Mamliv flC Ita AirtN BIU«M •> I Jfowclb—It a CUy o f VUiogm CJhofm N O . 11 (CIsmMM AdTMtiihig ea Page 14) MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER IS. 19S9 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE >up of Liberals Garner Now Trying iticizes Answer To Peace Offers To Get Compromise •eorge Follow* I M isfit of Stolen CWt tnand Govern- Undo Thief in Jail On Shipping Claus efine War Aims ! Philadelphia, Oct. 13. -(/P; — A misnt landed WlUlam Welsh dicate Willing* In jail. , His Luck on ^d ay, iSth , Urges A Negotiate Set* A policeman saw Welsh car­ Talk to Soviet rying a topcoat and noticed I Lasted Only Short Tima LeadeiB to of Conflict. the top of a nearby sedan had been cut open, I Boston, Oct. IS. — (dV-' O f Three Hope of Peace t Charles Wells, 68, was lucky (ct. u . —m —A <u*si- "Yours?" asked tbe police­ A b to Q esr man. pointing,to the coat. on Friday the isth, but not Am group beaded by "Mine," was the reply. long. Btscle Lying I Oeorge todky crUi- “Try It on," he was ordered. In Baltic Area About IS mlnutea after hs MlnUter caiamber- It didn't Ot. won $100 at a beano party, be Final Vote Later the owner of the car told irillce, two men relieved r to Nasi peace over- him of it on his doorstep. Emhargo S i imanded that the gov- Identifled tbe coat as his and Roofievelt Says Diplo loe Its y iv alma and ■Welsh was charged with lar­ malic Action Not to Be N ye Wania Ri 'witltngneaa'* to nego- ceny. aetUement. CouMrued in Any Way Waditngton. ncll of Action for Afi Prciwurc Move. Finns Ordered Prealdeat OaiMr 1 m tecofutruction termed ’a speech In the IhoriUtlvely Nazi Patrols Washington, Oct. IS— (/Pi — hla ittfluenee to Commons yesterday Ready to Act ijuate" In that It did President Roosevelt said today adaeasttei italn's war alms nor Quit Attack; that American representations to tha “far readilng conse- Soviet Russia were merely an ax- To Aid Nation SOTlet Russia’s tnter- preaston of Interest apd hope that nothing would be dona to disturb Ism of the Council Front Quiet Extraordinary precautlona have been token to gberd the P a m a s Canal since the new war flared peaceful relations In tbe Baltic or Irl tain’s World war ^ and two guards from the strengthened garrisofis are shown hero as they walked their Decree iMued as TnmA. p ^ In the constant patrol, which is designed to prevent any mlsliiui that might hamper the Unit­ the Independence of Finland. ster stood almost Tbe chief eiecuUva told a pi ers Gontinne to En* k chorus «t praise for French Keeping Sharp ed Stotea fleet (Associated Press-Paramount News Photo.) confemnea that the diplamatle 's flna nfseUon nt action was not to te constnisd in press Optiinl$m Goa- Itlsr'a tarsas In the Watch; Speculate on any way aa a praaaure movs by and hg individual the American govammant. <cmting Crood Temia- a. Possible Major Offen* For that reason—bseauae he did Plaady Csavtoces sive by German Army. Horton Says jJXazis W ait Neutral not want any mlaunderstanding, Helsinki. Oct !$—(#)—Pie*, Britons asid they be- the preddent said, hs was wltb* dent KyoeaU Kalllo Ian >seoh bad finally con- holding for tha tlma being tbe tn t any that Flfance and Paris, Oct 18.—UP)—Oerman Hebron Used | Hitler of the representation made at ores today oiderbig ah Flantah I detannlntd to fight patrols wsre reported today sud­ Moscow yMterday by AmbaaMdor dvUlana to bold ttemaalvaa hi end. But the Council denly to have abanooned attacks Road ‘Profit’ Laurence Steinhardt readlnm to aid too govomment In Iked the,.itkvemment In which they bad failed in five Tha note Steinhardt deUvered ^ • m U lta iy puraulto if roquliad wHUngneeir to nego- I Only United Statea Re* undoubtedly would be ackn^' "F tte preaent emargwwy. days to capture any French pris­ ledged he said. The decraa waa Issued aa oners. Turkish Envoy ntalk laadera eontomad to —, rlvate meeting which Military advices said the French Probe of Highway Fund garded as Powerful Notbtakg an Peace BMs ly ecbeduled to be Asked about lataat Informal ' aism conoomlng toair Army was keeping sharp watch Grants Starts; For­ Enough to Do Some­ r a v i n g aetwptoble torau Here the OouncU en- on the front, wondering why on peace bids from Berlin, tbe prada thing to Make Peace. Called Before dent said ba had jkoUiliig to stof Oom Soviet Russia as the seootkd icil of Action, while a “magnificently clear night" It mer First Selectman on that He added In reaponse to day ef FbaUali-Rueelan talka ba- was calm except In the Wamdt sna to Moaoow. hops toabr le feet that the prime forest region where a communi­ Heveals Use o f Money. another questloa that he bad re- atement doea not fl­ Finn Diplomat edvad no efflcial word Aram tbe Mirntry w ^ fare tetter then que said small enemy patrols were BUtto iMighbora which nave bo- ue door for peace ne> repulsed. 