Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1921-1922 Student Newspapers 11-25-1921 Connecticut College News Vol. 7 No. 7 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1921_1922 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 7 No. 7" (1921). 1921-1922. 23. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1921_1922/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1921-1922 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. Connecticut College News VOL. 7, No.7 NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT, NOVEMBER :l5,InI PRICE Ii CENTS ., SIMMONS ENTERTAINS THE NEW HUMANISM BARON KORF SPEAKS "THE MENAECHMI" STUDENT GOVERNMENT AS VIEWED BY ON RUSSIA AND WORTHY OF NOTE. DELEGATES. MONSIEUR SARTON. THE FAR EAST. FIRST OF ITS KIND TO BE I PRESENTED HERE, EASTERN COLLEGES REPRE- On Tuesday, October 12th. Mlsa 'l'ue Service League was very ror- SENTED. Er-nst introduced as speaker- for the tunate in its choice of the m-at lecturer On November the nineteenth, 'J'hc afternoon Monsieur Geor-ge Sartou or of the vear. On Monday evening, No- JleulIcckm; of l'f(lulllS was presented by We who have never attended a Belgium, Monsieur- Sarton is giving vember t went y -fir-at, Baron jcorr, tor- the Latin department. It was the first Student Government Conference do his life to the problem of creating an rnor-i y Aestsrant Oover-nor-Cener-at of time a play in an ancient language has not realize what a truly big thing it interest in the history of science. and Finland.' addressed an apprecta tt ve au- been attempted by the College and is, and how many colleges are repre- partly through the Rl'drm r.~iR of dience 'on the subject (H "Russia and therefore it attracted no little at- eented. Fully fifty-one colleges sent which he is editor, gn thers together the Fa.r- East," in connection with the tention. Prcressoi-s and others inter- delegates to Simmons last week, the scholars who are interested in this Conference on Disarmaments. ested in Latin came from Brown, Wes- H. Sophie Newcombe in New orteane, problem. ln the opinion of Bar-on Korf, no leyan, Yale and Columbia Universities Ln., granting its representatives a two- In beginning his addr-ess on 'l'ltr country has ever brought forth a pro- as well as from vartous pr-epar-ator-y weeks' leave of absence. The follow- JI,-rlf IIl1m(lJli.~lII, Monsieur Sar t on gram with such lofty ideals and such schools, to witness the presentation. ing is a brief report of our delegates said th a t underneath the war is a wide scope as that offered by Secre- The scenery, r-epresentmg a street to the Conference, with membership, the fact that OUI' civilization has not tary Hughes. 'l'he success of the out- cor-ner in Epidamnus with the door to prog-ram and general aim: progr-essed evenly on all Rides. :VToral come oi: tho Con terence depends large- the home of Menecbmus I on one side Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y.; nrog-rees has been much slower than lyon enlightened public opinion. The and that of Erotiu m, the courtesan, on Agnes Scott College, Decatur', Georgia.; technical I1rO.l;"I·f'SS.Science hn s made cue clark shadow at \Va:::;hington is tho other, with the goraeoua blue of Alfred College, AIEI'ed, N. Y.; Alle- tremendous advance. yet it has hardly that n ttending the subfcccs of .uussta tho hnrbor in the background and in gheny College, Meadville Pcnn.: Bar- arrected our svstcm of education, .md the Far Ea st, and results n-om [rant the few low steps leading up nard College, N. Y.; Bates College, Monsieur Sar-tori went on to say that luck or ndequn te knowredae. from the uioroucnrare, was most ar- Lewiston, Me.; Boston NOl'm81 School, our whoie system of t('achin~ must be .Innnn is desirous of obtaining con- usuc. Perhaps the only fault was Boston, Mass.: Brown 'Nomen's Col- chang-cd; and then gnve and ['pfuted tl'ol of the CO,l::;tof Siberia and ?':ol'th- that it WRSa little close to the curtain lege, Providence, R, L; Bryn l\.'