^ t * I 1 l.(-*r«'*V**^* ST^e-s-'s ^-t-s^-f*^ i 'i I £ ^^3 >a.i0^ Uwu-t FAOEEIOm THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BEANFORD, CONN., JUNE 8, 1044 acting general' manager Of the Wlllman, Louise C. to Maurice Hospital Plan Connecticut Plan for Hospital Care Greenberg, Hotel Edgewater, rear NORTH BRANFORD Other directors of the Connec­ EAST HAVEN Co,sey Beach Ave. Makes Changes ticut Hospital Service'are: Roger QUIT CLAIM DEEDS . Services in the local churches on In Chapel Hall, followed by lunch­ S. Sperry, of Waterbury, vice pres­ The Serviceman's Committee of'.now compete for the gold, Gambardclla, Gactano lo Doris Sunday will be: eon at Brewster Hall, After the ident; Hon. Solomon Eisner, Hart­ the Old- stone church will hold a This class, will be heard in Ne- landrlno, Victor St,; Landlno, Dor­ The 400,000 members of. the new , Masses at 7 and fl;15 at St. Au­ conferring of degrees at the'Con­ card party, Tuesday, June 20, in ;grosplrituals. Theguest artist who is to Gaetano Gambardella et al, non-prollt Connecticut Hospital ford, vice president; Edwin A. Har­ gustine's Catliollc Church and at 8 vocation at 3:15 P.M., Mrs. Smith the Parish House, the proceeds to j will be heard In .special solo work Victor St. Service represent nearly all of ris, Norwalk, vice president; Rev. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS ' o'clock in the Northtord Congre assisted as one of "Tea" hostesses go toward the Christmas boxes for j will be Miss Dorothy Junlver of Connecticut's IflB towns. It wa.s Eugene P. Cryne, Waterbury, secre­ 'gatlorial Church, Rev. John J. Mc­ at 4:30 P.M. The Rector attended those In the armfd forces. Rcser-| Branford. Mrs. Robert Junlver ahd MORTGAGE DEEDS PRICE FIVE OftNTS pointed out today by Charles H. tary; George R. WllHs, New Haven, VOL. XVII—NO. 9 Branford, Connecticut, Thuisday, June 15, 1944 Carthy, pastor; Mrs. Qonevlevo the Alumni meeting and dinner at vollons .should be made now i Mrs. Philip Tarbell will be the ac- East Hanen Homes Inc. to Conn, Holt, acting general manager. Bernard, organist and choir dlrec 0:30 o'clock. treasurer. through Mrs. Joseph Holt, 4-2479, companlsts. Mrs. Dorothy Evarts Gen. Life Ins, Co., FHA, Heming­ The Connecticut Hospital Service .tor. During the summer the ses­ b. Spencer Berger, New Haven; or members of the committee. will preside at the organ. The way Ave.; Evarts, Dorothy M. to has been formed by the consolida­ Francis M. Grlffilh.s, Torrlngton; N. H, Prog. B & L Assn., 45 Chid- sions of the Sunday school will be The chairman. Rev. Francis J. Judges on this occasion will be Mrs. tion of the Connecticut Plan for Rus.sell Frost, Jr., Norwalk; Rich­ sey Ave,; Polrier, W. J, et ux-to L, omitted. Smith, of the Memorial Day pro­ Princess Chapter, O. E. S., will Carl Garvin, Mrs. Harry Colbourne Increase In Business Thomas Cornell Lists Hospital Care, Inc. (White Cross) ard White, New Britain; Mo.st Rev. A, Chldsey, Center St,; Prann, W, gram exercises thanlts all tho.ie hold a food .sale, Saturday, June and Edwin Cooper, students from and the Hospital Service Plan, Maurice P. McAullffo, D.D., Bi-shop R et ux to S, M. Bailey, Tuttle PI,; ,Thc Congregational Church will who assisted so ably in making the 10. Mrs. Anna Lalne Is chairman. Branford and East Haven High Inc. of Norwalk, members wore In­ of Hartford; S. Russell Mink, Bris­ Richards, J, p, to Antonio Galari!! hold morning worship nt 11 o'clock affair so Inspiring and successful. who arc.interested in public speak­ formed this week. tol. et uv, 2 pes, Talmadge St. Fifth War Loan Drive on Sunday morning. Rev, Maurice M1.SS Phyllis Warner attended a ing are invited to attend. Causes Bank To Move dcVrles, pa?tor; Mrs. DouBla.i B. At the same time H was an­ The new plan has the approval luncheon Tuesday at Albertus Mrs. Frederick Dudley Is spend­ nounced through Mr. Holt that RELEASES OP MORTGAGES Holttblrd, organLst and choir dl- of the Connecticut Insurance Magnus College given for members CAMPOREE PLANS ing ,iome time at the homo of Mr. Harry B. Kennedy of New Haven Amer. B & T Co. to Gunhllde E. rcctbff. Comml«,sloner and is the only non­ of the Press Board. At a meeting of the East Haven To Montowese Street Captains Of Districts ond Mrs. Leslie Brlndley of Foxon will serve as president of the Board profit ho.spital .service plan in the Colburn, et al, Cosey Beach Ave,; District Scout Committee held in Arthur, F. D. Ir. to C. D. Arthur, Road. Mr.s. Dudley Is sultering with of Directors that will temporarily state. Miss Marie V. Anderson, daugh­ . Zlon Episcopol Church will hold the