COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS The News Journal of the Computing Research Association January 1997 Vol. 9/No. 1 How will election results affect science policy? BY Fred W. Weingarten political contributions. If basic CRA Staff research PACs exist, they have not The November elections are over, If science policy is to be dealt with substantively in the attracted much attention or been and the science policy community, very influential either inside or 105th Congress, the House Science Committee will gearing up for another year of intense outside Congress. An exception may be strong the industry support of NIH budget battles, is speculating about have to lead the way. the effects on science policy in the research, but NIH is not under the next Congress. Although last year’s purview of the Science Committee. final numbers turned out to better As a result, the committee usually than expected—at least for the dealt with substantively in the (D-KY), were first-term members; experiences substantial turnover in budgets of the National Institutes of 105th Congress, that committee Bill Baker (R-CA) was in his second the junior ranks and nearly always Health (NIH) and the National will have to lead the way. Whether term. Harold Volkmer (D-MO), the winds up with a higher than most senior incumbent to lose his Science Foundation (NSF)—the it will be interested and equipped to average proportion of first-term do so will depend on how the seat, had served for 20 years. Includ- coming year is likely to be much members. This year is likely to be elections affected its makeup, ing the retirement of committee chair tougher. no different. agenda and working style. Robert Walker (R-PA), only five out The political desire to balance Leadership at the top has already of 50 members of last year’s Science the budget continues, both in the Committee composition been settled. F. James Sensenbrenner Committee will be departing the administration and in Congress, and (R-WI), second in seniority on the The election did not create major House. there are not many places left to cut committee to Walker in the last changes, at least directly. As was true However, in reshuffling commit- in the discretionary portion of the Congress, has been selected to chair in general, the election was kind to tee assignments, more changes are budget. the committee. He is a fiscal conser- incumbents. But many races were likely to be made. For many members, Most initial attention is on the vative who has represented the 9th very close, and a few results could the Science Committee is not a House. The Senate has been District in Wisconsin, a district in the still change with recounts or other highly rewarding post, and many relatively indifferent to science challenges. At press time, one race suburbs of Milwaukee, for 18 years. leave as soon as they can. The Although the University of Wiscon- policy in recent years, and that involving a Science Committee committee has little influence beyond attitude is not likely to change. By member, Steve Stockman (R-TX), sin is not in his district, reports are a narrow set of special issues, and that he has visited the campus contrast, the House has a full was to go to a runoff. NSF is not one of the larger govern- committee—the Science Commit- several times, is interested in basic Only four incumbent members ment agencies. tee—exclusively devoted to science lost their seats. Two of them, Andrea science and is a strong supporter of Consequently, membership on the policy. If science policy is to be Seastrand (R-CA) and Mike Ward academic research. committee attracts little political The ranking Democrat on the full Inside CRN action committee (PAC) money, committee once again is George unlike major House committees such Brown (D-CA), who won another Expanding the Pipeline .................. 2-3 Policy Update ................................. 9 as Commerce and Ways and Means very close race in his Riverside Association News ........................... 4-5 Washington Update ........................ 10 (the committee that deals with district. Cliff-hangers have been the CRA Taulbee Survey ...................... 6-7 Awards and Honors ........................ 11 taxation). Furthermore, the scientific Research News .............................. 8 Professional Opportunities ............. 12-16 community is notoriously stingy with Continued on Page 10 Changes in copyright policy debated BY Louise Arnheim download and send original works to Future Coalition (DFC), a group of Special to CRN colleagues anywhere, anytime. At the 25 organizations, including the PAID same time, the administration and Warning. If you are reading this item Computer and Communications U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 993 NONPROFIT ORG. electronically, you may be in violation of Congress have been weighing those Industry Association; several of the WASHINGTON, DC federal copyright law. rights with a democratic society’s major library associations, including That—or a similar caution—is need to access information and the the American Library Association; what Internet users might see if, as ability of institutions (libraries, educational