M m /'■/ /' / ' PAGE EIOHTBEK MONDAY, JULY 8,. VW2 l£t>rain0 l|]?raUi The W eather Tureck Orders Rain tonight, low in'the 60’s. Thursday partly cloudy, high in T rees Removed the upper 60a to low 70s. 90 per ★ ★ ★★★ PACE 17 cent chance of rain tonight, 20 ★ ★ ★ ★ , ★ ★ ★ ★ per cent Thursday. Manchester— A City o f Village Charm ■ , \ VOL. XCI, NO. 234 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 29) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS ■a*. § K. '■!? ■iS; Court Must Act on Delegates vsi Action Comes in Democrat Dispute Parties Cram WASHINGTON (AP) — The The fights the committee filed from South Carolina, U.S. Circuit Court here today could not resolve — including the Georgia, Hawaii, (Michigan, reversed a District Court’s de­ politically explosive ones from Alabama, Callfomia, Con­ cision to uphold the con­ necticut and OKlahoma, with troversial Democratic Creden­ California and Illinois—will al­ two dissents from Rhode Island For Accord In tials Committee decisions on most inevitably provoKe at the and three from Illinoia. convention the bitterness that California and Illinois delega­ Many cf^the dissents concern marKed committee debates be­ tions to the party convention issues raised by the mandate tween McGovern supporters and ordered the lower court to from the reform commission and bacKers of his opponents. originally headed by Re¥amp Plan conduct further proceedings. Minority reports, from per­ McGovern: that women, young ’The brief orders of the Ap­ sons who disagreed with the peals Court carried no reasons committee majority, have been (See Page Eight) HARTFORD (AP) — Democratic and Republican for the action. ’The judges were leaders are meeting this weeK in an effort to come up expected to file opinions later w i^ a congressional redisfcrifiling plan for Connecticut In th'6 day. This District Court before a federal court rules on the subject. on Monday ruled that the feder­ A three-judge federal court — ------------------------------------------- al judiciary had no place In the has agreed to wait at least until debate over delegates from the Friday before iamilng’ its order two states. Candidates Spar Ml redistricting, a grace period asKed for by attorneys James 4 Drownings The Credentials Committee had issued decisions that 5 Wade for the Democrats and Richard Stewart for the Re- stripped Sen. George S. As Convention pubUoans. L iftT oD T o McGovern of 161 California A y SVV Meanwhile,’^the GOP plans to delegates and told Mayor Rich­ hold Its congressional district ard J. Daley and 68 other un­ ccoventlona Saturday on the 14 in State committed Chicago delegates to Looms in Miami ^ r t c U unbalanced ,pmi; ASSOCIATED PRESS stay home. m The committee decisions MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A P )— Aides to Sens. Hubert Five persons drowned In four H. Humphrey and George McGovern are sparring ver­ TJfo Democrats have already Incidents on Independence Day were liKened to a “ self-destruct button’’ by the party’s lawyer bally in a warrnup for next weeK’s Democratic National picKed their nominees for Con- in Connecticut to bring the ac- Convention while a federal appeals court considers the gress despite the Knowlege that cldental death toll in the state Tuesday even as he fought to redlstrlctlng would necessitate fop tj,e four-day holiday weeK- uphold them before the appeals crucial California and Illinois credentials cases. court. JacK Chestnut, Humphrey’s a new round ot nominations. end to 14. Stx persons died In Party counsel Joseph A. Calt- campaign manager, demanded Hie.court has six plans under traffic mishaps, seven drowned supporters spent the Fijurth of fano told the three judges that that McGovern fire or repu­ conslderaUon—two favored by ^nd one was burned to death, July arguing the Callfomia and federal courts have no business diate RicK Steams, one of his the Democrats, two by the During last year’s three-day Illinois credentials cases before In the i>arty’s business. His ar­ campaign aides, for saying that GOP, and one each from Demo- holiday weeKend, four eiccldMi- the U.S. Circuit Court In Wash­ gument echoed the decision of he favored a third party to ington. cratic Congressmen Robert N. tal deaths were recorded In “ punlrii” Humphrey should the a U.S. District Court which U.S. District Court Judge Gtaimo and John S. Monagan. Connecticut Minnesota senator win the prompted the Fourth of July George L. (Hart refused Monday Democratic presidential nomi­ appeal. to overturn Democratic Creden- san plan would be tied up by pv-urth were- McGovern arid Daley forces nation. Democratic State Chairman u , t ,, j Uals Committee decisions oust­ appealed In their fight to over­ ’"Talk of punishment of the John M. Bailey and GOP State K I I ing 161 MoGovem delegates Democratic party Is irrespons­ Chairman J. Brian Gaffney. Donald, ot turn committee decisions which from California and 69 