![Children Oarpsatsr Sad Baildsr, Ordinarily, And, If the Person Is Sight Shaped Channel, Which Can Ouly Be Ac Evening, at 7:1K>O'clock](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
« •« < « ■sEr-3xr.Tr t o o k ' VOL X-N O . 28. MANASQUAN, N. J„ FRIDAY, OCTOBKR 20. lH8(i, WHOLE NO. 470. Dentists. Painters. and northwest sides a hold, precipi­ oolon of the rainbow. R oster ^taclfta D irectory IN COLUMBIA’S VALLEY. tous, jagged mass of rock, which forms on* beyond that Is far mow ptetur- CUD ROHM , the outer wall of the old crater, enolru­ esqitu In view than In natqe. Post Jlw D. Cook. Thomas Gtbbsrt. AN RAM-URN KXPKOrrtON AP- BAPTIST CIIUHOH, Q T, PITMAN, ORGANS. ling It for the thrue-Hfths of the cir­ I'titan of Herculea—two hug* columnar Ki t . II. OnoM, Pmwmt. Cook 4c Gibbort, PROArillNM At. ARK A. rooks guarding the railroad track on HnrnUy 8oIum>I-AI®il8 ofllwk A. M. cumference. * * * The crater is rr, iu'hiuK *110 ',10 A M•. mil 7 :!I0 I*. M DENTIST. PRACTICAL nearly half a mile wide from east to either Hide from the Welt- and m Ore P nyvr nu*«Mlrt*i WtdntxUv* %\ 7 :M I*. M. Tk. Trip Through Orrgou from Wullals to At MAMA*«|trAN on Thuhnimy* 12. F. Lym an west. * • * Throe distinct glaciers on the Vactflc slop* of the Ooseatl* PRICSDYTKUIAN CIIUHCll, Painters and Paper-hangers. rorUiuid Mount Hood uad IU Hitv. F. T. IlnowN. I), I)., I’aaior. Lauslilnff Gaa adalulatered, there hire n* poll have their origin in this Imslii, each the Mountains, and In a short rnn of a few jrb/MMNfwfeif « aywfn/fy. would respectfully Inform the public that he ha* ('bulging Altitude. •frrtci** r«all««d wnll* eatraeUag teeth. Mpoclal alteattoa taken the agency for the source of a stream of considerable slr.o, hours come to Portland, the metropolis Church Jiorvlo«~ 10 80 " A. M. Ivan to HUag teeth. AU work warranted. Estimates given and work guaranteed satisfactory. .................... T.fiO " f\M . * * * One of the most marked geo­ of the Northwest, and one of the low I tl.lt NORTH M AIN HTUKfcT, Oregon, the most. Northwestern State Fnblinth Hflhool — W Hi) A. M. " MATCHLESS” logical and topographical feature* of American cities that have had a -phe­ Ymiiix I*’ oplo't Mi'ftluR, Friday oteninf, Manatquan, Nrw Jrrtey. In the Union, Is one of the best known at 7 n'clnrk. Mount Hot I and the vicinity Is Its very nomenally rapid growth within ttw last Pray*" moetliiK, Wcdueiday oumlnK at 7 'M H. 8 . T. SLOCUM. though one of tho smallest In lmpuls- BURDETT ORGAN, extensive system of extinct glaciers, few yean, Lost as a smalt boy In *h« o'clock. tlon, Tho "Oregon Boundary" the D T. W Duncan. and In offering these magnificent Instrument* at Mir which everywhere gouged out Immense woods hack of one street that m tW hp MKTHODI8T l*KOT. CHURCH, trlningly low figures. A numple of these organ* may “ Oregon Trull," nml nrnny other titles Rky. K. 0 . Htui.t*. I'aator, DENTIST. trough-shaped valleys, cutting down the little village in 1833, It la hard for Hull hull) Hcrvlcim, >r turn at the store of Curtin A Conover,and all who could Is' given which would recnll somo winh a really Ttmt-cln** Inntrutnrnt at a moderate doeply into the earlier truuhytlc lava mo to comprehend now that It, With Honda* School - t :» A. M. Bteteaeer ft M O. Rloean, HOUSE PAINTER, GRAINER price, will find it to their advantage to call. of the oldest politico! questions In our ChurchHt rvlca—U):44 A. M .,and7 OOP M. fiowa of the old volcano." tta suburbs, makes up a city of 4U[(XX) Ut<ocr*l Prayoi uirdloR, Tm»*day uvumuf •1 Cooknaa Ave., ASRURY PARK. N. J. country, ns well ns some of the most people, ami that most Of the Increase at 7;44. am rArn m m . Mr. Lyman also retains the agency for the H utto leave Mount Hood, to which Gaa Administer**!. Interesting and rendublo romances slid has been within the last few years; the MKTHODI8 T EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Decorating in Oil and Hard .Wood Finishing we have been too long attracted by Its Ha*. J . W. tUMNt.a. PMior. histories ever thrown over a frontier consul of 1881), ovist, showing less t|ptn hahliaili Holn»,»i -o n i*VI«oik A. M. v«4 A Specially. ESTEY ORGAN, land. resemblance In one way to one of the Praaohlnir »t IO:io A. M., and t .-oo P. II. Dlt. A. S. BUKTONJHBIDK. I G. HUSTON half of that number. 