DISEASES AND NATURE OF INJURY 265 Lesion-continued Lethargy, negro 121.0 occlusive Letterer-Siwe disease 202.1 arteriovascular-see Thrombosis, Leuc(o)-for any term beginning thus artery -see Leuk(o) artery-see Thrombosis, artery Leukffimia, leukemia, leukffimic, peptic 545 leukemic 204.4 perirectal 578 acute (any type, except monocytic) pigmented 716 204.3 polypoid-see Polyp adellia 204.0 prechiasmal (optic) 388 acute 204.3 primary-see Syphilis, primary adenitis 204.0 pulmonary 527.2 acute 204.3 valve-see Endocarditis, pulmo- aleukffimic, aleukemic 204.4 nary acute 204.3 pylorus 545 lymphoid 204 0 radium NEe N993 acute 204.3 rectosigmoid 578 aleupenic 204.4 sacro-iliac joint 736 acute 204.3 secondary-see Syphilis, secondary atypical 204.4 sigmoid 578 acute 204.3 skin 716 cutis 204.4 spinal cord 357 acute 204.3 traumatic (complete) (incom­ eosinophilic 204.1 plete) (transverse) N958 acute 204.3 with granulocytic 204.1 broken back, neck N806 acute 204.3 fracture, spine or vertebra infiltration, retina 204.4 (cervical) (coccyx) lymphatio 204.0 (lumbar) (neural arch) acute 204.3 (sacral) (spinous or myelogenous 204; 1 transverse process) aoute 204.3 (thoracic) N806 labvrinth 204.4 spleen 298.1 acute 204.3 stomach 545 leukopenic 204.4 syphilitic-'---:see Syphilis aoute 204.3 tertiary-see Syphilis, tertiary lymphatic 204.0 tonsillar fossa 510.0 aoute 204.3 with tonsillectomy 510.1 aleukffimic. aleukemic 204.0 traumatic-see specified injury; if aoute 204.3 unspecified-see Injury lachrymal. lacrimal gland 204.0 tricuspid (valve)-see Endocarditis, aoute 204.3 tricuspid lymphoblastio 204.0 trigeminal nerve 361 acute 204.3 ulcerated or ulcerative-see Ulcer lymphocytio 204.0 uterus 633 acute 204.3 complicating delivery 677 chronio 204.0 vagus nerve 367 lymphogenous 204.0 valvular-see Endocarditis acute 204.3 vascular 456 lymphoid 204.0 following trauma N995.3* acute 204.3 warty 696 chronic 204.0 Lethargic megakaryocytic 204.4 encephalitis (acute) (infectious) acute· 204.3 082.2 mixed (cell) 204.2 late effects-see Encephalitis, monoblastic (acute) 204.2 infectious (acute), late monocytic (acute) 204.2 effects monocytoid myelogenous 204.1 meningomyelitis 082.2 aoute 204.3 late effects-see Encephalitis, myeloblastic 204.1 infectious (acute), late effects acute 204.3 268 INDEX Lipoid-continued Loasis 127 proteinosis of Urbach 289.0 Lobe, lobar-see condition Lipoidremia, lipoidemia 289.0 Lobstein's Lipoidosis 289.0 cancer 159 cerebrospinal 289.0 disease 758.3 cholesterol 289.0 Lobster-claw hand 759.1 diabetic 260 Lobulation (congenital) Lipoma (multiple) (subcutaneous) kidney fetal, fretal 757.3 226 liver, abnormal 756.2 thyroid gland 226 spleen 759.3 Lipomatosis (embryonal) 226 Lobule, lobular-see condition kidney 226 Local, localized-see condition Lipomyoma 226 Locked bowel or intestine 570.5 Lipomyosarcoma-see also Neoplasm, with hernia-see Hernia with intes- connective tissue, malignant tinal obstruction hilum of kidney 180 Locking Joint 738 perirenal 180' Lockjaw (see also Tetanus) 061 renal pelvis 180 Locomotor ataxia (progressive) 024 Lipomyxoma 226 Loffler's syndrome 245 Lipomyxosarcoma-see Neoplasm, Loiasis 127 connective tissue, malignant Lone star fever 104 Liposarcoma-see