Web: http://blackrockhillwalkingclub.com Web: Minimise the Effects of Fire of Effects the Minimise 7. Email: [email protected] Email: Dispose of Waste Properly Waste of Dispose 6. Contact details: Contact Leave What You Find You What Leave 5. Walking Trails of County Cork: 32. Island Wood - Woodland and riverside walk beside the National Looped Walks in Cork: members. new to open always are Webmail: www.ballyhourabears.com Webmail: Travel and Camp on Durable Ground Durable on Camp and Travel 4. River Dalua. we and 65 to 25 from ranges profile age The climbing. for abroad Email: [email protected] Email: Respect Farm Animals and Wildlife and Animals Farm Respect 3. 1. Ardarou Forest - Woodland walk, picnic site and riverside 59. Ardnakinna Lighthouse loop, Bere Island. travel regularly and Ireland around weekends activity run We Phone: Renee O’ Dwyer 087 1259465 087 Dwyer O’ Renee Phone: Be Considerate of Others of Considerate Be 2. walk along the River Bride. 33. Kildorrery Walk - Riverside walk by the River Funshion. 60. Sheep’s Head. 61. Dursey Island Loop. scrambling. and hillwalking of purposes for Munster of hills the Plan Ahead and Prepare and Ahead Plan 1. 62. Creha Quay and Coastguard Station Loop. to travel to Sundays most meeting club, friendly small, a run We trips both in Ireland and abroad each year. each abroad and Ireland in both trips 34. Kinsale - Amenity walk with views of Kinsale Harbour and 63. Pullen Loop. 64. Kilavullen Loop. Club: Hillwalking Blackrock 2. Ballyhooly GAA - Walking trail around GAA pitch. Principles. Trace No Leave the follow Sandycove coastal amenity walk. 65. Doctors Hill Loop and Blackwater Loop. walking plan We clubs. other from members and beginners All participants in Cork Walking Month events are encouraged to to encouraged are events Month Walking Cork in participants All and October. We are open to new members and welcome welcome and members new to open are We October. and 3. Ballinaboola Wood - Forest walks and a picnic site with Web:http://homepage.eircom.net/~bishopstownohc/bhc.html Country. We run two walking festivals annually in May May in annually festivals walking two run We Country. Email: [email protected] Email: scenic views. 35. Kilbrittain Wood - Forest walks and picnic site beside the Slí na Sláinte: partnerships” and research education, through group. We promote our local areas Aherlow and Ballyhoura Ballyhoura and Aherlow areas local our promote We group. Phone: Sean Cotter 021-4546194 021-4546194 Cotter Sean Phone: River Kilbrittain. recreation outdoor responsible inspiring and “Promoting 66. Bere Island, 67.Blarney, 68. Fota Wildlife Park, 69.Glengarriff, voluntary a as area Munster the in Sunday every walk We 4. Ballinspittle - Forest walks and picnic site. www.leavenotraceireland.org trace: no Leave 70. Kilbrittain, 71. Kinsale, 72. Knocknaheeny, 73. Mallow, Club: Hillwalking Bears Ballyhoura 36. Kealkill Walks - Beginning at Carriganass Castle there are a welcome. are beginners and Hillwalkers Experienced September. 74. Ringaskiddy, 75. Rosscarberry, 76. Youghal. top and parkland walks on Tuesdays evenings from April to to April from evenings Tuesdays on walks parkland and top 5. Ballincollig Regional Park - Woodland, meadows and series of looped walks on and off road. times all at followed Web: www.midletonhillwalkers.com Web: most Saturdays and Sundays all year round. Forest and cliff cliff and Forest round. year all Sundays and Saturdays most riverside walks along the banks of the River Lee. be should walk the to relating leader the by given instructions Detailed maps of each Slí are available on; [email protected] Email: clubs in Ireland with over 500 hillwalking members. Hillwalks Hillwalks members. hillwalking 500 over with Ireland in clubs 37. Kilbarry Wood - Woodland walk and picnic site with All notice. prior without walks the of any cancel or change to www.irishheart.ie/sli welcome members New walks. local level Bishopstown Hillwalking Club is one of the largest Hillwalking Hillwalking largest the of one is Club Hillwalking Bishopstown 6. Ballycotton Cliff Walk - Scenic coastal cliff walk. panoramic views of surrounding countryside including the right the reserve Leaders Walk and committee organising The The Club provides Mountain/Hill walks, Trail C walks & Low Low & walks C Trail walks, Mountain/Hill provides Club The Blackwater Valley and the Knockmealdown Mountains. Club: Hillwalking Bishopstown and was the first hillwalking club in the greater East Cork area. area. Cork East greater the in club hillwalking first the was and 7. Belgooly - Amenity Walk along Belgooly River “National Waymarked Trails”: adult. an by accompanied be must 16 under Children The Midleton Hillwalking Club was established in March 2005 2005 March in established was Club Hillwalking Midleton The Adventure walking at its best in County Cork. part. taking to prior leaders walk the to communicated be 38. Macroom Castle & Demesne - Demesne and riverside walk www.corkmountaineeringclub.ie Web: Midleton Hillwalking Club: Hillwalking Midleton for the walk you have