NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Pyar Swe Elephant Message of Greetings sent by Domestic gold price on Camp attracting President U Htin Kyaw to the the rise in keeping with 69th Anniversary Chin National foreign visitors Day celebrations high global price PAGE 9 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Vol. III, No. 310, 9th Waning of Tabodwe 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 20 February 2017 President visits hospitals in Tonzang, Tiddim, Falam PRESIDENT U Htin Kyaw ar- rived in Chin State yesterday morning and visited the general hospitals in Tonzang, Tiddim and Falam and spoke with its resi- dents. President U Htin Kyaw and First Lady Daw Su Su Lwin, Un- ion Minister Lt-Gen Sein Win, Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Dr. Aung Thu, Dr. Myo Thein Gyi, Dr. Myint Htwe, and U Win Khaing depart- ed from Nay Pyi Taw by air and arrived in the city of Kalay yes- terday morning. From there the President and entourage, together with Chin Chief Minister U Salai Lian Luai, flew by helicopter to Tonzang and visited the general hospital and consoled the patients and gave donations. Afterwards the President met with the citizens of Tonzang in the city’s sports stadium and discussed how the current gov- ernment since taking office has been working on fulfilling the needs of the country to the best of its ability. It was also noted that there is to be no discrimination between highlands and lowlands but coordinated development for Chin ethnic people dance around a bonfire in Falam yesterday as they welcomed President U Htin Kyaw and First Lady Daw Su Su Lwin one day all, with emphasis on underde- ahead of Chin National Day. PHOTO: MNA veloped regions. This is being accomplished with the help of granting tax freedom for foreign During a meeting with the on upgrading roads and bridges al hospital in which he met with foreign investment and new busi- companies who come to invest. President, Union Minister U Win in Tiddim and elevating Tiddim patients and gave cash gift dona- ness models, the President said. Improvements on transport, com- Khaing and Dr. Myo Thein Gyi to the status of county, and con- tions. The President further stated munication systems and and sup- explained the planning strategies struction of an industrial high Afterwards the President met that, to ensure smooth develop- ply of full electricity is being car- in response to submissions by the school in Tonzang. with residents of Tiddim in the ment in underdeveloped areas, ried out with consideration from Tonzang Development Commit- The President then visited KamHawk sports stadium. the government is considering the national budget, he added. tee Chairman U Nam Khin Paung the city of Tiddim and its gener- SEE PAGE 3 >> NO PLANS TO IMPOSE TAX ON BANKS’ INTEREST RATES Investigation Commission writing full report on Maungtaw ACCORDING to the Income Tax Law, interest generated AS a result of its third fact-finding At the meeting of the com- gest long-term plans for Rakhine rately addressed the findings and from bank deposits are to be mission, the Investigation Com- mission yesterday in Yangon fol- State to create job opportunities accusations in the report. taxed, but the Internal Reve- mission on Maungtaw, Rakhine lowing its third mission to north- and boost the economy in the state. At the request of the commis- nue Department has recently State, said it has settled several ern Rakhine State, Chairman and The commission divided into sion, the Ministry of Defence and stated it currently has no plans issues including resettlement and Vice-President U Myint Swe urged groups and visited the villages Ministry of Home Affairs also to impose taxes on the interest free movement of the Muslim the members of the commission to mentioned in the report the Office formed commissions investigating earned from bank deposits.— community in conflict areas in discuss the issues openly in order of the High Commissioner for Hu- the accusations. Myanmar News Agency northern Rakhine. to ensure a full report and to sug- man Rights (OHCHR) and sepa- SEE PAGE 3 >> 2 LOCAL NEWS 20 February 2017 Measures taken to protect crops against parasites NEWS Stimulant pills seized in northern Shan State ACTING on a tip- off, local same day, the police searched the police searched a motorcycle motorcycle driven by Lekwen and found16,200 amphetamine Lyan and found 12000 stimulant pills hidden in sound boxes on pills and heroin 110g, the motor cycle on Saturday in The police searched a house Lashio. in Lwesaung village in Mong- Action has been taken kok, Mongsat Township, and against Hla Moe, the driver of the found 2425 stimulant tablet motorcycle and Maung Thein, from Ardo. Police are taking who was on board, when the action against those drug traf- search was carried out in Nam- fickers under the Narcotic Drugs hsalat village Hsenwi Township. and Psychotropic Substances Similarly, on the Law. —Myanmar News Agency TAUNGOO Township Agricultural Department introduced the integrated crop protection system to pre- vent the summer paddy from the danger of parasites. On 17th February, staff officer U Naing Minn Hlaing and employees from agricultural department laid 120 cards of Naji-Oo in the paddy field of farmer U Aye Lwin. U San Lwin, head of district Agricultural Department also talked about the protection methods.