LIST OF SIGNIFICANT MINERAL DEPOSITS METALLOGENIC MAP of the NORTHERN TERRITORY LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC SUBDIVISIONS SEDIMENTARY/METAMORPHIC IGNEOUS Sandstone Gneiss/ Felsic Granite/ Mafic Mafic DEPOSIT COMMODITIES DEPOSIT COMMODITIES ERA Event Shale Carbonate Age Ma Quartzite Schist Volcanics Gneiss Volcanics Intrusives No Name Major Minor No Name Major Minor SIZE STATUS SIZE STATUS 1 Baker Al S P 121 Tawallah Range Fe S P 1 Includes Dog, Sphinx Head 2 Able1 Al M P 122 Cooley II Cu Pb,Zn M P Qa 2 Includes Fox, Red Cliff 3 Easy 2 Al S P 123 McArthur River Zn Pb,Ag L OM JUNCTION BAY 35 35 MELVILLE ISLAND COBOURG PENINSULA WESSEL ISLANDS TRUANT ISLAND 4 Lethbridge Bay Zr R,Lx,Il S OM Includes Cox, Cooks Pb 124 Coxco Pb Zn M AM BATHURST ISLAND 5 Andranangoo Zr R,Lx,Il S OM 36 125 Myrtle Zn Cu,Pb L P Minjilang Includes Ector, Excalibur, Gareth, 2 1 6 Puwanapi S P Stanton Zr Il,R,Lx Gawain, Kaye, PalSac, Launfal, 126 Co Ni,Cu M P MELVILLE 36 7 Kilimiraka Zr S P Tristram, Ywain, Sacramore, Palomides 127 Merlin Diamond field Di S OM ISLAND 4 3 37 37 Johnston CAPE 8 Gove Al L OM Includes Azurite, Punchbowl 128 Myrtle Cu S OM 5 DON WESSEL ISLANDS ShM Tcz 9 Nabarlek U L AM 129 Stanton Cu S OM Pirlangimpi Tjipripu Qa ARAFURA SEA 10 Caramel U M P 130 Masterton Mn S P Milikapiti River Murenella 3 3 TIMOR ShM Includes Jabiluka 1 and 2 11 Jabiluka U Au L P 131 Sandy Flat Cu S OM River Tcz 12 Ranger 68 U Cu,Au M P 132 Inverway Ba S AM Warruwi 38 38 6 Tcz 13 Hades Flats U M P Includes Forrest Creek 133 Lees Creek Ba S P Paru Pickertaramoor 14 Austatom M P 134 Eva Mine U Au Nguiu Qa Creek 4 Includes Hang Gong, Bells Mona, U M AM 4 SEA Murgenella St6 Booths South, Booths Extended, 15 Observation Hill group Sn Ta,Nb S AM 135 Highland Plains P M P BATHURST VAN DIEMEN GULF River 16 Ranger 1 No 3 U L OM 39 Includes Mucketty, Yaka, Masai 136 Tourag 39 Mn M AM 7 Grants Sn, Hendersons, Johnstons Sn, ISLAND St6 King ShM Lees Extended, Highlands, Yan Yam 17 Ranger 1 No 1 U Au L AM 40 Includes Bootu 2, Chugga North and South, 137 Bootu Creek 40 Mn M OM ALLIGATOR RIVER Coopers g4 MILINGIMBI ShM ARNHEM BAY 5 5 DARWIN Qa Galiwinku GOVE Includes Leviathan, Angers, Mackas Reward, 18 Leviathan group Sn Ta,Nb S AM Shekuma, Go Go, Xhosa, Taurag, Yaka 138 Alexandria P M P FOG BAY ShM Creek Maningrida Milingimbi St9 Cr8 North Phoenix, Old Buck, Megabucks Zulu, Zulu South, Fold Nose St10 19 Toms