chosen. Underlying health issues should should issues health Underlying chosen. have you walk the for 8. Bottlehill Wood - Wood walks and picnic site. along the River Sullane. [email protected] Email: 77. The Duhallow Way - Starting in Bweeng; this route brings fit sufficiently are you that word your take must but experienced Contact details: Contact you toward the Boggeragh Mountains. very are leaders Walk Our in. participate to walks what 9. Ballyannan Wood - Woodland walks with picturesque view 39. Mallabrackra Wood - Forest walk and picnic site with views joining. Participants need to check their capabilities before deciding deciding before capabilities their check to need Participants Web: http://corkcoconuts.tripod.com Web: of Ballinacurra. looking out on Bandon River Valley. A memorial to Sam Maguire before walks club three complete may members prospective 78. The Blackwater Way - Starting in Clogheen this route [email protected] Email: has been erected on the site. All walks. club our on us join to Hillwalking in interested people liability for loss, accident or injury to any person on the walks. walks. the on person any to injury or accident loss, for liability goes through the Knockmealdown Mountains and follows the 6590757 087 McGrath Kay Phone: 10. Bantry - Coastal Amenity walk of Bantry Bay. welcomes 1975; established (CMC) Club Mountaineering Cork associated sponsors and organisers of the festival accept no no accept festival the of organisers and sponsors associated 40. Mallow GAA - Walking trail around training pitches. course of the River Blackwater before finally passing through Club: Mountaineering Cork Cork Walking Month, however the Cork Sports Partnership and and Partnership Sports Cork the however Month, Walking Cork the Nagles mountains and finishing in Bweeng south of Mallow. welcome. members New 11. Corrin Wood - Woodland walk with spectacular views of the Cork Walking Forum and the organising committee of the the of committee organising the and Forum Walking Cork the with additional walks on some Bank Holidays. Ages 15-70. 15-70. Ages Holidays. Bank some on walks additional with 41. Marlogue Wood - Mixed woodland walks and picnic site clubs. our all in welcome always are members New surrounding countryside. by exercised been has care Due risk. own your at so done is with coastal views of Cork Harbour. 79. The Ballyhoura Way - Starting in Liscarroll, this route heads weeks 4 every Kerry or Cork West in Trips 1997. since together as enjoyable as possible, however any event attended by you you by attended event any however possible, as enjoyable as North West to the Ballyhoura Mountains. walking been had who group by 2002 in founded Club which we hope you will enjoy. will you hope we which 12. Currach Wood - A mixed woodland and riverside walk. and safe as walks our all make to effort every made have We Coconuts Hillwalking Club: Hillwalking Coconuts 42. Midleton - Amenity walk along the banks of the River Kiltha. Month Walking Cork a have to need the of identification the to 80. The Sheep’s Head Way - Bantry is the starting point for this Disclaimer: 13. Castlefreke Wood - Mixed woodland walks and picnic site. lead has This Cork. throughout trails and hills many our walking route which then goes west and circumnavigates The Sheep’s 43. Moanbawn Wood - Forest walk picnic site nature trail. out people of number the increase to aims also forum The lives up to our expectations. our to up lives Carrolls Pond was excavated and redeveloped and now holds Head Peninsula. http://skibbwalkinggroup.yolasite.com Web: 14. Castlemartyr Wood - Woodland walks with picnic site. festival this hope We possible. as successful as festival this make Email: [email protected] [email protected] Email: a magnificent pond of clear spring water. clubs. these across Mardyke Arena and Mountaineering Ireland who have helped helped have who Ireland Mountaineering and Arena Mardyke 81. The Beara Breifne Way - Follows the historic march of 22082. 028 Chairman or 52759 027 Secretary Phone: education opportunities at subsidised prices for club members members club for prices subsidised at opportunities education 15. Castle Loop Walk - Riverside walk along the River Sports, Maher to leaders, and organisers walk and event our all O’Sullivan Beara. Beginning at Dursey Island this route finishes details: Contact 44. Mount Hillary - Forest walks with trail bringing the and training additional to access better provide to helped has Blackwater and around Mallow Castle. to mention Special possible. been have not would festival this in Co. Leitrim. establish a Forum to strengthen Hillwalking in Cork. This focus focus This Cork. in Hillwalking strengthen to Forum a establish walker to summit of Mount Hillary with views of surrounding which without support their for festival the of sponsors and Cork. New members always welcome. welcome. always members New Cork. Cork Sports Partnership identified a need to link together and and together link to need a identified Partnership Sports Cork 16.
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