THE BACKDROP MAGAZINE ȸ Business ȸ A BEAUTIFUL LIFE Q&A with Miss America 2000, Heather French Henry In 2000, I had the amazing privilege Heather is by far one of the most of serving as the National Director of impressive, well spoken, passionate and Marketing and Public Relations for the motivated women I have ever known, Miss America Organization in Atlantic and it has been incredible to follow her City, NJ. I stood in awe at everything successful journey during these last 15 the pageant brought to life, and on the years. To celebrate that anniversary, I evening of the live telecast, I witnessed recently caught up with Heather and as the millenium Miss America was learned more about her new professional crowned, Heather French Henry, who role, her world in fashion, her strong ZRXOG EH WKH YHU\ ¿UVW 0LVV $PHULFD , love of family, and the lessons she has would have the honor of representing for learned and passed down along the way. that next year. My time with Heather and with the Miss America Organization will always stand out as one of the memories in my mind to last a lifetime, and I am so proud to have her on the pages of The Backdrop today. 18 19 Being crowned Miss America 2000 in Atlantic City, NJ THE BACKDROP MAGAZINE The KDVA operates with a $70 million annual budget. We serve over 311,000 veterans including 24,000 women veterans. We operate four veterans QXUVLQJKRPHV¿YHYHWHUDQVFHPHWHULHV and over 740 employees statewide. This year, we began a unique focus on female veterans called KY Women Veterans UNITE 2015. We also implemented new programs to work on homeless veterans DQGEHQH¿WV,DPKRQRUHGWREHDEOHWR serve those who have served our country. K: If you could tell anyone just one thing Speaking at press about your cause, what would you want conference with people to know? Governor of Kentucky, Steve Beshear H: Serving our nation's veterans is the responsibility of all Americans. We all must do our part for those who have K: Thank you so much for talking with JLYHQVRPXFKVDFUL¿FHIRURXUFRXQWU\ us! We know as a former Miss America, you are always on the go and with your K: So taking you back to the moment in 2000 when you became Miss America, platform as awareness for our homeless how did that experience change your veterans, we are very excited to hear life? about your new role as Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Veterans H: The experience of Miss America $̆DLUV7HOOXVDERXWWKDWUROHDQGZKDW changed not only my life, but the lives it means to you after supporting this of my family. The crown has given me cause for so many years. a national platform to shed light on the needs of our veterans and to help create H: Being the Commissioner of the KY new programs for the future. It also 'HSDUWPHQWRI9HWHUDQV$̆DLUV .'9$ set me on a path that I will be on the is the role of a lifetime for me. As Miss rest of my life. Fifteen years later, the America, I championed veterans issues crown is still providing me extraordinary as my national platform and worked opportunities that I would never have on legislative issues that fundamentally received otherwise. changed the way the VA serviced our nations’ veterans, and now I get to ZRUN PRUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ RQ WKH YHWHUDQV population in KY. With former Miss Americas at Patriot Plaza 20 21 THE BACKDROP MAGAZINE 22 Preparing for Honor Flight 23 THE BACKDROP MAGAZINE K: As you know, September is able to take part in special programs in traditionally the “fashion issue” the Miss America System and helping for magazines nationwide. As an ZKLOH,DP¿OPLQJSURJUDPVIRUYDULRXV entrepreneur who owns both the companies or commercials. Often, Heather French Henry gown collection my entire family can be seen helping and the prom gown line, Frenchy, and as during events pertaining to our military a fashion designer, what would you say veterans. Harper and Taylor actually is your biggest fashion obsession on the serve on the Veterans Youth Council market today? through the KY Department of Veterans $̆DLUVVRWKH\KDYHDXQLTXHRSSRUWXQLW\ H: Although, I had to make the decision to create a voice for themselves within to place my company on hold in order to the veterans’ community. My husband become the Commissioner of Veterans has been in a similar leading role in KY, $̆DLUV IRU .< , DP VWLOO REVHVVHG ZLWK and has a unique understanding of the fashion. My biggest obsession right now pressures I face on a daily basis so his LV¿QGLQJWKHULJKWRYHUFRDW,IHHOWKDW input is priceless to me. I need to update my outer wardrobe - it is possible to be stylish and warm this K: What is the best advice you have ever winter! received? K: What do you wish in fashion would H: There are many sayings, quotes, and just go away? scriptures I live by and I often repeat them on a daily basis. However, there H: Short shorts! No one looks great is is one that sticks out and it happens to super shorty shorts but runway models, be a Babe Ruth quote: "Never let the fear and those are few and far between. Let's of striking out keep you from playing add a bit of class back into street wear! the game." There are so many situations and opportunities I am given that have K: In addition to all of your professional elements of uncertainty, but I can't let achievements, you are also a wife and that fear keep me from moving forward. mom. What is your trick as a woman to balancing it all? K: What is your next goal to conquer? +7KHUHLVQRRQHVL]H¿WVDOOVROXWLRQ H: I am blessed that I have many for this problem that all working moms options for my future, however, there face. Everyday I try to be keenly aware is a large amount of pressure for me to of the needs of my children and my UXQIRUDSROLWLFDOṘFH,KDYHDJUHDW husband. I strive everyday to either desire one day to be the Governor of the incorporate my family into my work and Commonwealth of Kentucky, however, I my appearances when it is appropriate also have a desire to have another child so they know how important they are and at 40, that could be a challenge. I to me. My daughters have loved being haven't made the decision on my path yet but I will soon. At Kentucky Derby with husband A personal fashion Steve Henry, former Lieutenant sketch Governor of Kentucky 24 25 With the Kentucky National Guard THE BACKDROP MAGAZINE And now our Top Fun Fast Five!: Heather with Kristin On a Black Hawk BEST BEAUTY SECRET: BEST GUILTY PLEASURE? SLEEP! That's no secret, but my face Graeter’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice shows a lack of sleep big time. I use Cream...which I rarely get to have green tea bags under my eyes when I because I have always had to watch my haven't had enough. diet!! FAVORITE COLOR TO WEAR TO MAKE FAVORITE MOVIE: A STATEMENT? Sabrina - the newer version with Red! Every time I need to make my Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond. I play point such as with my legislative agenda it constantly and it drives my husband or in a debate, I wear red along with my crazy, but I love everything about the patriotic ribbon and Ann Hand Eagle movie and the soundtrack! brooch. WHAT IS ONE THING NO ONE WOULD GUESS ABOUT YOU? I still get extremely nervous before I speak or perform - like seriously nervous. Once I enter the stage or podium I am ¿QH EXW PRPHQWV OHDGLQJ XS WR WKH speech or performance I am a wreck. +PJGTQHƒEKCNPGYTQNG With daughters Harper and Taylor 26 27.
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