University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 4-1983 Wavelength (April 1983) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (April 1983) 30 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/30 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Kidd Jordan and Alvin Fielder wnh THE IMPROVISATIONAL ARTS QUINTET THE DIRTY DOZEN BRASS BAND KENT JORDAN QUINTET ALVIN BATISTE TRIO plus an ALL STAR JAM SESSION $7 COVER ISSUE N0.30 • APRIL 1983 "I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive, that TORTILLA all music came from New Orleans. , Ernie K-Doe, 1979 Features FLATS Louisiana Hayride ................... l4 , ......................................... Jazz Fest Update ..................... l9 The Thompson Twins ..............21 A. California - Mexican Windjammer ..........................23 Adventure in Eateries Mike Pel/era ...........................25 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Columns 50 1 Esplanade Apri/....................................... 4 at Decatur Listings................................... 9 Cajun ....................................29 945-9212 Rare Record.......................... .30 Art....................................... 31 Zekespeak ..............................33 NOW OPEN Reviews................................. 34 7 DAYS A WEEK Classifieds ............................. .3 7 Last Page............................... 38 NOON-10:30 P.M. ,The Rose In Spanish Harlem Publi"'htr, Patrick Berry. Editor. Connie Atkinson. A~ciate Editori Jon Nc" lin. Editorial Assistant, Margaret Williams. Art Dirutor, Skip Bolen. Advertising Sales: Btnny Kenny, Bill Petre. Contributing Ar· tbh: Kathl~n Perry, Tair~ Ray Yates. Distribution: Joe Torczon, Hamp. ton \\'ci\s. Circulation, Paui Hibbitts, Cathy Mitchell. ContrUtutors: Stc'c Alleman, Eddy Allman. Robert Christgau, Yorke Corbin, John 0<\pla,, Zeke Fishhead, Jon Foose, Steve Graves, Tad Jones, Virginia L.-ic. Jay Marvin, Rick Oliver, Brad Palmer. Jack Picken, Kalamu ya Salaam. Shepard Samuels, Gene Scaramuz110. Hammond Scon, Almo\1 S~m. Keith Twitchell, Nancy Weldon. Wavtlength is published monthly in New Orleans. Telephone (504) 8'15-2342. Mail subscriptions, address changes ro Wavtltngth, Box 15667, New Orleans. La. 70175. Subscriprion rare, SIO per year. Foreign. SZO per year. Firsr class subscriprions, SZ6 per year (domcsric & Canada). AO airmail rare ar S40 per year (overseas). The enrire con· renrs or WavtltnRth are eopyrighred 0 1982 Wavtltngth. Back issues are available by wriling to Back Issues, P.O. Box IS667, Ne..., Orleans. La. 7017$. Btcause of a limited supply, back issues are a\·ailable for S4 each. Please allow a few weeks for processing and delivery of orders. New subscribers: Please allow up co six weeks for receipt of first issue d~ to our small, non ~ computerized subscription department. Foreign customers must pay only by I.M.O. or check drawn on a U.S. bank . Because of exorbitant back processing charges, we cannot ac· crpt checks in Canadian dollars or other foreign currency, or checks drawn on a foreign bank. Subscribers must nolify us immediately of any changes of address. If notification is not received, magazines sent to incorrect old addresses will not be replaced. U.S. customers. please include your zip code. WAVELENGTH I APRIL 1983 3 THE COPAS BROTHERS Side one of the Copas various places and features of Brothers' eponymously titled Louisiana are sprinkled debut album includes a song call­ generously throughout the ed "Going Back to Louisiana" album,. Hank Williams and and the juxtaposition offers a Hank Jr.'s "Cajun Baby" is in­ subtle, concise picture of the cluded - and the band .really path the band has travelled to ar­ shows off its vocal tightness on rive at its present station. it, one of the best performances Nine years and twenty-odd on the record - as well as personnel changes ago, the "Rollin' Out of Little Rock," Copas Brothers played their first a honky-tonkin' little number, gig as a "newgrass" band, written by the band, about bluegrass music played with escaping to Louisiana to get drums and electric instruments. away from a love affair gone They played rural Louisiana bad. And of course there's "Go­ clubs, and built up a respectable ing Back to Louisisana," a following, steady work. Before tribute to the virtues-or what­ long, though~ they began to be ever-of a woman back influenced by the Texas style of home. Jerry Jeff Walker, with whom The Copas Brothers was they appeared several times as an recorded in December 1982, in­ opening act, and others like him. volving about nine days' worth Since the Jerry Jeff dates were af studio work, and released in well-attended shows, the Copas late February. Glenn Himmaugh Brothers "got a heap of ex­ did the recording at Secret posure," according to Pat Studios in New Orleans for