SEVEN NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS DEXTER C. JAMESON AWARDED IN 2009 NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Seven national scholarships in the amount of $3000 each were awarded to Chi Epsilon members for 2009. These were in the name of John A. Focht, Bro. B. Austin Barry, Arthur N. L. Chiu, Joseph L. Brandes, and Dexter C. Jameson, Jr. The funds for these scholarships were made possible by the generous contributions of members of Chi Epsilon. JOHN A. FOCHT BROTHER B. AUSTIN NATIONAL BARRY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS Peter Kauffmann Virginia Polytechnic Institute BS in CE, May 2009 2009 DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIPS Ten scholarships at $1500 each were awarded in 2009, for a total of $15000. These awards com- bined with the seven national awards, gives us Brian Schertz Jason Provines the largest total annual awards ever at $36,000. University of Illinois Michigan State University BS in CE, May 2009 BS in CE, May 2009 CENTRAL DISTRICT Alexandra P Tcaciuc Julianto Susanto Massachusetts Institute of California State University Derek Gardels Technology -Fresno University of Nebraska-Omaha BS in EE, June 2009 BS in CE, December 2008 BS in CE, May 2009 JOSEPH L. BRANDES ARTHUR N. L. CHIU CUMBERLAND NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP DISTRICT Kelly Bird Thomas A Jantscher Philip S Harvey Pennsylvania State University Iowa State University Duke University BS in CE, May 2009 BS in CE, December 2009 BS in CE & ME, May 2009 2009 DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIPS (continued) GREAT LAKES NORTH CENTRAL SOUTHERN DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT Alena M. Weiss Joanna Campbell Alejandro Motta Lawrence Technological University of Minnesota Florida International University BS in CE, May 2009 University BS in CE & Arch, May 2010 MS in CE, Summer 2009 METROPOLITAN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT Trevor W. Currie Kimberly Boynton Zachary Bugg Stevens Institute of University of Southern California Mississippi State University Technology BS in CE, May 2009; BS in CE, May 2009 ME in CE, May 2009 MS in CE, December 2009 During the 2008 National Conclave, NEW ENGLAND ROCKY MOUNTAIN the Scholarship Committee decided DISTRICT DISTRICT to award an honorary scholarship of $1000 to each of three students. This year’s winners are: Jonathan R Weaver, Montana State, Rocky Mountain District Evelyn L Rodriguez, Florida Interna- tional University, Southern District Ryan K. Walter Brian V Church Christopher W Taylor, New Mexico Cornell University Montana State University State University, Southwest District BS in CE & EE, May 2009 BS in CE, May 2009 DR. JOSEPH NADEAU consistently presenting arguments at faculty meetings for pro- 2009 NATIONAL JAMES M. ROBBINS posals that enhance the civil engineering undergraduate pro- EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD gram experience. TAU BETA PI AWARDS $468,000 IN 2009- 10 SCHOLARSHIPS Tau Beta Pi recently announced that they had awarded 234 scholarships of $2000 each for the 2009-10 academic year. This includes 32 scholarships awarded to senior civil engi- neering students, 11 of which were from universities with Chi Epsilon chapters. In comparison to our Chi Epsilon schol- arship program, we awarded seven national scholarships of $3000 each and ten district scholarships at $1500 each, total- ing $36,000. Tau Beta Pi is a large honor society with 234 chapters as compared to 133 chapters in Chi Epsilon. They do provide a larger target as a goal for our scholarship program. In addition to the large scholarship program, Tau Beta Pi has a large Fellows program for graduate study. For the 2009-10 year, they have selected 30 young engineering students from among 268 applicants for graduate fellowships. Of these, 17 will receive cash stipends of $10,000 each. The other 13 re- Dr. Joseph Nadeau, Professor of Civil, Environmental, & cipients have indicated that they do not need the cash stipend. Structural Engineering at Duke University, was selected to One of the fellowship recipients was Zachary Bugg of Missis- receive the 2009 James M. Robbins Excellence in Teaching sippi State, a recipient of one of Chi Epsilons district scholar- Award. Dr. Nadeau was first selected as winner of the Cum- ships. berland District Excellence in Teaching Award, and was ul- timately selected as the national award winner. This is an In making a comparison of our program relative to theirs, we important award to the civil engineering faculty because the must keep in mind that Chi Epsilon members total slightly nominations are made only by the student members. Fur- more than 100,000 while Tau Beta Pi membership is slightly ther, the competition is nationwide, wherever there is an ac- greater than 500,000 – a factor of 1 to 5. Thanks, Tau Beta tive Chi Epsilon chapter. Each chapter has the opportunity Pi for your generosity and for your success in developing an to nominate faculty known best by the local chapter mem- excellent financial base for