uncom­ ^ Waterbury. They drowned ousted 69 Illinois delegfates, in­ ible and can't be tolerated,’ ’ mitted delegates from Illinois The advantage oi an agree- ^hile attempting to cross Ma- cluding Daley, and ripped the Chestnut said, reacting to the headed by OUcago Mayor Rich­ ment by Gaffney and Bailey— ^on Canal In Waterbury with witmer-taKe-all prize of the Cal­ Steams comments which seem ard J. Daley. both are “ Intervenors" In the companions. At one point ifornia presidential primary to be part of an effort by some Frank ManKiewicz, Mc­ court case ^Is fiiat It would re- yjg canal Is about slx- from McGovern to award the McGovern aides to convince Govern’s national political dl- duce the risK of an appeal deep, police said, state’s 271 delegates proportion­ party leaders that denial of the , rector, said on the CBE radio which might further delay the c .. ately among candidates, based nomination to the front-mnnlng J We Celebrate the Day of our program "Capitol CloaKroom” sa ImplementeUon of a new plan J ' ^ on their percentage of the vote. South DaKota senator would there is still hope the com­ and cast doubt over the Novem- Waterbury. He d r^ e d at a Meanwhile, . the Credentials split the party. peting Illinois delegatltms can ber elections private pool In Woodbury dur- Listen to That Engine Committee completed Its pre- Both Humphrey and The GOP DUtrict convenUon Ing an outing for e m p l^ re s ^ a reach a compromise "and that Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey, behind the wheel of his 1930 Ford, race? , convention agenda and passed McGovern were resting someUilng can be wwKed out schedule for Saturday and the swimming pool flm . His b ^ y Humphrey at his Waverly, the engine for onlooKers dt his Waverly, Minn., lake home ^ esd a y . Humphrey on to the convention the job of seating them both." Contenders In each race are: in »e deep end of a settling 18 contests over the Minn., laKeside home, In this sweltering convention 1st DUtrict-10 a-m., Whiting ®“"^®" during a search. is in Waverly for a weeK’s rest before the Democratic National Convention in seating of hundreds of dele McGovern at his Eastern shore Lane School, West Hartford. In Miami next week. (AP photo) gates. Maryland farm — while their (Bee Page Eight) contenUon are Jonathan V. Du- —Maghan Phelan. 4. erf Brls- gan of Hartford, Richard Rlt- tol. drowned while swimming In tenband of South TOndsor, LaKe Hayward In East Had- MarK YelUn of West' Hartford, dam with three sisters and two Deputy Mayor Arthur Fay of brothers. West Hartfbtd, and Donald —Robert Panetl, 16. of Wail- French Premier Resigns LaCrolx of Hartford. Former ingford, drowned In Miller’s July Fourth...a day for remembering the birth of pur great nation. This Hartford Mayor Ann Uccello, Pond on the Durham-Haddam PARIS (AP)'— Premier Jac- recently for taKing advantage "thanKed 1^ . Jacques Chaban- who ran a. strmig race for Con- town line. Police speculated he ques Cbabatn-Delnias and his of income tax loopholes. Criti- Delmas for the worK accom­ gross In 1970, probably could was trying to swim aeiw* the govemment resigned today. clsm for a series of real estate plished for three years.” There was the turning point for both America and its people. On this day, in have had the nomination again pond. A communique from F^esi- scandals and for alleged mis- were no words of praise. this year for the asKing, but —Gerald Lee Houdroau. five, dent Georges Pompidou’s office management of the state-run L Pompidou made no indication she didn’t want It. The Demo- of Milford. He was strucK and gave no reason. Chaban-Del- radio and television networKs who would be named to suc­ mas, a Gaullist, has recently also appeared to clou'd his 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, making our coun- (See Page Twelve) (See Page Two) ceed Chaban-Delmas or who been under fire because of tax future. would taKe up the other mlnls- A nationwide referendum In dealings. terisil posts. April ■ on enlarging the Eu- try free and securing for all citizens “certain unalienable Rights... Chaban-Delmas, 67, became Another of the piurticipants in pi-rtnier Juno 20,’ l969, after the M®"'*'®*-'’'*’*®'’ the meeting In Bonn between election of Pompidou as presl- BiUie Jean in Net Final jority Pompidou had wanted- Pompidou and Chancellor Willy dent. among them... Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Today, as also tended to reflect on Cha­ Brandt also has submitted his WIMBLEDON, England (AP) tennis crown. Earlier this year there had ban-Delmas’ government. resignation. He is Karl Schiller, Mrs. King, the No. 2 seed been rumors that Chaban-Del­ — Defending champion Evonne One of Chaban-Delmas’ last the West German minister of from Lcmg Beach, Calif., mas might step down, but in Goolagong of Australia de­ official acts wast to attend a economics and finance.
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