1 have aoeu, it Corner Mam and Osborn Ave. MANARQUAN which Is well and favorably known in this vicinity leaving the Northern Pacifle at Wal- main objects of onr expedition tho as- Prayer noatinx Thur«d*y» at T :4A P. M. and throughout the clvtllaed world. Don’t forget stated and claimed that Portland has R1SIDXNZT D IN T B r, luln Junction, Washington Territory, ccut of Mount 81. Kliaa ami return to BKCiiKT SOCIETIES. that samples, catalogues and price liata may be seen in this population twenty-two million- CokNKk Homo S i a m amk Msinwttid Ax-Sni t, at Curtla A Conovers. sjf our railroad ride down Use valley of ICXCRLHIOU LOIMUC, No, #H. t. O. O. P. we change to the Oregon Railway and aims, and a look at her business blocks ASHURY PARK, N. ). J. S. Williams. tho Columbia. The city of The Dalles Mwt* In Maaoiilt' Hall on Friday vvenli g Navigation Company's Line to Port­ and residences would not belle (Its of each wuok. K. P. Tilton, N. (I. Is so named from the coutruetiou of the land without changing our sleeping statement If that could be taken u a R^K. Nownian, Roc. 8«'y< ApfMMntnent* made by Ttlet>hone and Mail. Practical House and Sign Painter. river at this point, called by the old car, however, which goes through—and criterion, Southward from Portland, WALL LOIMIK, No. 73. ¥. A. M. Gaa administered for the painless extraction of teeth Hudson's Hay Company “ The Dalles.” Mtvla In Mawmlr Hull aocotid and fourth N011TH SPRING LAKE. In a few minutes are on the soil of Ore­ and tributary to It, stretches for about It Is of more interest to the student Wtwlnt'«uUy rvenliiK* of each month. Cha*. gon, coursing along the southern bank 130 miles the navigable Willamette J. Parker. W M. A. A. IIIkrIii*. thm’y. than the sightseer. Here the great Co­ of the great Columbia lllver, which wo River, draining the richest;agricultural GOODWIN C1IAPTRR, No. JW R. A. M. Carpanton and Btdldan. Rani Wood PiuUhlaf > BpMlolt;, now see for tho llrst time, though hav­ lumbia contracts Into a passage go nar­ M eta In Maoonlc Hall drat and third Wed- row that one could tliug a atone across valley beyond all cumparlson in the ncaday evcnlntr* of each month. W. W. ing been In its basin during the last two It with ease, and yet it hanily seems to great Northwest. Its average width in Trout, M. K. II P. A. A. Illtoclno, Hoc. K .Ikohinino AMD Pil’in IL moixo P . oiipt days. The ride from Wallula to Port­ land adapted to agriculture is about J. H. Morris, LT ATTKNDKD TO. increaso its current in this funnel- PKARL LODGE. No. 51, K. of P. land is one of about 12 hours in length thirty-live tulles, and In proportion to M eta in Kriedlnnder * Hall ovu-y Tueaday Children Oarpsatsr sad Baildsr, ordinarily, and, If the person is sight­ shaped channel, which can ouly be ac­ evening, at 7:1K>o'clock. EatimatM Furni«L«l upon Application. Its area It has by far the densest popu­ seeing at all, I would advise such a one counted for by great depth —“ the A. P. Yclvlugton, C. 0 . M a r a i q u a h , N . J. lation In the Northwest, while many of Geo. II. ('aufftuan, K. of R. ami 8 . Aiklrau. Bo. Plain, N. J. to make It In daylight, If the weather Iss mighty Columbia turned on edge,” tv Kstlruates made on »ppHcaUo«. the oldest and most staple towns In the at all favorable. The llr^) half, travel­ one writer puts It. “Tlicchasm through VRKDKNRURGII POHT, No. 47, G. A. R. C—m n tns t l i i by mail will receive prempt ns State are to be found here, resentbltng Meta in |«M»t nxnu aecond and fourth Mon* ing westward, while being grand enough which It Mows has never been fathomed, day ev'nga of each month. Frank Oetalng- Benj. U. Jackson, and can only be approximately deter­ thrifty New England or New York er, Cotnniandcr. .1. 8 . William*, Adlutant. scenery for anywhere In the Hast, will towns rather than the mushroom and not compare with the second half from mined by an inversion of the grand pro­ HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL portions of the river where It flows back wood appearance of many of the George C. Newbury, about the Dulles nearly to Portland. places through which the traveller lias Profitslonal Card*. FOR PITCHER'S through its ordinary channel." At The A r c k l l r d , PAINTER. For quite a distance on from Wallula lieen making his way during ths last CARPENTER AND BUILDER, the hanks of the Columbia River are Dalles we commence catting through SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. the CascAde Mountains, leaving the un­ four or live days Four lines of rail­ jQ lt. R. LAIRD, N.rt* L .I. .tr*.A Mara^ v. m, N J. comparatively low and the immediate road drain this rich valley from Port­ JOBBINO PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TOl scenery not very Interesting.
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