October 30, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1599 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MR. WILBURN C. lives. In celebration of their 65th anniversary, IN RECOGNITION OF THE DEDICA- ROWDEN the Orlando Union Rescue Mission is featuring TION OF THE WARREN J. BAKER 65 individuals who, upon successful comple- CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER tion of the Mission’s programs, have been MATHEMATICS OF MISSOURI freed of the burdens of homelessness. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of the citizens of Central Florida, HON. LOIS CAPPS OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, October 30, 2013 it is a privilege to recognize the Orlando Union Rescue Mission for their exemplary compas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise sion and generosity. Wednesday, October 30, 2013 today to honor Mr. Wilburn C. Rowden for his Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to service to our country in the Army Air Corps f celebrate the dedication of the Warren J. during World War II. His service commenced Baker Center for Science and Mathematics in on January 7, 1943 at Jefferson Barracks, and IN RECOGNITION OF THE RUSTY honor of my dear friend President Emeritus he went on to become a member of the 392nd KEEBLE FOUNDATION AND ITS Warren J. Baker. Bomb Crew, serving as a radio operator on GANGFREE AMERICA CAMPAIGN The dedication of the Warren J. Baker Cen- the B–17 Flying Fortress ‘‘Sleepy Time Gal’’. ter for Science and Mathematics is a testi- During a mission over Berlin on March 8, mony to President Baker’s legacy and tireless 1944, the aircraft Mr. Rowden was serving on HON. AARON SCHOCK work on behalf of STEM education for over 30 was damaged by enemy air fire. The crew OF ILLINOIS years at Cal Poly. Under his leadership, sev- was ordered to bail out, during which Mr. eral of Cal Poly’s programs have become IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rowden was wounded by gunfire. Following known as some of the best in the country in- this, Mr. Rowden was taken prisoner by armed Wednesday, October 30, 2013 cluding engineering, architecture and agri- German Air Force troops. Mr. Rowden was culture. His outstanding service to the stu- held as a Prisoner of War in a German prison Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dents and vision for the campus will be felt for for 14 months. acknowledge the Rusty Keeble Foundation decades to come through the work of the On November 2, 1945, Mr. Rowden was (RKF), which is dedicated to increasing gang Baker Center. honorably discharged with the rank of a Tech- awareness and reducing gang violence around The Center’s location in the heart of the nical Sergeant in San Antonio, TX. Beginning the country. The RKF has launched an initia- campus symbolizes the role of mathematics in June 1947, he worked as a technician for tive entitled the GANGFREE America Cam- and science at the nexus of Cal Poly’s cur- the Missouri National Guard. He retired from paign, which seeks to raise awareness by rec- riculum. The state-of-the-art center will exem- the Missouri National Guard in April 1983 as ognizing November as GANGFREE Illinois plify the University’s ‘‘Learn by Doing’’ edu- Chief Warrant Officer, 4th grade, receiving a Month. This innovative initiative is aimed at cational philosophy by providing an environ- retirement certificate crediting him with 38 fostering safe environments in communities ment that inspires innovation, collaboration years of service to his country. across Illinois, including in Peoria, so that the and practical application. Not only will the cen- The medals, ribbons, and awards Mr. children in those communities can continue to ter enhance the education of countless stu- Rowden has received are numerous. He was grow, learn, and reach their full potential free dents that will pass through its doors, but our awarded a Purple Heart, Meritorious Service from the negative influences of gangs. community will owe a great debt of gratitude Award, and Silver Start Patriotic Service Gang violence has been a blight on our for providing a strong workforce for the future. Award—just to name a few. Mr. Rowden has communities for far too long. Currently, more Simply put, the Baker Center will transform the been married to Launa for 68 years and they than 1.4 million young people are involved way science and mathematics are taught and are residents of Jefferson City, Missouri. with gangs, up 40 percent since 2009. In will no doubt play a prominent role in many Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in hon- many areas across the United States, gang vi- promising academic careers for years to oring Wilburn C. Rowden for his service to our olence accounts for almost 50 percent of all come. country. It is an honor to represent him in the violent crimes, and in some cities and subur- f United States Congress. ban areas, that percentage is even higher. RECOGNIZING JOHN ‘‘JACK’’ HESS, f These staggering statistics are one rep- Ph.D. RECOGNIZING THE 65TH ANNIVER- resentation of the effect of gangs on our com- SARY OF THE ORLANDO UNION munities and country, but the more potent HON. JARED POLIS RESCUE MISSION manifestation of these numbers is the lost po- OF COLORADO tential of the young people who get involved. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Across our country, too many young men and Wednesday, October 30, 2013 women are seeing their future possibilities nar- OF FLORIDA Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hon- row into one act of violence, one drug deal, oring John ‘‘Jack’’ Hess, Ph.D. for receiving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one prison term, after another. Wednesday, October 30, 2013 the Longs Peak Council Distinguished Eagle Initiatives like the GANGFREE America Scout Award. His academic and professional Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is Campaign are taking the steps needed to cor- contributions to the field of geology should my pleasure to recognize the 65th anniversary rect our nation’s gang-related problems and serve as an example to all Americans of how of the Orlando Union Rescue Mission, one of working to ensure brighter futures for our one’s career can serve and improve his or her Orlando’s oldest and largest homeless service youth. The GANGFREE America Campaign’s community. providers. Since 1948, the Orlando Union community-focused approach employs schools A former Eagle Scout, Jack has served as Rescue Mission has provided both physically as well as law enforcement to unify and em- a Congressional Science Fellow for Senator and spiritually for the homeless community of power citizens against the formation and HARRY REID and currently serves as a mem- Central Florida. spread of gangs in towns and cities across Illi- ber of the United States Commission for The Orlando Union Rescue Mission pro- nois as well as the entire country. It is my UNESCO, the United States National Com- grams meet the needs of homeless men, hope that with the help of organizations like mittee for Geological Sciences, and the women and children. Those who seek refuge the Rusty Keeble Foundation, we can eradi- Science Committee for the National Natural at the Mission are provided nutritious meals, cate the gang epidemic in the United States, Landmarks Program. In 2000, Jack was be- safe shelter, and discipleship programs that and I am honored to rise today to recognize stowed the Silver Antelope Award, the highest equip them to lead fulfilling, self-sufficient their courageous efforts. award the western region can provide. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:24 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K30OC8.001 E30OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 30, 2013 Since his arrival in Colorado in 2001, Jack Florida. Their spirit of dedication, commitment 30, 2010. His journey in leadership with the has served on the Board of Directors and as and leadership to children and families is to be denomination began in 1994 when he was first a chair for the Longs Peak Council. As the commended. Bethany Christian Services is a elected to the Episcopacy. Throughout his ten- representative of Colorado’s second congres- shining example of the fruits of selflessness ure he took on countless leadership roles in sional district, home to incredible geological demonstrated by those who devote them- the denomination. He pastored several CME structures such as The Flatirons, I am hon- selves to our future generations by investing in churches in New York and North Carolina dur- ored to recognize Jack for his vast contribution lives of families and children in Central Flor- ing the course of his career and until his to this country and my district. ida. I was pleased to recognize and honor death, Bishop Hoyt remained at the forefront f them with the 2013 Angels in Adoption award of the CME church’s efforts to change lives from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption throughout the Nation. SUPPORTING NATIONAL DAY OF Institute. Bishop Hoyt was also an accomplished THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA The community and families of Central Flor- theological scholar. He earned various de- ida are blessed to have a prominent leader in grees including a Ph.D. from Duke University HON. JIM BRIDENSTINE social services such as Bethany Christian and a Doctor of Divinity from Trinity College.
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