[awr, three fll;guments ng-ainst scientific ed- ern ('hina, not (01' an ovel'llo\\, of pop'~ on one side, thus causing confusion in Bl'yn Maw!', Penn.; Bucknell, Lewis- ucntion, ulation as is commonly supposed, hut the case of a (ew exits, hurg, Pcnn.; ConneetieOt College, New MOI'cover, sci('nce is grcnlly sp('cial- for commerCial pUI'pOSCS, Then she 'l'hat the costuming had been done London, Ct.; Delaware College, New- ized. In such speciaJixation there is woulel h'.l\·e absolute control of North- with exquisite ca.re was indicated by al'k, Del.; Dickinson College, Carlisle, no dang'''l', provided there is a good ern China. the rc>sulting COIOl~schemes, Regard- Penn.; Denison University, Granville, genoral eeluca-tion fol' <l foundation. Tile strategic situation of Japan les:::; of whethcI' one understood the 0.; DI'exel Institute. West Phil., Pa.; Moreover, hecause single parls of would be gl'eatly impl'oved lJY gain- Latin Ot' not, the series of pictures Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y.; sciences are well known, there is nof ing possession of the coast of Siberia could be enjoyed-the brilliance of the Goucher College, Baltimore. Md,; Hol- reason why the whole cannot ho and o( the islands oWl1eo by Russia in costumes of the :\'Ien:lechmi, the more lins ('ollege, Hollins. Va.: Hood Col- known. Tndeed, the more we special- the sea of Japan, She would then con- 01' les" somber background made by leg"f', Frederick, Md,; Hunter College, ize, the more necessal'y it is fOI' some trol not DIlly the mines and coal nec- the tans and greys of the servants, N. Y, City; l\lississippi State College, men to \,now tho gencl'alities nncl to e:::;snl'Y(or the pl'oduction of steel but the :::;tencileo. b01'(lel's on the ditl'e!'ent Mississippi; Lake Ede College, . make a specialty o( generalizing. The also !loth entrances to the Se~ of l'oIH'S, the consLtnt er(ect against the Painesville, 0.; Margaret ::'Iforrison way to ohtain such general knowledgE' .lapan, thus I'endering herself in- s(>tting were most interesting. Per- School, Pittsburg, Pa.: ::'I1iami Uni- is to go stmig-ht to the most difficult vulnerable in all but one sea-coast. haps the mOst charming picture was \(.('rsity, Oxford, Ohio; Middlebury point and then get the easier infor- China ancI Hussia are hopelessly elh;j)layecl in the Prologue-the dal'l{ ;\1iddlebury, Vt.; ::'IU. Holyoke, South mation. wNll" Thpre is but one way out and velvet of tile curtain only IJartially Hadley, Mass.; H. Sophie Newcombe Another Doint dealt with the idea that is to so atTect the sensitivity of dl'awn, the figure draped in soft white, College, New Orleans, La.; Oberlin that science is pUl'ely matel'ialistic. the .Jnpanpse by J)uhlic opinion, that with auburn hair bound by shining College, Oberlin, 0.' Ohio Wesleyan To be sure, science is extremely use- he will not allow the honor of his in- riLbolls. thrown into l'eHef against lhe College, Delaware, 0.; Penn. College ful, but its gl'eatnoss lies in the fact ternational repuWtion to be impail'ed. deep blue. The lighting was uniform1y (or Women. Pittsburg, Pa.· Radcliffe that it enables us to sec mOl'e clearly good in the three acts but especially College, Cambridge, Mass.: Randolph~ the beauty of the world. The present effective in the evening scene of the ::'Ilacon, Lynchburg, Va.: Simmons Col- historical teaching is wI'ong. It should CONNECTICUT REPRE- third. lege. Boston, :Mass.; Skidmore School be based on science, on the true prog- SENTED BY ALUMNAE AT Kot competent to judge the Latin of Arts, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.: ress of man, who was born to create CHICAGO CONFERENCE which, we presume. is very naturally Smith, Xorthampton. Mass.' Swarth- beauty, justice, and thought. Among the most important part of a play of mo!'e College, Swarthmore, Pa.; Syra- all the constructive activities science this type, we must discuss minor cuse University. Syracuse, N. Y.; Vas- is most important for it is progressive, WESTERN COLLE'GES DISCUSS DISARMAMENT. things. In several instances. the sar College. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Uni- cumulative. It brings us neh.rer to the voices were not altogether pleasing versity of Maine, Orono, }fe.; Uni- truth. and the gestures, here and there. ver8ity of Pittsburg, Pittsburg. Pa.; Monsieur Sal' ton ended his lecture It would seem that ,colleges of the west as well as those of the east are might have been greatly improved. University of Vermont, Burlington. by saying that from the point of view The acting of Eileen Fitzgerald. who Vt.; 'Wellesley College, Wellesley, that science docs bring us nearer to vitally interested in pushing the matter of disarmament. This was took the part of Doris Bradway, upon ::'Ifass.: Wells College. Aurora, N. Y.; truth. it is a kind of religion. Further- extremely short notice. was splendid- more, it should be quite possible to brought to light in the convocation of \Vest Virginia University, :.Ylorgan- so well did she interpret the part of town, \V. Va.; Western College, Ox- humanize science, colleges and universities in Chicago last week, which embodied the same the exquisitely dainty, appealing wom- ford, D.; Western Reserve University, an.
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