Neoplasm, connec­ Long flap, hymen 757.2 tive tissue, malignant Longitudinal stripes or grooves, nails Lipping 712 cervix 633 Loose-see also condition spine 723.1 bodies in joint 738 vertebra 723_] body sheath, tendon 744.2 Lipuria 789.3 cartilage (joint) 738 bilharziasis 123.0 sesamoid, joint 738 Lisping (nonorganic origin) 326.2 Loosening epiphysis 733 secondary to organic lesion 781.6 Lorain's disease or syndrome 272 Lissauer's paralysis 025 Lordosis (acquired) (congenital) 745 Lissencephalia 753.1 with cardiac failure or heart disease Lissencephaly 753.1 (conditions in 434.1, 434.2, Listerellose 064.4 434.4 or 782.4) 434.0 Listeriose 064.4 with hypertension-see Hyper­ Lithremia, lithemia 788.9 tension, heart Lithiasis-see also Calculus due to posture (incorrect) 745 hepatic 584 with cardiac failure or heart urinary 604 disease (conditions in 434.1 Lithoclasty 604 434.2, 434.4 or 782.4) Litholapaxy 604 434.0 Lithopedion-see Ectopic gestation with hypertension-see Hyper­ Lithosis (occupational) 523.0 tension, heart with tuberculosis 001 late effect nonoccupational 525 acute poliomyelitis 081 with tuberculosis 002 rickets 284 Lithotomy 604 rachitic 284 Lithotrity 604 tuberculous (active) 012.0 Lithuria 789.8 inactive, arrested, cured, healed, Little's disease (cerebral palsy) 351 late effect, sequela 013.0 Littre's Loss gland-see condition appetite 784.0 hernia-see Hernia control, sphincter, rectum 785.7 Littritis 607 extremity or member, traumatic, Livedo (reticularis) 782.3 current---see Amputation, Liver-see condition traumatic Livida asphyxia - 1 yr. 762.0 fluid, acute 788.0 with immaturity 762.5 hearing (complete )-see Deafness Loa loa 127 memory 780.8 DISEASES AND NATURE OF INJURY 269 Loss-continued Luxation-see also Dislocation mind 309 eyeball due to birth injury 761.0 late effect, acute infectious ence- with immaturity 761.5 phalitis 083_2 genital organs, external NEC N878 organ or part-see Absence labium (majus) (minus) N878 sense, smell, taste or touch 781.7 lachrymal, lacrimal gland (postin- sight (complete)-see Blindness fectional) 388 substance of lens (partial) (old) 388 cartilage 738 congenital 753.1 vitreous (humor) (humour) 388 spontaneous 388 voice 783.5 penis N878 weight 788.4 scrotum N878 Louping ill 082.0 testis N878 late effects-see Encephalitis, infec­ vulva N878 tious (acute), late effects Lycanthropy 309 Lousiness 136 late effect, acute infectious ence­ Low phalitis 083.2 basal metabolic rate 788.9 Lymph blood pressure 467.0 gland or node-see condition cardiac reserve-see Disease, heart scrotum 127 frequency deafness-see Deafness Lymphadenia, aleukremic, aleukemic function 204.0 kidney 603 acute 204.3 liver 583 Lymphadenitis 468.2 hremoglobin, hemoglobin 293 with lying kidney 603 abortion-see Abortion with reserve kidney 603 sepsis Lower extremity-see condition ectopic gestation 645.1 Ludwig's abdomen 468.2 angina 538 tuberculous OIl disease 538 acute 694 Lues (venerea), luetic-(8ee also Sy- aleukremic, aleukemic 204.0 philis) 029 acute 204.3 acquired 029 axillary 468.2 hereditary 020.2 tuberculous 015 infantum 020.2 breast, puerperal, postpartum, child­ Lumbago 726.0 birth 689 Lumbar-see condition bronchial, tuberculous (with