PEOPLE Recognition Home & Hospice Care Honors Dr. Hamolsky Israel Hospital in Boston as chief medical resident. From there he left to serve in with Human Dignity Award the Army, before earning a Common- wealth Fellowship that allowed for a year Pioneer figure in the Rhode Island medical community of research in France, where he developed the T3 uptake test, which is still used to evaluate human thyroid function. Dr. Hamolsky began working in Rhode Island in 1963 when he was offered the position of physician-in-chief for the De- partment of Medicine at Rhode Island Hospital. As part of the offer, he also took on a professor’s role with the Brown University’s six-year Biomedical Sciences program, which he was instrumental in transforming into the Brown University medical school. In addition to helping attract some of the brightest medical minds to build subspecialties of internal medicine at Rhode Island Hospital, Dr. Hamolsky also served as: senior consultant to Mir- HHCRI iam Hospital and the Veterans Admin- From left, Vince Mor, PhD; Rabbi Leslie Gutterman, Sandy Hamolsky, RN; Milton W. Hamolsky, istration Hospital; physician-in-chief at MD, Recipient of the 2013 Human Dignity Award, Joseph Chazan, MD, and Diana Franchitto, Women and Infants Hospital; chairman President & CEO of HHCRI. of the Rhode Island Heart Association; president of the Rhode Island Diabetes PROVIDENCE – Home & Hospice Care of & Hospice Care of Rhode Island, and we Association; and, Governor of the Amer- Rhode Island (HHCRI) honored MILTON are indebted to him for his work in this ican College of Physicians. In 1987, Dr. W. HAMOLSKY, MD, with its annual community and across the profession.” Hamolsky retired from his work at Rhode Human Dignity Award presented at an The Human Dignity Award is pre- Island Hospital, only to take on the role of annual breakfast held September 24. sented annually to an individual who chief administrative officer for the state’s Dr. Hamolsky, a member of the HHCRI has made significant contributions to Board of Medical Licensure & Discipline, board of directors, is considered a pio- enhancing human dignity and meaning a position he held until the end of 2001. neer within the Rhode Island medical at the end of life. Started in 2011, the Dr. Hamolsky thanked the members of profession. He was the first full-time award was created in memory of Martin HHCRI for their dedication to caring for physician-in-chief at Rhode Island Hospi- Temkin, a former HHCRI board mem- people in their last stages of life. “Hos- tal and a major catalyst for the creation ber, long-time benefactor, and staunch pice is one of the best groups of human of a medical school at Brown Universi- hospice advocate. beings I have ever been associated with. ty. Today, HHCRI is the major teaching “It is beyond fitting to honor Dr. Hamo- They are the most compassionate, com- affiliate for hospice and palliative med- lsky today for his commitment to the mitted, dedicated people I know,” he icine of The Warren Alpert Medical dignity of the patient,” said Joseph Chaz- said. “This is the gold standard.” School of Brown University. an, MD, who helped present the award. The awards breakfast was held at the “It is with great joy and gratitude that “Above all, Dr. Hamolsky recognizes and Providence Marriott and included com- we honor Dr. Hamolsky today with our respects the sanctity of the patient/doctor ments from Vince Mor, PhD, who sits on 2013 Human Dignity Award,” said Diana relationship and the need for humanism the HHCRI board of directors and reflect- Franchitto, president & CEO of HHCRI. and compassion in the treatment of pa- ed on why the award was created, as well “I am thrilled to recognize someone who tients, especially those in hospice care.” as, Rabbi Leslie Gutterman, who recount- is so important and special to the medical A 1943 graduate from Harvard Medi- ed Dr. Hamolsky’s many remarkable community here in Rhode Island. He is a cal School who finished first in his class, accomplishments and contributions to champion for the values we share at Home Dr. Hamolsky began his career at Beth the Rhode Island medical community. v WWW.RIMED.ORG | RIMJ ARCHIVES | OCTOBER WEBPAGE OCTOBER 2013 RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL 51 Symptom = Ailing A/R PEOPLE Appointments Thomas F. Tracy, Jr., MD, named Chief Medical Officer at Miriam BU Appoints Two RWMC Currently pediatric surgeon-in-chief at Hasbro Children’s Hospital Physicians to Dean Positions the Medical College of Virginia and his BOSTON – DR. STEVEN SEPE and DR. pediatric surgery residency at the Col- N. JOSEPH ESPAT have been named lege of Physicians and Surgeons at Assistant Deans of Clinical Affairs at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. Roger Williams’ teaching affiliate Boston He began his surgical career at Car- University School of Medicine (BUSM). dinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in Dr. Sepe has served as a professor of St. Louis and held several academic medicine at BUSM since 