— Shwe Win (Pyay) AirAsia to start Yangon-Honolulu route in late June MALAYSIA-based AirAsia sued by the Malaysian low-cost adise of the Pacific, is formed will begin flying from Yangon, airline. by eight islands situated in the to Honolulu, the capital of Ha- All fares start from US$252 heart of the Pacific Ocean. Hon- Hla Moe and Maung Thein. PHOTO: MNA waii and gateway to the U.S, at including taxes. Tickets are olulu, the capital city, located the end of June, this year. available at http://bit.ly/Yang- on the most populous island AirAsia is scheduled to on2Hawaii. of O’ahu, is a modern city that 2 men mugged near Innya Lake, suspects arrested start a weekly flights from Guests travelling through boasts island charms, including A bag store owner was heading 382 and investigation was be- Yangon to Honolulu, Hawaii Osaka do not require a Japanese the world-renowned Waikiki home from the City Mart depart- gun. via Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia visa during the two-hour stop- Beach, once the site of vacation ment store on Pyay Road, 10th The Hlaing Police Depart- and Osaka, Japan on 28 June, over. homes for the kings and queens Ward in Hlaing Township with a ment was able to identify the cul- according to a press release is- Hawaii, nicknamed the Par- of Hawaii.—200 friend on Friday at about 11pm- prits as Thet Oo, 18, from Hlaing when three men approached Township, Khaing Gyi, also them near a shadowed area un- known as Khaing Khant Kyaw, New oxygen-making machine to bring benefit to patients der a construction site near Innya 17, from Kamayut Township, TO FULFIL the needs of patients is useful in multiple diseases. tients currently receiving oxygen Kannbaung. and Tadoe, also known as Thura who require oxygen for therapy, At present, the hospital has treatment at the hospital’s lung His friend turned around Soe, 27, from Hlaing Township. a new oxygen-producing ma- only three small oxygen gener- unit alone. with fists raised and yelled at Police were able to appre- chine will soon be installed at the ating machines that cannot pro- The hospital uses over 150 the trio. The men proceeded to hend the trio yesterday at 5pm 500-bed Insein General Hospital duce a sufficient amount of gas. oxygen cylinders on a monthly rush at the store owner and stole along with the stolen smart- a Xiaomi Redmi phone and SIM phone. in the north of Yangon, accord- It meets only half of the current basis. card from his trouser pockets. Interrogation is in process ing the hospital. requirement. Some monasteries Oxygen therapy can be giv- The case was presented on 18 for other possible crimes the trio Beginning in early April, the and social organisations continue en to people with breathing dis- February in the Hlaing Police may have committed.—Myan- hospital will support adequate to donate oxygen cylinders to the orders, who are not able to get Department under Penal Code mar Police Force amounts of oxygen to patients hospital to fill the need. enough oxygen naturally. Med- who need to receive the treat- The hospital offers free ox- ical physicians say that people ment, said Dr Aye Aung, medical ygen services to needy patients. who receive oxygen therapy of- superintendent of the hospital. Patients with lung diseases ten see improved energy levels Oxygen requirements of the and chronic heart disease need and sleep, and better quality of hospital have increased as the gas oxygen therapy. There are 30 pa- life. — Myit Maung Soe My Yangon, My Home festival to come 25 February THE 2nd edition of “My Yangon, Based on public art to ex- as Yangon City Hall, the High My Home”, art and heritage festi- plore the city’s heritage and cul- Court and the Sule Pagoda. Stu- val will take place at public plac- ture of Yangonites, organisers are dents from National University es across Yangon starting the last now preparing a wide range of of Arts and Culture (Yangon) will week of this month, according to exhibitions and unique art events display their poster works on that organisers. around the theme “Memories, Ob- day. To promote public interest in jects and Spaces”. The first edition of MYMH- community arts as well as to ex- A live art installation and YAHF was held at different ven- plore the everyday life of the city poster contest is scheduled to take ues in Yangon during the March, and its daily routine, the extensive place on the first day of the festi- 2015, with the aim of bringing fair is planned to be held from 25 val at Mahabandoola Park, which together diverse communities to February through 12 March and is surrounded by some of the im- share experiences through public will be moving around the city.
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