BUFFALO & ERIE COUJVTT PUBLIC LIBRARY cr. I BUFFALO & ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Epf/lfl ELI AS HOWE SEWING MACHINES 1867. 1867. FAMIZT AJV2) MJUYZTFACTUZIIJVG. POINTS OZ" SUPERIORITY i ADJUSTABLE PRESSER FOOT. ADJUSTABLE HEAD. SIMPLICITY: OF MECHANISM. Self-Adjustable Take Up. EASE OF OPERATION. RANGE OF WORK. DURABILITY. PERFECTION OF TENSIONS. THE HOWE, or LOCK-STITCH, IS UNEQUALED. "With every Machine we furnish free a Hemrner, Fellor, Braider, Quilter, Guage, 1 doz. Needles, 6 Bobbins, 2 Wrenches, 1 Oiler, 2 Screw Drivers, Bottle of Oil and Instruction Book. IFXXTTXraTGh 3DEI>-AJRT3^E2SrT. Constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail, the best quality of Machine Twist, Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread of all sizes and colors, Tuckers, Corders, Kufflers, Machine Findings, Needles, Oil, &c., &c Also, at Wholesale and Retail, the Celebrated WILLISTON'S COMBED SEA ISLAND THREAD for Family and Manufacturing uses. J". 3ST. DORE,IS <Sc CO., OFFICE AND SALESROOM; 18 West Swan Street, Buffalo. Agents Wanted. GROVER & [BAKER'S IMPBOVBD Shuttles Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINES. SMiniMiMiMlXiMOtlXlCi^lMMlU'KUOirHl1 THE ATTENTION OP Tailors, Manufacturers of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Harnesses, Carriage Trimmings, and all others who require The Best and Most Effective Look Stitch MachinJ Is invited to the above. The Lock Stitch Machines which have been employed in these^ branches of manufacture, have been defective in several essential par­ ticulars. They have been much too noisy and too much encumbered with cog-wheels or gearing, and wire springs.) to be simple, durable and comfortable in use. In Grover & Baker's Improved Machines these defects have been entirely removed. The No. 1 Machine is a new invention, and a most important advance upon all machines heretofore known for sewing with the Lock Stitch. It is of great power and strength, and is especially adapted for all descriptions of work to which the lock stitch is applicable. It works with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread, and will sew the finest muslin as well as the thickest leather. The No. 9 is a light running machine, containing many improve­ ments, adapted for tailoring, vest making, light shoemaking, as well as for family sewing. Large numbers of these machines, are in use, and they give universal satisfaction. SALESROOMS, Mo. 411 MAIM STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. iA, IPB) lli Manufacturers of §»§« AXLE PULLEYS, FERGUSON'S Adjustable LAMP BRACKET. Light Iron Castings, <ScO., <5cO- CORNER OF NIAGARA AND YIRGIKIA STREETS, C. B. CLARK, J. K. CLARK, E. L. FERGUSON, H. R. CLARK, $1WM9. V. X W. H. H. NEWMAN, i>EA.:LraR, I1V Plate and Sheet Iron METALS, BOILER FLUES, TIN PLATE, Railroad and Machinists' Supplies, Belting, Hose, Packing, Etc., 76 & 78 MAIN STREET, And 17 to 21 Hanover St., gTO®AJ*@g M* ¥* - Boiler Plato, Tank and Sheet Iron, Angle Iron, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Russia Iron, Boiler, Tank and Sheet Iron Rivets, Belt, Hose and Braziers' Rivets, BRAZIERS' SHEATHING AND BOLT COPPER, INGOT COPPER, BAR AND BLOCK TIN, ANTIMONY, SPELTER, LEAD, BABBIT METAL, SPELTER SOLDER, &c. RUBBER BELTING, HOSE PACKING, VALVES, GASKETS, SPRINGS AND TUBING, HEMP PACKING, B® B. HIIIIIAB, AURORA, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HABB 1,131:. una Paints and Oils. Crockery, Drags, Medicines, &c. Imported Wines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. SPECIALTIES made in SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, FISH and SALT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JEREMIAH 1ST A ATS, MANUFACTURER OP BILLIARD TABLES Of Superior Quality and Style. Every Article in the Billiard Line. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, —AT— New York Prices. BILLIARD TABLE CLOTHS, BALLS, ETC. [O. 32 STAATS STEEET, %"-iq Old Hardware Store, ESTABLISHED 1818- DeWITT C. WEED & CO., 28& Main Street, cor. of Swan, (Sign of the Mill Saw), BUFFALO, N. T., Keep constantly on hand a full and complete Stock of American,. German and i English **0 Shelf Hardware, Farming Implements, MECHANICS' TOOLS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CHAIRS, HORSE SHOES, GLOBE POINTED HORSE NAILS, NAIL RODS, WHEEL BARROWS, TUTTLE'S PATENT CROSS CUT SAWS, &c, &e. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FOB WHICH WE ASK A TRIAL. ©^•'Strangers visiting the city are invited to call and examine Goods and Prices, H.UTLEY, IFIAW© PiBf: ORGANS and MELODEONS, »9 Pearl St.* BUJPJE^AL,05 IV. "It". New and Second Hand Instruments rented, or rented with the privilege of Purchase. PIANOS MOVED, BOXED, TUNED AND REPAIRED. ALSO, CABINET MAKERS,' UPHOLSTERERS' :*. " And UNDERTAKERS' STOCK, § Piano Forte and Dnlcimer Materials, WILLIAM TILDEN" & NEPHEW'S TARNISHES. 82 Pearl Street, Buffalo, N. Y. THORNTON & CHESTER, PROPRIETORS OF NATIONAL, GLOBE AND NORTH BUFFALO MILLS. DEALERS IN OAT MEAL, RYE FLOUR AND CRAIN. Manufacturers of Brown's Patent Haxall Flour. iTO 212 ERIE STBEET, BUFFALO, N. Y. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INSTITUTION! THE WESTRH N.Y.UFE INSURANCE C0..BAT&VU Offers advantages equal to any, aud surpassed by no Life Insurance Company in the world. j OFFICERS • HAYDEN U. HOWARD, PresT; JAMLS BRAYLEY, Vice Pres't; C. E. FISH, Sec'y; "•'». HENRY J. GLOWACKI. Actuary and Counsel; JOHN ROOT, M. D., Medical Examiner. BfTPFALO.— John S.Ganson, Esq., PascallP. Pratt. Et-q., Jas. Brayley, Esq , Walter Carey, M. P.J Chas. O.Colt, Esq., Breed & Lent, Edward H.Letchworth,Esq.. Wm. B. Dei ,ew,Esq., Rev. Man ID Lau»-r, Frank & Co.. Geo. W Tifft, Esq., Samuel F. Piatt, Esq., Thos Brown, Esq., Wm. P. L» ten- worth, Esq., Isaac T. Hathaway. E^q., Rev. Dr. Botrhkiss,. Capt.E. P.Dorr, Edward B. Beals, Esq., J.F.Pitkin Esq,, Chas. E. Walbridge, J.M. Hutchinson, Esq. t ' B ATA VIA.—Hon.H. .I.ltedneld, Hon. Trumhell Carey, 11 J.Glowacki,Esq., D.W. T< mlinson, Esq. H >n.John Eisher, G. B. W«»rthington, Esq., J.3. Stewart, Esq., H. E. Ensign. Esq., Eli.>. Fish,UK},! t Robert Brown, Esq., .Vlumf or J, N. 7*.; Chauncy L. Olmsted, Esq., Le Roy. N. Y.; Hon. Loren Green, I Byron. NY. McKEEVER BROTHERS, General Agents, Branch Office under New York and Erie Bank, West Seneca Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. I EBEN HOLMES, Esq., Agent, East Aurora, Erie Co., I*. Y. AWING XKXX3L.X. H.&C. DODGE, MANUFACTURERS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, Walnut, Prepared, Rosewood and Gilt MOULDINGS, looking Glass, Portrait, Picture FRAMES, OVALS and CORNICES for the trade.. 3KTO. 147 E:L:M: STREET, HAMPTON DODGE, CHEESMAN DODGE. THE ALO C I w/ > <S> m ERIE COUNTY REGISTER BUSINESS DIRECTORY INCLUDING A DIRECTORY OF FARMERS. For 1S70. 