Gully Au M OM 139 Crusade Au S P BEAGLE Gn1-2 Nhulunbuy ADELAIDE ShM Qa Qa St6 g5 20 Mount Bundey Fe S AM 140 Alroy P M P Qa 9 Qa 8 Cato g6 6 Includes Koongarra 1 and 2 21 Koongarra 6 U Au M P 141 Buchanan Dam P M P GULF River Yirrkala SOUTH ALLIGATOR Woolen f6 River Ramingining 22 Beetsons Fe M P 142 Northern Star Au Bi,Cu,U S AM DARWIN Qa Wildman Oenpelli River River GULF RIVER StPz CrPz bPz 23 Rustlers Roost Au M AM 143 Tregony Au S P Alligator Ar 12 11 Cr7 River RIVER St10 10 b6 GLYDE 41 41 River St10 Gapuwiyak 24 Mount Fitch U Co,Ni,Cu M P Includes Gecko 1, Gecko West 144 Gecko Cu Au,Bi,Ag M AM West 14 Goomadeer Qa Qa ARNHEM 13 42 42 ShM EAST ShM RIVER 25 Mount Finniss Sn Ta,Be,Nb S AM Includes Orlando East 145 Orlando Au Cu,Bi,Ag S AM ShM Ar Cadwell 15 St4 19 ALLIGATOR b6 River St9 545 26 Quest 29 Au Cu,Ag S AM 146 Warrego Au Bi,Cu,Ag M AM d6 g4 Jabiru St1-2 Creek Gulbuwangay 27 Woodcutters Zn Pb,Sb,Ag M AM 147 White Devil Au Bi,Cu M AM 18 RIVER f6 17 Maidjunga NEOPROTEROZOIC - PALAEOZOIC B 21 St1-2 HIGHWAY River 28 Mount Burton U Cu S AM 148 Hyperion Au S P Gn4 18 St6 22 Cooinda RIVER ShM OF St10 Gn10 b10 29 Yarram Fe S P 149 TC8 Au Bi,Cu,Ag S AM Sh3-4 Imimbar 24 g5 20 MARY Ar g4 7 Includes Whites 30 Dysons 7 U M AM 150 West Gibbet Au Cu S P Ar Liverpool g5 25 23 g5 Cr7 River 31 Rum Jungle Iron Ore Fe S P 151 Chariot Au Cu S AM 26 RIVER MOUNT MARUMBA PINE CREEK MOUNT EVELYN Gn1-2 BLUE MUD BAY PORT LANGDON 1000 8 8 StPz HIGHWAY GOYDER Includes Intermediate Cu 32 Browns Pb Cu,Zn,Ni,Co,Ag L OM 152 Argo Au Bi,Cu S AM CAPE SCOTT Batchelor St4 KoolatongRiver 27-39 41 Sh1-2 River 33 Huandot Mg M P 153 Peko Cu Bi,Co,Au,Ag S St6 BLYTH Creek f6 OM Ar Mann RIVER 42 Jim Jim Qa 34 Area 55 Cu Pb,Ni,Co,Ag M P 154 Golden Forty Au Bi,Cu S AM PERON ISLANDS 40 Cr8 Annie g5 46 g5 g6 Adelaide River 45 Creek CARPENTARIA St9 f9 g9 b9 d9 35 Zeta P S P 155 Eldorado Au Bi,Cu S AM 48 St6 CrPz St4 43 47 49 50 36 Celia Mg M P 43 Includes Ripcord 156 Groundrush43 Au M AM 44 Sh1-2 St4 51 60 53 57 67 37 Easticks P S P 44 Includes Juno East 157 Juno 44 Au Bi,Cu,Se,Ag M P 66 63 75 68 76 f5 69 45 45 KAKADU ?1500 38 Rum Jungle Creek South U M AM Includes Nobles Nob West 158 Nobles Nob Au Bi,Cu S AM JOSEPH g5 Walker River 82 55 Mainoru St4 39 Area 4 P S P 159 Rising Sun Au Cu S AM 61 g5 86 ShM 88 73 ShM d9 46 87 74 70 76 81 78 d4 Bulman St4 40 Kylie U S P Includes Dinky, Hurricane-Repulse, 160 Explorer 108 Zn Pb,Ag,Au M P