976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 24, 1979 and the buyer could tal-:e the dealer into portation to get to work. According to overly heavy Government regulations are court to have it fixed. The local court sys­ Ray: a prime contributor to inflation and an tem will be swamped. The FTC staff has proposed in one sticker unfair burden, especially on small busi­ Ray said the majority of the estimated all the worst elements of government regula­ nessmen. It is of grave concern to me 70,000 used car businesses in the coun­ tion, the regulation is inflationary and dis­ that the Federal Government's regula­ criminatory; it penalizes the honest busi­ tors are ignoring their own President try-NIADA represents 8,000-are too nessman and won't eliminate the dishonest; small to have the facilities and personnel the regulation exceeds their authority; it and the will of Congress and are in - necessary to perform inspections eco­ will curb, not stimulate, competition; and truding into an area that simply ought nomically, and many will simply have it will affect corporations and businesses, to be left to the dealers, buyers, State to go out of business. Ray claims: large and small, that have company cars in legislatures, and the forces of the mar­ It will destroy the small businessman in the same way it will affect used car dealers. ketplace. the market as we know it today. That means It does appear," Ray concluded, "that the I suggest the absence of a quorum. less selection for the buyer, and a decrease FTC staff is determined to sell the American The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk in the competitive forces. public a lemon, and they won't even let us will call the roll. kick the tires. Current estimates indicate dealers The assistant legislative clerk pro­ make 40 percent of used car sales an­ Mr. President, I share the concern of ceeded to call the roll. nually, with 60 percent handled pri­ many of my colleagues over the adverse Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, vately. A history of similar government impact of these regulations. There are I ask unanimous consent that the order regulations in West Germany has had a 70,000 used car dealers in the United for the quorum call be rescinded. States, and this proposal could possibly The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without prophetic impact on its dealer market: objection, it is so ordered. Virtually all used car sales there occur put half of them out of business. The individual to individual. across-the-board fixed cost imposed on all dealers as a result of this regulation To survive, American dealers will have RECESS UNTIL TOMORROW to pass along the extra costs to their cus­ will impact most heavily on small busi­ tomers, which will severely discriminate nesses, which we often call the "moms Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, against the poor. and pops" ventures. And for those deal­ in compliance with the order that has Add $100 to the cost of a $2,000 used ers who manage to survive, expenses been previously entered, I move the Sen­ car, and you have a 5-percent markup. will be higher, increasing the cost to the ate stand in recess until tomorrow at 12 But $100 added to an $800 car is a 12-per­ consumer and thus fueling the fires of o clock noon. cent increase. The people shopping for inflation. The motion was agreed to; and at 1 :46 a car under $1,000 depend on the used In his anti-inflation speech, President p.m., the Senate recessed until Thursday, car market for a cheap means of trans- Carter stated th_at unnecessary and January 25, 1979, at 12 o'clock meridian. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, January 24, 1979 The House met at 3 p.m. Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, civil de­ McKINNEY, of the Fourth District of The Right Reverend Monsignor Wal­ fense's proposed budget for fiscal year Connecticut, I have the honor to report ter Paska, J.C.D., St. Peter and Paul 1980 is $110 million. When inflation is that on the 22d day of January 1979, at Church, Baltimore, Md., offered the fol­ taken into account, we see civil defense 4480 Congress Street, Fairfield, Conn., I lowing prayer: gets no increase in funds. administered the oath of office to Mr. Almighty God, bless our esteemed Although I disagree with President McKINNEY, in the form prescribed by President and august Congress, sharers Carter's decision not to raise our civil section 1757 of the Revised Statutes of in the responsibility of government, that defense budget, I feel it is too late this the United States, being the form of oath their efforts culminate in worldwide year to campaign for substantial addi­ administered to Members of the House peace and stability. tional money. However, we must look at of Representatives, to which Mr. As we pray for the United States, we the future. McKINNEY subscribed. also petition for the welfare of the President Carter has set the tone and The SPEAKER. The Chair extends Ukrainian nation whose Proclamation of the theme for his administration. It is thanks to the gentleman from Connecti­ Liberty 61 years ago commemorated the called "New Foundations." This motif cut (Mr. GIAIMO) for performing the effort of a freedom-loving Christian peo­ also should apply to civil defense. It is duty he described. ple to share in the blessings of democ­ time to dispose of our old and negative racy. Respect for individual liberty and approaches to civil defense and start re­ thinking of civil defense in fresh and INTRODUCTION OF CITIZEN PRO­ acknowledgment of Your divine existence TECTION ACT TO OVERTURN SU­ remain integrally united with the as­ realistic terms. Civil defense too must have "New Foundations." PREME COURT'S STANFORD pirations of Ukraine. DAILY DECISION We pray for this realization, through This year, civil defense is not part of Your omnipotence in bestowing and that theme. However, we immediately (Mr. QUAYLE asked and was given Your infinite charity for humanity. have to begin the groundwork for a re­ permission to address the House for 1 vived civil defense in our country. minute and to revise and extend his re­ marks.) THE JOURNAL Mr. QUAYLE. Mr. Speaker, I am today D 1505 introducing the Citizen Protection Act to The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF overturn the Supreme Court's Stanford ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Daily decision which authorizes officials ceedings and announces to the House his OFFICE TO THE HONORABLE STEWART B. McKINNEY to conduct surprise searches of news­ approval thereof. rooms, homes, and offices although no Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ (Mr. GIAIMO asked and was given one present is suspected of a crime. nal stands approved. permission to address the House for 1 Recently I was pleased to learn that minute and to revise and extend his re­ President Carter had instructed the Jus­ marks.) NECESSITY FOR A REVIVED CIVIL tice Department to develop a proposal to DEFENSE IN OUR COUNTRY Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Speaker, in accord­ protect a reporter's "work product." But ance with your designation of me, the Carter proposal is only half a loaf­ (Mr. SKELTON asked and was given pursuant to House Resolution 8, 96th it protects only the media. permission to address the House for 1 Congress, adopted by the House of Rep­ My bill, the Citizen Protection Act, af­ minute and to revise and extend his re­ resentatives, to administer the oath of fords protection not only for the media, marks.) office to Representative STEWART B. but for all citizens. D This_§ymbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 24, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 977 This act mandates any law official to PRESIDENT CARTER'S FISCAL YEAR ment of Justice in addition to 281 spe­ use the "subpena first rule" in cases 1980 BUDGET cial agents and Border Patrol person­ where "the person in possession of the (Mr. BONER of Tennessee asked and nel. This is also in addition to a law en­ information has a reasonable expecta­ forcement reduction of $122 million in was given permission to address the State and local assistance programs. I tion of privacy." House for 1 minute and to revise and Under the provisions of the bill, a am especially concerned, Mr. Speaker, in extend his remarks.) the proposed cuts in alcohol and drug search warrant could be issued only in Mr. BONER of Tennessee. Mr. cases in which: First, there is "probable rehabilitation programs. The budget is Speaker, on January 23, 1979, my replete with reductions relating to this cause to believe the person or persons in colleagues and I received President possession of the evidence may be in­ key program. Carter's state of the Union address In addition, the largest cuts have been volved in the crime"; or second, there is to the 96th Congress and his budget "probable cause to believe the person in initiated in the area of agriculture and possession of the evidence has a reason­ recommendations for the U.S. Gov­ community development. Major cuts in able expectation of privacy." ernment for the fiscal year 1980. agriculture spending included $326 mil­ These standards would apply across I should like to take this opportunity lion reduction in rural development proj­ the board to Federal, State, and local to applaud the President in his efforts ects and cuts in grant and loan for rural officials under the provisions of this bill.
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