA President Cathy Kerzner Consultant/Freelancer, Ice Miller LLP be their highest priority. With the new Bylaw explains, “The Council of Chapter Presidents METRO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Julia Amadio, President, Patients’ & Consumers’ Pharma enacted, the Chair of the Council of Chapter strengthens their continuing input into the pol- MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Donna R. Cryer, JD, CEO, CryerHealth, LLC Presidents will represent those votes so Chapter icy-making aspects of board operations, keeps RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK CHAPTER PRESIDENT— Presidents can focus on running their chapters the board size at a manageable level, recognizes Deena Barag Wegner, Director of Operations and Business Development, Research Triangle Institute– and the HBA will have a more streamlined and the need for Chapters to mentor each other and Health Solutions SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER PRESIDENT—Patricia C. highly effective governance process. affiliates to grow and operate, and provides a Golomb, Vice President, MSquared EUROPE Affiliate PRESIDENT—position to be filled March 07 According to 2006 HBA President Debra mechanism for Chapters to share ideas and best SAN ANTONIO Affiliate PRESIDENT—Debra Wells, Newton, “There were two primary reasons practices in a formalized setting.” 8 President/CEO, StrokeGuard, Inc. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Affiliate PRESIDENT— to make the change at this time. First, the Heather Linehan, Partner, McCormack & Farrow current board size and composition has been functional, but not optimal.
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