o o o X co ^a cr: < ia O - j E-i Today's weather: rain developing by evening. high 45-48 degrees, low THE WESTFIELD LEADER 30-33 degrees. ITte Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Second Clasa Postage Paid Published EIGHTY-FOURTH YEAR—-No. 32 at Weatfleld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. MARCH 21, 1974 very Thurat 26 Pases—15 Cents Resident Named County Dems Registration Set County Group Back Levin For New.Fool INames School Board Appoints Director of State Division For Congress LD. Cards Mrs. Allen •TKENTON - Thomas A. mercial and residential The evening times for Mrs. Sally S. Allen, New Superintendent Kelly, of Westfield a North development projects in the The Union County validating cards for the recently re-elected to the Jersey banking executive, North Jersey area serviced Democratic Committee has Westfield Memorial Pool's Hoard of Educat ion here has Dr. Laurence F. Greene, who has been involved in by the Jersey City-based chosen Adam K, Levin of new season and for issuing Dr. William R. Manning, bank. Westfield to run . for been elected president of the an educator who began as a economic and industrial new photos will be Tuesdays I'nion County (educational appointed to the superin- development programs in Prior to joining First Congress in the 12th. classroom teacher 28 years tendancy at the Board's from 7 to 9 p.m. on March 20, Services Commission ago and has served as a New Jersey for the past 14 Jersey National he served congressional district, April «, 23, May 14, 2IS. February 5 public meeting, embracing lit communities. Twcnt y - one school districts superintendent for the past had changed his mind and years, has been named for three years as executive in I'nion County belong to director of the Economic County Chairman Mrs. Ruth V. Hill. ten years, has been ap- decided to remain as City director of the Division of Director of Recreation the Commission and one pointed Superintendent of Economic Development in Development Committee, of Christopher Dietz said the Manager in Bel Air, Md., Camden County. Earlier he selection was made reminds all members thi't representative from each Schools by the Westfield w here he had been offered a the State Department of all LD. cards must be Hoard of Kducation, Board of Education. Labor and Industry. had been associated with Saturday at a meeting of lorg term contract. promotion and development municipal chairmen and validated for the 1974 season together with the County At a special meeting The appointment of the 4(i- before the holder can gain Superintendent of Schools, Douglas J. Campbell,. year-old resident was an- of mechanical construction vice chairmen. Thursday night, the Board president of the Board of Klaini' McKeon admittance to the pool. For comprise Hie Board of unanimously agreed to hire nounced by Labor and and trade industries in New Mr. Levin is the son of the the convenience of the Education, commented on Jersey and the Pittsburgh, late Philip J Levin, Directors Dr. Green, who has been the • appointment of Dr. Industry Commissioner Trinity Senior members, validation will be Kleeted as Vice President Superintendent of Schools Joseph A, Hoffman. He'll Pa., area. president of the Madision held the above evenings in Greene: "We had Square Garden Corp., who was Mr. Albert S, Kopf of for the Cheltenham previously said, at the time begin his new duties April 1. A World War II veteran of addition to (he usual hours, the Elizabeth Board of Township School District in "Kelly has unique the U.S. Navy Submarine died in isrn. 'lite pool office is open each of Dr. Manning's selection, Named DAR Kducation. The Commission Pennsylvania since 19G8. that wo were very im- (unifications for this key Service, he is a graduate of He is a graduate of day, five days a week, from Before that he was Camden Catholic Iljgh Stanford University, and directs the operation of 12 pressed by the top can- position," Commissioner 'I A.M. to 5 P.M. The office i* classes of atypical childeren superintendent in Mar- Hoffman said in making the Good Citizen according to Dietz, will located on the second floor didates, each of whom was (Continued on Page 2) graduate with honors in at Columbus School in shfield, Mass., lor four very qualified and could do announcement "He will Miss Klaine McKeon of of the Municipal Huilding. Westfield and live classes of years. provide the kind of driving May from Michigan Law the job, We had a very Holy Trinity High School School. Swimming instruction physically • handicapped Dr. Greene will begin his Dr. Laurence F. Greene difficult decision at that force needed to make the Postmaster has been chosen to receive lie said that Levin does applications, da