23TO. SB ROCHESTER: C. C. DREW, No. 63 BUFFALO STREET. BUFFALO: WARREN, JOHNSON & CO., 197 MAIN ST. ]870. [ Entered acording to Aet of Congress in the year 1870, by C. C. DREW, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of New York. PRINTBD BY TRACY & REW, ROCHESTER EXPRESS. PRICE $1. F "Be9/ee 40 POCKET ALL PERSONS SUFFERING FROM Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Or any Derangements of the Stomach, will be immediately relieved and permanently Cured by the use of DR. Itt. CALDWELL^ Dyspepsia Remedy, In Doses of Only 20 to 30 Drops, if taken Strictly as Directed. gUr No change of Diet Required. Patients requested to partake FREELY OF ANY WHOLESOME FOOD. This is a curative and corrective Medicine. Has been tested in every form of Dyspepsia since 1847, and is guaranteed to cure 9 out of 10 of the most obstinate Chronic cases—is in fact as nearly a SPECIFIC for all derangements of the Stomach as it is possible for Medicine to be. It at once allays the irritations of the Stomach—strengthens the organs, as­ sists digestion, corrects the secretions, in fact, restores the stomach and all the functions of digestion to a healthy condition, and by so doing, food is properly digested and assimilated to the system—the blood and secretions become pure and healthy, giving to each and all fresh counte­ nances and healthy and vigorous bodies and minds. By first restoring I the integrity of the digestive functions and purifying the streams of life I at the fountain, it, more than any other remedy, cures, as well as pre-1 vents all diseases of Indigestion, such as Constipation, Diarrhoea, Files, Worms, Colic, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, &c, &c. Should by all means be given to delicate children. TBY ITI TRY IT 11 No one will be disappointed. Price $1.00. Sold by all Druggists. Two bottles, or more, sent to any address, by Express (prepaid,) on re-1 ceipt of price. M. CALDWELL & CO., Proprietors, Lockport, N. T. CONTENTS. Page Page ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 301 HOTELS ....69-162 ALDERMEN 281 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS ... 11 ALMANAC 6 INSPECTORS OF ELECTIONS 284 ASSESSORS*.. 233 INSURANCE COMPANIES.. 126 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 62-16*4 INTERNAL REVENUE 248 BANDS 70 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE...1983-266 BANKS 97 LAWYERS 62-164 BLOCKS, BUILDINGS &C 16 LIBRARIES,... A... 246 BOARD OF TRADE 128 MARKETS 67-167 BOARD FIRE UNDERWRITERS..*.!!}? MASONIC SOCIETIES 248 BUFFALO CITY REGISTER 281 MILITARY 244 BUFFALO POST OFFICE 241 NEWSPAPERS 71-169 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 27-129 NOTARIES PUBLIC 269 CALENDAR 6 ODD FELLOWS..... 248 CANALS 248 PENITENTIARY 256 CEMETERIES 287 PHYSICIANS 74-171 CENSUS 10 POLICE 240 CHURCHES 146-249 POPULATION « 10 CITY OFFICERS 281 POSTAGE ..241 CITY PRINTING 288 POST OFFICE, 241 CLERGYMEN -.146-249 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 238 COMMISSIONERS DEEDS 258 RAILROADS .....128 COMMITTEES ..232-253 RATES OF POSTAGE 241 COMMON COUNCIL 231 SAVINGS BANKS 97 CONSTABLES 234-267 SCHOOLS 87-178-288 CORONERS 264 SOCIETIES 246 COUNTY OFFICERS 264 STAGE LINES .128 COURTS 291 STREET CARS 128 CUSTOM HOUSE 244 STREET DIRECTORY 17 ERIE COUNTY DIRECTORY 129 SUPERVISORS 252 ERIE COUNTY REGISTER^.*W»..252 SUPREME COURT 261 FARMERS *.«••.... 1#5 TEACHERS 288 FIRE DEPARTMENT 235 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES 248 GAS LIGHT CO 60 TOWN CLERKS 280 GOOD TEMPLARS 248 TRANSPORTATION 94..182 HALLS 16 U.
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