Burrundie 79 80 84 85 St8 Cr8 Gn8 g8 b8 River Cr7 St5 41 Goodall Au M AM Tanami Bumper, Bouncer, Reward, B-C, 161 Beaver Creek Au M AM BONAPARTE f4 91 90 g5 89 93 Milyakburra Grapple, Airstrip, Dingo, Temby North, 46 St6 St4 ShM 42 George Creek Zn Pb,Ag S P 162 Tanami Gold Field North Au M AM Pine Creek 95 g5 92 94 Temby South, Temby, Lauries, Assault, DALY CrPz 97 ShM 96 WILTON ShM 43 Adelaide River U S AM 163 Rover 1 Au Ag,Bi,Co,Cu M P RIVER f5 Rose St6 Alyangula Umbakumba GROOTE Battery, Bastille, Miracle, Central, Southern, DALY b6 1600 44 Mary River Gossan Zn Pb,Cu M P 164 Wonarah P M P d9 St9 EYLANDT Second Southern and Dice GULF 100 Cr8 Angurugu StPz Gn4 A 98 45 Bons Rush Au S P 165 Arruwurra P M P MOYLE RIVER KATHERINE g5 URAPUNGA ROPER RIVER River Cr8 FERGUSSON RIVER Fish b6 CAPE BEATRICE 9 9 47 47 PORT KEATS 101 99 Includes Jessops 46 Mount Masson Sn S AM Includes Dogbolter Main, Dogbolter 166 Tanami Gold Field South Au M AM River f5 RIVER ShM Cr7 Gn7 f7 g7 b7 d7 St6 RIVER St6 47 Kazi Au S P Northeast, Legs, Redback SE, 167 Jims Au S AM Peppimenarti River St9 RIVER 102 Flying Fox Redback SW, Harleys, Funnelweb, ShM St5 48 Mount Ellison Cu Bi S AM 168 Buccaneer Au M P KATHERINE 103 Tanami Phoenix, Carbine Wadeye 104 Numbulwar 49 Woolwonga Au S AM 169 Old Pirate Au M P g5 105 b6 ShM 1700 Waterhouse 50 Rosemary Sn S AM 170 Oberon Au M P Palumpa d9 Creek 10 ShM 106 Cr8 Jalboi Includes Western Arm North and South 51 Western Arm10 Au S P 171 Minotaur Au S P KATHERINE 107 109 Barunga River 52 Glencoe Au S AM 48 Includes Colliwobble, Sleepy Hollow, 172 Dead Bullock Soak field 48 Au L OM Qa Maranboy d9 St4 PALAEO - MESOPROTEROZOIC Triumph Hill, Dead Bullock Ridge, 49 108 St6 Gn6 f6 g6 b6 d6 53 Millers Fe Mn S P 173 The Granites field Au M AM RIVER BASINS Villa, Fumarole, Avon, Ghan, Callie Cr8 110 54 Rising Tide Au S AM 174 Wauchope W S AM bPz FLORA Qa 49 Ngukurr 55 Daly River Road Fe S P Includes East, West and Central Bullakitchie, 175 Prospect D Cu Ni S P ROPER g5 RIVER KING RIVER 11 RIVER b8 1800 Includes Rockhole 1 and 2, O’Dwyers, 56 Fountain Head Au S AM Ivy Au, Quorn, Bunkers Hill, Shoe 176 Home of Bullion Cu Zn,Pb,Ni,Au,Ag M AM VICTORIA HIGHWAY 114 FITZMAURICE CrPz ROPER HIGHWAY Sterrets No 1 and 2 57 Rockhole 11 Au M AM 177 Barrow Creek 1 P 115 bPz d9 MARIA U M P 113 Mataranka ISLAND 12 12 g5 111 Creek Cr8 Includes Faded Lily, Alligator, Crocodile, 58 Brocks Creek (Zapopan) Au M OM 