Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands 1567–1773 Library of the Written Word volume 35 The Handpress World volume 26 Editor-in-Chief Andrew Pettegree (University of St Andrews) Editorial Board Ann Blair (Harvard University) Falk Eisermann (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preuβischer Kulturbesitz) Ian Maclean (All Souls College Oxford) Angela Nuovo (University of Udine) Mark Towsey (University of Liverpool) Malcolm Walsby (University of Rennes II) The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/lww Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands 1567–1773 A Bibliography By Paul Begheyn, S.J. leiden | boston Cover illustration: Korte levensbeschryvingen van de heiligen der Societeit van Jesus [enz.], [Amsterdam], Theodorus Crajenschot, 1761. Frontispiece: engraving with Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier, by Christan Friedrich Fritzsch (c. 1719–c. 1774), after Peter Paul Rubens (1609). Collection: Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies, from the Ignatius church in Rotterdam and then from De Krijtberg in Amsterdam. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Begheyn, Paul. Jesuit books in the Dutch republic and its generality lands, 1567-1773 : a bibliography / by Paul Begheyn, S.J. pages cm. – (Library of the written word, ISSN 1874-4834 ; Volume 35) (The handpress world ; Volume 26) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-27060-2 (hardback : alk. paper) – ISBN 978-90-04-27205-7 (e-book) 1. Jesuits–Netherlands –History–Bibliography. 2. Jesuits–Publishing–History–Bibliography. I. Title. Z7757.N4B44 2014 [BX3740.A1] 016.23–dc23 2014009735 This publication has been typeset in the multilingual “Brill” typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, ipa, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see www.brill.com/brill-typeface. issn 1874-4834 isbn 978-90-04-27060-2 (hardback) isbn 978-90-04-27205-7 (e-book) Copyright 2014 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Global Oriental and Hotei Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill nv provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, ma 01923, usa. Fees are subject to change. This book is printed on acid-free paper. In loving memory of my great-grandfather Willem van Thiel (1860–1936) and my grandmother Zus van Schijndel-van Thiel (1896–1978) and in honor of my mother Mia Begheyn-van Schijndel (born 1918) ∵ Contents List of Illustrations ix List of Tables xii List of Abbreviations xiii Preface xv Addendum xvii 1 Bibliographical Introduction 1 Bibliographical Work in the Jesuit Order 1 Finding Copies of the Books 2 Printed Inventories 4 Digital Inventories 6 Fake Imprints 8 Missing or Problematic Dates 13 Publications by Ex-Jesuits 15 Structure of the Description of a Publication 16 2 The Jesuits in the Low Countries 1540–1773. Apostles of the Printing Press 17 Books and Libraries in Documents of the Early Society of Jesus 17 Jesuit Bibliographies 19 Books and Writers in the Low Countries 21 The Liquidation of the Jesuit Libraries in the Low Countries 22 3 Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands, 1567–1773 25 The Publication of Books by the Jesuits Themselves 30 Four Colleges and Their Publications 30 The College of Maastricht (1575–1773) 30 The College of ’s-Hertogenbosch (1609–1629) 32 The College of Roermond (1611–1773) 34 The College of Breda (1625–1637) 35 The Stations and Their Publications 36 Popular Jesuit Spiritual Books Distributed Mainly by Catholic Booksellers 39 Jesuit Writings Translated and Published by Others 41 Books on Foreign Countries and Cultures 41 Publications by Willem and Joan Blaeu 44 viii contents Schoolbooks, Editions of Classical Authors, and Historical Works 45 The Popularity of Baltasar Gracián in the Dutch Republic 48 The Counterfeit Edition of the Primary Documents of the Jesuit Order in Amsterdam c. 1665 48 Publication of Books by Athanasius Kircher in Amsterdam 49 Some Remarkable Other Publications 51 Conclusion 53 Bibliography of Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands, 1567–1773 55 Indexes 391 Jesuit Authors, Editors and Translators 391 Jesuit Authors, Editors and Translators according to Countries of Birth 399 Non-Jesuit Authors, Editors and Translators 400 Languages Used in Dutch Jesuit Publications 405 Dutch Printers etc. in Alphabetical Order 406 Dutch Printers etc. according to Places of Activity 413 Non-Dutch and Fictitious Printers 419 Editions of Dutch Jesuit Books per Decade 420 Libraries with Dutch Jesuit books 421 Appendix. Correspondence on the Publication of