GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLICATION Grapevines, pome and stone fruit APPLICATION – Crops other than grapevines, pome and stone fruit GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLICATION Grapevines, pome and stone fruit APPLICATION – Crops other than grapevines, pome and stone fruit DominexCrop Care Duo Dominex Insecticide Duo isInsecticide a contact isand a contact residual and insecticide. residual insecticide.It can be used It can as bea DiluteDilute Spraying: Spraying: LowLow Volume andand High High Volume Volume by by ground ground rig orrig aircraft or aircraft when when Dominex Crop Duo Care is POISON protectiveused as a treatmentprotective whentreatment applied when at appliedregular intervalsat regular or intervals as a knockdown or as a knockdown treatment • • UseUse a asprayer sprayer designed designed to to apply apply high high volumes volumes of of water water up up to to the the point point ofof run-offrun-off Dominexapplied with Duo water is applied carrier. with water carrier. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN totreatment control existing to control larvae. existing Best larvae. results Best will results be obtained will be by obtained spraying by at spraying egg hatch. at egg andand matched matched to to the the crop crop being being sprayed. sprayed. CropDominex Care Duo Dominex Insecticide Duo canInsecticide be applied can by be ground applied or by aircraft ground with or aaircraft water carrier.with a READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Thoroughhatch. Thorough coverage coverage is essential is essential to ensure to ensureadequate adequate control. control. Apply duringApply duringthe cooler the • • SetSet up up and and operate operate the the sprayer sprayer to toachieve achieve even even coverage coverage throughout throughout the the crop crop waterThorough carrier. coverage Thorough is essential coverage to isensure essential adequate to ensure control. adequate Always control. apply with Always a partscooler of parts the day of the or night.day or night. canopy.canopy. Apply Apply sufficient sufficient water to to cover cover the the crop crop to tothe the point point of run-off.of run-off. Avoid Avoid applynon-ionic with surfactanta non-ionic unless surfactant detailed unless on thedetailed label onof athe tank label mix of partner. a tank mixApply partner. during TheThe product product can can be be applied applied mixed mixed either either with with water water or oilor basedoil based bulking bulking agents agents excessiveexcessive run-off. run-off. Applythe cooler during parts the ofcooler the day parts or ofnight. the day or night. CROP CARE suchsuch as as DC-TRON DC-TRON Spraying Spraying Oil Oil or or compatible compatible ULV ULV products. products. • • TheThe required required water water volume volume may maybe determined be determined by applying by applying different different test volumes, test Ground Application : (water carrier) volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or Ground Application : (water carrier) RESISTANCE WARNING using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. RESISTANCE WARNING expert advice. ForFor low volume spraying of field cropscrops withwith groundground rigs,rigs, useuse aa total volumevolume ofof 50- • Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L GROUP 3A INSECTICIDE • Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 20050-200 L/ha L/ha except except for for sweet sweet corn, corn, tomatoes tomatoes and and tobaccotobacco wherewhere higher volumesvolumes ® GROUP INSECTICIDE of water. Spray to the point of run-off. shouldshould bebe used.used. DropDrop armsarms should be used on ground rigs in row crops taller than For insecticide3A resistance management Dominex Duo Insecticide is a Group 3A 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off. • The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation 30cm.30cm. TheThe applicationapplication should should be be made made as as a afine fine spray, spray, preferably preferably using using hollow hollow cone cone insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Dominex Duo and • The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and For insecticide resistance management Cop Care Dominex Duo Insecticide is a mayoperation also need may to also be changed,need to be as changed, the crop asgrows. the crop grows. nozzlesnozzles and a droplet size of 150-200 microns. Dominex Duo otherGroup Group 3A insecticide. 