ss childeren at the Childeren's duties here June 1. Howard tendent of Schools. Mr. time. We are pleased that division effective in its ef- the 1974 Good Citizen Award d e s f r i p I i o II s a ii d Specialized Hospital in Tomlinson, assistant forts to improve New Jer- not plan to practice law but Tomlinson replaced Dr. Dr, Greene is still available Gives Reasons presented each year to an requirements are available Mountainside. The classes superintendent in charge of L.E. Law who resigned in and willing to accept our sey's economic picture." outstanding senior girl by is obtaining the degree in preparation for public serv- at the office. The schedule arc now in their fourth year business and plant main- August. offer. We consider him to be Mr. Kelly has served since the West fit-Id Chapter for lessons is as follows. 1st of operation. Dr. Jane tenance, will continue to eminently qualified for the ISMiil as vice president for For Jump NSDAH. Klaine was ice. Noting the candidate On March 9, the Board of always has wanted to serve Session. June 25 to July 12. Padalino is director serve as Acting Superin- Education announced that position." area development and selected by her class and a 2nd Session, July 10 to The Commission ;ilso urban affairs for the Kirst Postmaster Dominick J. committee of the school's in congress. Diet/, com- Mr. Campbell noted that mented: "He's the only August 2. 3rd Session. operates the Union County Jersey National Bank. The Cardillo, in ;i statement this faculty on the qualifications August 0 to August 23. the Board was "able to act week, explains the reasons person I know who has outdoor Kducation Center Local Girl First to be with this dispatch because position has involved him in of Leadership. Depen- in the Watchung Reser- various industrial, com- why the Postal Service dability, Service, and p r c p a r e d h i in self Dr. Greene was considered recently increased maii specifically lor public serv- Family Nights vation in Berkeley Heights. so highly earlier that the mercial and residential Patriotism to ;m out- More than Ifi.DOfi childcrn development projects in the rates, including the firsfc standing degree. She will ice." Named to Academy Board had already sent a class to 10 cents. At Franklin ha\e visted the Center on a team to visit his home North Jersey area service represent the Westfield daily basis in the past four by Hie Jersey City-based His statement follows: Chapter in Trenton, March Parents and students are U.S. Senator Harrison A. didates he has nominated district where they talked "Our costs are going up. 211 al an all day Award's Day Blood Bank years. Dr. S. N. Kwan, Jr., Williams (D-NJ) announced for the Merchant Marine, with at least 15 parents, bank. invited to attend Fan'.ilv former superintendent of today he has nominated the Prior to joining Kir si Probably just like at your program sponsored each Naval, Military and Air board members and town Nights at Franklin school Uc-stliekl schools, is the lirst young woman from Force academies. He Jersey National Bank. The house; heat, light bills, cars year by the New Jersey Here Tomorrow Tuesday, for families whose administrators." and even wages have gone Slate Society. executive director of the New Jersey to be a can- explained that this year, Westfield's new position has involved him in last name begins A- ftl and Commission. didate for the U.S. Merchant because the quality of the various industrial, com- up quite a bit. You know as A Blood Bank sponsored again Thrusday, April 1 for superintendent began his much nlwut inflation as 1 do. Elaine, daughter of Mr. by the Westfield- Marine Academy. candidates he selected was career in education in 1946 and Mrs. James C. McKeon those whose last i;me so uniformly high, he used Hut there's a lot more to tin; : Mountainside Chapter of the WOrUshop Held Williams said he has as a high school teacher in el m vV•:•;.:fieki Avi.. <m 'ir,ieriuv;.n Mr•• '"ross will be begins N nominated Miss Emily E. the "competitive" method new stamp than thai. Tnt; 1 The proerayi whsr»i will Roxbury, Mass. The Career Speakers li.-noi stiiiit'iit and chairman held Friday, froi.i 1:30 to LiiCns'ii of 2Hi Sylvania PL, ol nominating. Under that kk'a Ls that the price ol a' sKiri at 7:;i(J j". IV.'. wiii With Teachers, following year he went to a stamp shojlci pay the cost of of the .senior prom, is also «:,*«» |>.m at thf to In- a cadet at t.hi> <' y s l e m , W i 11 i a m s junior high school in Boston thv first girl president of the 'Presbyterian Parish House., feature tjie N'ICHIO •\c;>(i<>mv at Kings Point, nomiiiiited 10 candidates for Due at WHS delivering a letter.
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