2017 RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017 Year 2017 The brochure contains an overview of Finavia’s business operations in 2017, sets out the company’s goals and achievements, YEAR 2017 and presents the CEO’s review. Vuosi 2017 1 Sustainable 2017 development and Responsibility report The report covers the priorities of safety are at the core Finavia’s responsibility work, its aims RESPONSIBILITY REPORT and the results already achieved. of our responsibility Vastuullisuusraportti 2017 1 and all our operations. 2017 Corporate governance and remuneration statement CORPORATE The publication contains a description of GOVERNANCE AND Finavia’s governance and steering system, as REMUNERATION STATEMENT well as the salary and compensation report. 2017 Financial statements The financial statements contain the Board FINANCIAL of Directors’ report and the main details of STATEMENTS Finavia’s finances. Tilinpäätös 2017 1 Responsibility report 2017 2 Contents Responsibility at Finavia We care about our personnel Finavia in short 5 Information on Finavia’s personnel 37 Key events in 2017 6 Equality and non-discrimination 40 Responsibility themes 7 36 Wellbeing at work 42 4 Managing corporate responsibility 9 Personnel development 44 Stakeholder cooperation 10 13 46 Finavia as a part of society Environmental responsibility Financial targets and operational prerequisites in 2017 14 Environmental responsibility at Finavia 47 Efficiency and profitability 15 Environmental impacts 50 Financial added value generated by Finavia for its stakeholders 18 Environmental permits 52 Finavia as a taxpayer 21 Environmental investments 54 Unique customer experience at the core of our business 23 Aircraft noise control 55 Development of Helsinki Airport 25 Use of runways and distribution of traffic 58 Cooperation with suppliers and partners 27 Environment-related feedback 63 Environmental impacts of Finavia’s purchases 29 Air quality 65 Charity and sponsorship policy 30 Energy and water consumption and emissions 66 Emissions into water and soil 69 Waste 72 Safety is the foundation of our responsibility GRI Safety in 2017 32 Principles of responsibility reporting 74 This is how we manage flight safety 34 GRI index 77 31 73 Material aspects 84 Responsibility report 2017 3 Finavia in short 5 Key events in 2017 6 Responsibility themes 7 Managing corporate responsibility 9 4 Stakeholder cooperation 10 RESPONSIBILITY AT FINAVIA Responsibility report 2017 4 Finavia in short Finavia is an airport company with a comprehensive network of 21 airports providing frequent connections to and from Finland as well as to different parts of Finland. The air passengers and the airlines operating from our airports are our customers. Helsinki Airport is the leading transit airport in northern Eu- rope for travel between Europe and Asia. Having an internationally competitive airport is important for Finland as a whole. It ensures that Finland can be reached by air from all parts of the world. We strengthen Finland’s competitiveness and internationalisa- tion and promote mobility by ensuring smooth, safe and cost-ef- ficient aviation services in cooperation with the companies and organisations operating at the airports. Sustainable development and safety are at the core of our responsibility and all our opera- tions. Responsibility report 2017 5 Our employees are even happier at Key events work. The PeoplePower index rose to in 2017 a good level. The development of Helsinki Airport progressed as planned and provided work to thousands of people. 67. 5 We do a successful work in developing PeoplePower index (66.4). the accessibility of Finland. We started a close security cooperation between Finavia and Helsinki Airport achieved carbon Air Navigation Service Finland, which Our excellent financial results enable neutrality. We started using is responsible for air navigation. investments for the future. renewable diesel and solar power. Responsibility report 2017 6 Responsibility themes In our responsibility work, we focus on themses that are essential to Finavia’s stakeholders and business operations. The most important responsibility themes also determine the focus areas of this report. Safety lies at the core of our responsibility work and it is the basis Safety MOST MATERIAL RESPONSIBILITY THEMES of all our operations. High service standards, efficiency, profita- Ensuring the safety of air traffic is at the centre of all Finavia’s bility and environmental and climate issues are also important to operations and this requires seamless cooperation between the Service level in Safety management us. At the same time, we must keep our operations and practices accordance with different actors in the air traffic service chain and the public aut- organisation up to date so that our airports will remain among the best transit horities. The safety is based on Finavia’s strong safety culture and customer expectations airports in the world. its safety management system. In addition to flight safety, overall The most essential responsibility themes were last analysed safety includes safety for civil aviation, safety of the apron, and Efficiency and Ability to renewal systematically in January 2015, when we stressed the stakeholder cyber security, which includes securing the functioning of diffe- profitability perspective in particular. Determining the essential nature of the rent systems. The Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi monitors matters in question was based on ten stakeholder interviews, in Finavia’s operations regarding flight safety. Environmental protection Good HR management which we discussed the responsibility themes that our stakehold- and climate and well-being at work ers consider particularly important, stakeholders’ hopes and their Service level in accordance with customer assessment of stakeholder cooperation at Finavia. Based on the expectations interview results, the members of Finavia’s Executive Group and At our airports, we provide passengers with pleasant service Transparent stakeholder Legislation and experts managing corporate responsibility updated the respon- experiences tailored to the needs of different users. We con- engagement regulation sibility themes and determined how essential they are. In 2017, stantly introduce new services and work to ensure smooth pro- we implemented a more extensive stakeholder survey where the cesses. Excellent customer satisfaction is a major competitive Transparency and good essential themes of responsibility were discussed as part of the advantage to Finavia. We want to ensure that our customers find governance package. our airports refreshing places where they can enjoy travelling free Responsibility report 2017 7 of stress and that we offer them a broad range of high quality ser- tions are subject to strict environmental permits and compliance Openness and good governance vices. The ability to provide short turnaround times for airlines with them is supervised by regional ELY Centres. We are work- Finavia operates in a predictable and transparent manner. We is one of our strengths. Airline customers also expect Finavia to ing to reduce the environmental impact of our operations, even communicate about our operations, management systems and be proactive and to provide customer-oriented services in such though they are only part of the overall air transport chain. We remuneration practices in an open manner. Finavia observes the areas as routing. can contribute to the environmental efficiency of air traffic e.g. Corporate Governance Code of Finnish listed companies to the by reducing the taxiing of planes with the smoothness of airport extent that it is appropriate, given state ownership and the nature Efficiency and profitability operations and by looking after the energy efficiency of our own of our operations. We also abide by the opinion of the Cabinet The efficiency and cost-efficiency of Finavia’s operations are the activities. Committee on Economic Policy regarding the remuneration of prerequisites for profitable and competitive airport operations. management and key personnel in state-owned companies. They allow us to keep the prices of air traffic services internation- Good HR management and wellbeing at work ally competitive and help us to ensure comprehensive air traffic Transparent management and healthy personnel are the basic services in Finland. Efficiency is also crucial to our ability to invest requirements for safety, good service and cost-efficiency. Fina- in our operations. The income generated by the busy Helsinki Air- via promotes good governance and the wellbeing of its personnel port allows us to maintain and develop other airports. by various means, including initiatives for wellbeing at work, trans- parent communications and manager training. We train our per- Ability to develop sonnel on a continuous basis and encourage every staff member Competition between transit airports is tough. Finavia and its air- to develop their own competence. We conduct regular personnel ports must keep their operations up to date so that we can guar- surveys on the basis of which we also develop our operations. antee good connections in Finland, from Finland and to Finland. In addition to possessing high professional skills, Finavia’s person- Open stakeholder work nel are also expected to have strong service competence and to Our main stakeholders are airline and passenger customers, Fin- engage in continuous self-development. The ability to improve avia’s personnel and partners at airports, decision-makers and also means the
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