Pace "Copas" DeCuir; the result was Recording. The album is self­ that the band which also includes produced, on the CoBro label, Dickie Knickerbocker, Hokie but don't be misled: it's a high Gjertsen, L. J. Dimaio and Jude quality piece of work . Levette had new listeners who For it is the music that makes thought of them more as country or breaks any record, and this rock than newgrass. This propell­ one really does bring a smile to ed the band further into the the ears. The song selection Texas routine, and threatened to shows off both the diversity and JKa'NFASmON all but obliterate their Louisiana the consistency of the Copas roots. Brothers ("mostly we just put on High fashion and foot-tappin' accessories), Le Sac (accessor- Then came Urban Cowboy. there what we felt would interest jazz are the chief elements in the ies), Thaddeus (menswear), "All of a sudden what we'd been people and was fairly represen­ first-ever Jazz 'N Fashion show Mary and Kellie Hyatt and Judi doing for several years was the tative of the band" allows at the Orpheum, April 2 at 8. Burras (evening wear), Ray Cole 'in thing"' laughs DeCuir. "It DeCuir modestly). There is no Creations by ten local designers (costumes), and Fleur de Paris got so we were almost embar­ quality difference noticeable bet­ or design houses will set the (new but vintage style hats and rassed to wear our hats on ween the five covers and the stage for contemporary music by dresses). CQmmentary will be by stage." Not wanting to be peg­ seven originals included on the Ellis Marsalis, Lady BJ, Ger­ Patricia Hill, and coordination ged as part of a fad, they ex­ record. A moderately subdued maine Bazzle and Philip of Jazz 'N Fashion is by panded its repertoire, throwing version of "New Delhi Freight Manuel. The designers to be Adriana Lopez Barnes. in some R&B and allowing the Train" is perhaps my favorite of featured are Jerome Smith The event will benefit the New bluegrass to re-emerge. Now the outside material; without a (hats), Myra Everett who creates World Ensemble, a local they've achieved a happy mix­ doubt, the rascally "Skinny Sybil Morial's wardrobe, Lois 24-piece chamber group, found­ ture, interweaving the styles in a Dip" is my favorite original. Simbach (sweaters), Kathleen ed and directed by Moses manner that give· their album a Also worth mention is "Chained Joffrion Perry (soft suede Hogan. pleasing diversity not often and Bound," a slow, melancholy found in country rock music. song, simple and pure. Returning home musically has Already the Copas Brothers strengthened the Copas Brothers' have plans ·for a second album. FROGMAN ·VISfn BRITS bond with their home state. Says to be recorded in the summer For years tourists have stepped him to England for album DeCuir, "You think of Alabama and released in the fall. It's too into Bourbon Street clubs like sessions with producer Geoff Gill as representative of the state of soon to tell what the response to 544, La Strada, or Court of Two and arranger Mike Timmoney. Alabama, or of Marshall Tucker the The Copas Brothers will be, Sisters, to hear the classic New The sessions went so well that for Georgia. But there's not but according to DeCuir, early Orleans R&B sound of Clarence Clarence landed a spot touring many people doing what we're signs are encouraging, especially "Frogman" Henry. with one of England's top doing in Louisiana, and we want in some of the places across the Henry has been a busy man comedy acts, "Cannon and to get that going. We're trying to lake where the band's long-time lately spreading that sound Ball," through May. promote Louisiana music more followers tend to be concen­ across the Atlantic to a hungry The Frogman will return home than anything. We're not trying trated. It's available in stores audience in the UK. The British this summer to work the French to be ethnic; it's just a good feel­ around the city, and from the firm of Stuart Littlewood Quarter and the Westbank's 1801 ing we have - we love the band, and definitely comes Associates heard Henry's show Club which has recently featured state." recommended from this writer. on Bourbon Street and brought top local R&B acts. -rico To that end, references to -Keith Twitchell 4 WAVELENGTH I APRIL 1983 RAMSEY & RIVERS RAIN OR SHINE Longue Vue Gardens contin­ In addition to reedman Rivers ue~ its Performing Arts Series (who's coming from N.Y.C. this month with the Ramsey especially for the performance) McLean/Sam Rivers duo and bassist/cellist McLean, we'll scheduled for Sunday, April 24. also hear the versatH~ · steve These are more than the usual Masakowski (acoustic and elec­ outings for jazzers who normally tric guitar; electronics) and perform exclusively in late night drummers Johnny Vidacovich environs; these are productions and Her! in Riley.
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