2012. He joined appointments at St. Louis University, Roger Williams in 2011 as chairman of eventually progressing to full professor the Department of Medicine, where he of surgery and pediatrics. In 1997, Dr. oversees clinical affairs, quality, and pro- Tracy came to Hasbro Children’s Hos- gram development. Dr. Sepe is a cum pital as its inaugural pediatric surgeon- laude graduate of BUSM, where he also in-chief and has been a vital part of the received his PhD in immunopathology. A hospital for more than 16 years. cofounder of Coastal Medical, Inc., he has Signature programs in pediatric sur- held a number of leadership positions in a gery were developed under his lead- variety of health care settings. MIRIAM HOSPITAL ership, such as fetal surgery, pediatric Thomas F. Tracy, Jr., MD surgical critical care and innovative family center care approaches in trans- PROVIDENCE – THOMAS F. TRACY, JR., plantation, trauma, and pediatric pain MD, has been named chief medical offi- management. He has participated in out- cer and senior vice president of medical reach and extensions of surgical services affairs at The Miriam Hospital. He suc- throughout the Lifespan health system ceeds William Corwin, MD, who was and the Brown community and provided recently appointed to a key leadership enhancement of academic surgical sup- position on the implementation team port and expertise for those institutions. for Lifespan’s new IT infrastructure, A native of Albany, New York, Dr. known as Epic. Tracy previously served as a director of In this new position, Dr. Tracy will the American Board of Surgery, chair- serve as the liaison between the medi- man of the Pediatric Surgical Board of RWMC cal staff and administration at the hos- the American Board of Surgery, presi- Steven Sepe, MD, PhD N. Joseph Espat, MD pital, and will oversee medical affairs, dent of the Association of Pediatric Sur- graduate medical education, clinical gery Training Program Directors, and Dr. Espat has been a professor of sur- management programs, and physician president of the New England Surgical gery at BUSM since 2007. He joined Rog- quality improvement and peer review. Society, among others. er Williams in 2007 as chief of surgical Along with his new role at The Miri- The author of more than 130 scien- oncology and has since been named chair- am, Dr. Tracy is currently the pediatric tific publications, Dr. Tracy also serves man of surgery and director of the Cancer surgeon-in-chief at Hasbro Children’s on numerous editorial boards and has Center. Dr. Espat completed a surgical Hospital and vice chairman of the De- been elected to several leading national oncology/hepatobiliary fellowship at the partment of Surgery at the Warren Alp- and international organizations, includ- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ert Medical School of Brown University. ing Alpha Omega Alpha, the American in New York. He has authored more than A graduate of Colgate University, Dr. Surgical Association, the Southern Sur- 250 articles, chapters and abstracts and is Tracy received a master’s degree from gical, the Halsted Surgical Society and on the editorial board of four journals v Albany Medical College and his med- the Society of University Surgeons. ical degree from the Sackler School of His clinical interests include pediatric Medicine’s New York State Program hepatobiliary disease, cloacal malfor- at Tel Aviv University. He completed mations and acquired and congenital his internship and general surgery at airway malformations. v WWW.RIMED.ORG | RIMJ ARCHIVES | OCTOBER WEBPAGE OCTOBER 2013 RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL 53 PEOPLE Appointments Dr. Betler joins Westerly Hospital’s surgery department WESTERLY – MICHAEL P. BETLER, DO, has Kent announces clinical joined Westerly Hospital’s Department leadership promotions of Surgery. Dr. Betler received his medical degree Drs. Boudjouk and Gates named to new roles from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic WARWICK – Kent Hospital recently announced JASON Medicine, Erie, PA, and completed his BOUDJOUK, MD, of Lincoln, has been elected chief residency at Wyckoff Heights Medical of medicine at Kent Hospital and JONATHAN GATES, Center in Brooklyn, NY. His special inter- MD, of South Kingstown, has been elected director of ests include laparoscopic repair of herni- patient safety and high reliability at Kent Hospital. HOSPITAL WESTERLY as, laparoscopic colon resection, general Michael P. Betler, DO excision of lesions, biopsies of masses, and general surgical emergencies. v Five urogynecologists achieve subspecialty certification PROVIDENCE – Five physicians with the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island (a Care New England hospital) and The Warren Alp- ert Medical School of Brown University have achieved certifica- tion in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery (FPMRS) by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG).
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