178 Arganara P M P Qa 112 Qa Mathison John Bull, Homeward Bound HODGSON DOWNS St5 Gn5 f5 g5 b5 d5 59 Yam Creek Au S AM 179 Mount Peake V Fe,Ti M P RIVER DELAMERE LARRIMAH MOUNT YOUNG PELLEW Creek AUVERGNE bPz Creek Elsey 60 Mount Wells Sn Cu M AM 180 Bigrlyi U V Creek L P River St9 Mountain St9 RIVER 13 13 River 117 Includes El Sherana West 61 El Sherana U Au M AM 181 Walbiri U M P StPz 14 14 RIVER 1850 Includes Big Howley, Chinese South, 62 Chinese Howley Au M AM 182 Camel Flat U S P Ikymbon Creek 116 Cattle Mottrams 63 Saddle15 Fe S P 183 Yalyirimbi Fe Fe S P Angalarri Aroona 15 KEEP Tcz River Includes Saddle 1, Saddle Extended, 118 HODGSON Birdum 64 Iron Blow Au Zn,Cu,Pb,Ag S AM 184 Nolans Bore REE P,U L P River Saddle East 50 50 River RIVER St6 St4 Sh3-4 Gn4 f4 g4 d4 65 Princess Louise Au S AM Includes Marshall-Reward, Green Parrot, 185 Jervois Range Cu Pb,Zn M AM St10 SIR EDWARD PELLEW GROUP PALAEO - 119 Creek Bullo Larrimah MESOPROTEROZOIC 66 Jacksons Pb Ag S AM Bellbird, Bellbird North 186 North Narbaloo F Ba,Cu S P Tcz Dry 120 BAINES COX Rosie 16 16 51 51 RIVER OROGENS Includes Scinto 5 and 6 67 Koolpin U S AM Includes Vein B and E 187 Vein A F Ba M P Gregory St6 f4 River Timber Creek Creek Cr8 Cr7 2000 68 Ochre Hill Fe S OM 188 Cappers U S P Creek Cr7 VICTORIA bPz 17 17 Delamere St6 Includes Skull 69 Palette U Au M AM 189 Molyhil W Mo S P STUART St10 Gn4 West Baines 121 70 Cosmo Howley Au L AM 190 New Well U M P St10 Ck Strangways St6 g4 Creek St1-2 Sh1-2 Cr1-2 Gn1-2 b1-2 71 Thunderball M P 191 Mud Tank Vm Ap,Zr U S OM Cr8 RIVER Snake Batten 72 Mount Bonnie Au Zn,Cu,Pb,Ag S AM 192 Oonagalabi Cu Pb,Zn M P ShM DALY WATERS TANUMBIRINI BAUHINIA DOWNS 73 Saddle Ridge U S AM 193 Basil Cu Co M P VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS Battle ROBINSON RIVER WATERLOO RIVER 2500 74 Mount Shoobridge M P 52 White Range52 Au Creek VICTORIA Borroloola Fe Mn Includes Excelsior, Luces Block 194 S AM St10 Creek Qa 75 Frances Creek East Fe S P 195 Charley Creek REE Mz,Xt ,Zr M P River Creek St6 Daly Waters ARNOLD 18 18 53 53 Creek CARPENTARIA RIVER Includes Cleos, Twin 76 Dam U M P Includes Pamela 196 Angela U L P Cr8 St9 Fletcher 19 Lagoon Ar Includes Elizabeth Marion, Thelma 1 and 2, 77 Golden Dyke Au S AM 197 Karinga Lakes K S,Mg The M P 123 122 19 BUCHANAN Jasmine East, West and Central, 78 Frances Creek Iron M OM Tanumbirini

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