3A insecticides Some may naturally exist through occurring normal insect genetic biotypes variability resistant in any to Cropinsect Concentrate Spraying: population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Aerial Application : (water carrier) Care Dominex Duo and other Group 3A insecticides may exist through normal (a)Concentrate Use a sprayer Spraying: designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer Dominex Duo or other Group 3A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness Do NOT apply to trellis tomatoes by aircraft. Use Use a aminimum minimum spray spray volume volume of of 20 INSECTICIDE genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually (a)which Use appliesa sprayer water designed volumes and less set than up forthose concentrate required tospraying reach the(that point is a ofsprayer runoff) ofdominate Dominex the Duo insect on resistant population individuals if Crop could Care be Dominex significantly Duo reduced. or other Group 3A which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run- L/ha.20 L/ha. For For spring/early spring/early summer summer applications applications to tocereals, cereals, linola, linola, canola, canola, rice rice and and to to and matched to the crop being sprayed. other dense crops, apply a total spray volume of 30 to 35L/ha. If possible, spray in Sinceinsecticides occurrence are used of resistant repeatedly. individuals The effectiveness is difficult to of Cropdetect Care prior Dominexto use, FMC Duo on off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. other dense crops, apply a total spray volume of 30 to 35L/ha. If possible, spray in ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 100 g/L ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. (b)(b) Set Set up upand and operate operate the the sprayer sprayer to achieveto achieve even even coverage coverage throughout throughout the the crop crop aa cross wind.wind. Avoid Avoid spraying spraying in in calm calm conditionsconditions oror whenwhen windwind is light and variable in Australasia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure canopy using your chosen water volume. in direction. Apply as a spray of 100 - 150 microns VMD. SOLVENT: 741.9 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON ofSince Dominex occurrence Duo to of control resistant resistant individuals insects. is difficult to detect prior to use, Crop Care canopy using your chosen water volume. direction. Apply as a spray of 100 - 150 microns VMD. Australasia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure (c)(c) Determine Determine an anappropriate appropriate dilute dilute spray spray volume volume (See (See Dilute Dilute Spraying Spraying above) above) for thefor Ultra Low Volume (ULV) application by aircraftaircraft Dominexof Crop Care Duo mayDominex be subject Duo to to control specific resistant resistance insects. management strategies. cropthe canopy. crop canopy. This is Thisneeded is needed to calculate to calculate the concentrate the concentrate mixing mixingrate. rate. CropDominex Care Duo, Dominex mixed Duo, with mixedDC-Tron with spraying DC-Tron oil spraying or compatible oil or compatibleproducts should products ForCrop further Care information Dominex contactDuo may your be local subject supplier, to specific FMC representative resistance management or local (d) The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following (d) The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following should be applied in a minimum total spray volume of 1.5L/ha. The minimum agriculturalstrategies. department For further agronomist. information contact your local supplier, Crop Care way: be applied in a minimum total spray volume of 1.5L/ha. The minimum application way: application volume in cotton should be 3L/ha. It should only be applied by aircraft MIXINGrepresentative or local agricultural department agronomist. Example only volume in cotton should be 3L/ha. It should only be applied by aircraft with suitable Example only with suitable equipment to provide a droplet size of approximately 80-100 microns GROUP INSECTICIDE 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1000 L/ha. equipment to provide a droplet size of approximately 80-100 microns VMD. 3A Low Volume and High Volume applications by ground rig or aircraft when VMD. Applications should be made during the cooler parts of the day or at night. MIXING 1. 2. Dilute Your spray chosen volume concentrate as determined spray volume:above: For For example example 1000 500L/ha. L/ha. Applications should be made during the cooler parts of the day or at night. Avoid Dominex Duo is applied with water carrier. Avoid application in calm or very windy conditions. Preferably apply in light to Low Volume and High Volume applications by ground rig or aircraft when 2. 3. Your The chosen concentration concentrate factor spray in this volume: example For exampleis: 2 X (ie. 500L/ha. 1000L ÷ 500L = 2). application in calm or very windy conditions. Preferably apply in light to moderate Add the required quantity of Dominex Duo Insecticide to water in the spray tank and moderate cross winds. Controls insect pests of Cereals, Cotton, Grain Legumes, Oilseeds, Crop Care Dominex Duo is applied with water carrier. 3. 4. The If concentration the dilute label factor rate inis 50this mL/100L, example thenis: 2 Xthe (ie. concentrate 1000L ÷ 500L rate = becomes 2). 2 cross winds. mixAdd thoroughly. the required Maintain quantity agitation of Crop during Care mixingDominex and Duo application.
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