18 German govammaikt. sgarda the statement Hartford, Oct. —(O— Cover (In Berlin, however, authorlaed opma virtual Runriaa protoetor- dequatc, alike as a French observers speculated on nor Baldwin’s probe of state high­ Neal said any neutral action must atos as a remit ef KmnUa whether the Ocnasas intended to way fund grants o t aome lOO com' RuMiauB •Interrupt Ne- 00 roe In response to Hitler's Retch- leys. I Britain's war aims launch a major offensive. They JO contain any refer- gotiationB with Baltic stag ape^ and net aa • raault of . Tte deerea put into ofitet ■Sid the Oertnana, from their at­ muniUes la the last five years lattans pravtoualy drawn ESr reaching conso­ was under way today. any dtotomatio aatton or loquaat ls Intorvention of the tempts to take pirlaonera despite Nation to Reanme Par­ from Qanaany.) . rSovlet Busata)- adverse wea^.'apnearpd ^uiii. Bt|ht state oHleiala were doe- Mf. Booaevelt'a remark toat te ly anidoui W'llaow miKK inten- ley About YUack Sea. b u B o tB U g to Germaa 'eelng to the full that Uons. eted wtOi' hlm In bis oMoe this moralag. AmoRg them w «* Wgb paaoe taUi oaaw after a raportor ch recognisea and sc- ■sea as Tea Costly aoM Hitler would tUw to see tola le results of aggres- way '■*■—mfiatiaiwr WOBam J . C m Oct l$—(B)-Amld re- The reported halt tat the Ger­ ports that aome form ot country settle "toe Burepenn peeea which does not man raids was aaeribed to the and wmiam B. Hulas; aUto aid baah" and aaked wbatoar tte Tte nsthin toppot up jrity to the world can poestblUty that they were too agent a t tbe Hlgbimy Dqmrt* meat would bo dgnad bF president Intended to do anything Uons to figbt, if ds of the sttuatlon. It coeOy. ment. who nagotlatad with anmu teB tbriiMr within tte aant day or about i t todepan<tekea In. hi iging ^ Urn calls upon the govern' (A uermaa supreme command town eeleetmen a Federal-state Berlin. Oct. !$ -(« )—Authorlaed CM tha TurUih fordgn mlnlator, . Outonlng tte ohreaKriagp of too forailpi mlnli oM for tbe coMidsrS' communique In Berlin eaid the road graat ayatom which netted Buhm Baraoogiu, waa raoalvad to Bundan matter, toe praaldent VtnlSBd would M___________ ouae of Commons and alleged profits to towns and dtles Nads today said Oermaiiy tte Kremlin at 8 p. ax ($ a. m. French, yesterday blew up Rhine 780 000 •aid that on Monday of w week Finns aaatoualy anraltod rarnttfl t fuller and more pre* Hyer bridges at Wlnteredorf, eatlmatod 19 to $ , . through with Prime M_____ aat) today. m. m. te began to worry Mout tte Stua* o f tte saeond day's aonvaraattoa It of tbe alma It da* Brelaach and Neuenbuig, Unking Ordsrikd by the governor ysatar- Chamberlain and Preader DaladkHF tha a ^ c c of any bfndal tom In toe Baltic beoauae tt look­ In Moaoow bolwoea tha KtamUa eve end to state Ita Alaace-lmralne and southern day, tbe Inveatlgetlon’a primary but sUU was waiting tor a aeutfdl [toSimant fipm dtber ddt. ed aa tf'lt might te heading to­ I submit tbese alms to Germany.) obJeeUve la to lean whether state re^Nmae to Adolf Hittai'a Baleh- the proapeettva ward aa aatonalon of wara. < On rage Two) : of belligerents and The Germans, French reports aid and town aid funds have be«i atag opooeb o t laat W day. gueetlcte la rd Baaadhi---------- H an a_________ were sowing woods and hUls '‘miauaed." .Any auch aetlon ^ neutral aa- : Baa and tte De On Tuesday, t e oontlmied, dip- ed on Page Two) of: the front arlth mlnee and trap Tbs probe wfll determine. It la <ma among whom they ^ a a d woald define tte ^ tomatle repreaentaUvea at several o t iui descHpuiDnA oompeUing tSe axpeetod, whether tbs toWM eon- they regarded the Vaitad _____ of each natleo toward tte BcandlwavUM naUena called at tte NationsFear French to Kw only^step by M m only one powertu enough to t te current Buropaaa war. State Departmeat and tte WMto •tep’* with ee Fbge Twelve) to do aomotb^ aftoeUvo— how- dtob TMka House and sold they wai------- ler Lent PrealdNit Albert Lebnm gave aver, muat come fiom them mig{>and Tte Impraadon fto w to dipiik- much ooneernad. 'n iart t edded empbaala to Premier nUa- hot aa a reault of aay diplematio — ----------------that an agree* o f Joint ae­ SovierMbi^ dior’a epeadi TuMday rejecting action or raqneat by Germany, they ?"tet n y Immtoent, aa tot ke Money peace on Adolf Hitler's terms.
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