home of the chairman, Harold Chidsey Ave.; Chldsey, L. A, to Eliz. tt back condition. guide the nlfairs of the plan. Mr. "The consolidation of Connecti­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, Ninety Per Cent Of Loans Have Been Placed On Owner Occupied Will Canvass To Meet Quoin, Of $1G2,000 Series E Bonds In Towti'ii Holy Communion,'at: 0:3.0 o'clock, Na.sh, In Klrkham Avenue exten­ Pratt, Center SI,; Community B & Kennedy served as president of the cut's two non-profit hospital ser­ 172 Hemingway Avenue, is a candi­ ,Rev. Fraiiols J. Smith, Rector; Mrs. sion, plans were made for the an­ T Co., to Lulgl Pellegrino et al, Homes—In Position To Handle Post-War Mortguso Market- Total Quola Whioh Has Boon InorcMoa To $704,000—Said: In board of directors of the Connecti- vice plons Is Intedcd to strengthen date for a degree of bachelor of ]PaulR. Hawkins, organist and The members of the North Bran- nual Camporee of the Ea.st Haven Thompson Ave.; John Pelllgrino et Paying Three Per Cent Dividend Prooosfl And Olosoa July 8 Giit Plan for Ho.spital Care .since and extend In this state the move- science from Simmons College, choir dirootor. , ford Volunteer Fire Department Boy Scouts. The Camporee will be al, Kenntlh St,; Conn. Sav. Bk. lo its Inaugui'ullon In I0;)7. / men for providing ho.si)ltal care Boston. have planned to omit the regular held June 24 and 2,'j. The commit­ Bc,s.sle E. Wlttsteln, Morgan Ave,; Branford Federal Savings and PlgiU'cs received here Monday mooting of the department on ncxi, The temporary board of direc­ thi-ough voluntary means," Mr. tee has already visited a po.ssible Church doors remolned open on Dudley, J, B, to F, E. White, et ux, Loan Association Is transacting show that Branford's quota Is now Wednesday evening and It will en­ tors Is comprised of members of Holt said today. Miss Audrey Wright, Thomixson site and a selection will be an­ Invoslon Day so that all might en­ 112 Klmberley Ave.; Elwell, G. H. business in its new olTlces on Mon­ Hope To Save East Havener set at $704,000. Of that amount joy lis annual dinner at this time. both former boards and all per­ Members of both plans have Avenue, is convalescing after her nounced soon. ter to pray. Prayers were conducted et ol to Louise C. Wlllman,- Hotel towese Street, next to the post of­ $182,000 Is expected to bo B bond t The dinner will be held, at 8 o'clock sonnel of the two plans will be as- been advised that their contracts recent operation. Edgewater, near Cosey Beach Ave,; fice, having moved this week from purchases In the piescnt Fifth War In the schools with the special ap­ sSciatod Willi the new organiza­ have been assumed by the new 8 Tons Paper In Vocal Lead at Loebor's Tea Room and not only SECRETARY OF STATE SPEAKS First Fed, Sav, & Loan Assn, of NH the Toole Building where it has Loan drive being conducted until proval of the School Board. tion, Mr. Holt .said, Mr. Holt was corporation and will be carried on members of tlio department but Hii'am Myers of Second Avenue, Mrs. Frances Rediek of Newing- to W, F. Prann et al, Tuttle PI,; occupied second story space since JMly Bth. ' • • .' without change for the present. friends and neighbors are Invited Momauguin has been appointed ton, Secretary of State, was guest First Nat, B & T Co, to Mary E. its organization. During June Of Bond Show Harold Tousey has appointed IK The 'annual supper will be served lo attend. Tickets may be pur­ colfee and sandwiches throughout Eventually, a new contract with Republican deputy registrar for sijeaker at the weekly luncheon of .suprenant. Strong St.; N,H. Sav. To better serve the community, Thomas Cornell to head the house by the Confraternity of the Ros­ chased from Arnold adiloemann the night and early morning houri. greater bcnellts wll be made avail­ that voting district. To aid the war effort and to raise Ml.ss Betty Daniels of 412 Laurel the Eas""•'t Have" n" "Rotar '" y Clu"' b' tbiSjBk lo Eugenio Battlsta, Rose St.; The Federal Home Loan Bank of to house canvass and Paul Bur­ ary of St. Augustine's Parish In the Sr., F. a. Loober, or Vincent Matt, Great assistance was given by the able. money to purchase playground Street, East Haven will be featured noon. Thomas, J. V. to Ivor CarLson, Boston, district bank for the local nett will handle publicity. ' : Northfbrd, Community "Hou.'ie on members' of the comitleo, pltlcers North Haven Fire Departmepl in The new plan will adopt the Blue PLAN SALE i_ L_ equipment for Hammer ' Field a singing "Yip, Yank, Yale I" In Con­ Carlson PI.
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