interests such as the certain groups suggest, proposed universities) to meet that need. National Education Association; changes to copyright law come to The ongoing copyright debate is consumer groups such as the Con- pass. one with a long list of players: the sumer Federation of America; and These groups—which include information industry, which sees the cyberspace rights groups such as the consumers, educators, librarians, digital environment as one which Electronic Frontier Foundation and scholars of intellectual property and significantly decreases its ability to the Electronic Privacy Information members of the computer and recoup investment in an author’s Center. communications industries—are work and substantially increase The current debate began in 1993 reacting to a proposal raised in instances of copyright piracy; with the Clinton administration’s Congress last year that would have educational institutions and businesses blueprint for an information infra- broadened copyright owners’ right to that distribute limited amounts of structure, Agenda for Action. Among control distribution of their work. copyrighted material to students and the nine principles set forth in the The proposal would have included colleagues, based on what is accept- agenda was this directive: “The “transmission” as part of that right, able under the fair use doctrine; administration will investigate how to making the act of browsing on the libraries, which depend on doctrines strengthen domestic copyright laws Internet a possible copyright such as first sale to lend material; and and international intellectual infringement. service providers that, to avoid property treaties to prevent piracy The “transmission right” is just liability, might be required to monitor and to protect the integrity of one of the changes being talked their subscribers’ Internet browsing intellectual property.” The agenda about in Washington. For the past habits. also established the IITF and, within three years, the Clinton administra- Two coalitions have been particu- that overall structure, several tion, through its national Information larly active in the copyright policy working groups. One of those groups Infrastructure Task Force (IITF), has debate. One is the Creative Incentive was the Working Group on Intellec- been reviewing how well a law Coalition (CIC), which represents tual Property Rights, headed by intended to protect the economic producers, publishers and distributors Bruce Lehman, Commissioner of rights of authors functions in an of copyrighted audio, music, software, CRA NW Ave. 1875 Connecticut Suite 718 DC 20009-5728 Washington, environment that enables readers to text and video. Another is the Digital Continued on Page 9 COMPUTING RESEARCH NEWS January 1997 Expanding the Pipeline Computing Research Association Recruiting on the net not done well Computing Research Association, or the site’s Web home page. Many Board Officers BY Margaret the IEEE Computer Society, the departments use physical mail to David A. Patterson M. Fleck Chair A few years ago, Association for Computing Machin- gather letters of recommendation, University of California, Berkeley recruiting for ery and the Chronicle of Higher confirm receipt of applications and Mary Jane Irwin computer science Education. The best organized and provide information about their Vice Chair jobs was done most comprehensive site is run by an status. It is not uncommon to receive Pennsylvania State University primarily using individual, Alan Kaplan [2]. a form rejection letter months after Nancy G. Leveson hard-copy These sites suffer from several the position has been filled. Commu- Secretary problems. They are incomplete, both nication through e-mail or Web pages University of Washington journal ads and mail. Over the past few years, individually (for faculty posts) and is faster and less expensive. Michael R. Garey collectively (for industrial and Finally, countless pages of hard- Treasurer Internet distribution has become Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies increasingly important, to where postdoctoral positions). Only copy listings are distributed to all many job candidates now view the Kaplan’s site has an organization that people who subscribe to Communica- Board Members Internet as their primary source for is acceptable by the standards of tions of the ACM and IEEE Computer, Alfred V. Aho job ads. Properly used, the Internet modern Web sites. Except at Kaplan’s most of whom are not seeking jobs. Columbia University could save the community substantial site, ads disappear after an unaccept- These listings are printed on expen- Frances E. Allen time and money and allow us to ably short period of time. sive archival journal paper. This IBM T.J. Watson Research Center better implement the intent of equal As a result, job seekers must wastes paper, mailing costs and shelf Gregory R. Andrews employment opportunity laws. monitor multiple listing services, space in university libraries. University of Arizona copy ads before they disappear and Currently, however, we have a Equal opportunities Sandra Johnson Baylor hybrid system.
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