[OFFICIAL] NINETEENTH BIENNIAL MUSIC FESTIVAL AT CINCINNATI MAY 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 1910 FRANK VAN DER'STUCKEN Musical Director PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY THE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION 1910 COPYRIGHTED I9IO BY THE CINCINNATI MUSICAL FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION Press of C. J. KREHBIEL & CO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE MAXWELL, President. WM. COOPER PROCTER, V ice-Presiden t. FRANK R. ELLIS. ALEXANDER McDONALD.* JULIUS FLEISCHMANN. J. G. S'CHMIDLAPP. LOUIS J. HAUCK. CHARLES P. TAFT. FRANK B. WIBORG. FRANK R. ELLIS, Secreta'J·Y· H. T. LOOMIS. Treasurer. * Died March 18, 1910. 3 THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION. Alms, William H. Gamble, James N. Mitchell, P. R. Anderson, Mrs Louise N. Geier, Fred A. Mitchell, Richa.rd H. Anderson, Geo. M. Goepper, Edward Moyer, Samuel Anderson, L. W. Halstead, Mrs. Marshall Mooney, James E. Armstrong, Geo. W. Hanna, Mary Outcalt, Miller Ault, L. A. Harrison, Charles L. Procter, Wm. Cooper Baker, Charles W. Hauck, Louis J. Puchta, George Balch, George R. Hinkle, A. Howard Ramsey, Robert Baldwin, D. H. & Co. Hinkle, T. M. Resor, Robert L. Balke, R. F. Holden, R. A. Rhodes, Goodrich B. Ballman, Frank H. Holmes, Mrs D. H. Redway, A. J. Bosworth, C. A. Holmes, Dr. C. R. Rowe, Casper H. Campbell, B. W. Hooker, James J. Sattler, Mrs Robt. Carew, J. T. Ingalls, Geo. H. Schmidlapp, J. G. Chatfield, A. H. Ingalls, M. E. Senior, Edward Church, The John Co. Jones, Frank J. Shipley, Edward E. Colston, Edward Kerper, G. B. Storer, Mrs Bellamy Cunningham, Briggs S. Keys, John B. Taft, Charles P. Davis, Nat!. Henchman Krehbiel, C. J. Taylor, W. W. Dymond, Richard Laws, Harry L. Thalheimer, W. B. Edwards, David George Lawson, Franklin H. Walker, Miss Annie Elliott, J. F. Lawson, Fenton Warrington, John W. Ellis, Frank R. Levy, Harry M. Werk, Eugenie M. Ernst, Richard P. Lincoln, John Ledyard Wiborg, Frank B. Espy, Arthur Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas Wilby, Joseph Farrin, Mrs. M. B. Loomis, H. T. Wilson, Chas. E. Fleischmann, Julius McDonald, Alexander Wright, Clifford B. Foraker, J. B. Jr. Maxwell, Lawrence Wood, Harry F. Forchheimer, Dr. F. Meacham, D. B. Wulsin, Lucien Freiberg, J. Walter Melish, Wm. B. Yeiser, H. C. Freiberg, Maurice J. Miller, Robert T. GUARANTORS OF THE FESTIVAL. Alms, Wm.H. Kroger, B. H. Senior, Edward Ault, L. A. Levy, Harry M. Shinkle, A. Clifford Emery, Mary M. Longworth, Susan W. Shoemaker, Murray M. Fleischmann, Julius Maxwell, Lawrence Taft, Cllarles P. Freiberg, J. Walter McDonald, Alexander Thomson, Peter G. Freiberg, Maurice J. Perin, F. L. Wiborg, F. B. Greene, W. M. Procter, Wm. Cooper Wright, Clifford B. Hauck, Louis J. Robertson, W. F. Wurlitzer, Rudolph Sr. Harrison, E. P. Rowe, W. S. W ulsin, Lucien Hanna, Mary Schoepf, W. Kesley Krippendorf, C. H. Schmidlapp, J. G. Total Subscription............................ $30,000 4 FRANK VAN DER STUCKEN MUSICAL DIRECTOR FREDERICK A. STOCK ASSOCIATE CONDUCTOR SOPRANOS EMMY DESTINN, of the Royal Opera, Berlin MRS. CORINNE RIDER-KELSEY MRS. EDITH CHAPMAN-GOOLD MME. MARISKA ALDRICH MRS. ANTOINETTE WERNER-WEST CONTRALTOS MME. LOUISE HOMER MIss JANET SPENCER MME. ERNESTINE SCHUMANN-HEINX TENORS DANIEL BEDDOE N. HOUGAARD NIELSEN EVAN WILLIAMS BASSES HERBERT WITHERSPOON CLAUDE CUNNINGHAM RHAPSODIST JOSEPH O'MEARA ORGANIST SIDNEY C. DURST FESTIVAL CHORUS THEODORE THOMAS ORCHESTRA CHORUS OF CHILDREN FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOLO CHORUS IN THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE AND IN THE TROJANS IN CARTHAGE CHOIR OF BOYS ORGAN 5 ORDER OF PERFORMANCES TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3 .................... FIRST CONCERT VVEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 4 ................ SECOND CONCERT THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 5 ................ THIRD CONCERT FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 6 ................... FOURTH CONCERT SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7 ................ FIFTH CONCERT SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 7 ................... SIXTH CONCERT Evening Concerts begin at 8 o'clock. Afternoon Concerts begin at 2 o'clock. 6 PARTICULAR NOTICE The doors will be closed and the Concerts will begin at the minute adver­ tised. The doors will not be reopened nor persons admitted until some con­ venient point in the program is reached. No encores will be given. The intermissions, a long established custom and attractive social feature of the Festivals, will last about half an hour, during which time the audience will have an opportunity to promenade in the corridors and foyer of Music Hall. They will be called to their seats by the sound of a trumpet. Season Tickets, including reserved seats for all six performances (on sale only until April 23) . $15 00 Tickets for each performance detachable and transferable. Single Concert with reserved seat on the ground floor or in dress circle (for sale on and after April 25) ...................... 2 50 Single Concert with reserved seat in balcony (for sale on and after April 25) . ... 1 50 General Admission.. 1 50 Boxes seating six, for the Festival. .. 100 00 Auction Sale of choice of seats for Subscribers to Season Tickets and Box holders will be held at Aeolian Hall, 124 East .Fourth Street, Tuesday, April 19, and Wednesday, April 20, at 10 o'clock a. m. Sale of reserved seats for single concerts begins Monday, April 25, at the box office, Southeast corner of Fourth and Elm Streets, and continues until the close of the Festival. Persons residing at a distance can obtain season tickets with reserved seats for all the concerts, or tickets for single concerts with reserved seat, by addressing "The Cincinnati Musical Festival Association, Cincinnati." Plats of the Hall, and other information about the Festival, will be fur­ nished on application. 7 FIRST CONCERT. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY THIRD. JUDAS MACCABEUS ............................. Handel An Oratorio Special Version by Frank van der Stucken MRs. RIDER-KELSEY MME. MARISKA ALDRIOH MR. EVAN WILLIAMS MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON MR. CLAUDE CUNNINGHAM Chorus Choir of Boys Orchestra Organ Intermission, and dedicat'iun of the statue· of Theodore Thomas. after the second part of the oratorio. SECOND CONCERT. VVEDNESDAY EVENING,~AY FOURTH MISSA SOLENNIS, D major, Op. 123. MIss EMMY DESTINN MIss JANET SPENCER MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON Solo Violin, Mr. Hans Letz Chorus Orchestra Organ Intermission. CONCERT ARIA, Ah, Perfido, Op. 65. MME. MABISKA ALDRICH SYMPHONY NO.5, C minor, Op. 67. Allegro con brio Andante con moto Allegro-Finale 10 THIRD CONCERT. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY FIFTH. OVERTURE, The Flying Dutchman ................. Wagner SYMPHONY No.4, D minor, Ope 120 ............. Schumann Introduction, Allegro, Romanza, Scherzo, Finale. VITELLIA'S ARIA, Titus........................... Mozart Clarinet Obligato, Mr. Joseph Schreurs MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK OVERTURE TO A COMEDY OF SHAKESPEARE, Ope 15, Scheinpflug Intermission. RHAPSODY, Ope 53 .................. " ............ Brahms Ml\IE. SCHUMANN-HEINK Solo Chorus of Men Orchestra VARIATIONS, Ope 36 ............................... Elgar ARIA, 0 Harp Immortal, Sapho .................... Gounod MME. SCHUMANN-HE!NK THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE .................. Dukas 11 FOURTH CONCERT. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY SIXTH. THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE .................. ··.. p'Ierne , A Musical Legend. MBS. RIDER-KELSEY MBS. CHAPMAN -GOOLD MRS. WERNER-WEST MR. DANIEL BEDDOE MR. CLAUDE CUNNINGHAM MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON Solo Chorus of Women Festival Chorus Chorus of 700 Children from the Public Schools Orchestra Organ Intermission after the second part. 12 FIFTH CONCERT. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, ]dAY SEVENTH. ·OVERTURE, Anacreon .......................... Cherubini ARIA, Abscheulicher, Fidelio ...................... Beethoven MIss EYMY DESTINN .INVITATION TO THE DANCE .................... Weber Arranged for Orchestra by Weingartner ARIA, Dove Sono, Marriage of Figaro ................. Mozart MIss EMMY DESTINN ~RONDO, The Merry Pranks of Till Eulenspiegel, Ope 28. Strauss Intermission. ;;SYMPHONY, C minor ............................... Stock Adagio-Allegro ma non troppo Scherzo Andante Oantabile Finale 13 SIXTH CONCERT. SATURDAY EVENING, ~AY SEVENTH. THE TROJANS IN CARTHAGE ............. ~ ...... Berlioz A Lyric Poem MME. LoUISE HOMER MRS. RIDER-KELSEY MME. MARISKA .ALDRICH MR. DAN1EL BEDDOE MR. N. HOUGAARD NIELSEN MR. CLAUDE CUNNINGHAM MR. HERBERT WITHERSPOON ME. EVAN WILLIAYS Rhapsodist, MR. JOSEPH O'MEARA Chorus Orchestra Intermission after the f~ird part. 14 THE CINCINNATI MUSIC FESTIVALS N his Musicall\:Iemories published in 1908, George P. Upton, the veteran critic and 'editor, says of the Cincinnati festi­ I vals: "They have been a continuous success, and have steadily grown in importance as ,expositions of the higher mus~c and indices of its growth. I have attended all of these but two, and have seen the steady advance from their modest beginning to the highest standard of musical perfection in this country. They have always seemed to me the crowning achievement in Mr. Thomas's career. The people of Cincinnati do not even yet know how greatly he prized these festivals or how great was the pang when he laid down the baton at the clos-e of the festival of 1904, knowing that it was his last one. Cincinnati has every reason to be proud of its May Festivals and the great influence they have had upon musical progress in the Middle West." Speaking of the festival of 1904, he says: "Never were more exacting programs laid out for players and sing,ers than these. It is doubtful whether they could have found elsewhere in this country the appreciation which was given them in Cincinnati. It was Mr. Thomas's ambition to gIve biennial festivals in New York and Chicago as well as 15 THE FESTIVALS. in Cincinnati utilizing the same material for each. The scheme was d~opped in N ew York after the first festival, and in ChicagD after the second. Cincinnati alone was able to continue them even aft,er their founder and master spirit had passed away.' The atmosphere of Cincinnati is musical. It has always had musical pride and ambition, and noW it has musical traditions and prestige which it evidently is deter­ mined not to sacrifice." In the cours'e of an extended article on the Cincinnati festi­ vals, Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, the standard English authority, says: "The most notable of the regular recurring musical meetings in the United Stat,es are those held biennially in Cincinnati, .ohio.
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