Jesuit Books in The Netherlands, 1650–1673 424 Letter of Louis Elzevier to Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 4 November 1650 424 Letters of Heinrich Oldenburg to Baruch de Spinoza, London, September–October 1665 425 Letter of Pierre Le Moyne to Johannes Elzevier, Paris, 1661 426 Letters of Athanasius Kircher to August, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Rome, 1664–1666 427 Letter of Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge to Athanasius Kircher, Amsterdam, 29 December 1666 430 Letter of Athanasius Kircher to an Unknown Jesuit in The Low Countries, Rome, 10 June 1673 432 Bibliography 437 General Index 449 List of Illustrations 1 1610.2. Predicatie van pr. Ioannes de Gouda Iesuwyt, t’Antwerpen, Rotterdam, Felix van Sambix, 1610. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 60 2 1614.2. Le triomphe de l’arche d’alliance, 1614. nijmegen, dutch jesuit archives 63 3 1626.1. Roberto Bellarmino, De aeterna felicitate sanctorum libri quinque, Coloniae, Cornelius ab Egmond [Amsterdam, Willem Jansz Blaeu], 1626. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 70 4 1628.1. Herman Hugo, Pia desideria, Antverpiae, Henricus Aertssenius, pro P.I.P. [Amsterdam], 1628. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 74 5 1629.1. Luis de la Puente, Der zielen lust-hof, Loven, Isbrandt Jacobsz. Voor P.I. Paets [Amsterdam], 1629. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 76 6 1630.3. Jeremias Drexel, Heliotropium seu confirmatio humanae voluntatis cum divina, Coloniae, Cornelius ab Egmond et socii [Amsterdam, Willem Jansz Blaeu], 1630. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 79 7 1634.4. Roberto Bellarmino, De gemitu columbae sive de bono lacrymarum, Coloniae, Cornelius ab Egmond [Amsterdam, Willem Jansz Blaeu], 1634. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 86 8 1644.3. Heribert Rosweyde, ’t Bosch der eremyten ende eremitinnen, Antwerpen, Ieronymus Verdussen, herdruct by P.I. Paets [Amsterdam], 1644. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 97 9 1646.10. Augustijn van Teylingen, Op-komste der Neder-landtsche beroerten, Luyck [Dutch Republic?], 1646. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 102 10 1657.2. Matthias Faber, Conciones funebres et nuptiales, Antwerpiae, Amstelodami, Philippus van Eyck, 1657. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 128 11 1663.4. Jan van Sambeeck, Het geestelyck jubilee van het jaer O.H. M.D.C.L., Antwerpen [Amsterdam], Philips van Eyck, 1663. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 143 12 (c.1665).13. Litterae apostolicae, quibus institutio, confirmatio, et varia privilegia continentur Societatis Jesu, Antverpiae, Joannes Meursius, 1635 [Amsterdam, D. & L. Elzevier for J.J. Schipper]. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 150 x list of illustrations 13 1667.7. Athanasius Kircher, China monumentis illustrata, Amstelodami, Jacobus a Meurs, 1667. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 155 14 1676.4. Adriaen Poirters, Het masker van de wereldt afgetrocken, Antwerpen [Amsterdam], Philips van Eyck, 1676. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 171 15 1678.2. Paulus van den Berghe, Kort onder-wys in het recht geloof, Ruremondt, 1678. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 175 16 1687.13. Adriaen de Wolf, Hymenaeum serenissimis principibus Guilielmo Hyacintho Nassavio ac Mariae Franciscae Furstenbergicae, Ruraemundae, Leonardus Ophove, 1687. nijmegen, dutch jesuit archives 201 17 1688.13. Theodorus van de Poll, Den Heer stelt u twee zaaken veur, Bordeaux [Dutch Republic], 1688. nijmegen, dutch jesuit archives 205 18 1689.5. Jean Crasset, Christelycke opmerckingen, ofte overdenckingen, Amsterdam, Joannes Stichter, 1689. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 208 19 1689.6. Hendrik van der Gracht, Het leven van Sint Joseph, Antwerpen [Amsterdam], Joannes Stichter, 1689. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 210 20 1696.7. Baltasar Gracián, De konst der wijsheit, ’s Gravenhage, Pieter van Thol, 1696. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 228 21 1697.15. Broederschap … om een salige doodt te verwerven, Amsterdam, Frederick van Metelen, 1697. nijmegen, dutch jesuit archives 234 22 1705.3. Jeremias Drexel, De dood ofte voorloper van de eeuwigheyt, Antwerpen [Leiden], Christianus Vermey, 1705. amsterdam, netherlands institute of jesuit studies 253 23 1707.1. Paul Aler, Gradus ad Parnassum, Amstelaedami, Henricus & vidua Theodori Boom, 1707. amsterdam, netherlands
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