symp­ Lumbarization, vertebra 758.5 toms) 005 Lumbermen's itch 137 without symptoms-see YOO.l Lunacy 309 cervical (pyogenic) 468.2 late effect, acute infectious ence- tuberculous 015 phalitis 083.2 chancroidal 036 Lung-see condition chronic 468.0 Lupoid miliary of Boeck 138.0 mesenteric 468.1 Lupus (tuberculous) 014.2 due to Cazenave's 705.4 anthracosis (occupational) 524 discoid 705.4 with tuberculosis 001 erythematodes (discoid) 705.4 nonoccupational 525 erythematosus (discoid) 705.4 with tuberculosis 002 disseminated 456 diphtheria (toxin) 055 exedens 014.2 generalized 468.2 Hilliard's 014.2 gonorrheal, gonorrhreal chronic non-tuberculous 705.4 034 pernio 138.0 infectional 468.2 vulgaris 014.2 inguinal 468.2 Lutembacher's disease or syndrome due to 754.3 chancroid 036 Luxatio bulbi due to birth injury 761.0 gonorrhea, gonorrhrea 030 with immaturity 761.5 lymphopathia venereum 037 270 DID EX T,ymphadenitis-contimled I Lymphallgitis--continued inguinal-continued chancroidal 036 tuberculous 015 chest wall 693.1 mediastinal, tuberculous (with face 693.0 symptoms) 005 finger 693.6 without symptoms-see YOO.l foot 693.5 mesenteric (non specific) 468.1 forearm 693.2 due to Bacillus typhi 040 gangrenous 693.6 tuberculous 011 hand 693.3 puerperal, postpartum, childbirth head 693.0 681 heel 693.5 purulent 468.2 hip 693.4 streptococcal 468.2 knee 693.4 subacute 468.2 leg 693.4 syphilitic multiple sites 693.6 early 021.4 neck 693.0 late 027 nose cxternal 693.0 tracheobronchial 468.2 pelvic, male 576 tuberculous (with symptoms) penis 005 acute 617 without symptoms-see YOO.l gonococcal (acute) 030 tuberculous-see Tuberculosis, chronic 031 lymph gland perineum 693.1 venereal 037 puerperal, postpartum, childbirth Lymphadenoid goiter, goitre 254 681 Lymphadenoma 201 scalp 693.0 multiple 201 shoulder 693.2 spleen 201 specified sites NEe 693.6 Lymphadenopathy (general) (ingui­ strumous, tuberculous 015 nal) 782.7 thigh 693.4 Lymphadenosis 201 thoracic duct 693.1 Lymphangiectasis 468.3 thumb 693.6 conjunctiva 468.3 toe 693.6 postinfectional 468.3 trunk 693.1 scrotum 468.3 tuberculous-see Tuberculosis, Lymphangiectatic elephantiasis, non· lymph gland filarial 468.3 mnbilicus Lymphangio-endothelioma 228 newborn 767.0 malignant--see Neoplasm, cOnJ1PC­ with immaturity 767.5 tive tissue, malignant 1 yr. + 693.1 Lymphangiofibroma 228 upper arm 693.2 Lymphangioma (congenital) 228 urachus 693.1 causing eyst of spleen 228 uterine ligament 626 circumscriptum 228 with Lymphangiomatous cyst, va,!.rina 228 abortion-see Abortion with Lymphangiosarcoma--.see ~eopla81ll. sepsis connective ti">ilH'. maligmint ectopic gestation 645.1 Lymphangitis (acute) (ehronie) (with pregnancy 641 abscess or eellnlitif') 693.6 puerperal, postpartum, childbirth with 681 abortion-see Abortion with wri"t 693.3 sepsis Lymphatic-see condition ectopi41 gestation 645.1 Lymphatism 273 abdominal wall 693.1 scrofulous 015 ankle 693.4 Lymphatocele 228 arm 693.2 Lymphedema (see also Elephantiasis) back 6!l3.1 468.3 breast puerperal, postpartum. child· Lymphendothelioma 228 birth 689 maligllant--see Neoplasm. COlll1eC­ buttock 693.1 tive tissue, malignant DISEASES AND
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