Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-1999 UA11/1 On Campus, Vol. 9, No. 6 WKU University Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, and the Social Influence and Political Communication Commons Recommended Citation WKU University Relations, "UA11/1 On Campus, Vol. 9, No. 6" (1999). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4416. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/4416 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. YOL.9, NO, 6 • OCTOBER 1999 .... iii WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION FOR FACULTY, STAFF AND FRIENDS OF WKU Dr. Marion I. lucas: Distinguished Historian With Exciting Future another won the Richard H. Collins Award, and another sor is an honor for which Marion Luca s is ve ry proud. was reprinted in an anthology. "t'm glad toget il . It is a crow ning accomplishment He has written short articles and biographies in for me," he said, describing himselfas Ha plodder, thor­ Civil Rig/lis in/he Uniled S/afes, Amen"can naliollal l3iog ­ ough in my research" he said. raphy Kenlllcke: A Magazine oj Bluegrass Ilerilage, "Excel1ent researcher" is the designation Western 's Alumni; Western Kenlucky u niversity magazine, the En­ fi rst Uni versity Distinguished Professor, Dr. Carlton jack­ cyclopedia ojAfri can American Cullure and IlistOlX Bio­ son, also a history professor, gives to his long-time graphical DiCiionary Of/he union: Norlhern leaders ofille (riend Marion Lucas .. Civil War. The Kenlucky Encyclopedia, DicliollaryoJAJro­ Dr. jackson, who's in his 38'" yea r at Western, says Amen"can History. Bowling Green Magazine, Tile Louis ­ Lucas "has become an authority on the Civil Wa r in ville DeJender. Dicfionaryo!Ame rican Mili/ary l3iography, Kentucky l listory. and the Encyclopedia oJSou/hem His/ory. "lIis lIistory of Blacks in the Civil War has been During his ca reer, he has received grants totaling very well-received and he is freque ntly consulted by $24,000. scholars in the field," says jackson, adding: He has made numerous paper and panel presen­ "About his book on john Fee, being approached by tations and has amasse d a public service record that more than one publisher even before the book is pub­ includes serving as a consultant for local and regional lished is quite a feal. radio and television stations; and for scholars, writers, "Marion Luca s is a real scholar and a good friend. H magazines and universi ties. tic certainly deserves this award. He has given speeches to more than 30 civic, fra­ Lucas says his career " falls into three disti nct ternal, elder hOSlels and historical orga nizations and phases," the fi rs t decade devoted to teaching. " During serves ascoordinalor forthe annual WKU IlistoryCon­ that time, t viewed research as essential to my profes­ test, as well as representative for the james Madison sion, but time constraints precluded making publish­ Fellowship Program. ing a high priority." He has been director of the Ohio Valley History The second decade o f his career did turn to pub­ Conference, which Originated at Western. lishing, however, and he began ongoing projects. In 1993, he received the University's Award for "My career's third and fi nal phase begclO in the early Excellence for SCholarly Resea rch. 1990s with the arrival in the hislory dcpartment ofscv­ "I think I've had a good career ,~ Marion mused, eral new, young faculty, " he said. tugging at hi s lower lip thoughtfully. Clad in jeans and "Their zest and energy seem to have renewed my Teva sa ndals withoul sock.s, he slumped on a well­ own dedication to my profession. worn, lumpy couch in the Faculty House the allernoon "I thought my generation was better than the one Dr. Marion lucos, Distinguished Professor we visited, in the exact pose I'd see him many times before me, and now this newer group is even better," photo by Sheryl A. Hogan when the Faculty House was in its zenith in the 70s he said, citing their w riting as an example. and 80s. The Faculty House buzzed as a galheringplace -rhere 's beUer writing now, a topic I have been By Sheila Com~ Eison for colleagues to share cups of collee and company spcakingand writing about recently. It's a generational I ha ve had thc privilege for three decades of work­ thing, but today's historians are becoming better writ­ ing wilh some very fine members of Western's faculty. ers, and looking at things (rom dillerent points of view A perfect example is Dr. Marion B. Lucas, 1999 Uni­ 'While others must ;udge the suc­ is important. It is an exciling ti me for the profession," versity Distinguished Professor. he said. A professor of history at Western, Marion, or M .B. cess of my eHorts, , have affemp'ed, "Little did I suspect back. in the I 95Os, when as a as some refer to him, is one of two facully members in whatever' have undertaken, to high school student I joined the Fulure Teachers Club appointed this year by the University's Boord of Rcgents achieve the highest quality' that one day I would become a college professor. u pon as Distinguished university Professors. reflection, I could not have chosen a better profession. It is a recognition given to faculty who have given "Aller more than 30 years, 1 am confident thal my long and distinguished service to thc university and who between classes and appointments. most productive yea rs of teaching, research and public have been productive in leaching. re search/scholar­ At nine on the dot in the morning, a contingent of service lie ahead of me." Ship and public service. WKU history faculty would arrive, ceremoniously com­ Check out Dr. MariOf! Lucas's web pageJo r complete For 33 years, Marion Lucas has been a member of mandeering the sofa s in Ihe center or the room in inJormation aboul I/Iis Universi!y Distinguished ProF~ ­ Western 's history faculty, and says his enthusiasm for front of the fireplace. sor. hllp:/AVl.1IW.wku.cdu/-lucasmb/ teaching, resea rch and public service is Hhigher than I never really knew Marion very well, but when ever." sometimes I managed to wedge among th e historians Throughout hi s long and distingui shed career, it I'd enjoy the lively banter that ranged from current was because of "all-given advice" from his mother, events to campus scoop. Marion says, that is most likely responsible for his suc­ Contrary to what some may think, those regular cesses today: "briefings" resulted in valuable story infomlation for "'Now if you are going todo it: she used to say. 'do me, therapy for some, a way to energi ze for others - it right,'H he shared with me during a recent interview and all for the mere price of a cup of collee. at the Faculty I louse. It was there I learned some aspects of the complex 'While others must judge the succe ss o(my efforts, person who is Marion Lucas. f or instance, a w ry sense I have attempted, in w hatever I have underlaken, to of hu mor inevi tably emerged, someti mes ma king me achieve the highest quality," he sa id, adding: wonder if hi s listeners were bei ng pat ronize d, espe­ "Being a member of Western 's history depa rtment, cially those of us who weren't faculty--"the holy ones"­ where a talented facully makes for keen competition, - we'd teasingly describe "the employees who leach: ' H has been an added inccntive. lIis dazzling list of ac­ when they were out of earshot. complishments will make your head sw im. My friends and I were "administration." I sum­ With his specialty The Old South and The Civil War, moned up the courage this visit to confess this to him Ma rion Lucas has published two books and is working and he laughed heartily. "Lowelillarrison said the same on a third: A IIIS \O!:Y of Blacks in Kentu cky. Vol ume I: thing about me. 'I never knew when to take you seri­ From Slavery to Seg rcgalion, 760 - 1891, published by OUSly, '" he said. the Kentucky Ilistorical Society; Sherman and Ihe Bum­ Dr. Harrison, Professor Emeritus of l listory and iml ofColumbja published twice by Texas A&M Uni­ University Historian , is a former reCi pien t of the versity Press, and in a third pri nting at the Universilyof university's lap research award Lucas rega rds hi m with Soulh carolina Press, and A Biography of lohn G f cc' both respect and esteem. Kentucky Abolitionist and Educator. under contract for Then there is the very serious, contemplative side pubHcation by the University Press of florida. of Ma ri on Lucas I came to know in 1993 when he re­ Fee was the fou nder of Berea College in Kentucky. ceived the University'S Award for Schola rly Research. l ie has written articles for The Regis/cr oj/he Ken ­ He is quiet, renective, and very organized - in con­ lUcky I lisforical Socie!y, The Filson Club hislDlY Quanerly, Irast to the chaos of his office which is crammed with Sandlapper: The Magazine oJSOulh Carolina, The Hon"da boxes and professorial clutter thaI I've concluded must I /lstoncal QuarlCrly, and chapters in Amen"ca:S //elilOge be a signature of the credential.
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