engineering scholarships. bers. 2009 DISTRICT EXCELLENCE Dr. Nadeau ranks among the very best from the student IN TEACHING AWARDS perception at Duke University. In the classroom, he de- mands the most from his students in order to prepare them Congratulations are in order for the 2009 winners of the Dis- for future careers, but impacts their studies more than just trict Excellence in Teaching Awards. These recipients were through his teaching. Dr. Nadeau works hard to create his nominated by their local chapters, and the District Councillor own custom problem sets and laboratory assignments, as selected the winner among the various nominees within their opposed to simply assigning a list of textbook problems and district. From these district winners, the James M. Robbins a pre-established lab manual. He has an amazing sense for Excellence in Teaching Award recipient for 2009 was select- teaching; he can explain the most theoretical subject matter ed. in a manner that is understandable, even for a college fresh- man. Dr. Nadeau’s work as a faculty advisor for Chi Epsilon DISTRICT RECIPIENT UNIVERSITY and ASCE should not be overlooked, as he gives up his own Central Shannon Bartelt-Hunt Nebraska - Omaha time to be involved with students outside the classroom. Cumberland Joseph Nadeau Duke From helping with stress calculations for concrete canoes Great Lakes Nikolaos Katopodes Michigan to assistance with grant applications, Dr. Nadeau is always Southern Michael Meyer Georgia Tech there to support his students. He goes the extra mile by Southwest Enno ‘Ed’ Koehn Lamar CHI EPSILON NEWSLETTER Pubished by Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering Honor Society National Headquarters at University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Published semi-annually in the Spring and Fall of each year Number 49 www.chi-epsilon.org Spring 2009 NATIONAL COUNCIL MID-YEAR MEETING A petition for a new chapter at Texas A&M – Kingsville has APRIL 17-19, 2009 been submitted by the Civil Engineering Honor Society and has been accepted by the National Council. It will be voted All district councillors except Hank Dobbelaar, who had a on by the chapters soon. significant conflict, were present and participated in the mid- There was much discussion about how Chi Epsilon’s financ- year meeting held at the University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa es were being affected by the downturn in the economy. It on April 17-19, 2009. One of the major purposes of this mid- was noted that the value of our investments had lessened by year meeting is to review the planning of the 41st Chi Epsi- a similar margin as the stock market as a whole, but that, all lon Conclave to be held at the University of Alabama March in all, we are doing well. The one concerning fact is that 11-14, 2010. One of the major problems will be providing our donations for operations, publications and technology, transportation from and to the airport. The host committee and scholarships had fallen off considerably. Members are seems to have this activity well planned. Living accommo- encouraged to continue their support of Chi Epsilon through dations will be provided in the Hotel Capstone, an excellent their donations in every extent possible. We are confident hotel on campus, and other hotels in the community. that we will come our of this downturn and be better than Dr. Neil Rowan announced to the National Council that he before. would be retiring as Editor of the TRANSIT at the 2010 Con- IN THE NEWS clave. The Council dealt with the duties of the Editor of the Transit and who would do them after the Conclave. It was HALFF ASSOCIATES ENGINEER EARNS proposed that the duties be assumed by Tom Petry with the DIPLOMATE CREDENTIAL assistance of the Chi Epsilon staff. According to the Con- stitution and Bylaws he would then become the Executive Halff Associates, Inc., one of the nations leading engineer- Secretary of Chi Epsilon. After considerable discussion, the ing/architecture consulting firms, is pleased to announce council voted to move all publication activities to the Chi Walter E. Skipwith, PE, D.WRE was named a Diplomate, Epsilon headquarters and to change Tom Petry’s title from Water Resources Engineer of the American Academy of Wa- National Secretary/Treasurer to Executive Secretary at the ter Resources Engineers. end of the 2010 Conclave. The D.WRE represents strong professional ethics and com- Rocky Mountain District Councillor Bob Holtz announced mitment to the life-long learning and continuing professional that he is retiring at the end of the 2010 Conclave. He recom- development. Since the start of AAWRE’s specialty certifi- mended Janice Chambers, Faculty Advisor at the University cation program, only 400 water resources engineers world- of Utah as his replacement. He has requested that she attend wide have qualified for the Diplomate, Water Resources En- the Council meetings at the upcoming Conclave so that she gineer credential and only seven in the Dallas area.
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